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[[Paul of Tarsus]] was also known as a zealot, if not a [[Shammaite]]. (Gal 1:13-14)

==Modern Zealots==

Modern day use of the term "zealot" was developed by a group of Christian youth who wished to distinguish themselves from people they claimed did not follow Christian teachings but nethertheless claimed they were Christian.

These new Zealots use four distinguishing marks, or "pillars" to identify people as fellow Zealots. The four pillars are based on the four living creatures in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation, in the Bible.

*The ox represents submission to the authority of a local church.

*The eagle represents sexual purity before and during (heterosexual) marriage.

*The lion represents the rejection of drugs and alcohol abuse, and promotes healthy living.

*The man represents service to the community.

Zealots have a tendency to protest against abortion, prostitution, and homosexuality, among other things. However, since the Zealots see themselves as having a worldview based in love, they can often be found serving the poor and helpless. One such example is the Jesus People in Chicago.

There is also a community in India called the K'nanaites (K'nanaya Community) which traces its roots to the disciples of Jesus and were part of the original zealots who joined the [[Nazarene]] movement with Simon the Zealot. This community had migrated to Edessa from Jerusalem in the 1st century AD and from Edessa, they migrated to the Southern Port City of Muziris in South India in AD 345. They have maintained racial purity by practising [[endogamy]] and they number about 150000 in total.

The [[Protoss]] Zealot is a unit in the video game [[StarCraft]].