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'Kashmiri diaspora'

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'Kashmiri diaspora'

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'The '''Kashmiri diaspora''' refers to people who have migrated out of the [[Kashmir Valley]] into other areas and countries, and their descendants. ==Pakistan== ===Punjab=== {{main|Kashmiris of Punjab}} Heavy taxes under the [[Sikh Empire|Sikh]] rule, coupled with famine and starvation, caused many Kashmiri peasants to migrate to the plains of Punjab.<ref name=":10">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dlBjzE-1ML8C&pg=PA40&dq=kashmir+muslims+famine+punjab&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjulu-imOTQAhVB5WMKHblQDqQQ6AEIPDAG#v=onepage&q=kashmir%20muslims%20famine%20punjab&f=false|title=Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity, and the Making of Kashmir|last=Zutshi|first=Chitralekha|publisher=C. Hurst & Co. Publishers|year=2004|isbn=9781850656944|location=|pages=40|quote=Kashmiri histories emphasize the wretchedness of life for the common Kashmiri during Sikh rule. According to these, the peasantry became mired in poverty and migrations of Kashmiri peasants to the plains of the Punjab reached high proportions. Several European travelers' accounts from the period testify to and provide evidence for such assertions.|via=}}</ref><ref name=":4">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=iaT3AgAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&lpg=PT18&dq=In+1819,+the+%27Lion+of+the+Punjab%27,+as+Ranjit+Singh+became+known,+finally+succeeded+in+taking+Kashmir,+initially+to+the+relief+of+the+local+people+who+had+suffered+under+the+Afghans.&source=bl&ots=9XgnuIZAZ8&sig=Ksq9duSKhosi8lAUsGK0zGDcXbY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxwsfJ-K7RAhWBlZQKHYyJAJoQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=In%201819%2C%20the%20'Lion%20of%20the%20Punjab'%2C%20as%20Ranjit%20Singh%20became%20known%2C%20finally%20succeeded%20in%20taking%20Kashmir%2C%20initially%20to%20the%20relief%20of%20the%20local%20people%20who%20had%20suffered%20under%20the%20Afghans.&f=false|title=Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending War|last=Schofield|first=Victoria|publisher=I.B.Tauris|year=2010|isbn=9780857730787|location=|pages=|quote=The picture painted by the Europeans who began to visit the valley more frequently was one of deprivation and starvation...Everywhere the people were in the most abject condition, exorbitantly taxed by the Sikh Government and subjected to every kind of extortion and oppression by its officers...Moorcroft estimated that no more than one-sixteenth of the cultivable land surface was under cultivation; as a result, the starving people had fled in great numbers to India.|via=}}</ref> These claims, made in Kashmiri histories, were corroborated by European travelers.<ref name=":10" /> When one such European traveler, Moorcroft, left the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]] in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gylNFls7xxoC&pg=PA4&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-4JrC4q7RAhXHW5QKHb96DcI4FBDoAQguMAQ#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir The Paradise Of Asia|last=Parashar|first=Parmanand|publisher=Sarup & Sons|year=2004|isbn=9788176255189|location=|pages=4|quote=What with the political disturbances and the numerous tyrannies suffered by the peasants, the latter found it very hard to live in Kashmir and a large number of people migrated to the Punjab and India. When Moorcroft left the Valley in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass.|via=}}</ref> The 1833 famine resulted in many people leaving the [[Kashmir Valley]] and migrating to the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]], with the majority of weavers leaving Kashmir. Weavers settled down for generations in the cities of Punjab such as [[Jammu]] and Nurpur.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=O2WSRW2t3XYC&pg=PA20&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUlIW34q7RAhXGo5QKHWawBIE4ChDoAQg-MAg#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir Under Maharaja Ranjit Singh|last=|first=|publisher=Atlantic Publishers & Dist|year=1984|isbn=9788171560943|location=|pages=20|quote=In the beginning, it was only the excess of population that was increasing rapidly, that started migrating into Punjab, where in the hilly cities of Nurpur and Jammu, that remained under the rule of Hindu prince the weavers had settled down for generations...As such, even at that time, a great majority of the weavers have migrated out from Kashmir. The great famine conditions and starvation three years earlier, have forced a considerable number of people to move out of the valley and the greater security of their possessions and property in Punjab has also facilitated this outward migration...The distress and misery experienced by the population during the years 1833 and 1834, must not be forgotten by the current generation living there.|via=}}</ref> The 1833 famine led to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=FkBuAAAAMAAJ&q=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&dq=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf74uD6K7RAhUIF5QKHWECANAQ6AEIGzAA|title=Punjab revisited: an anthology of 70 research documents on the history and culture of undivided Punjab|last=|first=|publisher=Gautam Publishers|year=1995|isbn=|location=|pages=576|quote=Owing to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar during the great famine which occurred in Kashmir in the year 1833 A.D., the number of shops increased in Amritsar to 2,000 and the yearly out-turn of pashmina work to four lacs of rupees.|via=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=0idOAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA648&dq=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf74uD6K7RAhUIF5QKHWECANAQ6AEIHzAB#v=onepage&q=1833%20amritsar%20influx%20kashmiris&f=false|title=A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Part 2|last=Watt|first=George|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2014|isbn=9781108068796|location=|pages=648|quote=In the year 1833 A.D. owing to a great famine in Kashmir, there was a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar.|via=}}</ref> Kashmir's Muslims in particular suffered and had to leave Kashmir in large numbers, while Hindus were not much affected.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gylNFls7xxoC&pg=PA4&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-4JrC4q7RAhXHW5QKHb96DcI4FBDoAQguMAQ#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir The Paradise Of Asia|last=Parashar|first=Parmanand|publisher=Sarup & Sons|year=2004|isbn=9788176255189|location=|pages=4–5|quote=Moreover, in 1832 a severe famine caused the death of thousands of people...Thus emigration, coupled with the famine, had reduced the population to one-fourth by 1836...But still the proportion of Muslims and Hindus was different from what it is as the present time inasmuch as while the Hindus were not much affected among the Muslims; and the latter alone left the country in large numbers during the Sikh period.|via=}}</ref> Sikh rule in Kashmir ended in 1846 and was followed by the rule of [[Dogra dynasty|Dogra]] Hindu maharajahs who ruled Kashmir as part of their princely state of [[Kashmir and Jammu|Jammu and Kashmir]].<ref name=":62">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=a19eCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT65&dq=sikh+rule+in+kashmir&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLneOk4rHQAhWBFJQKHe5IAfUQ6AEIQzAJ#v=onepage&q=sikh%20rule%20in%20kashmir&f=false|title=Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris|last=Snedden|first=Christopher|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2015|isbn=9781849046220}}</ref> Muslims faced severe oppression under Hindu rule.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t243/e181?_hi=3&_pos=46|title=Kashmir|last=|first=|work=The Islamic World: Past and Present|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=Muslims, however, suffered under Hindu rule. Despite being the majority of the population, they encountered severe oppression, including heavy taxation, forced labor without wages, and discriminatory laws.|via=}}</ref> A large number of [[Muslim Kashmiris]] migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley]]<ref name=":032">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=2YeGAAAAQBAJ&pg=PP211|title=Transforming India|last=Bose|first=Sumantra|publisher=Harvard University Press|year=2013|isbn=9780674728202|location=|page=211|pages=|quote=From the late nineteenth century, conditions in the princely state led to a significant migration of people from the Kashmir Valley to the neighboring Punjab province of ''British''-as distinct from ''princely''-India.|via=}}</ref> to the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] due to conditions in the princely state<ref name=":032"/> such as famine, extreme poverty<ref name="Jalal22">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=az6CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA352&dq=1911+census+punjab+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn-H2jovQAhVBF5QKHb4dAdQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=1911%20census%20punjab%20kashmiris&f=false|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599387|location=|pages=352|quote=Extreme poverty, exacerbated by a series of famines in the second half of the nineteenth century, had seen many Kashmiris fleeing to neighbouring Punjab.|via=}}</ref> and harsh treatment of Kashmiri Muslims by the [[Dogra dynasty|Dogra]] Hindu regime.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9-2oCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA8&dq=muslims+faced+harsh+treatment+only+because+they+were+muslims+bazaz&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMxMfEyIbRAhWIE7wKHWAGCVIQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Jammu and Kashmir: Politics of Identity and Separatism|last=Chowdhary|first=Rekha|publisher=Routledge|year=2015|isbn=9781317414056|location=|pages=8|quote=Prem Nath Bazaz, for instance, noted that 'the Dogra rule has been Hindu. Muslims have not been treated fairly, by which I mean as fairly as Hindus'. In his opinion, the Muslims faced harsh treatment 'only because they were Muslims' (Bazaz, 1941: 250).|via=}}</ref> According to the 1911 Census there were 177,549 [[Kashmiri Muslims]] in the Punjab. With the inclusion of Kashmiri settlements in NWFP this figure rose to 206,180.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=az6CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA352&dq=1911+census+punjab+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn-H2jovQAhVBF5QKHb4dAdQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=1911%20census%20punjab%20kashmiris&f=false|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599387|location=|pages=|quote=According to the 1911 census there were 177, 549 Kashmiri Muslims in the Punjab; the figure went up to 206, 180 with the inclusion of settlements in the NWFP.|via=}}</ref> Scholar [[Ayesha Jalal]] states that Kashmiris faced discrimination in the Punjab as well.<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599370|location=|pages=352|quote=...Kashmiris engaged in agriculture were disqualified from taking advantage of the Punjab Land Alienation Act...Yet Kashmiris settled in the Punjab for centuries faced discrimination.|via=}}</ref> Kashmiris settled for generations in the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] were unable to own land,<ref name=":0" /> including the family of [[Muhammad Iqbal]].<ref name=":522">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Fk8hAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA16&dq=kashmir+muslims+famine+punjab&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjulu-imOTQAhVB5WMKHblQDqQQ6AEIMjAE#v=onepage&q=kashmir%20muslims%20famine%20punjab&f=false|title=The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India|last=Sevea|first=Iqbal Singh|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2012|isbn=9781139536394|location=|pages=16|quote=Like most Kashmiri families in Punjab, Iqbal's family did not own land.|via=}}</ref> Scholar Chitralekha Zutshi states that Kashmiri Muslims settled in the Punjab retained emotional and familial links to Kashmir and felt obliged to struggle for the freedom of their brethren in the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]].<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dlBjzE-1ML8C&pg=PA191&dq=Kashmiri+Muslim+expatriates+in+the+Punjab+had+retained+emotional+and+familial+ties+to+their+soil+and+felt+compelled+to+raise+the+banner+of+freedom+for+Kashmir+and+their+brethren+in+the+Valley,+thus+launching+bitter+critiques+of+the+Dogra+administration.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPqJbLsbnRAhVJp5QKHbmyA_oQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=Kashmiri%20Muslim%20expatriates%20in%20the%20Punjab%20had%20retained%20emotional%20and%20familial%20ties%20to%20their%20soil%20and%20felt%20compelled%20to%20raise%20the%20banner%20of%20freedom%20for%20Kashmir%20and%20their%20brethren%20in%20the%20Valley%2C%20thus%20launching%20bitter%20critiques%20of%20the%20Dogra%20administration.&f=false|title=Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity, and the Making of Kashmir|last=Zutshi|first=Chitralekha|publisher=C. Hurst & Co. Publishers|year=2004|isbn=9781850656944|location=|pages=191–192|quote=Kashmiri Muslim expatriates in the Punjab had retained emotional and familial ties to their soil and felt compelled to raise the banner of freedom for Kashmir and their brethren in the Valley, thus launching bitter critiques of the Dogra administration.|via=}}</ref> According to the 1921 Census the total Kashmiri population in Punjab was 169,761. However, the Census report stated that only 3% of Kashmiris settled in [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] retained their [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] language. The number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in 1901 was 8,523 but had decreased to 7,190 in 1911. By 1921 the number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in Punjab had fallen to 4,690. The 1921 Census report stated that this fact showed that the Kashmiris who had settled in Punjab had adopted the [[Punjabi language|Punjabi]] language of their neighbours.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18931|title=Census of India, 1921.|last=|first=|publisher=|year=|isbn=|volume=Volume XV|location=|pages=309|chapter=Chapter IX-Language|quote=The only language belonging to the non-sanskritic sub-branch of the Indian branch of the Aryan sub-family spoken in the provinces is Kashmiri. The number of persons speaking this language was 8,523 in 1901 and 7,190 in 1911; but has now fallen to 4,690, a fact which shows that Kashmiris who have settled in these provinces have adopted the Punjabi language of their neighbours. This is amply proved if we compare the strength of Kashmiris returned in the caste Table XIII with that shown by the language table. Kashmiri now appears in the return as the language of 4,690 persons though Kashmiris themselves have a strength of 169, 761; in other words only about 3 out of every 100 Kashmiris still retain their own language.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> In contrast, the 1881 Census of Punjab had shown that there were 49,534 speakers of the [[Kashmiri language]] in the Punjab.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=167&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=163|chapter=|quote=Kashmiri is the language of the valley of Srinagar in Kashmir which nowhere touches our border. But famine and other causes, already fully discussed in the chapter on the Fluctuations of Famination, have driven a considerable number of immigrants at one time or another from Kashmir into the Panjab; and the language is now spoken by no fewer than 49,534 inhabitants of the Province.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census had recorded the number of Kashmiris in the Punjab as 179,020<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18838|title=Census of India, 1901. Vol. XVII: Punjab, its Feudatories, and the North West Frontier Province. Part I: The Report on the Census|last=Rose|first=H A|publisher=|year=1902|isbn=|location=|pages=347|quote=|access-date=13 January 2017|via=}}</ref> while the 1891 Census recorded the Kashmiri population as 225,307<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=336&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=324|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> but the number of Kashmiri speakers recorded in the 1891 Census was 28,415.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=132&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=120|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>{{cite book| url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey| accessdate=2010-12-02}} === Azad Kashmir === During the 1990s around 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian administered Kashmir to Pakistan, which as of 2010 had not granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the refugees.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-South-Central/2010/1013/Thousands-fled-India-controlled-Kashmir.-Are-they-better-off-in-Pakistan|title=Thousands fled India-controlled Kashmir. Are they better off in Pakistan?