Koszul complex

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In mathematics, the Koszul complex was first introduced to define a cohomology theory for Lie algebras, by Jean-Louis Koszul (see Lie algebra cohomology). It turned out to be a useful general construction in homological algebra. As a tool, its homology can be used to tell when a set of elements of a (local) ring is an M-regular sequence, and hence it can be used to prove basic facts about the depth of a module or ideal which is an algebraic notion of dimension that is related to but different from the geometric notion of Krull dimension. Moreover, in certain circumstances, the complex is the complex of syzygies, that is, it tells you the relations between generators of a module, the relations between these relations, and so forth.

Let A be a commutative ring and s: Ar → A an A-linear map. Its Koszul complex Ks is


where the maps send


where   means the term is omitted and   means the wedge product. One may replace   with any A-module.

Let M be a manifold, variety, scheme, ..., and A be the ring of functions on it, denoted  .

The map   corresponds to picking r functions  . When r = 1, the Koszul complex is


whose cokernel is the ring of functions on the zero locus f = 0. In general, the Koszul complex is


The cokernel of the last map is again functions on the zero locus  . It is the tensor product of the r many Koszul complexes for  , so its dimensions are given by binomial coefficients.

In pictures: given functions  , how do we define the locus where they all vanish?


In algebraic geometry, the ring of functions of the zero locus is  . In derived algebraic geometry, the dg ring of functions is the Koszul complex. If the loci   intersect transversely, these are equivalent.


Thus: Koszul complexes are derived intersections of zero loci.

First, the Koszul complex Ks of (A,s) is a chain complex: the composition of any two maps is zero. Second, the map


makes it into a dg algebra.[1]

The Koszul complex is a tensor product: if  , then


where   denotes the derived tensor product of chain complexes of A-modules.[2]

Vanishing in regular case


When   form a regular sequence, the map   is a quasi-isomorphism, i.e.


and as for any s,  .

The Koszul complex was first introduced to define a cohomology theory for Lie algebras, by Jean-Louis Koszul (see Lie algebra cohomology). It turned out to be a useful general construction in homological algebra. As a tool, its homology can be used to tell when a set of elements of a (local) ring is an M-regular sequence, and hence it can be used to prove basic facts about the depth of a module or ideal which is an algebraic notion of dimension that is related to but different from the geometric notion of Krull dimension. Moreover, in certain circumstances, the complex is the complex of syzygies, that is, it tells you the relations between generators of a module, the relations between these relations, and so forth.

Let R be a commutative ring and E a free module of finite rank r over R. We write   for the i-th exterior power of E. Then, given an R-linear map  , the Koszul complex associated to s is the chain complex of R-modules:


where the differential   is given by: for any   in E,


The superscript   means the term is omitted. To show that  , use the self-duality of a Koszul complex.

Note that   and  . Note also that  ; this isomorphism is not canonical (for example, a choice of a volume form in differential geometry provides an example of such an isomorphism.)

If   (i.e., an ordered basis is chosen), then, giving an R-linear map   amounts to giving a finite sequence   of elements in R (namely, a row vector) and then one sets  

If M is a finitely generated R-module, then one sets:


which is again a chain complex with the induced differential  .

The i-th homology of the Koszul complex


is called the i-th Koszul homology. For example, if   and   is a row vector with entries in R, then   is


and so




Koszul complexes in low dimensions


Given a commutative ring R, an element x in R, and an R-module M, the multiplication by x yields a homomorphism of R-modules,


Considering this as a chain complex (by putting them in degree 1 and 0, and adding zeros elsewhere), it is denoted by  . By construction, the homologies are


the annihilator of x in M. Thus, the Koszul complex and its homology encode fundamental properties of the multiplication by x. This chain complex   is called the Koszul complex of R with respect to x, as in #Definition.

The Koszul complex for a pair   is


with the matrices   and   given by


Note that   is applied on the right. The cycles in degree 1 are then exactly the linear relations on the elements x and y, while the boundaries are the trivial relations. The first Koszul homology   therefore measures exactly the relations mod the trivial relations. With more elements the higher-dimensional Koszul homologies measure the higher-level versions of this.

In the case that the elements   form a regular sequence, the higher homology modules of the Koszul complex are all zero.

If k is a field and   are indeterminates and R is the polynomial ring  , the Koszul complex   on the  's forms a concrete free R-resolution of k.

Properties of a Koszul homology


Let E be a finite-rank free module over R, let   be an R-linear map, and let t be an element of R. Let   be the Koszul complex of  .

Using  , there is the exact sequence of complexes:


where   signifies the degree shift by   and  . One notes:[3] for   in  ,


In the language of homological algebra, the above means that   is the mapping cone of  .

Taking the long exact sequence of homologies, we obtain:


Here, the connecting homomorphism


is computed as follows. By definition,   where y is an element of   that maps to x. Since   is a direct sum, we can simply take y to be (0, x). Then the early formula for   gives  .

The above exact sequence can be used to prove the following.

Theorem — [4] Let R be a ring and M a module over it. If a sequence   of elements of R is a regular sequence on M, then


for all  . In particular, when M = R, this is to say


is exact; i.e.,   is an R-free resolution of  .

