Portal:Anarchism/Anniversaries/January/January 16 - Wikipedia

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  • 1880 – Paulette Brupbacher lives (1880-1967), Pinsk (Pelta), Russia (today in Bielorussia). A physician, militant feminist, anarchist, author of numerous books & articles. An opponent of all conformisms & partisan disciplines. Partner & collaborator of Fritz Brupacher (also a doctor) (1874-1945), friend of James Guillaume, Pytor Kropotkin, et al. Translated The Confession of the Russian anarchist Michael Bakunin.
  • 1908 – France: Jean Bourguer lives. Textile worker, militant anarchist, antimilitarist, anticlérical & revolutionary syndicalist.
  • 1919 – Argentina: End of « Semaine Sanglante ». ("Bloody Week") in Buenos Aires. The General Strike begun a week ago, on the 7th, is crushed in blood, with as many as 700 dead & 2000 wounded. The militant Argentinean anarchist movement is decimated by the repression which follows & trade union reformists gain control of the workers' movement.
  • 1936 – Spain: Socialists / communists / anarchists form "Unidad Popular."
  • 1958 – Eusebio C. Carbó (b. 1883), militant Spanish anarchist, dies.
  • 1968 – The Youth International Party was founded in the USA by Abbie Hoffman and others.