|last=Ahmed|first=Issam|date=October 13, 2010|work=The Christian Science Monitor|quote=Some 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian-controlled Kashmir during the 1990s to settle in Pakistan, a country that has not yet granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the migrants....migrants speak the Kashmiri language whereas many of the locals speak a dialect of Punjabi.|access-date=29 December 2016|via=}}</ref> Ms. Lucas suggests that the Pakistani government has been slow in providing citizenship to the refugees because doing so might nullify their right to self-determination. ===Sindh=== The city of [[Karachi]] is home to a significant diaspora of [[Kashmiris]].<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/136350-Kashmiris-in-Sindh-to-vote-for-two-AJK-seats-today|title=Kashmiris in Sindh to vote for two AJK seats today|work=The News|date=21 July 2016|accessdate=22 May 2017|first=Zia Ur|last=Rehman}}</ref> ==India== ===Himachal Pradesh=== The state of Himachal Pradesh in India has the second-largest Kashmiri language speakers after Kashmir Valley and adjoining areas. A number of Kashmiri Pandits after the eruption of Armed rebellion and subsequent human rights violation in the valley migrated to this region over centuries and the numbers increased between 1947–48 and 1989-91. ===Delhi=== Delhi has been abode to Kashmiris for centuries, and the number increased in 1947-48 and after start of armed conflict in 1989. A number of Kashmiri organisations have been existence for over half a century in Delhi, including Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Panun Kashmir, Vyeth Television, and N. S. Kashmir Research Institute. ==United Kingdom== There are about 500 families of Kashmiris in the UK. They have been essentially upstaged by the far larger numbers of the [[British Mirpuris]], who have waged a campaign since the 1990s laying claim to the 'Kashmiri' identity. The Valley Kashmiris in the UK maintain that they are "Kashmiris" and the Mirpuris are "''nouveaux'' Kashmiris".<ref>{{cite journal |first=Alexander |last=Evans |year=2005 |title=Kashmir: a tale of two valleys |journal=Asian Affairs |volume=36 |number=1 |pp=35–47 |DOI=10.1080/03068370500038989 |subscription=yes}}</ref> ==Overseas organisations== * [http://koausa.org/koa/ Indo American Kashmir Forum] * [http://www.kashmirhindufoundation.org/ Kashmir Hindu Foundation (KHF)] * Indo Canadian Kashmiri Forum * Indo European Kashmiri Forum * Kashmiri Overseas Organisations All entire Kashmiri Pandit organisations spread the message of peace and tranquility{{Citation needed|date=August 2016}}. These organisation are trying to preserve Kashmiri language and heritage by teaching youngsters their language, culture and history. Kashmiri Pandit Sabha is the biggest organisation of Kashmiri outside Kashmir, and they have a number of sister chapters across India. == See also == * [[Azad Kashmiri diaspora]] * [[Kashmiris]] * [[Kashmiris of Punjab]] * [[Kashmir conflict]] * [[List of Kashmiri people]] ==References== {{reflist}} ==External links== * [http://koausa.org Kashmiri Overseas Association] {{Overseas Asians}} {{NRI-PIO}} {{Pakistani diaspora}} [[Category:Kashmiri diaspora| ]] [[Category:Indian diaspora]]'

New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)

'The '''Kashmiri diaspora''' refers to people who have migrated out of the [[Kashmir Valley]] into other areas and countries, and their descendants. ==Pakistan== ===Punjab=== {{main|Kashmiris of Punjab}} Heavy taxes under the [[Sikh Empire|Sikh]] rule, coupled with famine and starvation, caused many Kashmiri peasants to migrate to the plains of Punjab.<ref name=":10">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dlBjzE-1ML8C&pg=PA40&dq=kashmir+muslims+famine+punjab&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjulu-imOTQAhVB5WMKHblQDqQQ6AEIPDAG#v=onepage&q=kashmir%20muslims%20famine%20punjab&f=false|title=Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity, and the Making of Kashmir|last=Zutshi|first=Chitralekha|publisher=C. Hurst & Co. Publishers|year=2004|isbn=9781850656944|location=|pages=40|quote=Kashmiri histories emphasize the wretchedness of life for the common Kashmiri during Sikh rule. According to these, the peasantry became mired in poverty and migrations of Kashmiri peasants to the plains of the Punjab reached high proportions. Several European travelers' accounts from the period testify to and provide evidence for such assertions.|via=}}</ref><ref name=":4">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=iaT3AgAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&lpg=PT18&dq=In+1819,+the+%27Lion+of+the+Punjab%27,+as+Ranjit+Singh+became+known,+finally+succeeded+in+taking+Kashmir,+initially+to+the+relief+of+the+local+people+who+had+suffered+under+the+Afghans.&source=bl&ots=9XgnuIZAZ8&sig=Ksq9duSKhosi8lAUsGK0zGDcXbY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxwsfJ-K7RAhWBlZQKHYyJAJoQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=In%201819%2C%20the%20'Lion%20of%20the%20Punjab'%2C%20as%20Ranjit%20Singh%20became%20known%2C%20finally%20succeeded%20in%20taking%20Kashmir%2C%20initially%20to%20the%20relief%20of%20the%20local%20people%20who%20had%20suffered%20under%20the%20Afghans.&f=false|title=Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending War|last=Schofield|first=Victoria|publisher=I.B.Tauris|year=2010|isbn=9780857730787|location=|pages=|quote=The picture painted by the Europeans who began to visit the valley more frequently was one of deprivation and starvation...Everywhere the people were in the most abject condition, exorbitantly taxed by the Sikh Government and subjected to every kind of extortion and oppression by its officers...Moorcroft estimated that no more than one-sixteenth of the cultivable land surface was under cultivation; as a result, the starving people had fled in great numbers to India.|via=}}</ref> These claims, made in Kashmiri histories, were corroborated by European travelers.<ref name=":10" /> When one such European traveler, Moorcroft, left the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]] in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gylNFls7xxoC&pg=PA4&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-4JrC4q7RAhXHW5QKHb96DcI4FBDoAQguMAQ#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir The Paradise Of Asia|last=Parashar|first=Parmanand|publisher=Sarup & Sons|year=2004|isbn=9788176255189|location=|pages=4|quote=What with the political disturbances and the numerous tyrannies suffered by the peasants, the latter found it very hard to live in Kashmir and a large number of people migrated to the Punjab and India. When Moorcroft left the Valley in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass.|via=}}</ref> The 1833 famine resulted in many people leaving the [[Kashmir Valley]] and migrating to the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]], with the majority of weavers leaving Kashmir. Weavers settled down for generations in the cities of Punjab such as [[Jammu]] and Nurpur.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=O2WSRW2t3XYC&pg=PA20&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUlIW34q7RAhXGo5QKHWawBIE4ChDoAQg-MAg#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir Under Maharaja Ranjit Singh|last=|first=|publisher=Atlantic Publishers & Dist|year=1984|isbn=9788171560943|location=|pages=20|quote=In the beginning, it was only the excess of population that was increasing rapidly, that started migrating into Punjab, where in the hilly cities of Nurpur and Jammu, that remained under the rule of Hindu prince the weavers had settled down for generations...As such, even at that time, a great majority of the weavers have migrated out from Kashmir. The great famine conditions and starvation three years earlier, have forced a considerable number of people to move out of the valley and the greater security of their possessions and property in Punjab has also facilitated this outward migration...The distress and misery experienced by the population during the years 1833 and 1834, must not be forgotten by the current generation living there.|via=}}</ref> The 1833 famine led to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=FkBuAAAAMAAJ&q=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&dq=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf74uD6K7RAhUIF5QKHWECANAQ6AEIGzAA|title=Punjab revisited: an anthology of 70 research documents on the history and culture of undivided Punjab|last=|first=|publisher=Gautam Publishers|year=1995|isbn=|location=|pages=576|quote=Owing to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar during the great famine which occurred in Kashmir in the year 1833 A.D., the number of shops increased in Amritsar to 2,000 and the yearly out-turn of pashmina work to four lacs of rupees.|via=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=0idOAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA648&dq=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf74uD6K7RAhUIF5QKHWECANAQ6AEIHzAB#v=onepage&q=1833%20amritsar%20influx%20kashmiris&f=false|title=A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Part 2|last=Watt|first=George|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2014|isbn=9781108068796|location=|pages=648|quote=In the year 1833 A.D. owing to a great famine in Kashmir, there was a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar.|via=}}</ref> Kashmir's Muslims in particular suffered and had to leave Kashmir in large numbers, while Hindus were not much affected.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gylNFls7xxoC&pg=PA4&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-4JrC4q7RAhXHW5QKHb96DcI4FBDoAQguMAQ#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir The Paradise Of Asia|last=Parashar|first=Parmanand|publisher=Sarup & Sons|year=2004|isbn=9788176255189|location=|pages=4–5|quote=Moreover, in 1832 a severe famine caused the death of thousands of people...Thus emigration, coupled with the famine, had reduced the population to one-fourth by 1836...But still the proportion of Muslims and Hindus was different from what it is as the present time inasmuch as while the Hindus were not much affected among the Muslims; and the latter alone left the country in large numbers during the Sikh period.|via=}}</ref> Sikh rule in Kashmir ended in 1846 and was followed by the rule of [[Dogra dynasty|Dogra]] Hindu maharajahs who ruled Kashmir as part of their princely state of [[Kashmir and Jammu|Jammu and Kashmir]].<ref name=":62">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=a19eCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT65&dq=sikh+rule+in+kashmir&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLneOk4rHQAhWBFJQKHe5IAfUQ6AEIQzAJ#v=onepage&q=sikh%20rule%20in%20kashmir&f=false|title=Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris|last=Snedden|first=Christopher|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2015|isbn=9781849046220}}</ref> Muslims faced severe oppression under Hindu rule.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t243/e181?_hi=3&_pos=46|title=Kashmir|last=|first=|work=The Islamic World: Past and Present|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=Muslims, however, suffered under Hindu rule. Despite being the majority of the population, they encountered severe oppression, including heavy taxation, forced labor without wages, and discriminatory laws.|via=}}</ref> A large number of [[Muslim Kashmiris]] migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley]]<ref name=":032">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=2YeGAAAAQBAJ&pg=PP211|title=Transforming India|last=Bose|first=Sumantra|publisher=Harvard University Press|year=2013|isbn=9780674728202|location=|page=211|pages=|quote=From the late nineteenth century, conditions in the princely state led to a significant migration of people from the Kashmir Valley to the neighboring Punjab province of ''British''-as distinct from ''princely''-India.|via=}}</ref> to the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] due to conditions in the princely state<ref name=":032"/> such as famine, extreme poverty<ref name="Jalal22">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=az6CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA352&dq=1911+census+punjab+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn-H2jovQAhVBF5QKHb4dAdQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=1911%20census%20punjab%20kashmiris&f=false|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599387|location=|pages=352|quote=Extreme poverty, exacerbated by a series of famines in the second half of the nineteenth century, had seen many Kashmiris fleeing to neighbouring Punjab.|via=}}</ref> and harsh treatment of Kashmiri Muslims by the [[Dogra dynasty|Dogra]] Hindu regime.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9-2oCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA8&dq=muslims+faced+harsh+treatment+only+because+they+were+muslims+bazaz&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMxMfEyIbRAhWIE7wKHWAGCVIQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Jammu and Kashmir: Politics of Identity and Separatism|last=Chowdhary|first=Rekha|publisher=Routledge|year=2015|isbn=9781317414056|location=|pages=8|quote=Prem Nath Bazaz, for instance, noted that 'the Dogra rule has been Hindu. Muslims have not been treated fairly, by which I mean as fairly as Hindus'. In his opinion, the Muslims faced harsh treatment 'only because they were Muslims' (Bazaz, 1941: 250).|via=}}</ref> According to the 1911 Census there were 177,549 [[Kashmiri Muslims]] in the Punjab. With the inclusion of Kashmiri settlements in NWFP this figure rose to 206,180.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=az6CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA352&dq=1911+census+punjab+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn-H2jovQAhVBF5QKHb4dAdQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=1911%20census%20punjab%20kashmiris&f=false|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599387|location=|pages=|quote=According to the 1911 census there were 177, 549 Kashmiri Muslims in the Punjab; the figure went up to 206, 180 with the inclusion of settlements in the NWFP.|via=}}</ref> Scholar [[Ayesha Jalal]] states that Kashmiris faced discrimination in the Punjab as well.<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599370|location=|pages=352|quote=...Kashmiris engaged in agriculture were disqualified from taking advantage of the Punjab Land Alienation Act...Yet Kashmiris settled in the Punjab for centuries faced discrimination.|via=}}</ref> Kashmiris settled for generations in the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] were unable to own land,<ref name=":0" /> including the family of [[Muhammad Iqbal]].<ref name=":522">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Fk8hAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA16&dq=kashmir+muslims+famine+punjab&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjulu-imOTQAhVB5WMKHblQDqQQ6AEIMjAE#v=onepage&q=kashmir%20muslims%20famine%20punjab&f=false|title=The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India|last=Sevea|first=Iqbal Singh|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2012|isbn=9781139536394|location=|pages=16|quote=Like most Kashmiri families in Punjab, Iqbal's family did not own land.|via=}}</ref> Scholar Chitralekha Zutshi states that Kashmiri Muslims settled in the Punjab retained emotional and familial links to Kashmir and felt obliged to struggle for the freedom of their brethren in the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]].<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dlBjzE-1ML8C&pg=PA191&dq=Kashmiri+Muslim+expatriates+in+the+Punjab+had+retained+emotional+and+familial+ties+to+their+soil+and+felt+compelled+to+raise+the+banner+of+freedom+for+Kashmir+and+their+brethren+in+the+Valley,+thus+launching+bitter+critiques+of+the+Dogra+administration.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPqJbLsbnRAhVJp5QKHbmyA_oQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=Kashmiri%20Muslim%20expatriates%20in%20the%20Punjab%20had%20retained%20emotional%20and%20familial%20ties%20to%20their%20soil%20and%20felt%20compelled%20to%20raise%20the%20banner%20of%20freedom%20for%20Kashmir%20and%20their%20brethren%20in%20the%20Valley%2C%20thus%20launching%20bitter%20critiques%20of%20the%20Dogra%20administration.&f=false|title=Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity, and the Making of Kashmir|last=Zutshi|first=Chitralekha|publisher=C. Hurst & Co. Publishers|year=2004|isbn=9781850656944|location=|pages=191–192|quote=Kashmiri Muslim expatriates in the Punjab had retained emotional and familial ties to their soil and felt compelled to raise the banner of freedom for Kashmir and their brethren in the Valley, thus launching bitter critiques of the Dogra administration.|via=}}</ref> According to the 1921 Census the total Kashmiri population in Punjab was 169,761. However, the Census report stated that only 3% of Kashmiris settled in [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] retained their [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] language. The number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in 1901 was 8,523 but had decreased to 7,190 in 1911. By 1921 the number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in Punjab had fallen to 4,690. The 1921 Census report stated that this fact showed that the Kashmiris who had settled in Punjab had adopted the [[Punjabi language|Punjabi]] language of their neighbours.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18931|title=Census of India, 1921.