Proof by induction on r. If  , then  . Next, assume the assertion is true for r - 1. Then, using the above exact sequence, one sees   for any  . The vanishing is also valid for  , since  is a nonzerodivisor on    

Corollary — [5] Let R, M be as above and   a sequence of elements of R. Suppose there are a ring S, an S-regular sequence   in S and a ring homomorphism SR that maps   to  . (For example, one can take  .) Then


where Tor denotes the Tor functor and M is an S-module through  .

Proof: By the theorem applied to S and S as an S-module, we see that   is an S-free resolution of  . So, by definition, the i-th homology of   is the right-hand side of the above. On the other hand,   by the definition of the S-module structure on M.  

Corollary — [6] Let R, M be as above and   a sequence of elements of R. Then both the ideal   and the annihilator of M annihilate


for all i.

Proof: Let S = R[y1, ..., yn]. Turn M into an S-module through the ring homomorphism SR, yixi and R an S-module through yi → 0. By the preceding corollary,   and then


For a local ring, the converse of the theorem holds. More generally,

Theorem — [7] Let R be a ring and M a nonzero finitely generated module over R . If   are elements of the Jacobson radical of R, then the following are equivalent:

  1. The sequence   is a regular sequence on M,
  2.  ,
  3.   for all i ≥ 1.

Proof: We only need to show 2. implies 1., the rest being clear. We argue by induction on r. The case r = 1 is already known. Let x' denote x1, ..., xr-1. Consider


Since the first   is surjective,   with  . By Nakayama's lemma,   and so x' is a regular sequence by the inductive hypothesis. Since the second   is injective (i.e., is a nonzerodivisor),   is a regular sequence. (Note: by Nakayama's lemma, the requirement   is automatic.)  

Tensor products of Koszul complexes


In general, if C, D are chain complexes, then their tensor product   is the chain complex given by


with the differential: for any homogeneous elements x, y,


where |x| is the degree of x.

This construction applies in particular to Koszul complexes. Let E, F be finite-rank free modules, and let   and   be two R-linear maps. Let   be the Koszul complex of the linear map  . Then, as complexes,


To see this, it is more convenient to work with an exterior algebra (as opposed to exterior powers). Define the graded derivation of degree  


by requiring: for any homogeneous elements x, y in ΛE,

  •   when  

One easily sees that   (induction on degree) and that the action of   on homogeneous elements agrees with the differentials in #Definition.

Now, we have   as graded R-modules. Also, by the definition of a tensor product mentioned in the beginning,


Since   and   are derivations of the same type, this implies  

Note, in particular,


The next proposition shows how the Koszul complex of elements encodes some information about sequences in the ideal generated by them.

Proposition — Let R be a ring and I = (x1, ..., xn) an ideal generated by some n-elements. Then, for any R-module M and any elements y1, ..., yr in I,


where   is viewed as a complex with zero differential. (In fact, the decomposition holds on the chain-level).

Proof: (Easy but omitted for now)

As an application, we can show the depth-sensitivity of a Koszul homology. Given a finitely generated module M over a ring R, by (one) definition, the depth of M with respect to an ideal I is the supremum of the lengths of all regular sequences of elements of I on M. It is denoted by  . Recall that an M-regular sequence x1, ..., xn in an ideal I is maximal if I contains no nonzerodivisor on  .

The Koszul homology gives a very useful characterization of a depth.

Theorem (depth-sensitivity) — Let R be a Noetherian ring, x1, ..., xn elements of R and I = (x1, ..., xn) the ideal generated by them. For a finitely generated module M over R, if, for some integer m,

  for all i > m,



then every maximal M-regular sequence in I has length n - m (in particular, they all have the same length). As a consequence,


Proof: To lighten the notations, we write H(-) for H(K(-)). Let y1, ..., ys be a maximal M-regular sequence in the ideal I; we denote this sequence by  . First we show, by induction on  , the claim that   is   if   and is zero if  . The basic case   is clear from #Properties of a Koszul homology. From the long exact sequence of Koszul homologies and the inductive hypothesis,


which is   Also, by the same argument, the vanishing holds for  . This completes the proof of the claim.

Now, it follows from the claim and the early proposition that   for all i > n - s. To conclude n - s = m, it remains to show that it is nonzero if i = n - s. Since   is a maximal M-regular sequence in I, the ideal I is contained in the set of all zerodivisors on  , the finite union of the associated primes of the module. Thus, by prime avoidance, there is some nonzero v in   such that  , which is to say,


There is an approach to a Koszul complex that uses a cochain complex instead of a chain complex. As it turns out, this results essentially in the same complex (the fact known as the self-duality of a Koszul complex).

Let E be a free module of finite rank r over a ring R. Then each element e of E gives rise to the exterior left-multiplication by e:


Since  , we have:  ; that is,


is a cochain complex of free modules. This complex, also called a Koszul complex, is a complex used in (Eisenbud 1995). Taking the dual, there is the complex:


Using an isomorphism  , the complex   coincides with the Koszul complex in the definition.

The Koszul complex is essential in defining the joint spectrum of a tuple of commuting bounded linear operators in a Banach space.[citation needed]

  1. ^ The Stacks Project, section 0601
  2. ^ The Stacks Project, section 0601, Lemma 15.28.12
  3. ^ Indeed, by linearity, we can assume   where  . Then
    which is  .
  4. ^ Matsumura 1989, Theorem 16.5. (i)
  5. ^ Eisenbud 1995, Exercise 17.10.
  6. ^ Serre 1975, Ch IV, A § 2, Proposition 4.
  7. ^ Matsumura 1989, Theorem 16.5. (ii)