2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election

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Parliamentary elections were held in Ukraine on 28 October 2012.[2] Because of various reasons, including the "impossibility of announcing election results" various by-elections have taken place since.[3][4][5][6] Hence, several constituencies have been left unrepresented at various times.[3][7][8][9]

2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election

← 2007 28 October 2012 2014 →

All 450 seats to the Verkhovna Rada
226 seats needed for a majority
Turnout57.43% (Decrease 4.60 pp)
  First party Second party Third party
Leader Mykola Azarov Arseniy Yatsenyuk Vitali Klitschko
Party Party of Regions Batkivshchyna UDAR
Leader since 23 April 2010 23 April 2012[1] 24 April 2010
Leader's seat Party list Party list Party list
Last election 175 seats, 34.94% 156 seats, 31.23% New
Seats won 185 101 40
Seat change Increase 10 Decrease 55 New
Popular vote 6,116,746 5,209,090 2,847,979
Percentage 30.00% (PR) 25.55% (PR) 13.97% (PR)
Swing Decrease 4.94% Decrease 5.68% New

  Fourth party Fifth party
Leader Oleh Tyahnybok Petro Symonenko
Party Svoboda KPU
Leader since 14 February 2004 19 June 1993
Leader's seat Party list Party list
Last election 0 seats, 0.78% 27 seats, 5.48%
Seats won 37 32
Seat change Increase 37 Increase 5
Popular vote 2,129,933 2,687,269
Percentage 10.45% (PR) 13.18% (PR)
Swing Increase 9.67% Increase 7.70%

Prime Minister before election

Mykola Azarov
Party of Regions

Elected Prime Minister

Mykola Azarov
Party of Regions

Unlike the two previous elections, this election used a parallel voting system, with half the seats elected by party-list proportional representation using a 5% election threshold and the other half by first-past-the-post voting in single-member constituencies,[10] with alliances no longer allowed.[11] The parallel voting system was used previously in 1998 and 2002.[12]

The election campaign was limited to 90 days.[10] Every citizen of Ukraine 18 years of age or older[13] was able to vote in 33,540 polling stations in Ukraine and 116 foreign polling stations in 77 countries.[14][15]

The Party of Regions won the largest number of seats while Fatherland (with several parties together as an "umbrella" party) came second.[16] The election was also noted for the rise of the far-right party Svoboda, which came in fourth.[16] The new (on the national scene) party UDAR also enjoyed noticeable great success with its third place in the election.[16] The far-left Communist Party of Ukraine almost tripled its numbers of voters but because of the mixed election system used in the election it only won five more seats compared with the previous election.[16] Because of this mixed system three small parties and 43 unaffiliated politicians also made it into parliament.[16]

The new parliament was appointed and started its tasks on 12 December 2012 – six weeks after the elections.[17][18] This was the last national Ukrainian election Crimea participated in before the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014.

Political crises and cancelled 2008 snap elections


On 8 October 2008 Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko tried to dissolve the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) and called early parliamentary elections in Ukraine for the second time in as many years[19] for 7 December 2008.[20][21][22][23] The right of the President to dismiss the parliament was challenged in Ukraine's Constitutional Court. The President's decree has since lapsed as it was never put into action[24] (the coalition supporting the second Tymoshenko Government was extended) and appeals to Ukraine's Constitutional Court were withdrawn. Nevertheless, a snap election was predicted by Ukrainian politicians during the 2010 presidential election and after the dismissal of the second Tymoshenko Government.[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38] One of the arguments against holding early elections were the costs.[39] Early elections were (in October 2008) estimated to cost approximately ₴417 million[40] (about EUR€60 million or US$80 million).[41]

2012 election date set


On 1 February 2011 the Verkhovna Rada set the election date for 28 October 2012.[2][42] Several deputies whose votes were registered that day have stated they could not have taken part in voting because they were not in Kyiv (where the Verkhovna Rada building is located) on 1 February 2011.[42][43] Voting by MPs in the place of absent MPs of the Verkhovna Rada is prohibited by law.[42] On 27 July 2012 the Central Election Commission of Ukraine announced that campaigning for the elections would commence on July 30.[44]

Changes in the voting system


Number of single-mandate constituencies per oblast compared with year 2002.

Map of single-mandate okruhy (districts) in elections.

In June 2011 the Venice Commission reviewed a proposed Draft Law on the election of Ukrainian parliamentary members.[45] The proposal sought to re-instate a parallel voting system – used in the 1998 and 2002 elections[46] – with the establishment of 225 local single-member districts elected (in one round)[47] by a first-past-the-post electoral system (candidate with the highest vote total wins); and the remaining 225 parliamentary seats being elected nationwide on a proportional party-list system[45] with a 5% support threshold; and excluding political blocs from all elections.[48] The option "Vote against all" was also made defunct in the proposal[48][49] (according to a November 2012 opinion poll by Research & Branding Group (otherwise) 17% of the voters would have voted "against everybody" during the elections).[50] The opposition and Ukrainian analysts accused the Party of Regions of "rewriting the law so that the president could secure a majority in the next Verkhovna Rada."[49][51] In October 2011 the Venice Commission recommended Ukraine should not return to a mixed election system.[52] Nevertheless, on 17 November 2011 the Ukrainian Parliament approved an election law almost identical to the June 2011 proposed Draft Law.[10][11] This new law satisfied the major opposition parties Batkivschyna and Front for Change; but was condemned by the core party of Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc, Our Ukraine.[53][54][55] Candidates could be elected on party lists or through self-nomination.[10] On 8 December 2011 President Viktor Yanukovych signed the new election law.[56] Since then several parties merged with other parties.[57][58][59]

The possibility to be simultaneously be nominated on a nationwide party list and in a single mandate constituency also was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on 10 April 2012.[60]

Voters could temporarily change their place of voting without changing their permanent voting address.[61]

Fraud suspicions and accusations


From 2011 to 2013 with liaison to Serhiy Lyovochkin, Alan Friedman, Eckart Sager, who was a one time CNN producer, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, and Manafort's senior aide Konstantin Kilimnik devised a strategy to discredit then Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko along with then United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who had been an outspoken critic of pro-Russia, pro-Kremlin, and pro-Putin supporters in Ukraine.[62] Manafort's Global Endeavour Inc., a St. Vincent and Grenadines based consulting and lobbying company, his Lucicle Consultants Ltd., a Cyprus based consulting company, and three other of his companies were hired to provide support to then President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich and his Party of Regions.[63][64][65] This strategy included: creating a fake think tank in Vienna, Austria, the Center for the Study of Former Soviet Socialist Republics (CXSSR), to support Yanukovich and his Party of Regions; using a social media blitz with Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, and altering the Google's search stack to disseminate articles and videos that undermine opponents of the Party of Regions and Yanukovich in Europe and the United States; rewriting Wikipedia articles to smear Yanukovich opponents especially Tymoshenko; and using Breitbart News, RedState, and an article in The Wall Street Journal to discredit the Obama State Department and Hillary Clinton herself.[62] Alan Friedman, who had not registered as a foreign agent in the United States, told Kostyantyn Gryshchenko that Friedman, who often wrote using the pen name Matthew Lina, published dozens of positive stories about the Party of Regions and Yanukovich and ensured that these were disseminated to over 2,000 publications and placed at the top of Google search stacks.[62] Known as the Tymoshenko Files, Friedman sent Manafort a highly confidential two page letter detailing Friedman's efforts and that Friedman would claim to be Inna Bohoslovska to ghost pen articles on her behalf.[62] In October 2012 after Hillary Clinton had supported Tymoshenko, Brietbart News released an article calling Hillary Clinton a “neo-Nazi Frankenstein”.[62][66][67][68]

Before election day candidates and analysts predicted that bribery to secure votes would be rampant.[61][69][70] A March 2012 poll by Research & Branding Group showed that 66% of the respondents believed that the election would not be fair, 18% disagreed with that.[71] In June 2012 the Committee of Voters of Ukraine declared that the use of government resources for partisan ends would not be decisive in the (then upcoming) elections.[72]

Following the elections the parties Fatherland, UDAR and Svoboda filled in an appeal at the Central Election Commission of Ukraine (CVK) with allegations of fraud in 13 simple-majority constituencies.[73] Irregularities in the elections like cases of ballot stuffing, carousel voting, suspiciously high voter turnout and bribed voters have been reported.[74][75] On 30 October 2012 the Committee of Voters of Ukraine stated that the elections saw a record number of cases of bribery of voters.[76] They also insisted the elections had not brought the country closer to democratic standards.[76] And that although there were no grounds to believe that the violations that were reported on polling day could affect the election results, the election results could seriously be affected by violations during the counting of votes.[76]

According to Opora the most common violations of the electoral law during the election campaign in August were using government resources for partisan purposes and vote buying.[77] According to Opora the Party of Regions committed the most violations of the electoral law.[78] On 28 October 2012 Party of Regions itself claimed to have documented 607 violations of the election legislation by its opponents.[79] According to Taras Kuzio Berkut riot police was used in attempts to destroy ballots.[80]

On 1 November 2012 the Deputy Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine (CVK), Zhanna Usenko-Chorna, stated that the elections were heavily falsified.[81] She indicated that several electoral districts clearly demonstrate a depravity of the single-constituency district elections in Ukraine and that as of 1 November CVK still had not received results from 14 electoral districts. According to her that was the main reason why CVK could not announce the complete results of the elections on the scheduled time, 31 October 2012.[82]

In mid-February 2012 Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko deputy Roman Zabzalyuk alleged without providing evidence that "if the results on Election Day can't be sufficiently fixed" the Party of Regions had already made plans to bribe deputies to join the Party of Regions after their election into the Parliament; representatives of the Party of Regions denied allegations of bribery or plans to fix the election.[83]

A notably reported scandal took place at the electoral district 215 where initially a win was awarded to the acting chairman of the Kyiv city council Halyna Hereha.[84] After the results were challenged it was decided to recount the votes with about 30 law enforcement personnel to keep public order.[85] Later everything was resolved and cleared that indeed the votes between the two candidates Hereha (independent) and Andriy Illyenko ("Svoboda") were switched around.[86] On 1 November 2012 Halyna Hereha officially complained about the elections, she stated that she did not intend to take it to court.[87]

To another electoral district 211 in Kyiv was sent an ambulance as a deputy chairman of the district electoral commission had a nervous breakdown. The commission of the district for three days had a difficult time to count all the votes.[88][89]

Another big scandal with involvement of the riot law enforcement unit of Berkut took place at the 95th electoral district (a Kyivan suburban city of Irpin). The electoral commission at the district was the slowest and the public involvement surely did not help to speed up the process, however a possible miscounting was prevented.[90] Previously, a possible riot from a big "youth group of athletic posture" was suspected by witnesses.[91]

Another scandal took place at the 223rd district where some fist fighting took place, which was eventually extinguished with the help of law enforcement.[92] Oleh Tyahnybok told Ukrainska Pravda that "Svoboda" will be picketing "EpiCenter" supermarkets and apartments of the 223rd electoral district commission members.[93] Because of the incident, Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) conducts a live broadcasting from the headquarters of the district. In protest the district electoral commission refuses to continue its work.[94][95]

At the 132nd district (Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv Oblast) peasants laid a siege around the building of the district electoral commission in the protest of post-electoral results.[96] According to Batkivshchyna it had been defrauded a win in the district in favour of a candidate of Party of Regions.[96]

Repeat elections in 5 constituencies


The Central Election Commission of Ukraine adopted a resolution on November 5 recognizing the impossibility of announcing election results in five single-seat constituencies (electoral districts 94, 132, 194, 197 and 223); it also recognized the need to hold repeat elections in these constituencies and asked parliament to take a decision on holding repeat elections in these constituencies.[5] On November 6 the Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution that proposed repeat elections.[5] On 8 November the Central Election Commission stated that the Verkhovna Rada should thus make a respective law for this and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should determine the amount of funding for these elections.[97]

On 29 December 2012, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine received a query from 54 Verkhovna Rada members concerning procedures for the five repeat elections.[98] As of 21 March 2013 the Constitutional Court has not opened a case on this issue.[98] The current Verkhovna Rada parliamentary majority refused to consider the scheduling of repeated elections in the five constituencies before the court issues its ruling on this issue.[98]

On 5 September 2013 the Verkhovna Rada set the date of (all, see below) 7 re-elections to 15 December 2013.[99]

Repeat elections in 2 more constituencies


In early February 2013 the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine ordered the Central Election Commission of Ukraine to hold new elections in 2 more districts after the court removed the deputy mandates of United Centre member Pavlo Baloha (at the time a member of the Party of Regions parliamentary faction) and independent Oleksandr Dombrovsky.[100] The Administrative Court established that the results in single-member districts number 11 (Vinnytsia Oblast; Dombrovsky) and number 71 (Zakarpattia Oblast; Baloha) after the 2012 elections had been "unreliable".[100] On 3 July 2013 Baloha's and Dombrovsky's mandates were officially cancelled.[7]

On 5 September 2013 the Verkhovna Rada set the date of (all, see above) 7 re-elections to 15 December 2013.[99]

By-election in constituency 224 (Sevastopol)


On 24 December 2012 President Viktor Yanukovych appointed Pavlo Lebedyev as Defense Minister.[101] Lebedyev had been elected as a lawmaker in the single-seat constituency No. 224 (in Sevastopol) in the 2012 election (28 October 2012).[101] On 22 March 2013 the Verkhovna Rada cancelled his parliamentary mandate.[101][102] The by-election for the single-seat constituency No. 224 was held on 7 July 2013 and won by independent Vadim Novinsky with 53.41% with a turnout of 23.91%.[101][103] Before the election Novinsky had stated he would join the Party of Regions if he won.[104]

Repeat elections in constituency 133 (Odesa)


On 12 September 2013 the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine (under a lawsuit lodged by Yuriy Karmazin) ruled it impossible to reliably establish the results of 28 October 2012 elections in single-mandate constituency No. 133 (in Odesa),[105] at the time Ihor Markov had been declared winner of that constituency.[106] The court overturned the Central Election Commission (CEC) decision of 23 November 2012 regarding Markov's registration as a People's Deputy of Ukraine and ordered the CEC to take measures to organize, prepare for and hold repeat elections in constituency No. 133.[106]

Police officers had documented the use of pens with disappearing ink in at least 40 polling stations in constituency No. 133 on 28 October 2012.[106]

Repeat elections in five constituencies of 15 December 2013


The Central Election Commission of Ukraine finalized the vote count on 12 November 2012 but simultaneously ordered – on recommendation of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) – repeat elections in five troubled single-mandate constituencies where it could not establish results.[3] Because of occurrences in these five constituencies.[4][5][97] In February 2013 the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine ordered to hold (additional) new elections in 2 more districts after the court removed the mandates of two seats.[100][6] On 5 September 2013 the Verkhovna Rada itself set the date of these 7 re-elections to 15 December 2013.[99] Hence, before 15 December 2013 of the 450 seats in parliament 443 deputies have been elected.[3][8][9][7] But eventually only repeat elections were held in 5 constituencies on 15 December 2013.[107]

Results of 15 December 2013 repeat elections[108]
Region Mandates Position District Name Votes % Party list Party member
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Central Obukhiv 094 Ruslan Badaev 58.25%
14 Mykolaiv 6 South-East Pervomaisk 132 Mykola Kruglov 47.85%
23 Cherkasy 7 Central Cherkasy-Prydniprovsky 194 Mykhailo Poplavsky 53.54%
23 Cherkasy 7 Central Kaniv 197 Leonid Datsenko 63.51% Batkivshchyna Batkivshchyna[109]
26 Kyiv City 13 Central Kyiv-Shevchenkivsky 223 Viktor Pylypyshyn 44.89%

By-election in constituency 83 (West Ivano-Frankivsk)


In February 2014 Oleksandr Sych became Vice Prime Minister in the Yatsenyuk Government.[110] Sych had been elected as a lawmaker in the single-seat constituency No. 83 (West Ivano-Frankivsk) in the 2012 election of 28 October 2012.[111]

The by-election for the single-seat constituency No. 83 was held on 25 May 2014 and won by independent Olexandr Shevchenko with 37.6% with a turnout of 37.66%.[112] The candidate of the party of Sych, Svoboda,[113] came third with 14.9%.[112]

Andriy Klyuyev was the chief campaign manager for the Party of Regions.[114] The Party of Regions' campaign focused heavily on promoting its record as the ruling party, contrasting the "stability" of the (then current) Azarov Government with "chaos" during the Second Tymoshenko Government in 2007–10 (which it referred to as: "the chaos and ruins of 5 years of orange leadership",.[115][8] It advocated a "balanced" approach to developing relations with Russia and the West, saying neither should be given priority over the other.[8]

Fatherland tried to paint the election as a battle of good against evil and pledged to impeach President Viktor Yanukovych.[8] The party stated it advocated "European values" and promised to reverse the Azarov Government policy of raising the status of the Russian language.[8]

UDAR avoided sensitive and polarising subjects and focused instead on popular topics, such as more empowerment to ordinary Ukrainians and a ruthless campaign against corruption, the indifference of the authorities, the lack of local governance, inequality and poverty.[8][116]

Svoboda softened their rhetoric in the campaign but nevertheless promised to shake up the country's political status quo.[116][117]

One of the biggest spenders of the campaign was the party Ukraine – Forward!.[118][119] One of their election billboards claimed that “an average wage of EUR€1,000 and a pension of €500” was realistic for Ukraine (the monthly average wage was €300 at the time).[120]

Many candidates in single-seat constituencies tended to focus on local issues, often distancing themselves from party agendas.[8]

Overall the election programs of the major parties bore many similarities; all pledged reforms to spur economic growth, higher wages, pensions and other benefits, better education and medical care.[8]

Two weeks before the (28 October) election UDAR withdrew 26 of its candidates running in single-member constituencies in favour of Fatherland candidates and they withdrew 26 parliamentary candidates in favor of UDAR in an attempt to maximise votes for the opposition.[121]

Political parties spent more than US$75 million on the election campaign in multi-member constituencies (according to the parties' official reports).[122] The Party of Regions spent about US$27 million, Fatherland more than $13 million, UDAR more than $4 million, the Communist Party of Ukraine $9 million, Our Ukraine $8 million and Ukraine – Forward! $7.6 million.[122] Svoboda claimed it had spent US$3 million on the campaign.[123] The Ukraine of the Future did not spend anything on campaigning yet still managed to take the 15th spot amongst the 21 parties who participated in the nationwide list with 0.18% of the votes.[123]

Denys Kovrizhenko of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems – Ukraine stated the sum of money spend could be up to 10 times more than what parties report afterwards.[124] According to OPORA “In general, candidates spend about three times more than they officially report to spend”.[124] Political scientist Artem Bidenko estimated other figures; he believed that the Party of Regions had spent around $850 million, Ukraine – Forward some $150 million, and the election campaigns of the rest of the political parties $350 million, while candidates in majority constituencies had spent some $900 million on the election campaign.[125] About half of the single-constituency candidates submitted reports about their campaign spending.[124]

In October 2008 Ukrainian experts estimated that a small political party who wants to win seats in parliament would spend up to US$30 million on the campaign and large political parties would spend up to $100 million.[126] Political analyst Pavlo Bulhak stated then that a party's election budget will be spent on advertising on television, bribing voters, organizing rallies and party propaganda.[126]

Level protocol handles on 30 October 2012; 1:30 pm

The leaders in multi-member districts by oblast

The leaders in multi-member districts by constituency

Leaders in single-mandate constituencies

On 8 November the Central Election Commission of Ukraine completed and released all results of the nationwide party list the constituencies (the elections took place on 28 October).[4] Meanwhile, the Central Election Commission refused to establish the election results for the first-past-post results in 5 constituencies.[97] The Central Election Commission of Ukraine finalized the vote count on 12 November 2012 but simultaneously ordered - on recommendation of the Verkhovna Rada - repeat elections (on a yet unknown date) in five troubled single-mandate constituencies where it could not establish results.[3] Because of occurrences in these five constituencies.[4][5][97] Hence, on 12 November 2012 445 deputies had been elected of the 450 seats in parliament.[3][8] On 8 February 2013 the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine deprived 2 more deputies of power.[7] They were banned from parliament on 3 July 2013.[7] On 5 September 2013 the Verkhovna Rada itself set the date of all 7 re-elections to 15 December 2013.[99]

Party of Regions6,116,74630.00725,641,71428.16113185+10
Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform2,847,97913.97341,790,1518.93640New
Communist Party of Ukraine2,687,26913.18321,554,4767.76032+5
Ukraine – Forward!322,1981.580187,0060.9300New
Our Ukraine226,4921.11051,6540.2600–72
Radical Party of Oleh Liashko221,1441.080105,2360.5311New
Party of Pensioners of Ukraine114,2060.5604,6400.02000
Socialist Party of Ukraine93,0710.460121,7520.61000
Party of Greens of Ukraine70,2610.34033,1310.17000
Ukrainian Party "Green Planet"70,1060.34015,9230.08000
Russian Bloc63,5320.31042,0740.21000
Ukraine of the Future37,9090.19027,0530.1400New
Native Fatherland32,7010.1603,7430.0200New
People's Labor Union of Ukraine22,8540.1106,9550.0300New
New Politics21,0300.10015,1680.08000
Ukrainian National Assembly16,9130.0803,1990.02000
Liberal Party of Ukraine15,5490.0803,2550.02000
People's Party354,9241.7722–18
United Centre155,4920.7833New
Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists74,7120.3700
Ukrainian Platform "Sobor"48,8130.2400
Party of Hungarians of Ukraine22,9220.1100New
United Left and Peasants21,5420.1100New
Agrarian Party of Ukraine16,2250.0800New
People's Initiative14,9680.0700New
Russian Unity13,8060.0700New
European Party of Ukraine13,5330.0700
Greater Ukraine9,4730.0500New
Patriotic Party of Ukraine9,2100.0500New
Ukrainian Party9,0880.0500New
Social-Environmental Party "Union. Chornobyl. Ukraine"8,3260.0400New
People's Party of Depositors and Social Security7,6840.0400New
People's Democratic Party6,3240.03000
Ukrainian National Conservative Party6,0360.0300New
One Rus5,8600.0300New
Ukrainian Marine Party5,5350.0300New
Youth Party of Ukraine5,2970.0300New
Solidarity of Women of Ukraine5,1430.0300New
Fair Ukraine4,8080.0200New
People's Movement of Ukraine3,0810.0200–6
Slavic Party2,1970.0100New
Spiritual Ukraine1,9030.0100New
Union of Anarchists of Ukraine1,6960.0100New
Social-Patriotic Assembly of Slavs1,6200.0100New
Meritocratic Party of Ukraine1,5990.0100New
Young Ukraine1,5830.0100New
Civil Solidarity Party1,5790.0100New
Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine1,2100.0100New
Sam za sebe1,1980.0100New
People's Ecological Party9040.0000New
Christian Movement5970.0000New
Youth to Power5640.0000New
Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine5290.0000New
Political Party of Small and Medium-sized Businesses of Ukraine5040.00000
Law and Order4970.0000New
European Platform4550.0000New
Internet Party of Ukraine4160.0000New
Bloc Party3970.0000New
All-Ukrainian Union "Center"3660.00000
For Human Rights3520.0000New
Civil Position3520.0000New
Democratic Party of Ukrainian Hunters3400.0000New
Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united)3400.0000New
Right Will of Ukraine2430.0000New
Cossack Ukrainian Party2350.0000New
All-Ukrainian Political Party "Fratenity"1880.0000New
Party of Free Democrats1860.00000
People's Order Party1240.0000New
Valid votes20,388,01998.03
Invalid/blank votes409,0681.97
Total votes20,797,087100.00
Registered voters/turnout36,213,01057.43
Source: CLEA

By electoral district


Next to the 87 political parties[127] 1150 independent candidates took part in the 225 electoral districts.[128]

List of 225 Electoral districts
Region District[129] Candidate[111] Votes % Party member
Name # of mandates Name Number
1 AR Crimea 10 Simferopol-Tsentralny 001 Vitalina Dzoz 38.76 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Simferopol-Kyivsky 002 Lev Myrymsky 36.45 Union
1 AR Crimea 10 Dzhankoi 003 Olena Netetska 50.37 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Yevpatoria 004 Oleh Paraskiv 34.00 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Kerch 005 Valentyna Lyutikova 41.81 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Feodosia 006 Yulia Lyovochkina 60.01 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Yalta 007 Serhiy Braiko 52.21 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Sudak 008 Borys Deich 62.42 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Krasnoperekopsk 009 Oleksandr Nechayev 58.07 Party of Regions
1 AR Crimea 10 Bakhchysarai 010 Hryhoriy Hruba 41.60 Party of Regions
2 Vinnytsia 8 Vinnytsia 011 Oleksandr Dombrovskyrecognized as invalid 30.16
2 Vinnytsia 8 Vinnytsia 012 Petro Poroshenko 71.52
2 Vinnytsia 8 Kalynivka 013 Mykola Katerynchuk 64.34 Fatherland
2 Vinnytsia 8 Zhmerynka 014 Viktor Zherebnyuk 33.32
2 Vinnytsia 8 Sharhorod 015 Mykola Dzhyha 39.65 Party of Regions
2 Vinnytsia 8 Yampil 016 Oksana Kaletnyk 43.22
2 Vinnytsia 8 Ladyzhyn 017 Hryhoriy Zabolotny 46.73
2 Vinnytsia 8 Ilyinets 018 Hryhoriy Kaletnik 46.15
3 Volyn 5 Volodymyr-Volynskyi 019 Yevhen Melnyk 36.46 Freedom
3 Volyn 5 Horokhiv 020 Serhiy Martynyak 29.61
3 Volyn 5 Kovel 021 Stepan Ivakhiv 37.23
3 Volyn 5 Lutsk 022 Ihor Palytsia 40.27
3 Volyn 5 Manevychi 023 Ihor Yeremeyev 48.50
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dnipropetrovsk-Industrialny 024 Yakiv Bezbakh 43.06
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dnipropetrovsk-Krasnohvardiysky 025 Ihor Tsyrkin 40.94 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dnipropetrovsk-Babushkinsky 026 Ivan Stupak 51.84 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dnipropetrovsk-Zhovtnevy 027 Oleksandr Momot 38.25 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dnipropetrovsk-Lyeninsky 028 Yevhen Morozenko 33.87 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dnipropetrovsk 029 Viktor Butkivsky 41.40 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Dniprodzerzhynsk 030 Kostyantyn Huzenko 32.81 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Kryvyi Rih-Ternivsky 031 Kostyantyn Pavlov 43.37 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Kryvyi Rih-Dovhynetsky 032 Yuriy Lyubonenko 46.70 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Kryvyi Rih-Tsentralnomisky 033 Vyacheslav Zadorozhny 45.82 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Tsarychanka 034 Serhiy Hlazunov 43.24 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Nikopol 035 Andriy Shypko 43.51 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Pavlohrad 036 Artur Martovytsky 54.82 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Kryvyi Rih 037 Dnytro Shpenov 52.66 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Novomoskovsk 038 Mykola Soloshenko 37.04 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Vasylkivka 039 Yuriy Samoilenko 51.37 Party of Regions
4 Dnipropetrovsk 17 Marhanets 040 Oleh Tsaryov 45.07 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Donetsk-Budyonnivsky 041 Oleksandr Bobkov 80.85 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Donetsk-Voroshilovsky 042 Tetyana Bakhteyeva 65.51 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Donetsk-Lyeninsky 043 Valentyn Landyk 50.87 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Donetsk-Kirovsky 044 Mykola Levchenko 79.31 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Donetsk-Kyivsky 045 Yukhym Zvyahilsky 72.59 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Bakhmut 046 Serhiy Klyuyev 73.10 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Sloviansk 047 Oleksiy Azarov 76.10 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Kramatorsk 048 Yuriy Boyarsky 55.12 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Kostiantynivka 049 Denys Omelianovych 63.94 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Krasnoarmiysk 050 Leonid Baisarov 72.71 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Horlivka 051 Anatoliy Honcharov 40.11 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Dzerzhynsk 052 Ihor Shkirya 60.74 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Yenakiieve 053 Leonid Lytvynov 78.86 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Shakhtarsk 054 Vladyslav Lukianov 77.15 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Makiivka-Hirnytsky 055 Valeriy Omelchenko 69.30 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Makiivka-Tsentralnomisky 056 Vitaliy Bort 71.08 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Mariupol-Ilyichivsky 057 Serhiy Matviyenkov 60.50 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Mariupol-Zhovtnevy 058 Oleksiy Bilyi 50.41 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Marinka 059 Oleksandr Vasyliev 64.16 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Volnovakha 060 Oleksandr Ryzhenkov 57.70 Party of Regions
5 Donetsk 21 Starobesheve 061 Andriy Ponomaryov 54.76 Party of Regions
6 Zhytomyr 6 Zhytomyr 062 Hennadiy Zubko 60.97 Fatherland
6 Zhytomyr 6 Berdychiv 063 Anzhelika Labunska 25.37
6 Zhytomyr 6 Korosten 064 Volodymyr Pekhov 32.75 Party of Regions
6 Zhytomyr 6 Novohrad-Volynskyi 065 Volodymyr Lytvyn 66.53 People's Party
6 Zhytomyr 6 Malyn 066 Vitaliy Zhuravsky 25.07 Party of Regions
6 Zhytomyr 6 Chudniv 067 Viktor Razvadovsky 47.79
7 Zakarpattia 6 Uzhhorod 068 Vasyl Kovach 31.14 Party of Regions
7 Zakarpattia 6 Mukacheve 069 Viktor Baloha 49.42 United Centre
7 Zakarpattia 6 Svaliava 070 Mykhailo Lanyo 60.20 Party of Regions
7 Zakarpattia 6 Khust 071 Pavlo Baloharecognized as invalid 35.13 United Centre
7 Zakarpattia 6 Tiachiv 072 Vasyl Petyovka 54.67 United Centre
7 Zakarpattia 6 Vynohradiv 073 Ivan Bushko 41.22 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Zaporizhzhia-Kommunarsky 074 Yaroslav Sukhyi 24.92 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Zaporizhzhia-Lyeninsky 075 Serhiy Kaltsev 38.40 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Zaporizhzhia-Ordzhonikidzevsky 076 Yevhen Kartashov 31.59 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Zaporizhzhia-Shevchenkivsky 077 Vyacheslav Bohuslayev 50.11 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Berdiansk 078 Oleksandr Ponomaryov 49.96
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Vasylivka 079 Volodymyr Bandurov 55.85 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Melitopol 080 Yevhen Balytsky 54.46 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Tokmak 081 Artem Pshonka 65.44 Party of Regions
8 Zaporizhzhia 9 Polohy 082 Oleksandr Dudka 39.87 Party of Regions
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Ivano-Frankivsk 083 Oleksandr Sych 55.81 Freedom
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Tysmenytsia 084 Volodymyr Kupchak 47.41 Fatherland
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Kalush 085 Olha Sikora 54.61 Fatherland
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Dolyna 086 Anatoliy Dyriv 29.02 Fatherland
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Nadvirna 087 Yuriy Derevianko 41.53
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Kolomyia 088 Oleksandr Doniy 43.95
9 Ivano-Frankivsk 7 Sniatyn 089 Vasyl Hladiy 48.57 Fatherland
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Bila Tserkva 090 Vitaliy Chudnovsky 34.18
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Makariv 091 Ruslan Solvar 51.62 UDAR
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Uzyn 092 Serhiy Katsuba 33.67 Party of Regions
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Myronivka 093 Oleksandr Onyshchenko 46.83 Party of Regions
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Obukhiv 094 Tetyana Zasukharecognized as invalid 41.80 Party of Regions
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Irpin 095 Vyacheslav Kutovy 26.90 Fatherland
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Vyshhorod 096 Yaroslav Moskalenko 38.97 Party of Regions
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Brovary 097 Pavlo Rizanenko 31.04 UDAR
10 Kyiv Oblast 9 Yahotyn 098 Serhiy Mishchenko 34.33
11 Kirovohrad 5 Kirovohrad 099 Andriy Tabalov 32.80 Fatherland
11 Kirovohrad 5 Bobrynets 100 Stanislav Berezkin 36.88 Party of Regions
11 Kirovohrad 5 Holovanivsk 101 Vitaliy Hrushevsky 30.77 Party of Regions
11 Kirovohrad 5 Znamianka 102 Oleksandr Yedin 29.10 Party of Regions
11 Kirovohrad 5 Oleksandriia 103 Serhiy Kuzmenko 45.51 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Luhansk-Artemivsky 104 Volodymyr Struk 39.98
12 Luhansk 11 Luhansk-Zhovtnevy 105 Serhiy Horokhov 59.70 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Severodonetsk 106 Oleksiy Kunchenko 41.41 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Lysychansk 107 Serhiy Dunayev 42.58 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Krasnyi Luch 108 Valeriy Moshensky 35.19
12 Luhansk 11 Krasnodon 109 Volodymyr Medyanyk 44.13 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Alchevsk 110 Volodymyr Chub 48.08 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Sverdlovsk 111 Oleksandr Koval 52.04 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Rubizhne 112 Yuliy Ioffe 46.88 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Svatove 113 Viktor Tykhonov 60.18 Party of Regions
12 Luhansk 11 Stanytsia Luhanska 114 Volodymyr Demishkan 64.87 Party of Regions
13 Lviv 12 Lviv-Sykhivsky 115 Mykhailo Khmil 43.09 Fatherland
13 Lviv 12 Lviv-Zaliznychny 116 Iryna Farion 68.02 Freedom
13 Lviv 12 Lviv-Frankivsky 117 Ihor Vasyunyk 27.34 Fatherland
13 Lviv 12 Lviv-Lychakivsky 118 Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn 57.21 Freedom
13 Lviv 12 Brody 119 Iryna Sekh 64.86 Freedom
13 Lviv 12 Horodok 120 Yaroslav Dubnevych 47.04
13 Lviv 12 Drohobych 121 Roman Ilyk 49.11 Fatherland
13 Lviv 12 Yavoriv 122 Vasyl Pazynyak 55.86 Fatherland
13 Lviv 12 Peremyshliany 123 Lidiya Kotelyak 30.12 Fatherland
13 Lviv 12 Sokal 124 Stepan Kurpil 61.73 Fatherland
13 Lviv 12 Staryi Sambir 125 Andriy Tyahnybok 35.61 Freedom
13 Lviv 12 Stryi 126 Oleh Kanivets 41.20 All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland"
14 Mykolaiv 6 Mykolaiv-Zavodsky 127 Volodymyr Nakonechny 45.77 Party of Regions
14 Mykolaiv 6 Mykolaiv-Lyeninsky 128 Artem Iliuk 37.96 Party of Regions
14 Mykolaiv 6 Mykolaiv 129 Mykola Zhuk 48.04 Party of Regions
14 Mykolaiv 6 Bashtanka 130 Ihor Brychenko 42.23 Fatherland
14 Mykolaiv 6 Voznesensk 131 Yuriy Herzhov 44.21 Party of Regions
14 Mykolaiv 6 Pervomaisk 132 Vitaliy Travyankorecognized as invalid 39.97 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Odesa-Kyivsky 133 Ihor Markovrecognized as invalid 26.60
15 Odesa 11 Odesa-Malynovsky 134 Serhiy Hrynevetsky 32.03 People's Party
15 Odesa 11 Odesa-Prymorsky 135 Serhiy Kivalov 56.79 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Odesa-Suvorovsky 136 Hennadiy Trukhanov 60.91 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Kotovsk 137 Leonid Klimov 48.46 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Shyriaieve 138 Ivan Fursin 57.65 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Rozdilna 139 Oleksandr Presman 53.58 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Biliaivka 140 Davyd Zhvaniya 32.07
15 Odesa 11 Tatarbunary 141 Vitaliy Barvinenko 41.53 Party of Regions
15 Odesa 11 Artsyz 142 Anton Kisse 39.06
15 Odesa 11 Izmail 143 Yuriy Kruk 23.76 Party of Regions
16 Poltava 8 Poltava-Oktyabrsky 144 Serhiy Kaplin 32.21 UDAR
16 Poltava 8 Poltava-Kyivsky 145 Yuriy Bublyk 36.45 Freedom
16 Poltava 8 Kremenchuk 146 Yuriy Shapovalov 34.35
16 Poltava 8 Myrhorod 147 Oleh Kulinich 43.32
16 Poltava 8 Lubny 148 Volodymyr Pylypenko 47.41
16 Poltava 8 Karlivka 149 Oleksiy Lelyuk 35.67 Party of Regions
16 Poltava 8 Komsomolsk 150 Kostyantyn Zhevaho 61.20
16 Poltava 8 Lokhvytsia 151 Taras Kutovy 41.27 UDAR
17 Rivne 5 Rivne 152 Oleh Osukhovsky 39.75 Freedom
17 Rivne 5 Ostroh 153 Yuriy Voznyuk 48.32 Fatherland
17 Rivne 5 Dubno 154 Valentyn Korolyuk 38.65 Fatherland
17 Rivne 5 Dubrovytsia 155 Mykola Soroka 32.76 Party of Regions
17 Rivne 5 Sarny 156 Mykola Kucheruk 32.17 Fatherland
18 Sumy 6 Sumy 157 Oleh Medunytsia 41.75 Fatherland
18 Sumy 6 Bilopillia 158 Oleksandr Volkov 40.14
18 Sumy 6 Hlukhiv 159 Andriy Derkach 63.37 Party of Regions
18 Sumy 6 Shostka 160 Ihor Molotyuk 31.50
18 Sumy 6 Romny 161 Volodymyr Shulha 42.70 Fatherland
18 Sumy 6 Okhtyrka 162 Iryna Kupreichyk 34.55 Fatherland
19 Ternopil 5 Ternopil 163 Oleksiy Kaida 56.65 Freedom
19 Ternopil 5 Zbarazh 164 Mykhailo Holovko 45.33 Freedom
19 Ternopil 5 Zboriv 165 Volodymyr Boyko 39.53 Fatherland
19 Ternopil 5 Terebovlya 166 Mykhailo Apostol 38.97 Fatherland
19 Ternopil 5 Chortkiv 167 Ivan Stoiko 33.68 Fatherland
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Dzerzhynsky 168 Valeriy Pysarenko 43.44 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Kyivsky 169 Iryna Berezhna 41.82 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Moskovsky 170 Dmytro Svyatash 38.39 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Frunzensky 171 Iryna Horina 46.31 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Ordzhonikidzevsky 172 Volodymyr Mysyk 51.97 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Kominternivsky 173 Anatoliy Denysenko 50.60 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kharkiv-Lyeninsky 174 Oleksandr Feldman 59.28 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Derhachi 175 Volodymyr Katsuba 54.84 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Chuhuiv 176 Dmytro Shentsev 58.64 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Kupiansk 177 Viktor Ostapchuk 56.82 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Balakliia 178 Dmytro Dobkin 65.59 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Krasnohrad 179 Anatoliy Hirshfeld 45.16 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Zolochiv 180 Oleksandr Bilovol 55.32 Party of Regions
20 Kharkiv 14 Zmiiv 181 Yevhen Murayev 56.15 Party of Regions
21 Kherson 5 Kherson-Suvorovsky 182 Volodymyr Saldo 37.90 Party of Regions
21 Kherson 5 Kherson-Komsomolsky 183 Andriy Putilov 39.49 UDAR
21 Kherson 5 Nova Kakhovka 184 Mykola Dmytruk 19.98 Party of Regions
21 Kherson 5 Kakhovka 185 Mykhailo Opanashchenko 25.31 Party of Regions
21 Kherson 5 Tsyurupinsk 186 Fedir Nehoi 30.52
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Khmelnytskyi 187 Oleh Lukashuk 40.34 Fatherland
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Khmelnytskyi 188 Serhiy Labazyuk 28.39
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Krasyliv 189 Ihor Sabiy 19.39 Freedom
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Shepetivka 190 Serhiy Buryak 42.65
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Starokostiantyniv 191 Viktor Bondar 25.40
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Dunaivtsi 192 Oleksandr Hereha 58.04
22 Khmelnytskyi 7 Kamianets-Podilskyi 193 Volodymyr Melnychenko 44.20
23 Cherkasy 7 Cherkasy-Prydniprovsky 194 Mykola Bulatetskyrecognized as invalid 40.79 Fatherland
23 Cherkasy 7 Cherkasy-Sosnivsky 195 Volodymyr Zubyk 43.80
23 Cherkasy 7 Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi 196 Hennadiy Bobov 42.73 Party of Regions
23 Cherkasy 7 Kaniv 197 Bohdan Hubskyrecognized as invalid 35.65
23 Cherkasy 7 Smila 198 Viktor Tymoshenko 29.40
23 Cherkasy 7 Zhashkiv 199 Valentyn Nychyporenko 28.74
23 Cherkasy 7 Uman 200 Anton Yatsenko 29.90 Party of Regions
24 Chernivtsi 4 Chernivtsi 201 Mykola Fedoruk 52.04 Fatherland
24 Chernivtsi 4 Storozhynets 202 Oleksandr Fyshchuk 40.31 Fatherland
24 Chernivtsi 4 Novoselytsia 203 Hennadiy Fedoryak 51.73 Party of Regions
24 Chernivtsi 4 Khotyn 204 Artem Semenyuk 57.54 Party of Regions
25 Chernihiv 6 Chernihiv-Desnyansky 205 Valeriy Dubil 50.20 Fatherland
25 Chernihiv 6 Chernihiv-Novozavodsky 206 Vladyslav Atroshenko 40.63
25 Chernihiv 6 Koriukivka 207 Ihor Rybakov 38.13
25 Chernihiv 6 Bakhmach 208 Oleh Lyashko 55.67 Radical Party
25 Chernihiv 6 Nizhyn 209 Ivan Kurovsky 46.52
25 Chernihiv 6 Pryluky 210 Mykola Rudkovsky 34.22
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Holosiyivsky 211 Serhiy Teryokhin 30.40 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Darnytsky 212 Vitaliy Yarema 30.22 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Desnyansky 213 Volodymyr Yavorivsky 36.66 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Dniprovsky 214 Viktor Chumak 38.91 UDAR
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyvi-Desnyansky 215 Andriy Illyenko 33.14 Freedom
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Dniprovsky 216 Kseniya Lyapina 29.27 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Obolonsky 217 Oleksandr Bryhynets 31.75 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Svyatoshynsky 218 Volodymyr Ariev 38.85 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Svyatoshynsky 219 Volodymyr Bondarenko 44.20 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Podilsky 220 Oleksandr Chernovolenko 32.03 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Pechersky 221 Leonid Yemets 30.52 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Solomyansky 222 Dmytro Andriyevsky 33.87 Fatherland
26 Kyiv City 13 Kyiv-Shevchenkivsky 223 Viktor Pylypyshynrecognized as invalid 27.57
27 Sevastopol 2 Sevastopol-Gagarinsky 224 Pavlo Lebedyev/Vadim Novinsky (after 7 July 2013 by-election)[103] 42.64 Party of Regions
27 Sevastopol 2 Sevastopol-Leninsky 225 Vadym Kolesnichenko 43.01 Party of Regions


  • recognized as invalidThe Central Election Commission of Ukraine adopted a resolution on November 5 recognizing the impossibility of announcing parliament election results in five single-seat constituencies (electoral districts 94, 132, 194, 197 and 223) and it recognized the need to hold repeat elections in these constituencies and asked parliament to take a decision on holding repeat elections in these constituencies.[5] On November 6 the Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution that proposed that.[5] On 8 November the Central Election Commission stated that the Verkhovna Rada then should make a respective law for this and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should determine the amount of funding for these elections.[97] On 8 February 2013 the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine deprived people's deputies Baloha and Dombrovsk (electoral districts 11 and 71) of their mandates of which they were stripped on 3 July 2013.[7] On 12 September 2013 the same court deprived deputy Ihor Markov (electoral district 133) of his mandate.

Several lawmakers elected into the new parliament have family ties with other lawmakers or other family members in the executive branch of Ukrainian politics.[130]

Foreign electoral district


Despite the turnout in the foreign electoral district being the lowest on record, Svoboda surprisingly received the most votes, with 24% of the popular vote, while the national winners, the Party of Regions, came second with 23% of the vote. UDAR and Batkivshchyna received 22% and 20% of the vote respectively, while Our Ukraine, following the national trend, saw its vote share reduced by 23 percentage points, falling from third to sixth place.

Turnout by oblast

The total voter turnout in the election was 57.99%;[75] about average for parliamentary elections in Ukraine.[16][116] On election day turnout had reached 22.43% by noon local time.[131] The number of reported participating voters varied somewhere between 20.76 million and 20.78 million,[132][133] while the number of invalid ballots accumulated to about 1.2 million (5.74%) for party list voting and voting at districts.[133]

The lowest turnout was in Crimea (with 49.46%), the highest in Lviv Oblast (67.13%).[75] Local disparities in turnout did occur: for example, the voting turnout figures in two adjacent districts in Donetsk were 39.8% and 84.5%.[16]

Forming of new government


On 9 December President Viktor Yanukovych nominated Mykola Azarov for a new term as Prime Minister.[134] This nomination was approved by parliament on 13 December 2012.[135] 252 deputies of the 450 deputies supported the nomination; the whole factions of Party of Regions (210 deputies) and Communist Party (32 deputies) and ten independent deputies.[136]

The second Azarov Government was appointed by Yanukovych on 24 December 2012.[137]

Fatherland, UDAR and Svoboda stated 12 November they did not recognize the results and would challenge them in local and international courts.[138] In a joint statement the three parties vowed to work towards the impeachment of President Viktor Yanukovych, the resignation of the Azarov Government and chief prosecutor Viktor Pshonka, and the release from jail of Yulia Tymoshenko "and other political prisoners".[139][140]

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and President Yanukovych praised the elections.[citation needed]

Party leader Petro Symonenko of the Communist Party of Ukraine believed on 8 November that the new parliament could not work better than the present one, as "there will be a confrontation between the financial, political and clan groups who got seats in the new parliament."[141] He also stated then that his party will not form any coalition with other groups in the new parliament.[141]

Civil movement "Chesno" stated on 5 December 2012 that 331 out of the 450 deputies elected on 28 October fell short of its criteria for honesty; according to "Chesno"'s parameters, 114 of them violated the rights and freedoms of citizens, 30 earlier changed their political position while working in parliament or on local councils, 233 had been involved in corrupt practices, 185 had nontransparent incomes and expenses, 156 did not personally take part in voting in previous parliaments, and 101 had shirked work in parliament.[142]

Party of Regions politician Sergei Tigipko stated in December 2012 "the parliamentary elections showed that politics in Ukraine is becoming more ideological".[143]

International reactions


  European Union – On 12 November 2012 the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule stated "We express our concern about the conduct of the post electoral process, which was marred by irregularities, delays in the vote count and lack of transparency in the electoral commissions".[144] The also expected to see "swift and determined action" to bring Ukraine's electoral legislation "into line with European norms and standards on the basis of an Election Code".[144]
  United States – United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated in late October 2012 about the election: "We share the view of OSCE monitors that Sunday's election constituted a step backward for Ukrainian democracy".[145] Vice President of the United States Joe Biden voiced concerns over the elections in a call with President Viktor Yanukovych on 13 November 2012 and end urged Ukraine to "end selective prosecutions".[146]
  European Parliament – A resolution adopted by the parliament on 13 December 2012 stated: "(We) expresses regret at the fact that, according to the OSCE, PACE, NATO Parliamentary Assembly and European Parliament observers, the election campaign, electoral process and post-electoral process failed to meet major international standards and constitute a step backwards compared with the national elections in 2010.
  Poland – According to President Bronislaw Komorowski the results of the elections showed "the success of pro-European spirit in the country".[147] Because all political parties that made it into parliament, but the Communist Party of Ukraine, declared European integration of the country as one of their goals.[147]

International observers


On election day (28 October) there were 3,500 accredited foreign observers.[116] The observers from the European Academy for Elections Observation (most of whom where European Parliament members), stated it was "a good election, not perfect but clearly acceptable",[148] and that it was "in compliance with democratic norms".[148] On 29 October the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (who had monitored the election with 600 observers)[116] stated in a preliminary report[149] that "certain aspects of the pre-election period constituted a step backwards compared with recent national elections" and that the election was marred by "the abuse of power and the excessive role of money".[16][148] It complained of "a lack of a level playing field, caused primarily by the abuse of administrative resources, lack of transparency of campaign and party financing, and lack of balanced media coverage".[148] This contrasted sharply with the international observers' conclusions on Ukraine's February 2010 presidential election, judged then to have been transparent, unbiased and an "impressive display" of democracy.[148]

Ten thousand foreign observers where expected to observe the elections.[127] Some 100 long term observers from OSCE member states arrived in Ukraine starting from the middle of September 2012, followed by 600 short-term observers who will arrive a week before the elections to monitor the election process at voting stations.[127]

Poland is to send observers to Ukraine to monitor the elections, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski stated on 8 February 2012.[150] German Ambassador to Ukraine Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth [de] stated "Germany is planning to send a numerous group of official supervisors" on 13 March 2012.[151]

The total number of registered observers on October 9, was 1053 persons.[152] The largest mission of international observers from CIS-EMO was 197 people.[153]

On 2 October 2012 CIS-EMO observers presented the Interim report of the CIS-EMO Election Monitoring Mission.[154] The report, in particular, noted that "The majority of detected violations are connected not with a political struggle of party lists but with the struggle of single-seat candidates". An impression that “antidemocratic power” clash with “democratic opposition” imposed by European and world society has a very relative nature that, as a rule, doesn’t distinct the real situation. In nowadays Ukrainian “peripheral capitalism” model such classes as “power” and “opposition” are conventionality. When the “Power Elite” is unconsolidated and disconnected and there is an open internal war between leading financial-industrial groups and corporations of Ukraine to get leverage of real state authority, all existing political parties only play the role of institutionalized political framework of realization of oligarchs’ economic interests.[155]

On 5 October 2012 the CIS-EMO report was presented at the annual meeting of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.[156] Shortly before the presentation of CIS-EMO interim report web-site of CIS-EMO had been subjected to a massive DDoS-attack.[157] The report was published on the official website of the OSCE in English and Ukrainian[158] and also in Russian.[159]

The ENEMO (European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations) mission for the 2012 parliamentary elections in Ukraine began its work on 23 July 2012 with the arrival of four Core Team members. ENEMO is the first international election observation mission registered for the Parliamentary Elections 2012 by the Central Election Commission (CEC). 35 LTOs (long-term observers) arrived to Kyiv on 5 August 2012 and were deployed throughout Ukraine. Long-term observer teams cover one or two oblasts of Ukraine. On E-day, October 28, ENEMO deployed 43 STO (Short-term observer) teams throughout all oblasts of Ukraine.

Factions in parliament after elections


According to the amendment to parliamentary regulations adopted in November 2012, the smallest faction of parliament can be formed out a party with the smallest number of deputies elected by a party list and a single constituency vote.[160][161] That amendment to regulations can also be interpreted as "either or" meaning that the smallest faction can be formed either based on party list or a single constituency election. In that case the smaller parties' deputies that were elected to the parliament will be able to form factions of their own, making it more challenging to form a coalition in the Ukrainian parliament.[162]

On 27 November 2012 Party of Regions parliamentary leader Oleksandr Yefremov claimed that 223 members of the Verkhovna Rada had already expressed their desire to work in his party's fraction; according to earlier press reports 38 of the 43 unaffiliated politicians elected into parliament would join the Party of Regions faction.[163]


(Shading indicates majority caucus)

Total Vacant
Party of Regions Batkivshchyna UDAR Svoboda Communists Economic Development Sovereign European Ukraine For Peace and Stability Non-affiliated[a]
End of previous convocation[164][167] 195 97 DNP DNP 25 DNP DNP DNP 31 348 102
Begin[168] 185 101 40 37 32 - - - 43 438 12
12 December 2012[164] 208 99 42 36 27 444 6
11 June 2013[164] 207 93 34
31 December 2013[164] 204 90 38 442 8
21 February 2014[169] 177 55
22 February 2014[164][170] 134 88 115 447 3
23 February 2014[164] 131 118
24 February 2014[164] 128 123 449 1
25 February 2014[164] 127 33 91
27 February 2014[164] 122 32 37 60
28 February 2014[164] 36 36 57
4 March 2014[164] 119 87 33 60 445 5
15 March 2014[164] 120 88 35 37 58 448 2
18 March 2014[164] 82 41 33 439 11
25 March 2014[164] 88 35 447 3
8 April 2014[164] 109 34 33 38 68 446 4
10 April 2014[164] 108 35 70 449 1
11 April 2014[164] 106 42 37 71 448 2
20 April 2014[164] 104 41 72 446 4
16 May 2014[164] 103 39 35 73 447 3
29 May 2014[164] 87 31 40 74 446 4
6 June 2014[164] 80 85 40 32 95 442 8
1 July 2014[164] 86 41 24 104 445 5
2 July 2014[164] 32 73
4 July 2014[164] 78 23 34
24 July 2014[164] -[b] 41 95
25 July 2014[164] 35 36 93
Latest voting share 17.5% 19.3% 9.2% 7.9% 0.0% 9.2% 7.9% 8.1% 20.9%

Removing deputies from parliament after 2012 election


Since 8 February 2013 four parliamentarians have been deprived of their mandate by the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine.[172]

In contrast with the 2007 parliamentary elections, candidates in this election could be elected on party lists or through self-nomination.[10] There were 87 parties registered for the elections to compete in electoral districts.[127] For the nationwide list the voters could choose between 22 parties.[127] Several parties united together under "umbrella" parties. For example, the election list of All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" included members of Reforms and Order Party, People's Movement of Ukraine, Front of Changes, For Ukraine, People's Self-Defense, Civil Position and Social Christian Party.[173][174][175][176] This electoral list was the result of negotiations within the opposition Dictatorship Resistance Committee.[177][178][179]

The Central Election Commission of Ukraine had registered 22 parties who would participate on the nationwide list.[180] On 15 October 2012 Ukrainian Platform "Assembly" withdrew itself from the national list[181] (it had received ballot number 1) but the other ballot numbers did not change. So the ballot numbers were:[180]

  1. No party
  2. Socialist Party of Ukraine
  3. Communist Party of Ukraine
  4. Political Union "Native Fatherland"
  5. Russian Bloc
  6. Party of Nataliya Korolevska "Ukraine – Forward!"
  7. All-Ukrainian Union "Community"
  8. Ukrainian National Assembly
  9. Liberal Party of Ukraine
  10. New Politics
  11. All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda"
  12. Ukrainian Party "Green Planet"[182]
  13. Party of Pensioners of Ukraine
  14. Our Ukraine (Our Ukraine, Ukrainian People's Party, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists)
  15. Greens[183]
  16. Party of Greens of Ukraine
  17. UDAR of Vitaliy Klychko
  18. Ukraine of the Future
  19. All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" (All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland", People's Movement of Ukraine, People's Self-Defense, Front of Changes, For Ukraine!, Reforms and Order, Social-Christian Party, Civil Position)
  20. Party of Regions
  21. People's Labor Union of Ukraine
  22. Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko

Public opinion polls


Note that on 17 November 2011 the Ukrainian Parliament approved an election law under which 225 members of Parliament would be elected under party lists and 225 would be winners of constituencies.[11] Simultaneously the option to vote "Against all" had been made defunct;[10] furthermore candidates could be elected on party lists or through self-nomination.[10]

Party: % 2007
(May 2009)[185]
(March 2010)[186]
(December 2010)[187]
(September 2011)[188]
(December 2011)[189]
(February 2012)[190]
(March 2012)[191]
(May 2012)[192]
(August 2012)[193]
(September 2012)[194]
(September/ October 2012)[195]
(October 2012)[196]
PoR 34.37 24.7 36.4 30.0 21.9 19.4 18.8 21.3 22.0 24.6 25 20.1 23
Fatherland 30.71† 15.8† 13.6† 19.6 18.9 20.3 20.3 20.9 25.6 26.2 15 12.1 16.5
Our Ukraine 14.15‡ <1 1.4 1.6 0.8 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.8 ? 1.0 1.0
CPU 5.39 4 3.1 4.8 5.7 8.1 7.2 7.4 7.6 9.4 9 7.8 12.8
People's Party 3.96¶ 2.7¶ 1.3¶ 0.7 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.5 0.8 1.3 ? <1 ?
SPU 2.86* 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.8 - 0.5 ? ? <1 0.3
Svoboda 0.76 2.6 1.6 6.2 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.2 3 4.7 6
UDAR dnp** 1 2.7 5.4 5 6.9 7.2 9.2 11.8 17 11.5 17.9
Ukraine – Forward! Part of BYuT 0.5 1 3.8 4.2 3 1.4 3.1
FfC dnp 8.4 4.3 7.2 11 11.3 11.7 9.9 Part of Fatherland Part of Fatherland Part of Fatherland Part of Fatherland Part of Fatherland
SU Part of LB 7.3 6.4 Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR Part of PoR
Other 2.1 15 ? 2.3
Against all 2.73 6.3 7.4 10.7 Defunct Defunct Defunct Defunct Defunct Defunct Defunct Defunct
Not voting - 8.4 12.6 9.4 6.1 - 18.6 (not counted) 15.7 (not counted) ? 12.4 11.7 (not counted)
Unsure - 10.2 13.4 8.7 11.3 14 18.2 17.7 19.0 18.6 13 27.2 17.2
* In 2006 political parties or election blocs needed to collect at least 3% of the national vote for all parties in order to gain seats in parliament. In November 2011 this election threshold was raised to 5% and simultaneously the participation of blocs of political parties was banned.[11]
**"dnp" stands for "did not participate".
†Participated as the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc (BYuT).
‡Participated as the Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc (OU-PSD).
¶Participated as the Lytvyn Bloc (LB).
  1. ^ The United Centre (3 seats), People's Party (2 seats), Radical Party of Oleh Liashko (1 seat) and Union (1 seat) did not form their own faction. Their deputies did not join any faction besides 1 deputy of People's Party who became a member of the Party of Regions faction in December 2012[164] and Union's deputy joined the then newly created faction For Peace and Stability on 2 July 2014.[165][166]
  2. ^ The Communist Party of Ukraine faction was dissolved 24 July 2014 two days after parliament had changed its regulations.[171]
  1. ^ https://tsn.ua/politika/timoshenko-i-yacenyuk-ocholyat-spisok-ob-yednanoyi-opoziciyi.html Тимошенко і Яценюк очолять список об'єднаної опозиції
  2. ^ a b Parliament mulls Feb. 3 vote to amend Constitution, Kyiv Post (31 January 2011)
    Parliament sets parliamentary elections for October 2012, presidential elections for March 2015, Kyiv Post (February 1, 2011)
    Ukraine sets parliamentary vote for October 2012, Kyiv Post (1 February 2011)
    Early parliamentary elections may take place in May - Ukraine's Yanukovych, RIA Novosti (25 January 2010)
  3. ^ a b c d e f Party of Regions gets 185 seats in Ukrainian parliament, Batkivschyna 101 - CEC, Interfax-Ukraine (12 November 2012)
  4. ^ a b c d With all party lists ballots counted, Regions Party gets 30%, Batkivschyna 25.54%, UDAR 13.96%, Communists 13.18%, Svoboda 10.44%, Kyiv Post (8 November 2012)
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Repeat elections in troubled constituencies unlikely to be held before March 2013, says CEC deputy head, Interfax-Ukraine (7 November 2012)
  6. ^ a b CEC ready to appoint repeated elections in Dombrovski, Baloha constituencies Archived 2013-08-25 at the Wayback Machine, forUm (17 July 2013)
    Regions want repeat parliamentary elections in 7 controversial constituencies on Dec. 22, Z i K (18 July 2013)
    Mahera: Special law and funds needed to hold elections in troubled districts Archived 2013-12-16 at the Wayback Machine, Ukrinform (26 July 2013)
  7. ^ a b c d e f Baloha, Dombrovsky no longer MPs, Ukrinform (3 July 2013)
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Q&A:Ukrainian parliamentary election, BBC News (23 October 2012)
  9. ^ a b Constitutional Court hasn't opened proceedings concerning repeat Rada elections in five constituencies, Kyiv Post (12 January 2013)
    Opposition does not want repeat elections in five disputed districts, Kyiv Post (4 February 2013)
    Repeat elections to Rada in troubled constituencies may be held on August 25, says relevant committee's head, Interfax-Ukraine (17 June 2013)
  10. ^ a b c d e f g (in Ukrainian) ВР ухвалила закон про вибори народних депутатів Archived 2016-01-08 at the Wayback Machine, Interfax Ukraine (17 November 2011)
  11. ^ a b c d Parliament passes law on parliamentary elections, Kyiv Post (17 November 2011)
  12. ^ Ukrainian communists to seek return to proportional electoral system, Interfax-Ukraine (8 November 2012)
  13. ^ (in Ukrainian) Перший крок до зриву виборів, Ukrainska Pravda (9 April 2012)
  14. ^ After counting all ballots at 116 foreign polling stations "Svoboda" wins in parliamentary elections in Ukraine Archived 2012-12-02 at the Wayback Machine, National Radio Company of Ukraine (29 October 2012)
    No violations reported at Ukraine's overseas polling stations, ITAR-TASS (28 October 2012)
  15. ^ Central Election Commission forms 33,540 polling stations in Ukraine and 114 abroad, Kyiv Post (12 April 2012)
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h After the parliamentary elections in Ukraine: a tough victory for the Party of Regions, Centre for Eastern Studies (7 November 2012).
  17. ^ Parliament of sixth convocation ends its work, Kyiv Post (6 December 2012)
  18. ^ You Scratch My Back, and I'll Scratch Yours, The Ukrainian Week (26 September 2012)
  19. ^ Ukraine president sets parliament election for Dec 7 Reuters
  20. ^ "Ukraine president calls election for December". Irish Times. 9 October 2008. Archived from the original on July 17, 2009. Retrieved 9 October 2008.
  21. ^ "Ukraine election date is uncertain, says president". UNIAN. 22 October 2008.
  22. ^ "Yuschenko To Choose Date For Early Rada Elections After Financing Is Allocated". Ukrainian News Agency. 22 October 2008. Archived from the original on 24 October 2008.
  23. ^ "Ukraine president postpones elections due to financial crisis". AFP. 21 October 2008. Archived from the original on 20 May 2011.
  24. ^ "Ukraine timeline". 8 May 2012 – via news.bbc.co.uk.
  25. ^ Yuschenko vows to dissolve parliament if his draft of constitution not passed, Interfax-Ukraine (23 November 2009)
  26. ^ Update: Ukraine court rules Yanukovych coalition legal, Kyiv Post (8 April 2010)
  27. ^ Opposition leader promises new parliamentary election in March, if elected, Kyiv Post (9 December 2009)
  28. ^ Yanukovych won't nominate Tymoshenko for prime minister if elected president, Kyiv Post (9 December 2009)
  29. ^ Tymoshenko: Early parliamentary elections may follow presidential ballot in Ukraine, Kyiv Post (26 November 2009)
  30. ^ "Snap parliamentary poll untimely – Yushchenko". UNIAN. 19 December 2008.
  31. ^ Yuschenko says parliament should be dissolved and premier dismissed, Kyiv Post (23 December 2009)
  32. ^ Yanukovych to call vote if coalition ruled illegal, Kyiv Post (1 March 2010)
  33. ^ Election to Rada to take place in March 2011 if 2004 political reform canceled, Kyiv Post (8 July 2010)
  34. ^ Update: Return to 1996 Constitution strengthens president, raises legal questions, Kyiv Post (1 October 2010)
  35. ^ Election official: Parliamentary poll should be held in March 2011, Kyiv Post (13 October 2010)
  36. ^ Election Commission fails to decide on start of parliamentary election campaign (VIDEO), Kyiv Post (22 November 2010)
  37. ^ Deputies agree to extend term in office, Kyiv Post (19 November 2010)
  38. ^ Update: Court extends parliament term by a year, Kyiv Post (22 November 2010)
  39. ^ "Yulia Tymoshenko: There is no money in the reserve fund for elections". Personal web site of Yulia Tymoshenko. 14 October 2008.[permanent dead link]
  40. ^ "Cabinet endorses amendments to budget to fund early elections to Rada". Interfax-Ukraine. 17 October 2008. Archived from the original on 18 October 2008. Retrieved 17 October 2008.
  41. ^ "Wisselkoers calculator - Valuta calculator". www.wisselkoers.nl.
  42. ^ a b c (in Ukrainian) Янукович отримав контрольний пакет у парламенті, Ukrainska Pravda (2 February 2011)
  43. ^ Tymoshenko faction deputy denies voting to extend parliament term, Kyiv Post (2 February 2011)
  44. ^ "ЦИК Украины объявил о старте избирательной кампании по выборам в Раду | РИА Новости". Ria.ru. 27 July 2012. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  45. ^ a b Draft Law on the election of members of Parliament of Ukraine Archived 2013-01-17 at the Wayback Machine, Venice Commission (28 June 2011)
  46. ^ Against All Odds: Aiding Political Parties in Georgia and Ukraine (UvA Proefschriften) by Max Bader, Vossiuspers UvA, 2010, ISBN 90-5629-631-0 (page 93)
  47. ^ The Distorted Will of the People, The Ukrainian Week (5 November 2012)
  48. ^ a b People First: The latest in the watch on Ukrainian democracy, Kyiv Post (24 June 2011)
  49. ^ a b Experts: Proposed election law casts cloud over next year's parliamentary contest, Kyiv Post (3 October 2011)
  50. ^ Poll:17% of Ukrainians would vote 'against everybody' during elections, Kyiv Post (29 November 2012)
  51. ^ Opposition pushes for immediate meeting with Yanukovych, Kyiv Post (22 September 2011)
  52. ^ Venice Commission advises Ukraine against returning to mixed electoral system, Interfax-Ukraine (4 October 2011)
  53. ^ Front for Change leader: New law to allow opposition win 2012 parliamentary elections, Kyiv Post (18 November 2011)
  54. ^ Tymoshenko's bloc faction satisfied with adopted election law, Kyiv Post (18 November 2011)
  55. ^ Our Ukraine condemns vote for law on parliamentary elections, Kyiv Post (18 November 2011)
  56. ^ Yanukovych signs law on parliamentary elections, Kyiv Post (8 December 2011)
  57. ^ (in Ukrainian) "Наша Україна" й УНП почали об’єднання з Дніпропетровська, Ukrainska Pravda (18 December 2011)
  58. ^ Tymoshenko, Lutsenko aware of their parties' unification, Kyiv Post (29 December 2011)
  59. ^ (in Ukrainian) Одна з партій НУНС перейменувалася та змінила голову, Ukrainska Pravda (3 December 2011)
  60. ^ Court bans simultaneous running for parliament in single-member districts and under party lists, Kyiv Post (10 April 2012)
    CEC head suggests ban on running for Rada independently and on party lists simultaneously, Kyiv Post (28 January 2012)
  61. ^ a b Parliamentary elections 2012: Is Ukraine repeating history?, Kyiv Post (27 September 2012)
  62. ^ a b c d e Harding, Luke (5 April 2018). "Former Trump aide approved 'black ops' to help Ukraine president: Paul Manafort authorised secret media operation that sought to discredit key opponent of then Ukrainian president". The Guardian. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  63. ^ Leopold, Jason; Cormier, Anthony (29 October 2017). "These 13 Wire Transfers Are A Focus Of The FBI Probe Into Paul Manafort: BuzzFeed News has learned of a series of wire transfers, made by companies linked to Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, that federal officials deemed suspicious. Many of the wires went from offshore companies controlled by Manafort to American businesses". BuzzFeed. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  64. ^ Moore, Jack (29 October 2017). "Robert Mueller Probe: Manafort 'Suspicious' Wire Transfers Focus of FBI Trump-Russia Investigation". Newsweek. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  65. ^ Baker, Stephanie; Voreacos, David (31 October 2017). "Manafort's Deals With Russian Oligarch Hint at Financial Web". Bloomberg News. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  66. ^ Martin, Andrew; Baker, Stephanie (14 September 2018). "Manafort Had a Deep Bag of Political Tricks for His Ukrainian Client". Bloomberg News. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  67. ^ Gearan, Anne (14 September 2018). "'Bada bing bada boom': Paul Manafort's attempt to smear a jailed Ukrainian politician". The Washington Post. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  68. ^ Unger, Craig (14 August 2018). "Chapter 5 Honey Trap". House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia. Dutton. ISBN 978-1524743505.
  69. ^ (in Ukrainian) Ще один "регіонал" роздає в Харкові подачки (Another "Regions" gives handouts in Kharkiv), Ukrainska Pravda (9 May 2012)
  70. ^ Powers of Persuasion, The Ukrainian Week (28 September 2012)
  71. ^ Poll:Most Ukrainians do not believe in fair parliamentary election, Kyiv Post (12 April 2012)
  72. ^ Analysts: Government apparatus not to help it win in single-member districts, Interfax-Ukraine (13 June 2012)
  73. ^ Thirteen districts where election fraud is alleged, Kyiv Post (8 November 2012)
  74. ^ Stealing Ukraine: Vote by Vote, The Ukrainian Week (5 November 2012)
  75. ^ a b c CEC:Turnout in Ukraine's parliamentary elections 57.99%, Kyiv Post (29 October 2012)
  76. ^ a b c Voters Committee: Bribery in parliamentary elections breaks record, Interfax-Ukraine (30 October 2012)
  77. ^ Opora: Use of government apparatus and vote buying most common violations during election campaign, Interfax-Ukraine (4 September 2012)
  78. ^ Regions Party leads rating of violators of electoral process, says Opora social network, Interfax-Ukraine (4 September 2012)
  79. ^ Regions Party records over 600 violations during election campaign, Interfax-Ukraine (28 October 2012)
  80. ^ Berkut Riot Police Used to Falsify Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections, The Jamestown Foundation (14 November 2012)
  81. ^ Заступник голови ЦВК про вибори: Найбрудніші в історії України (Deputy Chairwoman of the CVK about the elections: "The most dirty in the history of Ukraine"). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.11.1
  82. ^ Debenko, I. "Війна за Київ (War for Kyiv)". Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.11.1
  83. ^ Warning: Fraudulent Oct. 28 Parliamentary Election Ahead, Kyiv Post (8 February 2012)
  84. ^ Капітуляція Гереги, або "Епіцентр" подій (Capitulation of Hereha or the EpiCenter of actions). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.31
  85. ^ В окрузі Гереги-Іллєнка перераховують голоси. Ключ архіву знайшовся (In district of Hereha-Illyenko are recounting votes. The key to archives was found.). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.12.30
  86. ^ Іллєнку відібрали 111 голосів у Гереги. Главі ОВК погрожують? (Illyenko lost 111 votes to Hereha. Head of the district electoral commission was threatened?). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  87. ^ Interview of Hereha to Channel 5 on YouTube
  88. ^ В окрузі Терьохіна до ОВК викликали "швидку" (In district of Teryokhin to the district electoral commission an ambulance was sent). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  89. ^ В окружком Терьохіна підтягнулися "братки" і міліція. Роботу заблоковано (To the Teryokhin's district commission came goodfellas and law enforcement personnel. Work is blocked.). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  90. ^ 95 округ. Ударна хвиля по Мельнику (95th district. A shock wave at Melnyk). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  91. ^ "Батьківщина" заявляє, що ОВК в Ірпіні готуються штурмувати невідомі ("Fatherland" declares that the Irpin district electoral commission is getting ready to be stormed by unknown). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  92. ^ "Свобода" кулаками почала відбивати перемогу у Пилипишина ("Svoboda" with fists started to defend a victory from Pylypyshyn). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  93. ^ Тягнибок погрожує пікетувати членів окружкому (Tyahnybok threatens with picketing of the district commission members). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  94. ^ Свобода сьогодні (Liberty today) Archived 2012-11-01 at the Wayback Machine. Radio Liberty. 2012.11.1
  95. ^ "Українська правда". Українська правда.
  96. ^ a b Селяни взяли в облогу ОВК в Первомайську (Peasants laid a siege around the district electoral commission in Pervomaisk). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012.10.30
  97. ^ a b c d e Okhendovsky:CEC could call repeat elections in five districts only after parliament passes law, Interfax-Ukraine (8 November 2012)
  98. ^ a b c CIS-EMO mission says parliamentary elections in Ukraine legally incomplete, Interfax-Ukraine (3 March 2013)
  99. ^ a b c d Rada schedules reelection in troubled districts for December 15, The Ukrainian Week (5 September 2013)
  100. ^ a b c Higher Administrative Court deprives two MPs of deputy seats, Kyiv Post (9 February 2013)
    (in Ukrainian) ВИЩИЙ СУД ПОЗБАВИВ МАНДАТІВ ДВОХ ДЕПУТАТІВ Superior Court denied MANDATES two deputies, Ukrainska Pravda (8 February 2013)
    (in Ukrainian) В опозиції ініціюють звільнення суддів ВАСУ The opposition initiated dismissal Vasu, Den (11 February 2013)
  101. ^ a b c d By-election to parliament in 224th majority constituency of Sevastopol scheduled for July 7, says CEC, Interfax-Ukraine (18 April 2013)
  102. ^ Parliament annuls minister Lebedev's parliamentary mandate, Interfax-Ukraine (22 March 2013)
  103. ^ a b Novinsky wins by-election to Rada in Sevastopol, according to CEC, Interfax-Ukraine (8 July 2013)
  104. ^ Monday's headlines: Novinsky wins elections in Sevastopol; NBU reserves dip in June; Local official beaten to death in Donbas region, Kyiv Post (8 July 2013)
  105. ^ Former deputy says pro-presidential party run by bullies, Kyiv Post (16 September 2013)
  106. ^ a b c Court strips MP Ihor Markov of his mandate, Interfax-Ukraine (12 September 2013)
  107. ^ Opposition to field single candidates at repeat parliamentary elections, Interfax-Ukraine (12 December 2013)
    The opposition agreed on candidates for additional elections to the Verkhovna Rada on December 15, unn.com.ua (12 December 2013)
  108. ^ (in Ukrainian) Results in single-member district 223, 94, 132, 194 and 197 in 2013 repeat election Archived 2014-07-02 at the Wayback Machine, nbnews.com.ua
  109. ^ CEC registers Pylypyshyn and Datsenko as deputies, Kyiv Post (10 January 2014)
  110. ^ Maidan nominates Yatseniuk for prime minister, Interfax-Ukraine (26 February 2014)
    Ukrainian parliament endorses new cabinet, Interfax-Ukraine (27 February 2014)
  111. ^ a b Results of the vote count, Kyiv Post (9 November 2012)
  112. ^ a b (in Russian) By-elections to the Parliament in 83 County won the Director of "Bukovel" Shevchenko Archived 2014-06-19 at the Wayback Machine, nbnews.com.ua (29 May 2014)
  113. ^ Who exactly is governing Ukraine? The Guardian, Retrieved on 9 March 2014
  114. ^ Olszański, Tadeusz A. (22 February 2012). "A reshuffle in the Ukrainian government as an element of preparations for the election". Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW). Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  115. ^ Draft Campaign Program of the Party of Regions, Party of Regions (2012)
    The upcoming parliamentary elections in Ukraine [Summary] Archived 2012-10-26 at the Wayback Machine, WSN (23 October 2012)
  116. ^ a b c d e Ukraine election:President Yanukovych party claims win, BBC News (29 October 2012)
  117. ^ Gorchinskaya, Katya. "Svoboda tames radicals to get into parliament". Kyiv Post. Retrieved 22 November 2012.
  118. ^ A Royal Gift to the Government, The Ukrainian Week (5 June 2012)
  119. ^ Korolevska recruits acting, sports stars for campaign, Kyiv Post (2 August 2012)
  120. ^ Footballers and other candidates, The Economist (8 October 2012)
  121. ^ Opposition parties join forces ahead of Ukrainian election, EurActiv (16 October 2012)
  122. ^ a b Parties spend over Hr 600 million on elections, according to report, Kyiv Post (16 November 2012)
  123. ^ a b Media:Parties report to CEC on election costs, Kyiv Post (15 November 2012)
  124. ^ a b c Campaigns file dodgy spending declarations, Kyiv Post (8 December 2012)
  125. ^ Candidates spent $2.5 billion on election campaign, says expert, Kyiv Post (2 November 2012)
  126. ^ a b "Experts Estimate Costs Of Party's Or Bloc's Campaign In Snap Rada Elections At USD 25-100 Million". Ukrainian News Agency. 22 October 2008. Archived from the original on 24 October 2008.
  127. ^ a b c d e People First: The latest in the watch on Ukrainian democracy, Kyiv Post (11 September 2012)
  128. ^ (in Ukrainian) Candidates, RBC Ukraine
  129. ^ 2012 Parliamentary Elections Boundary Delimitation Summary and Analysis Archived 2014-09-04 at the Wayback Machine, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (May 2012)
  130. ^ Family ties that bind parliament, Kyiv Post (15 November 2012)
  131. ^ Turnout at Ukraine parliamentary elections makes 22.43% by Sun noon, Itar-Tass (28 October 2012)
  132. ^ ЦВК ОГОЛОСИЛА РЕЗУЛЬТАТИ ЗА ПАРТІЙНИМИ СПИСКАМИ (CVK announced the results by party lists). Ukrainska Pravda. 2012-11-10
  133. ^ a b Кількість зіпсованих бюлетенів на виборах перевищила мільйон (The number of invalid ballots at the elections exceeded a million) Archived 2012-12-01 at the Wayback Machine. Mirror Weekly. 2012-11-19
  134. ^ Yanukovych picks Azarov for new term as prime minister (updated), Kyiv Post (9 December 2012)
  135. ^ Ukraine parliament approves Azarov as prime minister, Reuters (13 December 2012)
  136. ^ (in Ukrainian) АЗАРОВ МАЙЖЕ СТАВ ЗНОВУ ПРЕМ'ЄРОМ Azarov ALMOST BECAME PRIME AGAIN, Ukrainska Pravda (13 December 2012)
  137. ^ President of Ukraine has appointed new staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Archived 2013-12-11 at the Wayback Machine, UNIAN (24 December 2012)
  138. ^ Ukraine opposition protests election results, Kyiv Post (1 November 2012)
  139. ^ Ukraine's opposition grudgingly accepts election results, Kyiv Post (12 November 2012)
  140. ^ Ukraine's United Opposition threatens to impeach president Archived 2012-11-16 at the Wayback Machine, Euronews (13 November 2012)
  141. ^ a b Ukrainian communists not to join other political forces in new parliament, says Symonenko Archived 2013-04-19 at archive.today, Interfax-Ukraine (8 November 2012)
  142. ^ Chesno movement says 331 newly elected parliamentaries cheated earlier, Kyiv Post (5 December 2012)
  143. ^ Tigipko not planning to work in Azarov government, Kyiv Post (22 December 2012)
  144. ^ a b EU criticizes Ukraine's Oct. 28 parliamentary election, Kyiv Post (12 November 2012)
    Joint statement by High Representative/Vice-President Catherine Ashton and Commissioner Štefan Füle, on the parliamentary elections in Ukraine (28 October 2012), Europa.eu (12 November 2012)
  145. ^ Ukraine election:Yanukovych shrugs off OSCE criticism, BBC News (30 October 2012 )
  146. ^ Readout of the Vice President's Call with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, whitehouse.gov (13 November 2012)
    President has phone conversation with Vice President of USA Archived 2014-01-27 at the Wayback Machine, President.gov.ua (14 November 2012)
  147. ^ a b Melodika.net: Polish President believes pro-European choice triumphs in Ukrainian elections, Kyiv Post (18 November 2012)
  148. ^ a b c d e Ukraine election 'reversed democracy', OSCE says, BBC News (29 October 2012)
  149. ^ OSCE/ODIHR to issue final report on Rada elections in 2 months, Kyiv Post (13 November 2012)
  150. ^ Polish observers to come to parliamentary elections in Ukraine, Kyiv Post (8 February 2012)
  151. ^ Central Election Commission: Germany to send supervisors for elections in Ukraine, Kyiv Post (13 March 2012)
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  153. ^ "Центральна виборча комісія України - WWW відображення ІАС "Вибори народних депутатів України 2012"". www.cvk.gov.ua. Archived from the original on 2012-10-14. Retrieved 2012-10-11.
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  157. ^ В преддверии оглашения доклада CIS-EMO по Украине сайт организации подвергся DDoS-атаке
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  163. ^ Yefremov: Regions Party faction already has 223 members, Kyiv Post (28 November 2012 2012)
    A difficult victory for the Party of Regions, Centre for Eastern Studies (31 October 2012)
  164. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa (in Ukrainian) Депутатські фракції і групи VII скликання Deputy fractions and Groups VII convocation, Verkhovna Rada
  165. ^ (in Ukrainian) National deputies of Ukraine:Lev Myrymsky, Verkhovna Rada
  166. ^ (in Ukrainian) Dynamics in the fraction For Peace and Stability in the VII convocation, Verkhovna Rada
  167. ^ (in Ukrainian) Пам'ятні моменти Верховної Ради VI скликання Memorable moments of the Verkhovna Rada of VI convocation, RBC Ukraine (28 October 2012)
  168. ^ CEC: Party of Regions gets 185 seats in Ukrainian parliament, Batkivschyna 101, Kyiv Post (12 November 2012)
  169. ^ 28 MPs quit Party of Regions faction in Rada Interfax Ukraine. 21 February 2014. Accessed 22 February 2014
  170. ^ Parliamentarians drop Regions Party faction one by one Interfax Ukraine. 22 February 2014. Accessed 22 February 2014
  171. ^ Turchynov dissolves Ukrainian Communist Party faction in parliament, Interfax-Ukraine (24 July 2014)
  172. ^ Higher Administrative Court deprives two MPs of deputy seats, Kyiv Post (9 February 2013)
    (in Ukrainian) ВИЩИЙ СУД ПОЗБАВИВ МАНДАТІВ ДВОХ ДЕПУТАТІВ Superior Court denied MANDATES two deputies, Ukrainska Pravda (8 February 2013)
    Court terminates deputy authorities of Party of Regions MP Verevsky[permanent dead link], Ukrainian Television and Radio (5 March 2013)
    Court strips lawmaker Verevsky of his seat in parliament, Kyiv Post (5 March 2013)
    Court deprives Vlasenko of parliamentary mandate, Interfax-Ukraine (6 March 2013)
  173. ^ "Соціально-християнська партія вирішила приєднатися до об'єднаної опозиції". Den (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2023-07-10.
  174. ^ Opposition to form single list to participate in parliamentary elections, Kyiv Post (2 March 2012)
    (in Ukrainian) "ФРОНТ ЗМІН" ІДЕ В РАДУ З "БАТЬКІВЩИНОЮ", Ukrainska Pravda (7 April 2012)
    Yatseniuk wants to meet with Tymoshenko to discuss reunion of opposition, Kyiv Post (7 April 2012)
  175. ^ (in Ukrainian) Tymoshenko and Yatsenyuk united ("Тимошенко та Яценюк об'єдналися"), Ukrainska Pravda (23 April 2012)
  176. ^ Civil Position party joins Ukraine's united opposition, Kyiv Post (20 June 2012)
  177. ^ (in Ukrainian) Комітет опору диктатурі спробує поділити округи, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (21 November 2011)
  178. ^ (in Ukrainian) