Korteweg–De Vries equation

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In mathematics, the Korteweg–De Vries (KdV) equation is a partial differential equation (PDE) which serves as a mathematical model of waves on shallow water surfaces. It is particularly notable as the prototypical example of an integrable PDE and exhibits many of the expected behaviors for an integrable PDE, such as a large number of explicit solutions, in particular soliton solutions, and an infinite number of conserved quantities, despite the nonlinearity which typically renders PDEs intractable. The KdV can be solved by the inverse scattering method (ISM).[2] In fact, Gardner, Greene, Kruskal and Miura developed the classical inverse scattering method to solve the KdV equation.

Cnoidal wave solution to the Korteweg–De Vries equation, in terms of the square of the Jacobi elliptic function cn (and with value of the parameter m = 0.9).
Numerical solution of the KdV equation ut + uux + δ2uxxx = 0 (δ = 0.022) with an initial condition u(x, 0) = cos(πx). Time evolution was done by the Zabusky–Kruskal scheme.[1] The initial cosine wave evolves into a train of solitary-type waves.
Two-soliton solution to the KdV equation

The KdV equation was first introduced by Boussinesq (1877, footnote on page 360) and rediscovered by Diederik Korteweg and Gustav de Vries in 1895, who found the simplest solution, the one-soliton solution.[3][4] Understanding of the equation and behavior of solutions was greatly advanced by the computer simulations of Zabusky and Kruskal in 1965 and then the development of the inverse scattering transform in 1967.

The KdV equation is a partial differential equation that models (spatially) one-dimensional nonlinear dispersive nondissipative waves described by a function   adhering to:[5]


where   accounts for dispersion and the nonlinear element   is an advection term.

For modelling shallow water waves,   is the height displacement of the water surface from its equilibrium height.

The constant   in front of the last term is conventional but of no great significance: multiplying  ,  , and   by constants can be used to make the coefficients of any of the three terms equal to any given non-zero constants.

One-soliton solution


Consider solutions in which a fixed wave form (given by  ) maintains its shape as it travels to the right at phase speed  . Such a solution is given by  . Substituting it into the KdV equation gives the ordinary differential equation


or, integrating with respect to  ,


where   is a constant of integration. Interpreting the independent variable   above as a virtual time variable, this means   satisfies Newton's equation of motion of a particle of unit mass in a cubic potential




then the potential function   has local maximum at  ; there is a solution in which   starts at this point at 'virtual time'  , eventually slides down to the local minimum, then back up the other side, reaching an equal height, and then reverses direction, ending up at the local maximum again at time  . In other words,   approaches   as  . This is the characteristic shape of the solitary wave solution.

More precisely, the solution is


where   stands for the hyperbolic secant and   is an arbitrary constant.[6] This describes a right-moving soliton with velocity  .

There is a known expression for a solution which is an  -soliton solution, which at late times resolves into   separate single solitons.[7] The solution depends on an decreasing positive set of parameters   and a non-zero set of parameters  . The solution is given in the form   where the components of the matrix   are given by  

This is derived using the inverse scattering method.

The KdV equation has infinitely many integrals of motion, which do not change with time.[8] They can be given explicitly as


where the polynomials   are defined recursively by


The first few integrals of motion are:

  • the mass  
  • the momentum  
  • the energy  .

Only the odd-numbered terms   result in non-trivial (meaning non-zero) integrals of motion.[9]

The KdV equation


can be reformulated as the Lax equation


with   a Sturm–Liouville operator:


where   is the commutator such that  .[10] The Lax pair accounts for the infinite number of first integrals of the KdV equation.[11]

In fact,   is the time-independent Schrödinger operator (disregarding constants) with potential  . It can be shown that due to this Lax formulation that in fact the eigenvalues do not depend on  .[12]

Zero-curvature representation


Setting the components of the Lax connection to be   the KdV equation is equivalent to the zero-curvature equation for the Lax connection,  

Least action principle


The Korteweg–De Vries equation


is the Euler–Lagrange equation of motion derived from the Lagrangian density,  

with   defined by


Long-time asymptotics


It can be shown that any sufficiently fast decaying smooth solution will eventually split into a finite superposition of solitons travelling to the right plus a decaying dispersive part travelling to the left. This was first observed by Zabusky & Kruskal (1965) and can be rigorously proven using the nonlinear steepest descent analysis for oscillatory Riemann–Hilbert problems.[13]

The history of the KdV equation started with experiments by John Scott Russell in 1834, followed by theoretical investigations by Lord Rayleigh and Joseph Boussinesq around 1870 and, finally, Korteweg and De Vries in 1895.

The KdV equation was not studied much after this until Zabusky & Kruskal (1965) discovered numerically that its solutions seemed to decompose at large times into a collection of "solitons": well separated solitary waves. Moreover, the solitons seems to be almost unaffected in shape by passing through each other (though this could cause a change in their position). They also made the connection to earlier numerical experiments by Fermi, Pasta, Ulam, and Tsingou by showing that the KdV equation was the continuum limit of the FPUT system. Development of the analytic solution by means of the inverse scattering transform was done in 1967 by Gardner, Greene, Kruskal and Miura.[2][14]

The KdV equation is now seen to be closely connected to Huygens' principle.[15][16]

Applications and connections


The KdV equation has several connections to physical problems. In addition to being the governing equation of the string in the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou problem in the continuum limit, it approximately describes the evolution of long, one-dimensional waves in many physical settings, including:

The KdV equation can also be solved using the inverse scattering transform such as those applied to the non-linear Schrödinger equation.

KdV equation and the Gross–Pitaevskii equation


Considering the simplified solutions of the form


we obtain the KdV equation as




Integrating and taking the special case in which the integration constant is zero, we have:


which is the   special case of the generalized stationary Gross–Pitaevskii equation (GPE)


Therefore, for the certain class of solutions of generalized GPE (  for the true one-dimensional condensate and   while using the three dimensional equation in one dimension), two equations are one. Furthermore, taking the   case with the minus sign and the   real, one obtains an attractive self-interaction that should yield a bright soliton.[citation needed]

Many different variations of the KdV equations have been studied. Some are listed in the following table.

Name Equation
Korteweg–De Vries (KdV)  
KdV (cylindrical)  
KdV (deformed)  
KdV (generalized)  
KdV (generalized)  
KdV (modified)  
Gardner equation  
KdV (modified modified)  
KdV (spherical)  
KdV (super)  
KdV (transitional)  
KdV (variable coefficients)  
KdV-Burgers equation  
non-homogeneous KdV