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'{{Infobox park | name = University of Oxford Botanic Garden | photo = Oxford Botanic Garden in Autumn 2004.jpg | photo_width = 240 | photo_caption = Autumn foliage in the Walled Garden | type = [[Botanical garden|Botanic Garden]] | location = [[High Street, Oxford]], [[England]] | coords = {{coord|51|45|02|N|1|14|54|W|display=inline,title}} | area = 1.8 [[hectare]]s | created = | operator = [[University of Oxford]] | visitation_num = | status = Open all year }} The '''University of Oxford Botanic Garden''' is an historic [[botanical garden|botanic garden]] in [[Oxford]], [[England]]. It is the oldest botanic garden in [[Great Britain]] and one of the oldest scientific gardens in the world. The garden was founded in 1621 as a [[physic garden]] growing [[plant]]s for medicinal research. Today it contains over 8,000 different plant [[species]] on 1.8 [[hectare]]s (4½ [[acre]]s). It is one of the most diverse yet compact [[Collection (museum)|collections]] of plants in the world and includes representatives from over 90% of the higher plant families. ==History== === Foundation === In 1621, [[Henry Danvers, 1st Earl of Danby]] contributed £5,000 (equivalent to £744,000 in 2005)<ref>Lawrence H. Officer, "[http://www.measuringworth.com/calculators/ppoweruk/ Purchasing Power of British Pounds from 1264 to 2005]". MeasuringWorth.com, 2006, accessed 11 December 2006.</ref> to set up a physic garden for "the glorification of the works of God and for the furtherance of learning". He chose a site on the banks of the [[River Cherwell]] at the northeast corner of [[Christ Church, Oxford|Christ Church Meadow]], belonging to [[Magdalen College, Oxford|Magdalen College]]. Part of the land had been a [[Jewish cemetery]] until the [[Edict of Expulsion|Jews were expelled]] from [[Oxford]] (and the rest of [[England]]) in 1290. Four thousand cartloads of "mucke and dunge" were needed to raise the land above the [[flood-plain]] of the [[River Cherwell]].<ref>[http://www.oxfordhistory.org.uk/high/tour/south/botanic_garden.html Oxfordhistory.org.uk].</ref> ===Catalogue=== [[Humphry Sibthorp (botanist)|Humphry Sibthorp]] began the catalogue of the plants of the garden, ''Catalogus Plantarum Horti Botanici Oxoniensis''. His youngest son was the well-known botanist [[John Sibthorp]] (1758–1796), who continued the ''Catalogus Plantarum''. == Layout == [[File:Magdalen College from the Botanic Gardens Rose Garden.jpg|thumb|right|upright|[[Magdalen College, Oxford|Magdalen College]] as viewed from the rose gardens on the south side of the [[High Street, Oxford|High Street]], at the front of the Oxford Botanic Garden.]] The Garden comprises three sections: * the Walled Garden, surrounded by the original seventeenth century stonework and home to the Garden's oldest tree, an English [[Taxus baccata|yew]], ''Taxus baccata''; * the Glasshouses, which allow the cultivation of plants needing protection from the extremes of British weather; and * the area outside the walled area between the Walled Garden and the River Cherwell. A satellite site, the [[Harcourt Arboretum]], is located six miles (10&nbsp;km) south of Oxford. ==The Danby Gateway== [[File:Botanic gate.jpg|thumb|left|upright|The Danby gateway to the Botanic Garden built in 1633.]] The Danby gateway to the Botanic Garden is one of three entrances designed<ref>"probably designed", according to Colvin 1995.</ref> by [[Nicholas Stone]] between 1632 and 1633. It is one of the earliest structures in Oxford to use classical, indeed early [[Baroque]], style, preceding his new entrance porch for the [[University Church of St Mary the Virgin]] of 1637, and contemporary with Canterbury Quad at [[St John's College, Oxford|St John's College]] by others. In this highly ornate arch, Stone ignored the new simple classical [[Palladian]] style currently fashionable, which had just been introduced to England from Italy by [[Inigo Jones]], and drew his inspiration from an illustration in [[Serlio]]'s book of archways.