|last=|first=|publisher=|year=|isbn=|volume=Volume XV|location=|pages=309|chapter=Chapter IX-Language|quote=The only language belonging to the non-sanskritic sub-branch of the Indian branch of the Aryan sub-family spoken in the provinces is Kashmiri. The number of persons speaking this language was 8,523 in 1901 and 7,190 in 1911; but has now fallen to 4,690, a fact which shows that Kashmiris who have settled in these provinces have adopted the Punjabi language of their neighbours. This is amply proved if we compare the strength of Kashmiris returned in the caste Table XIII with that shown by the language table. Kashmiri now appears in the return as the language of 4,690 persons though Kashmiris themselves have a strength of 169, 761; in other words only about 3 out of every 100 Kashmiris still retain their own language.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> In contrast, the 1881 Census of Punjab had shown that there were 49,534 speakers of the [[Kashmiri language]] in the Punjab.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=167&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=163|chapter=|quote=Kashmiri is the language of the valley of Srinagar in Kashmir which nowhere touches our border. But famine and other causes, already fully discussed in the chapter on the Fluctuations of Famination, have driven a considerable number of immigrants at one time or another from Kashmir into the Panjab; and the language is now spoken by no fewer than 49,534 inhabitants of the Province.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census had recorded the number of Kashmiris in the Punjab as 179,020<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18838|title=Census of India, 1901. Vol. XVII: Punjab, its Feudatories, and the North West Frontier Province. Part I: The Report on the Census|last=Rose|first=H A|publisher=|year=1902|isbn=|location=|pages=347|quote=|access-date=13 January 2017|via=}}</ref> while the 1891 Census recorded the Kashmiri population as 225,307<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=336&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=324|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> but the number of Kashmiri speakers recorded in the 1891 Census was 28,415.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=132&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=120|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>||url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey|URL access date=2010-12-02}} === <nowiki/>Azad Kashmir === During the 1990s around 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian administered Kashmir to Pakistan, which as of 2010 had not granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the refugees.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-South-Central/2010/1013/Thousands-fled-India-controlled-Kashmir.-Are-they-better-off-in-Pakistan|title=Thousands fled India-controlled Kashmir. Are they better off in Pakistan?|last=Ahmed|first=Issam|date=October 13, 2010|work=The Christian Science Monitor|quote=Some 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian-controlled Kashmir during the 1990s to settle in Pakistan, a country that has not yet granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the migrants....migrants speak the Kashmiri language whereas many of the locals speak a dialect of Punjabi.|access-date=29 December 2016|via=}}</ref> Ms. Lucas suggests that the Pakistani government has been slow in providing citizenship to the refugees because doing so might nullify their right to self-determination. ===Sindh=== The city of [[Karachi]] is home to a significant diaspora of [[Kashmiris]].<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/136350-Kashmiris-in-Sindh-to-vote-for-two-AJK-seats-today|title=Kashmiris in Sindh to vote for two AJK seats today|work=The News|date=21 July 2016|accessdate=22 May 2017|first=Zia Ur|last=Rehman}}</ref> ==India== ===Himachal Pradesh=== The state of Himachal Pradesh in India has the second-largest Kashmiri language speakers after Kashmir Valley and adjoining areas. A number of Kashmiri Pandits after the eruption of Armed rebellion and subsequent human rights violation in the valley migrated to this region over centuries and the numbers increased between 1947–48 and 1989-91. ===Delhi=== Delhi has been abode to Kashmiris for centuries, and the number increased in 1947-48 and after start of armed conflict in 1989. A number of Kashmiri organisations have been existence for over half a century in Delhi, including Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Panun Kashmir, Vyeth Television, and N. S. Kashmir Research Institute. ==United Kingdom== There are about 500 families of Kashmiris in the UK. They have been essentially upstaged by the far larger numbers of the [[British Mirpuris]], who have waged a campaign since the 1990s laying claim to the 'Kashmiri' identity. The Valley Kashmiris in the UK maintain that they are "Kashmiris" and the Mirpuris are "''nouveaux'' Kashmiris".<ref>{{cite journal |first=Alexander |last=Evans |year=2005 |title=Kashmir: a tale of two valleys |journal=Asian Affairs |volume=36 |number=1 |pp=35–47 |DOI=10.1080/03068370500038989 |subscription=yes}}</ref> ==Overseas organisations== * [http://koausa.org/koa/ Indo American Kashmir Forum] * [http://www.kashmirhindufoundation.org/ Kashmir Hindu Foundation (KHF)] * Indo Canadian Kashmiri Forum * Indo European Kashmiri Forum * Kashmiri Overseas Organisations All entire Kashmiri Pandit organisations spread the message of peace and tranquility{{Citation needed|date=August 2016}}. These organisation are trying to preserve Kashmiri language and heritage by teaching youngsters their language, culture and history. Kashmiri Pandit Sabha is the biggest organisation of Kashmiri outside Kashmir, and they have a number of sister chapters across India. == See also == * [[Azad Kashmiri diaspora]] * [[Kashmiris]] * [[Kashmiris of Punjab]] * [[Kashmir conflict]] * [[List of Kashmiri people]] ==References== {{reflist}} ==External links== * [http://koausa.org Kashmiri Overseas Association] {{Overseas Asians}} {{NRI-PIO}} {{Pakistani diaspora}} [[Category:Kashmiri diaspora| ]] [[Category:Indian diaspora]]'

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'@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ According to the 1921 Census the total Kashmiri population in Punjab was 169,761. However, the Census report stated that only 3% of Kashmiris settled in [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] retained their [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] language. The number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in 1901 was 8,523 but had decreased to 7,190 in 1911. By 1921 the number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in Punjab had fallen to 4,690. The 1921 Census report stated that this fact showed that the Kashmiris who had settled in Punjab had adopted the [[Punjabi language|Punjabi]] language of their neighbours.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18931|title=Census of India, 1921.|last=|first=|publisher=|year=|isbn=|volume=Volume XV|location=|pages=309|chapter=Chapter IX-Language|quote=The only language belonging to the non-sanskritic sub-branch of the Indian branch of the Aryan sub-family spoken in the provinces is Kashmiri. The number of persons speaking this language was 8,523 in 1901 and 7,190 in 1911; but has now fallen to 4,690, a fact which shows that Kashmiris who have settled in these provinces have adopted the Punjabi language of their neighbours. This is amply proved if we compare the strength of Kashmiris returned in the caste Table XIII with that shown by the language table. Kashmiri now appears in the return as the language of 4,690 persons though Kashmiris themselves have a strength of 169, 761; in other words only about 3 out of every 100 Kashmiris still retain their own language.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> In contrast, the 1881 Census of Punjab had shown that there were 49,534 speakers of the [[Kashmiri language]] in the Punjab.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=167&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=163|chapter=|quote=Kashmiri is the language of the valley of Srinagar in Kashmir which nowhere touches our border. But famine and other causes, already fully discussed in the chapter on the Fluctuations of Famination, have driven a considerable number of immigrants at one time or another from Kashmir into the Panjab; and the language is now spoken by no fewer than 49,534 inhabitants of the Province.