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==== ''A Storm of Swords'' ====

{{see also|A Storm of Swords}}

Stannis retreats to Dragonstone with what is left of his army. He imprisons his Hand Lord Alester Florent, one of his wife's uncles, for trying to offer terms of surrender to the Lannisters. Another of Selyses' uncles, Ser Axell Florent, castellan of Dragonstone, aims to become Stannis' Hand of the King. He suggests a plan to attack Claw Isle in retaliation for Lord Celtigar's bending the knee to Joffrey, but Davos derides an attack on this defenseless island as evil. For this honest counsel Stannis names Davos as his new Hand. Melisandre tells Stannis to burn EdricGendry Storm, one of Robert's bastards, as a sacrifice to raise dragons from Dragonstone. Stannis is conflicted about burning his nephew but uses EdricGendry's blood collected by three leeches to curse the rival kings: [[Balon Greyjoy]], [[Joffrey Baratheon]], and [[Robb Stark]]. After Joffrey's, Balon's and Robb's deaths seem to prove the power of king's blood, Stannis considers sacrificing EdricGendry. Davos smuggles EdricGendry off Dragonstone to the Free Cities, and then persuades Stannis to sail to the North and save the [[Night's Watch]] from the wildling army.

After Melisandre burns Alester Florent as a sacrifice to R'hllor to ensure favorable winds, Stannis takes most of his remaining army and sails north to the Wall to relieve the Wildlings' threat on Castle Black. Stannis' sudden arrival at the Wall catches [[Mance Rayder]], the King-Beyond-the-Wall, by surprise, and his cavalry routs the whole Wildling host with few casualties. Afterwards, he remains at Castle Black to negotiate settlement over the Wildling prisoners, and offers to legitimise [[Eddard Stark]]'s bastard son [[Jon Snow (character)|Jon Snow]] as the new lord of Winterfell if Jon swears loyalty to him and joins the fight against House Bolton. Despite being tempted, Jon declines the offer as he has made an oath binding him to serve the Night's Watch, and does not want Winterfell's godswood to be burned by Melisandre. Later, Stannis pressures the Night's Watch to finish electing a new Lord Commander, and Jon is eventually elected through secret [[lobbying]] by [[Samwell Tarly]].

==== ''A Feast for Crows'' and ''A Dance with Dragons'' ====