<ref>Pevsner, p.267. Pevsner is almost certainly referring to [[Tutte l'opere d'architettura]], Volume 6. p17. "Libro estraordinario" published in 1584.</ref> The gateway consists of three bays, each with a [[pediment]]. The largest and central bay, containing the segmented arch is recessed, causing its larger pediment to be partially hidden by the flanking smaller pediments of the projecting lateral bays. The stone work is heavily decorated being bands of alternating vermicelli [[Rustication (architecture)|rustication]] and plain dressed stone. The pediments of the lateral bays are seemingly supported by circular columns which frame niches containing statues of Charles I and Charles II in classical pose. The [[Tympanum (architecture)|tympanum]] of the central pediment contains a segmented niche containing a bust of the Earl of Danby. It is a Grade I listed structure (ref. 1485/423). ==Walled garden== [[File:Oxford Botanic Garden in Winter 2004.jpg|thumb|The gardens under snow.]] [[File:An obscured Magdalen Great Tower from the Botanic Gardens.jpg|thumb|The [[Magdalen Tower, Oxford|Magdalen Great Tower]] obscured behind vegetation in the centre of the gardens.]] *'''Botanical family beds''' The core collection of hardy plants are grouped in long, narrow, oblong beds by botanical family and ordered according to the [[Scientific classification|classification]] system devised by nineteenth century [[botanist]]s, [[George Bentham|Bentham]] and [[Joseph Dalton Hooker|Hooker]]. The families represented in the Walled Garden include: [[Acanthaceae]], [[Amaranthaceae]], [[Amaryllidaceae]], [[Apocynaceae]], [[Araceae]], [[Aristolochiaceae]], [[Berberidaceae]], [[Boraginaceae]], [[Campanulaceae]], [[Caryophyllaceae]], [[Chenopodiaceae]], [[Cistaceae]], [[Commelinaceae]], [[Compositae]], [[Convolvulaceae]], [[Crassulaceae]], [[Cruciferae]], [[Cyperaceae]], [[Dioscoreaceae]], [[Dipsacaceae]], [[Euphorbiaceae]], [[Gentianaceae]], [[Geraniaceae]], [[Gramineae]], [[Hypericaceae]], [[Iridaceae]], [[Juncaceae]], [[Labiatae]], [[Leguminosae]], [[Liliaceae]], [[Linaceae]], [[Loasaceae]], [[Lythraceae]], [[Malvaceae]], [[Onagraceae]], [[Paeoniaceae]], [[Papaveraceae]], [[Phytolaccaceae]], [[Plantaginaceae]], [[Plumbaginaceae]], [[Polemoniaceae]], [[Polygonaceae]], [[Portulacaceae]], [[Primulaceae]], [[Ranunculaceae]], [[Rosaceae]], [[Rubiaceae]], [[Rutaceae]], [[Saxifragaceae]], [[Solanaceae]], [[Umbelliferae]], [[Urticaceae]], [[Verbenaceae]], [[Violaceae]]. In 1983, [[NCCPG|The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens]] (NCCPG) chose Oxford Botanic Garden to cultivate the national collection of [[spurge|euphorbia]]. One of the [[Endangered species|rarest]] plants in the collection is ''[[Euphorbia stygiana]]'', with only ten plants left existing in the wild. The Garden is propagating the species as quickly as possible to reduce the possibility of it becoming extinct. *'''Economic beds''' Eight beds in the southwest corner of the Garden represent plants with links to modern [[medicine]]. Examples include [[Galega officinalis]] which contains galegine and guanidine, upon which the anti-diabetic drug metformin is modelled and [[Artemisia annua]] which is the source of the anti-malarial drug [[artemisinin]]. *'''Variegated plants''' Two beds in the northwest corner of the Garden contain [[variegated plant]]s laid out according to the classification system devised at the Garden by Professor [[C. D. Darlington]] and former Superintendent [[J. K. Burras]] in the 1970s. Examples include ''Aegopodium podagraria'' 'Variegatum', a highly [[Invasive species|invasive]] plant introduced in the [[Middle Ages]] as a [[potherb]] boiled like [[spinach]], and used in the treatment of [[gout]]; ''Weigela praecdox'' 'Variegata', a compact [[shrub]] suitable for a small garden; and ''[[Cornus alternifolia]]'' 'Argentea' known as the pagoda dogwood. *'''Hybrids and parents''' One bed in the north end of the garden contains some [[Hybrid (biology)|hybrids]] between species from the same [[genus]]. An example includes ''Viburnum × bodnantense'', growing with its parents, ''V. farreri'' and ''V. grandiflorum''. *'''Bearded irises''' One bed in