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census had recorded the number of Kashmiris in the Punjab as 179,020<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18838|title=Census of India, 1901. Vol. XVII: Punjab, its Feudatories, and the North West Frontier Province. Part I: The Report on the Census|last=Rose|first=H A|publisher=|year=1902|isbn=|location=|pages=347|quote=|access-date=13 January 2017|via=}}</ref> while the 1891 Census recorded the Kashmiri population as 225,307<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=336&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=324|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> but the number of Kashmiri speakers recorded in the 1891 Census was 28,415.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=132&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=120|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> -Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>{{cite book| url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey| accessdate=2010-12-02}} +Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>||url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey|URL access date=2010-12-02}} -=== Azad Kashmir === +=== <nowiki/>Azad Kashmir === During the 1990s around 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian administered Kashmir to Pakistan, which as of 2010 had not granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the refugees.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-South-Central/2010/1013/Thousands-fled-India-controlled-Kashmir.-Are-they-better-off-in-Pakistan|title=Thousands fled India-controlled Kashmir. Are they better off in Pakistan?|last=Ahmed|first=Issam|date=October 13, 2010|work=The Christian Science Monitor|quote=Some 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian-controlled Kashmir during the 1990s to settle in Pakistan, a country that has not yet granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the migrants....migrants speak the Kashmiri language whereas many of the locals speak a dialect of Punjabi.|access-date=29 December 2016|via=}}</ref> Ms. Lucas suggests that the Pakistani government has been slow in providing citizenship to the refugees because doing so might nullify their right to self-determination. '

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[ 0 => 'Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>||url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey|URL access date=2010-12-02}}', 1 => '=== <nowiki/>Azad Kashmir ===' ]

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[ 0 => 'Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>{{cite book| url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey| accessdate=2010-12-02}}', 1 => '=== Azad Kashmir ===' ]

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'The '''Kashmiri diaspora''' refers to people who have migrated out of the [[Kashmir Valley]] into other areas and countries, and their descendants. ==Pakistan== ===Punjab=== {{main|Kashmiris of Punjab}} Heavy taxes under the [[Sikh Empire|Sikh]] rule, coupled with famine and starvation, caused many Kashmiri peasants to migrate to the plains of Punjab.<ref name=":10">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dlBjzE-1ML8C&pg=PA40&dq=kashmir+muslims+famine+punjab&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjulu-imOTQAhVB5WMKHblQDqQQ6AEIPDAG#v=onepage&q=kashmir%20muslims%20famine%20punjab&f=false|title=Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity, and the Making of Kashmir|last=Zutshi|first=Chitralekha|publisher=C. Hurst & Co. Publishers|year=2004|isbn=9781850656944|location=|pages=40|quote=Kashmiri histories emphasize the wretchedness of life for the common Kashmiri during Sikh rule. According to these, the peasantry became mired in poverty and migrations of Kashmiri peasants to the plains of the Punjab reached high proportions. Several European travelers' accounts from the period testify to and provide evidence for such assertions.|via=}}</ref><ref name=":4">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=iaT3AgAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&lpg=PT18&dq=In+1819,+the+%27Lion+of+the+Punjab%27,+as+Ranjit+Singh+became+known,+finally+succeeded+in+taking+Kashmir,+initially+to+the+relief+of+the+local+people+who+had+suffered+under+the+Afghans.&source=bl&ots=9XgnuIZAZ8&sig=Ksq9duSKhosi8lAUsGK0zGDcXbY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxwsfJ-K7RAhWBlZQKHYyJAJoQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=In%201819%2C%20the%20'Lion%20of%20the%20Punjab'%2C%20as%20Ranjit%20Singh%20became%20known%2C%20finally%20succeeded%20in%20taking%20Kashmir%2C%20initially%20to%20the%20relief%20of%20the%20local%20people%20who%20had%20suffered%20under%20the%20Afghans.&f=false|title=Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending War|last=Schofield|first=Victoria|publisher=I.B.Tauris|year=2010|isbn=9780857730787|location=|pages=|quote=The picture painted by the Europeans who began to visit the valley more frequently was one of deprivation and starvation...Everywhere the people were in the most abject condition, exorbitantly taxed by the Sikh Government and subjected to every kind of extortion and oppression by its officers...Moorcroft estimated that no more than one-sixteenth of the cultivable land surface was under cultivation; as a result, the starving people had fled in great numbers to India.|via=}}</ref> These claims, made in Kashmiri histories, were corroborated by European travelers.<ref name=":10" /> When one such European traveler, Moorcroft, left the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]] in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gylNFls7xxoC&pg=PA4&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-4JrC4q7RAhXHW5QKHb96DcI4FBDoAQguMAQ#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir The Paradise Of Asia|last=Parashar|first=Parmanand|publisher=Sarup & Sons|year=2004|isbn=9788176255189|location=|pages=4|quote=What with the political disturbances and the numerous tyrannies suffered by the peasants, the latter found it very hard to live in Kashmir and a large number of people migrated to the Punjab and India. When Moorcroft left the Valley in 1823, about 500 emigrants accompanied him across the Pir Panjal Pass.|via=}}</ref> The 1833 famine resulted in many people leaving the [[Kashmir Valley]] and migrating to the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]], with the majority of weavers leaving Kashmir. Weavers settled down for generations in the cities of Punjab such as [[Jammu]] and Nurpur.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=O2WSRW2t3XYC&pg=PA20&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUlIW34q7RAhXGo5QKHWawBIE4ChDoAQg-MAg#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir Under Maharaja Ranjit Singh|last=|first=|publisher=Atlantic Publishers & Dist|year=1984|isbn=9788171560943|location=|pages=20|quote=In the beginning, it was only the excess of population that was increasing rapidly, that started migrating into Punjab, where in the hilly cities of Nurpur and Jammu, that remained under the rule of Hindu prince the weavers had settled down for generations...As such, even at that time, a great majority of the weavers have migrated out from Kashmir. The great famine conditions and starvation three years earlier, have forced a considerable number of people to move out of the valley and the greater security of their possessions and property in Punjab has also facilitated this outward migration...The distress and misery experienced by the population during the years 1833 and 1834, must not be forgotten by the current generation living there.|via=}}</ref> The 1833 famine led to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=FkBuAAAAMAAJ&q=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&dq=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf74uD6K7RAhUIF5QKHWECANAQ6AEIGzAA|title=Punjab revisited: an anthology of 70 research documents on the history and culture of undivided Punjab|last=|first=|publisher=Gautam Publishers|year=1995|isbn=|location=|pages=576|quote=Owing to a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar during the great famine which occurred in Kashmir in the year 1833 A.D., the number of shops increased in Amritsar to 2,000 and the yearly out-turn of pashmina work to four lacs of rupees.|via=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=0idOAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA648&dq=1833+amritsar+influx+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf74uD6K7RAhUIF5QKHWECANAQ6AEIHzAB#v=onepage&q=1833%20amritsar%20influx%20kashmiris&f=false|title=A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Part 2|last=Watt|first=George|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2014|isbn=9781108068796|location=|pages=648|quote=In the year 1833 A.D. owing to a great famine in Kashmir, there was a large influx of Kashmiris into Amritsar.|via=}}</ref> Kashmir's Muslims in particular suffered and had to leave Kashmir in large numbers, while Hindus were not much affected.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gylNFls7xxoC&pg=PA4&dq=kashmiris+punjab+1833&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-4JrC4q7RAhXHW5QKHb96DcI4FBDoAQguMAQ#v=onepage&q=kashmiris%20punjab%201833&f=false|title=Kashmir The Paradise Of Asia|last=Parashar|first=Parmanand|publisher=Sarup & Sons|year=2004|isbn=9788176255189|location=|pages=4–5|quote=Moreover, in 1832 a severe famine caused the death of thousands of people...Thus emigration, coupled with the famine, had reduced the population to one-fourth by 1836...But still the proportion of Muslims and Hindus was different from what it is as the present time inasmuch as while the Hindus were not much affected among the Muslims; and the latter alone left the country in large numbers during the Sikh period.|via=}}</ref> Sikh rule in Kashmir ended in 1846 and was followed by the rule of [[Dogra dynasty|Dogra]] Hindu maharajahs who ruled Kashmir as part of their princely state of [[Kashmir and Jammu|Jammu and Kashmir]].<ref name=":62">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=a19eCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT65&dq=sikh+rule+in+kashmir&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLneOk4rHQAhWBFJQKHe5IAfUQ6AEIQzAJ#v=onepage&q=sikh%20rule%20in%20kashmir&f=false|title=Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris|last=Snedden|first=Christopher|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2015|isbn=9781849046220}}</ref> Muslims faced severe oppression under Hindu rule.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t243/e181?_hi=3&_pos=46|title=Kashmir|last=|first=|work=The Islamic World: Past and Present|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=Muslims, however, suffered under Hindu rule. Despite being the majority of the population, they encountered severe oppression, including heavy taxation, forced labor without wages, and discriminatory laws.|via=}}</ref> A large number of [[Muslim Kashmiris]] migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley]]<ref name=":032">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=2YeGAAAAQBAJ&pg=PP211|title=Transforming India|last=Bose|first=Sumantra|publisher=Harvard University Press|year=2013|isbn=9780674728202|location=|page=211|pages=|quote=From the late nineteenth century, conditions in the princely state led to a significant migration of people from the Kashmir Valley to the neighboring Punjab province of ''British''-as distinct from ''princely''-India.|via=}}</ref> to the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] due to conditions in the princely state<ref name=":032"/> such as famine, extreme poverty<ref name="Jalal22">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=az6CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA352&dq=1911+census+punjab+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn-H2jovQAhVBF5QKHb4dAdQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=1911%20census%20punjab%20kashmiris&f=false|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599387|location=|pages=352|quote=Extreme poverty, exacerbated by a series of famines in the second half of the nineteenth century, had seen many Kashmiris fleeing to neighbouring Punjab.|via=}}</ref> and harsh treatment of Kashmiri Muslims by the [[Dogra dynasty|Dogra]] Hindu regime.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9-2oCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA8&dq=muslims+faced+harsh+treatment+only+because+they+were+muslims+bazaz&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMxMfEyIbRAhWIE7wKHWAGCVIQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Jammu and Kashmir: Politics of Identity and Separatism|last=Chowdhary|first=Rekha|publisher=Routledge|year=2015|isbn=9781317414056|location=|pages=8|quote=Prem Nath Bazaz, for instance, noted that 'the Dogra rule has been Hindu. Muslims have not been treated fairly, by which I mean as fairly as Hindus'. In his opinion, the Muslims faced harsh treatment 'only because they were Muslims' (Bazaz, 1941: 250).|via=}}</ref> According to the 1911 Census there were 177,549 [[Kashmiri Muslims]] in the Punjab. With the inclusion of Kashmiri settlements in NWFP this figure rose to 206,180.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=az6CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA352&dq=1911+census+punjab+kashmiris&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn-H2jovQAhVBF5QKHb4dAdQQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=1911%20census%20punjab%20kashmiris&f=false|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599387|location=|pages=|quote=According to the 1911 census there were 177, 549 Kashmiri Muslims in the Punjab; the figure went up to 206, 180 with the inclusion of settlements in the NWFP.|via=}}</ref> Scholar [[Ayesha Jalal]] states that Kashmiris faced discrimination in the Punjab as well.<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850|last=Jalal|first=Ayesha|publisher=Routledge|year=2002|isbn=9781134599370|location=|pages=352|quote=...Kashmiris engaged in agriculture were disqualified from taking advantage of the Punjab Land Alienation Act...Yet Kashmiris settled in the Punjab for centuries faced discrimination.|via=}}</ref> Kashmiris settled for generations in the [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] were unable to own land,<ref name=":0" /> including the family of [[Muhammad Iqbal]].<ref name=":522">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Fk8hAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA16&dq=kashmir+muslims+famine+punjab&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjulu-imOTQAhVB5WMKHblQDqQQ6AEIMjAE#v=onepage&q=kashmir%20muslims%20famine%20punjab&f=false|title=The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India|last=Sevea|first=Iqbal Singh|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2012|isbn=9781139536394|location=|pages=16|quote=Like most Kashmiri families in Punjab, Iqbal's family did not own land.|via=}}</ref> Scholar Chitralekha Zutshi states that Kashmiri Muslims settled in the Punjab retained emotional and familial links to Kashmir and felt obliged to struggle for the freedom of their brethren in the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]].<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dlBjzE-1ML8C&pg=PA191&dq=Kashmiri+Muslim+expatriates+in+the+Punjab+had+retained+emotional+and+familial+ties+to+their+soil+and+felt+compelled+to+raise+the+banner+of+freedom+for+Kashmir+and+their+brethren+in+the+Valley,+thus+launching+bitter+critiques+of+the+Dogra+administration.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPqJbLsbnRAhVJp5QKHbmyA_oQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=Kashmiri%20Muslim%20expatriates%20in%20the%20Punjab%20had%20retained%20emotional%20and%20familial%20ties%20to%20their%20soil%20and%20felt%20compelled%20to%20raise%20the%20banner%20of%20freedom%20for%20Kashmir%20and%20their%20brethren%20in%20the%20Valley%2C%20thus%20launching%20bitter%20critiques%20of%20the%20Dogra%20administration.&f=false|title=Languages of Belonging: Islam, Regional Identity, and the Making of Kashmir|last=Zutshi|first=Chitralekha|publisher=C. Hurst & Co. Publishers|year=2004|isbn=9781850656944|location=|pages=191–192|quote=Kashmiri Muslim expatriates in the Punjab had retained emotional and familial ties to their soil and felt compelled to raise the banner of freedom for Kashmir and their brethren in the Valley, thus launching bitter critiques of the Dogra administration.|via=}}</ref> According to the 1921 Census the total Kashmiri population in Punjab was 169,761. However, the Census report stated that only 3% of Kashmiris settled in [[Punjab (region)|Punjab]] retained their [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] language. The number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in 1901 was 8,523 but had decreased to 7,190 in 1911. By 1921 the number of people speaking [[Kashmiri language|Kashmiri]] in Punjab had fallen to 4,690. The 1921 Census report stated that this fact showed that the Kashmiris who had settled in Punjab had adopted the [[Punjabi language|Punjabi]] language of their neighbours.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18931|title=Census of India, 1921.|last=|first=|publisher=|year=|isbn=|volume=Volume XV|location=|pages=309|chapter=Chapter IX-Language|quote=The only language belonging to the non-sanskritic sub-branch of the Indian branch of the Aryan sub-family spoken in the provinces is Kashmiri. The number of persons speaking this language was 8,523 in 1901 and 7,190 in 1911; but has now fallen to 4,690, a fact which shows that Kashmiris who have settled in these provinces have adopted the Punjabi language of their neighbours. This is amply proved if we compare the strength of Kashmiris returned in the caste Table XIII with that shown by the language table. Kashmiri now appears in the return as the language of 4,690 persons though Kashmiris themselves have a strength of 169, 761; in other words only about 3 out of every 100 Kashmiris still retain their own language.