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== Claire and Danielle: Soul(less) Sistahs ==

Just making verby on something that I'm sure virtually everyone has noticed, but not commented on. Claire Littleton seems to have ben made to substitute for the deceased Danielle Rousseauwas, as the WILD WOMAN of the island. Claire was manipulated and later driven insane (really l-o-o-n-y) by the "Man in Black"; The "Smoke Monster", otherwise revealed as the 'dead' "Christain Sheppard". This is-to say the least-most intriguing, as when "Smokey" attacked Danielle's crew and grusomely killed and then "posessed" her ppl, she went slowly insane.(Smokey didn't kill the young Danielle though it had leisurely opportunity.) The last straw that sent her over the edge was Ben Linus's abduction of her baby daughter. That in itself is a mystery. We know that Ben was ordered to kill the child on orders of Charles Widdmore. Now, here's the mystery: Did Widdmore order Ben to kill the baby on orders of Jacob? Was it Widdmore's own descision, or was Widdmore in league with Jacob, or "Smokey", perhaps in one of his many guises??? And further, though the island seems to have some prohibition against birthed children on its real-estate (the exceptions beng ETHAN ROM and the child saved with Juliet Burke's "miracle" cure, Danielle's baby survives and grows. (How was this possible?)

Again, Rousseau was driven insane by "Smokey", but there is no indication that she ever made further contact with the entity in the years since. Upon her and her daughter's murder, shortly afterwards, "Smokey"-using his "Christrian S." guise-lures Claire away, abandoning her baby, Aaron. Now, this demands explaination, even in the wildcard "logic" of the series. In speaking of "wildcards", did the island always have a crazy wild-woman, even before Rousseau? If it had, then this means that there has always been a purpose for her in configuration to the Jacob\"Smokey" mix. Or, as we who are more rational would surmise, the writers and producers overlooked this fact. It would be in keeping with the Jules Verne novel, "The Castaways". One of the protagonists was a pirate, driven to wildness and insanity, latter playing a pivotal role in the escue of the castaways.

The question still begs, what is the purpose of the wild woman (whether Claire, or Danielle)and what is she to the two "masters" of the island? Were both women used as a raging, one-woman guerilla strike-force to constantly harrass and keep in check the "Others", as both have done? (A "control" element, perhaps?) This sounds insane as both "Smokey" and Jacob commissioned the Others as on-the-ground protectors of the island. Were both pawns of Jacob AND "Smokey" in their eternal tug-of-war for dominance? Or, is the wild-woman (either of them)like Hugo, who is somewhat alleged to be insane, given the peculiar grace to see and communicate with Jacob, and altenately with the monster, especially when the latter is in a more quiesent, non-murderous state?

veryverser 02:11, 31 March 2010 (UTC)Veryverser

== Claire and Danielle: Soul(less) Sistahs ==