the northwest corner of the garden contains a display of [[Iris (plant)|bearded irises]] each May. Examples include ''Iris'' 'Eileen' and ''Iris'' 'Golden Encore'. Some of the varieties grown in the Garden are not grown anywhere else. [[File:The Botanic Gardens glass houses by the Isis.JPG|thumb|[[Magdalen Tower, Oxford|Magdalen Tower]] from the Green Houses along the [[River Cherwell]].]] *'''Wall borders''' The [[border]]s along the foot of the wall contain collections that thrive in the [[microclimate]] created by the Wall. The cool east border includes ferns, ''Stachyurus praecox'', ''Astrantia major'', and ''Equisetum telmateia''. The dry, shaded south border includes ''Jasminum nudiflorum'', ''Hydrangea anomala petiolaris'', ''Lonicera fragrantissima'' and ''L. × purpusii'', and the unusual and rare ''Ercilla volubilis'' and ''Arisarum proboscoideum''. The southeast border contains the [[bamboo]] collection. The west and north borders contain plant collections grouped by their [[geographical]] origin. The [[Sino-Japanese]] collection at the southwest border includes ''Clerodendrum bungei''. The [[North America]]n collection at the west border includes ''Fremontodendron californicum''. The [[Europe]]an collection at the northwest border includes {{Lang|lat|Cliantus puniceus}}. The [[Mediterranean region|Mediterranean]] collection at the north border includes ''Euphorbia myrsinites''. The [[South America]]n collection at the north border includes ''Acca sellowiana''. The [[South Africa]]n collection at the northeast border includes ''Kniphofia caulescens''. ==Glasshouses== *'''Conservatory''' The house is an [[aluminium]] replica of the original 1893 [[wooden]] house and grows [[season]]al flowers such as [[primula]]s, [[abutilon]]s, [[fuchsia]]s, and [[achimenes]]. Various exhibitions which change throughout the year are displayed in the centre area. [[File:Alice-queen-hearts.jpg|thumb|upright|The Queen of Hearts and Alice in the Garden, the waterlily house in the background.]] *'''Alpine House''' Plants which cannot grow to their full potential outside are displayed in this house. The displays are changed regularly so that there is always something in flower. *'''Fernery''' A collection of [[fern]]s from around the world are housed here including ''Platycerium bifurcatum'' ([[Platycerium|stag's horn fern]]), ''Lygodium japonicum'' (a [[climbing fern]]), and ''Tricomanes speciosum'' (a [[filmy fern]] native to western Britain). *'''Tropical Lily House''' The tank in the lily house built in 1851 by Professor [[Charles Daubeny]], Keeper of the Garden at the time, is the oldest existing part of the glasshouses. [[Tropical]] [[Nymphaeaceae|water lilies]] grow in boxes in the tank, including the hybrid ''Nymphaea × daubenyana'' named in honour of Professor Daubeny in 1874. Also growing in the house are economic plants including [[banana]]s, [[sugar cane]], and [[rice]], and the papyrus reed, ''[[Cyperus papyrus]]'', a native of river banks in the [[Middle East]]. Flowering high in the glasshouse is the yellow-flowered ''[[Allamanda|Allamanda cathartica]]''. *'''Orchid House''' This house grows a collection of [[orchid]]s aimed at showing the diversity of growth habit in the [[Orchidaceae]], the largest family of flowering plants in the world. [[Bromeliad]]s such as ''Ananas comosus'', or [[pineapple]], are also grown in the house. *'''Palm House''' The largest glasshouse in the Garden, this house grows [[Arecaceae|palm]]s and a large number of economic plants including [[citrus fruit]]s, [[Black pepper|pepper]]<!-- Anyone know what kind of pepper we're talking about here?