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> In contrast, the 1881 Census of Punjab had shown that there were 49,534 speakers of the [[Kashmiri language]] in the Punjab.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=167&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=163|chapter=|quote=Kashmiri is the language of the valley of Srinagar in Kashmir which nowhere touches our border. But famine and other causes, already fully discussed in the chapter on the Fluctuations of Famination, have driven a considerable number of immigrants at one time or another from Kashmir into the Panjab; and the language is now spoken by no fewer than 49,534 inhabitants of the Province.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census had recorded the number of Kashmiris in the Punjab as 179,020<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/18838|title=Census of India, 1901. Vol. XVII: Punjab, its Feudatories, and the North West Frontier Province. Part I: The Report on the Census|last=Rose|first=H A|publisher=|year=1902|isbn=|location=|pages=347|quote=|access-date=13 January 2017|via=}}</ref> while the 1891 Census recorded the Kashmiri population as 225,307<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=336&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=324|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> but the number of Kashmiri speakers recorded in the 1891 Census was 28,415.<ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=1933&page=132&CategoryID=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Census Of India - The Punjab And Its Feudatories, Volume xx, Part 2|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1891|isbn=|location=|pages=120|quote=|access-date=12 January 2017|via=}}</ref> Common ''krams'' (surnames) found amongst the Kashmiri Muslims who migrated from the [[Kashmir Valley|Valley]]<ref name=":032"/> to the Punjab include [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt),<ref name="Bansi Pandit">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zsoC6GWr47QC&pg=PA99&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=JdEbTaLcOsqkngfx4f2aDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=Explore Kashmiri Pandits|publisher=Dharma Publications|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref><ref name="P. K. Kaul">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DKFjAAAAMAAJ&q=butt+pahari&dq=butt+pahari&hl=en&ei=VdgbTd-VOsGfnAfphoSQDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCA|title=Pahāṛi and other tribal dialects of Jammu, Volume 1|publisher=Eastern Book Linkers|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|author=P.K. Kaul|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref> [[Dar (surname)|Dar]],<ref name="Bansi Pandit" /> [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone), [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani), Mir and Shaikh.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LPsvytmN3mUC&pg=PA479&dq=malik+kashmir+caste&hl=en&ei=OPjxTISOA4GC8gb92eThDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=malik%20kashmir%20caste&f=false|title=A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province|last=|first=|publisher=Nirmal Publishers and Distributors|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=|quote=|via=|accessdate=25 March 2007}}</ref><ref name=":182">{{Cite book|url=http://www.panjabdigilib.org/webuser/searches/displayPageContent.jsp?ID=14653&page=307&CategoryID=1&pagetype=1&Searched=W3GX|title=Punjab Census Report 17 Feb 1881|last=|first=|publisher=|year=1883|isbn=|location=|pages=303|quote=The Kashmiris have returned numerous sub-divisions of which the few largest are shown in the margin.|access-date=30 December 2016|via=}}</ref> The 1881 Census of the Punjab recorded these major Kashmiri sub-divisions in the Punjab along with their population. The [[Bhat|Bat]] (Butt) tribe numbered 24,463, the [[Dhar (surname)|Dar]] tribe numbered 16,215, the [[Lone|Lun]] (Lone) tribe numbered 4,848, the [[Wani (surname)|Wain]] (Wani) tribe numbered 7,419, the Mir sub-division numbered 19,855 and the Sheikhs numbered 14,902.<ref name=":182" /> Watorfield also noted the presence of the Bat (Butt) and Dar castes amongst the Kashmiris of the town of [[Gujrat City|Gujrat]] in Punjab.<ref name="H.A. Rose - 22" />{{quote|source=|The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.<ref name="Anthropological Survey of India">{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|publisher=The Survey|quote=The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine.|accessdate=2010-12-02}}</ref>||url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gPmBAAAAMAAJ&q=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&dq=bhat+butt+name+kashmir&hl=en&ei=ddEbTbSNOsKTnwf9v7mjDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD4Q6AEwBjgK|title=The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52|Publisher=The Survey|URL access date=2010-12-02}} === <nowiki/>Azad Kashmir === During the 1990s around 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian administered Kashmir to Pakistan, which as of 2010 had not granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the refugees.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-South-Central/2010/1013/Thousands-fled-India-controlled-Kashmir.-Are-they-better-off-in-Pakistan|title=Thousands fled India-controlled Kashmir. Are they better off in Pakistan?|last=Ahmed|first=Issam|date=October 13, 2010|work=The Christian Science Monitor|quote=Some 35,000 Kashmiris fled from Indian-controlled Kashmir during the 1990s to settle in Pakistan, a country that has not yet granted citizenship to up to 40 percent of the migrants....migrants speak the Kashmiri language whereas many of the locals speak a dialect of Punjabi.|access-date=29 December 2016|via=}}</ref> Ms. Lucas suggests that the Pakistani government has been slow in providing citizenship to the refugees because doing so might nullify their right to self-determination. ===Sindh=== The city of [[Karachi]] is home to a significant diaspora of [[Kashmiris]].<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/136350-Kashmiris-in-Sindh-to-vote-for-two-AJK-seats-today|title=Kashmiris in Sindh to vote for two AJK seats today|work=The News|date=21 July 2016|accessdate=22 May 2017|first=Zia Ur|last=Rehman}}</ref> ==India== ===Himachal Pradesh=== The state of Himachal Pradesh in India has the second-largest Kashmiri language speakers after Kashmir Valley and adjoining areas. A number of Kashmiri Pandits after the eruption of Armed rebellion and subsequent human rights violation in the valley migrated to this region over centuries and the numbers increased between 1947–48 and 1989-91. ===Delhi=== Delhi has been abode to Kashmiris for centuries, and the number increased in 1947-48 and after start of armed conflict in 1989. A number of Kashmiri organisations have been existence for over half a century in Delhi, including Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Panun Kashmir, Vyeth Television, and N. S. Kashmir Research Institute. ==United Kingdom== There are about 500 families of Kashmiris in the UK. They have been essentially upstaged by the far larger numbers of the [[British Mirpuris]], who have waged a campaign since the 1990s laying claim to the 'Kashmiri' identity. The Valley Kashmiris in the UK maintain that they are "Kashmiris" and the Mirpuris are "''nouveaux'' Kashmiris".<ref>{{cite journal |first=Alexander |last=Evans |year=2005 |title=Kashmir: a tale of two valleys |journal=Asian Affairs |volume=36 |number=1 |pp=35–47 |DOI=10.1080/03068370500038989 |subscription=yes}}</ref> ==Overseas organisations== * [http://koausa.org/koa/ Indo American Kashmir Forum] * [http://www.kashmirhindufoundation.org/ Kashmir Hindu Foundation (KHF)] * Indo Canadian Kashmiri Forum * Indo European Kashmiri Forum * Kashmiri Overseas Organisations All entire Kashmiri Pandit organisations spread the message of peace and tranquility{{Citation needed|date=August 2016}}. These organisation are trying to preserve Kashmiri language and heritage by teaching youngsters their language, culture and history. Kashmiri Pandit Sabha is the biggest organisation of Kashmiri outside Kashmir, and they have a number of sister chapters across India. == See also == * [[Azad Kashmiri diaspora]] * [[Kashmiris]] * [[Kashmiris of Punjab]] * [[Kashmir conflict]] * [[List of Kashmiri people]] ==References== {{reflist}} ==External links== * [http://koausa.org Kashmiri Overseas Association] {{Overseas Asians}} {{NRI-PIO}} {{Pakistani diaspora}} [[Category:Kashmiri diaspora| ]] [[Category:Indian diaspora]]'

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