-->, [[sweet potato]], [[papaya|pawpaw]], [[olive]], [[coffee]], [[ginger]], [[coconut]], [[Cocoa bean|cocoa]], [[cotton]], and [[oil palm]]. There is a collection of [[cycad]]s which look like palms but are unrelated. Several important teaching collections present include the Acanthaceae including the [[shrimp plant]] ''Justicia brandegeana'', the [[Gesneriaceae]], and a large number of ''[[Begonia]]'' species. *'''Succulent House''' Plants in this house come from arid areas of the world and demonstrate ways in which plant forms economise the use of water. ==Outside the walled garden== *'''Rock Garden''' *'''Bog Garden''' *'''Herbaceous Border''' *'''Autumn Border''' *'''Glasshouse Borders''' *'''Merton Borders''' [[File:TASbench.jpg|thumb|The wooden bench at the back of the Botanic Garden featured in ''[[The Amber Spyglass]]'' by [[Philip Pullman]].]] [[File:Lyra+Will.jpg|thumb|"Lyra+Will" carved in the above-mentioned bench (photographed October 7, 2007).]] ==In literature== The Garden was the site of frequent visits in the 1860s by [[University of Oxford|Oxford]] [[mathematics]] [[professor]] [[Lewis Carroll]] and the Liddell children, [[Alice Liddell|Alice]] and her sisters. Like many of the places and people of Oxford, it was a source of inspiration for Carroll's stories in ''[[Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]]''. The Garden's waterlily house can be seen in the background of Sir [[John Tenniel]]'s illustration of "The Queen's Croquet-Ground". Another Oxford professor and author, [[J. R. R. Tolkien]], often spent his time at the garden reposing under his favourite tree, ''[[European Black Pine|Pinus nigra]]''. The enormous Austrian pine is much like the [[Ent]]s of his ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' story,{{Citation needed|date=May 2009}} the walking, talking tree-people of [[Middle-earth]]. In the [[Evelyn Waugh]] novel ''[[Brideshead Revisited]]'', Lord Sebastian Flyte takes Charles Ryder "to see the ivy" soon after they first meet. As he says, "Oh, Charles, what a lot you have to learn! There's a beautiful arch there and more different kinds of ivy than I knew existed. I don't know where I should be without the Botanical gardens" (Chapter One). In [[Philip Pullman]]'s trilogy of novels ''[[His Dark Materials]]'', a bench in the back of the garden is one of the locations/objects that stand parallel in the two different worlds that the protagonists, [[Lyra Belacqua]] and [[Will Parry (His Dark Materials)|Will Parry]], live in.<ref>Leonard, Bill, ''The Oxford of [[Inspector Morse]]'' Location Guides, Oxford (2004) p.198. ISBN 0-9547671-1-X.</ref> In the last chapter of the trilogy, both promised to sit on the bench for an hour at noon on [[Midsummer]]'s day every year so that perhaps they may feel each other's presence next to one another in their own worlds. ==See also== {{portal|Children's literature}} * [[Cambridge University Botanic Garden]] * [[Timothy Walker (botanist)]], ''[[Horti Praefectus]]'' (Director) of the Garden since 1988 ==Notes== {{reflist}} ==References== *[[Howard Colvin|Colvin, Howard]], ''A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600-1840'' 3rd ed. ([[Yale University Press]]) 1995, ''s.v.'' "Stone, Nicholas" *{{cite book | last = Jennifer Sherwood | first = Nikolaus Pevsner | year = 1974 | title = The Buildings of England, Oxfordshire | publisher = Yale University Press | location = New Haven and London | isbn = 0-300-09639-9 }} ==External links== *[http://www.botanic-garden.ox.ac.uk/ Official website] *[http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/oxfordtour/botanicgardens/ Virtual tour] *[http://www.fobg.org.uk/index.htm The Friends of Oxford Botanic Garden] *[http://www.gardenvisit.com/g/ox2.htm Oxford Botanic Garden — a Gardens Guide review] {{DEFAULTSORT:Botanic Garden, University of Oxford}} [[Category:1621 establishments in England]] [[Category:Botanical gardens in England|Oxford Botanic Garden]] [[Category:Gardens in Oxfordshire|Oxford Botanic Garden]] [[Category:Alice in Wonderland]] [[Category:Culture of the University of Oxford]] [[Category:Departments of the University of Oxford]] [[Category:University of Oxford sites]] [[Category:History of the University of Oxford]] [[Category:Parks and open spaces in Oxford]] [[Category:Visitor attractions in Oxford]] [[Category:Grade I listed buildings in Oxford]] [[es:Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Oxford]] [[fr:Jardin botanique de l'université d'Oxford]] [[nl:University of Oxford Botanic Garden]] [[pt:Jardim Botânico de Oxford]]'

New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)

'{{Infobox park | name = University of Oxford Botanic Garden | photo = Oxford Botanic Garden in Autumn 2004.jpg | photo_width = 240 | photo_caption = Autumn foliage in the Walled Garden | type = [[Botanical garden|Botanic Garden]] | location = [[High Street, Oxford]], [[England]] | coords = {{coord|51|45|02|N|1|14|54|W|display=inline,title}} | area = 1.8 [[hectare]]s | created = | operator = [[University of Oxford]] | visitation_num = | status = Open all year }} The '''University of Oxford Botanic Garden''' is an historic [[botanical garden|botanic garden]] in [[Oxford]], [[England]]. It is the oldest botanic garden in [[Great Britain]] and one of the oldest scientific gardens in the world. The garden was founded in 1621 as a [[physic garden]] growing [[plant]]s for medicinal research. Today it contains over 8,000 different plant [[species]] on 1.8 [[hectare]]s (4½ [[acre]]s). It is one of the most diverse yet compact [[Collection (museum)|collections]] of plants in the world and includes representatives from over 90% of the higher plant families. ==History== === Foundation === In 1621, [[Henry Danvers, 1st Earl of Danby]] contributed £5,000 (equivalent to £744,000 in 2005)<ref>Lawrence H. Officer, "[http://www.measuringworth.com/calculators/ppoweruk/ Purchasing Power of British Pounds from 1264 to 2005]". MeasuringWorth.com, 2006, accessed 11 December 2006.</ref> to set up a physic garden for "the glorification of the works of God and for the furtherance of learning". He chose a site on the banks of the [[River Cherwell]] at the northeast corner of [[Christ Church, Oxford|Christ Church Meadow]], belonging to [[Magdalen College, Oxford|Magdalen College]]. Part of the land had been a [[Jewish cemetery]] until the [[Edict of Expulsion|Jews were expelled]] from [[Oxford]] (and the rest of [[England]]) in 1290. Four thousand cartloads of "mucke and dunge" were needed to raise the land above the [[flood-plain]] of the [[River Cherwell]].<ref>[http://www.oxfordhistory.org.uk/high/tour/south/botanic_garden.html Oxfordhistory.org.uk].</ref> ===Catalogue=== [[Humphry Sibthorp (botanist)|Humphry Sibthorp]] began the catalogue of the plants of the garden, ''Catalogus Plantarum Horti Botanici Oxoniensis''. His youngest son was the well-known botanist [[John Sibthorp]] (1758–1796), who continued the ''Catalogus Plantarum''. == Layout == [[File:Magdalen College from the Botanic Gardens Rose Garden.jpg|thumb|right|upright|[[Magdalen College, Oxford|Magdalen College]] as viewed from the rose gardens on the south side of the [[High Street, Oxford|High Street]], at the front of the Oxford Botanic Garden.]] The Garden comprises three sections: * the Walled Garden, surrounded by the original seventeenth century stonework and home to the Garden's oldest tree, an English [[Taxus baccata|yew]], ''Taxus baccata''; * the Glasshouses, which allow the cultivation of plants needing protection from the extremes of British weather; and * the area outside the walled area between the Walled Garden and the River Cherwell. A satellite site, the [[Harcourt Arboretum]], is located six miles (10&nbsp;km) south of Oxford. ==The Danby Gateway== [[File:Botanic gate.jpg|thumb|left|upright|The Danby gateway to the Botanic Garden built in 1633.]] The Danby gateway to the Botanic Garden is one of three entrances designed<ref>"probably designed", according to Colvin 1995.</ref> by [[Nicholas Stone]] between 1632 and 1633. It is one of the earliest structures in Oxford to use classical, indeed early [[Baroque]], style, preceding his new entrance porch for the [[University Church of St Mary the Virgin]] of 1637, and contemporary with Canterbury Quad at [[St John's College, Oxford|St John's College]] by others. In this highly ornate arch, Stone ignored the new simple classical [[Palladian]] style currently fashionable, which had just been introduced to England from Italy by [[Inigo Jones]], and drew his inspiration from an illustration in [[Serlio]]'s book of archways.<ref>Pevsner, p.267. Pevsner is almost certainly referring to [[Tutte l'opere d'architettura]], Volume 6. p17. "Libro estraordinario" published in 1584.</ref> The gateway consists of three bays, each with a [[pediment]]. The largest and central bay, containing the segmented arch is recessed, causing its larger pediment to be partially hidden by the flanking smaller pediments of the projecting lateral bays. The stone work is heavily decorated being bands of alternating vermicelli [[Rustication (architecture)|rustication]] and plain dressed stone. The pediments of the lateral bays are seemingly supported by circular columns which frame niches containing statues of Charles I and Charles II in classical pose. The [[Tympanum (architecture)|tympanum]] of the central pediment contains a segmented niche containing a bust of the Earl of Danby. It is a Grade I listed structure (ref. 1485/423). ==Walled garden== [[File:Oxford Botanic Garden in Winter 2004.jpg|thumb|The gardens under snow.]] [[File:An obscured Magdalen Great Tower from the Botanic Gardens.jpg|thumb|The [[Magdalen Tower, Oxford|Magdalen Great Tower]] obscured behind vegetation in the centre of the gardens.]] *'''Botanical family beds''' The core collection of hardy plants are grouped in long, narrow, oblong beds by botanical family and ordered according to the [[Scientific classification|classification]] system devised by nineteenth century [[botanist]]s, [[George Bentham|Bentham]] and [[Joseph Dalton Hooker|Hooker]]. The families represented in the Walled Garden include: [[Acanthaceae]], [[Amaranthaceae]], [[Amaryllidaceae]], [[Apocynaceae]], [[Araceae]], [[Aristolochiaceae]], [[Berberidaceae]], [[Boraginaceae]], [[Campanulaceae]], [[Caryophyllaceae]], [[Chenopodiaceae]], [[Cistaceae]], [[Commelinaceae]], [[Compositae]], [[Convolvulaceae]], [[Crassulaceae]], [[Cruciferae]], [[Cyperaceae]], [[Dioscoreaceae]], [[Dipsacaceae]], [[Euphorbiaceae]], [[Gentianaceae]], [[Geraniaceae]], [[Gramineae]], [[Hypericaceae]], [[Iridaceae]], [[Juncaceae]], [[Labiatae]], [[Leguminosae]], [[Liliaceae]], [[Linaceae]], [[Loasaceae]], [[Lythraceae]], [[Malvaceae]], [[Onagraceae]], [[Paeoniaceae]], [[Papaveraceae]], [[Phytolaccaceae]], [[Plantaginaceae]], [[Plumbaginaceae]], [[Polemoniaceae]], [[Polygonaceae]], [[Portulacaceae]], [[Primulaceae]], [[Ranunculaceae]], [[Rosaceae]], [[Rubiaceae]], [[Rutaceae]], [[Saxifragaceae]], [[Solanaceae]], [[Umbelliferae]], [[Urticaceae]], [[Verbenaceae]], [[Violaceae]]. In 1983, [[NCCPG|The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens]] (NCCPG) chose Oxford Botanic Garden to cultivate the national collection of [[spurge|euphorbia]]. One of the [[Endangered species|rarest]] plants in the collection is ''[[Euphorbia stygiana]]'', with only ten plants left existing in the wild. The Garden is propagating the species as quickly as possible to reduce the possibility of it becoming extinct. *'''Economic beds''' Eight beds in the southwest corner of the Garden represent plants with links to modern [[medicine]]. Examples include [[Galega officinalis]] which contains galegine and guanidine, upon which the anti-diabetic drug metformin is modelled and [[Artemisia annua]] which is the source of the anti-malarial drug [[artemisinin]]. *'''Variegated plants''' Two beds in the northwest corner of the Garden contain [[variegated plant]]s laid out according to the classification system devised at the Garden by Professor [[C. D. Darlington]] and former Superintendent [[J. K. Burras]] in the 1970s. Examples include ''Aegopodium podagraria'' 'Variegatum', a highly [[Invasive species|invasive]] plant introduced in the [[Middle Ages]] as a [[potherb]] boiled like [[spinach]], and used in the treatment of [[gout]]; ''Weigela praecdox'' 'Variegata', a compact [[shrub]] suitable for a small garden; and ''[[Cornus alternifolia]]'' 'Argentea' known as the pagoda dogwood. *'''Hybrids and parents''' One bed in the north end of the garden contains some [[Hybrid (biology)|hybrids]] between species from the same [[genus]]. An example includes ''Viburnum × bodnantense'', growing with its parents, ''V. farreri'' and ''V. grandiflorum''. *'''Bearded irises''' One bed in the northwest corner of the garden contains a display of [[Iris (plant)|bearded irises]] each May. Examples include ''Iris'' 'Eileen' and ''Iris'' 'Golden Encore'. Some of the varieties grown in the Garden are not grown anywhere else. [[File:The Botanic Gardens glass houses by the Isis.JPG|thumb|[[Magdalen Tower, Oxford|Magdalen Tower]] from the Green Houses along the [[River Cherwell]].]] *'''Wall borders''' The [[border]]s along the foot of the wall contain collections that thrive in the [[microclimate]] created by the Wall. The cool east border includes ferns, ''Stachyurus praecox'', ''Astrantia major'', and ''Equisetum telmateia''. The dry, shaded south border includes ''Jasminum nudiflorum'', ''Hydrangea anomala petiolaris'', ''Lonicera fragrantissima'' and ''L. × purpusii'', and the unusual and rare ''Ercilla volubilis'' and ''Arisarum proboscoideum''. The southeast border contains the [[bamboo]] collection. The west and north borders contain plant collections grouped by their [[geographical]] origin. The [[Sino-Japanese]] collection at the southwest border includes ''Clerodendrum bungei''. The [[North America]]n collection at the west border includes ''Fremontodendron californicum''. The [[Europe]]an collection at the northwest border includes {{Lang|lat|Cliantus puniceus}}. The [[Mediterranean region|Mediterranean]] collection at the north border includes ''Euphorbia myrsinites''. The [[South America]]n collection at the north border includes ''Acca sellowiana''. The [[South Africa]]n collection at the northeast border includes ''Kniphofia caulescens''. ==Glasshouses== *'''Conservatory''' The house is an [[aluminium]] replica of the original 1893 [[wooden]] house and grows [[season]]al flowers such as [[primula]]s, [[abutilon]]s, [[fuchsia]]s, and [[achimenes]]. Various exhibitions which change throughout the year are displayed in the centre area. [[File:Alice-queen-hearts.jpg|thumb|upright|The Queen of Hearts and Alice in the Garden, the waterlily house in the background.]] *'''Alpine House''' Plants which cannot grow to their full potential outside are displayed in this house. The displays are changed regularly so that there is always something in flower. *'''Fernery''' A collection of [[fern]]s from around the world are housed here including ''Platycerium bifurcatum'' ([[Platycerium|stag's horn fern]]), ''Lygodium japonicum'' (a [[climbing fern]]), and ''Tricomanes speciosum'' (a [[filmy fern]] native to western Britain). *'''Tropical Lily House''' The tank in the lily house built in 1851 by Professor [[Charles Daubeny]], Keeper of the Garden at the time, is the oldest existing part of the glasshouses. [[Tropical]] [[Nymphaeaceae|water lilies]] grow in boxes in the tank, including the hybrid ''Nymphaea × daubenyana'' named in honour of Professor Daubeny in 1874. Also growing in the house are economic plants including [[banana]]s, [[sugar cane]], and [[rice]], and the papyrus reed, ''[[Cyperus papyrus]]'', a native of river banks in the [[Middle East]]. Flowering high in the glasshouse is the yellow-flowered ''[[Allamanda|Allamanda cathartica]]''. *'''Orchid House''' This house grows a collection of [[orchid]]s aimed at showing the diversity of growth habit in the [[Orchidaceae]], the largest family of flowering plants in the world. [[Bromeliad]]s such as ''Ananas comosus'', or [[pineapple]], are also grown in the house. *'''Palm House''' The largest glasshouse in the Garden, this house grows [[Arecaceae|palm]]s and a large number of economic plants including [[citrus fruit]]s, [[Black pepper|pepper]]<!-- Anyone know what kind of pepper we're talking about here?-->, [[sweet potato]], [[papaya|pawpaw]], [[olive]], [[coffee]], [[ginger]], [[coconut]], [[Cocoa bean|cocoa]], [[cotton]], and [[oil palm]]. There is a collection of [[cycad]]s which look like palms but are unrelated. Several important teaching collections present include the Acanthaceae including the [[shrimp plant]] ''Justicia brandegeana'', the [[Gesneriaceae]], and a large number of ''[[Begonia]]'' species. *'''Succulent House''' Plants in this house come from arid areas of the world and demonstrate ways in which plant forms economise the use of water. ==Outside the walled garden== *'''Rock Garden''' *'''Bog Garden''' *'''Herbaceous Border''' *'''Autumn Border''' *'''Glasshouse Borders''' *'''Merton Borders''' [[File:TASbench.jpg|thumb|The wooden bench at the back of the Botanic Garden featured in ''[[The Amber Spyglass]]'' by [[Philip Pullman]].]] [[File:Lyra+Will.jpg|thumb|"Lyra+Will" carved in the above-mentioned bench (photographed October 7, 2007).]] ==In literature== The Garden was the site of frequent visits in the 1860s by [[University of Oxford|Oxford]] [[mathematics]] [[professor]] [[Lewis Carroll]] and the Liddell children, [[Alice Liddell|Alice]] and her sisters. Like many of the places and people of Oxford, it was a source of inspiration for Carroll's stories in ''[[Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]]''. The Garden's waterlily house can be seen in the background of Sir [[John Tenniel]]'s illustration of "The Queen's Croquet-Ground". Another Oxford professor and author, [[J. R. R. Tolkien]], often spent his time at the garden reposing under his favourite tree, ''[[European Black Pine|Pinus nigra]]''. The enormous Austrian pine is much like the [[Ent]]s of his ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' story,{{Citation needed|date=May 2009}} the walking, talking tree-people of [[Middle-earth]]. In the [[Evelyn Waugh]] novel ''[[Brideshead Revisited]]'', Lord Sebastian Flyte takes Charles Ryder "to see the ivy" soon after they first meet. As he says, "Oh, Charles, what a lot you have to learn! There's a beautiful arch there and more different kinds of ivy than I knew existed. I don't know where I should be without the Botanical gardens" (Chapter One). In [[Philip Pullman]]'s trilogy of novels ''[[His Dark Materials]]'', a bench in the back of the garden is one of the locations/objects that stand parallel in the two different worlds that the protagonists, [[Lyra Belacqua]] and [[Will Parry (His Dark Materials)|Will Parry]], live in.<ref>Leonard, Bill, ''The Oxford of [[Inspector Morse]]'' Location Guides, Oxford (2004) p.198. ISBN 0-9547671-1-X.</ref> In the last chapter of the trilogy, both promised to sit on the bench for an hour at noon on [[Midsummer]]'s day every year so that perhaps they may feel each other's presence next to one another in their own worlds. ==See also== {{portal|Children's literature}} * [[Cambridge University Botanic Garden]] * [[Timothy Walker (botanist)]], ''[[Horti Praefectus]]'' (Director) of the Garden since 1988 ==Notes== {{reflist}} ==References== *[[Howard Colvin|Colvin, Howard]], ''A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600-1840'' 3rd ed. ([[Yale University Press]]) 1995, ''s.v.'' "Stone, Nicholas" *{{cite book | last = Jennifer Sherwood | first = Nikolaus Pevsner | year = 1974 | title = The Buildings of England, Oxfordshire | publisher = Yale University Press | location = New Haven and London | isbn = 0-300-09639-9 }} ==External links== *[http://www.botanic-garden.ox.ac.uk/ Official website] *[http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/oxfordtour/botanicgardens/ Virtual tour] *[http://www.fobg.org.uk/index.htm The Friends of Oxford Botanic Garden] *[http://www.gardenvisit.com/g/ox2.htm Oxford Botanic Garden — a Gardens Guide review] {{DEFAULTSORT:Botanic Garden, University of Oxford}} [[Category:1621 establishments in England]] [[Category:Botanical gardens in England|Oxford Botanic Garden]] [[Category:Gardens in Oxfordshire|Oxford Botanic Garden]] [[Category:Alice in Wonderland]] [[Category:Culture of the University of Oxford]] [[Category:Departments of the University of Oxford]] [[Category:University of Oxford sites]] [[Category:History of the University of Oxford]] [[Category:Parks and open spaces in Oxford]] [[Category:Visitor attractions in Oxford]] [[Category:Grade I listed buildings in Oxford]] [[es:Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Oxford]] [[fr:Jardin botanique de l'université d'Oxford]] [[nl:University of Oxford Botanic Garden]] [[pnb:آکسفورڈ یونیورسٹی پھلواری]] [[pt:Jardim Botânico de Oxford]]'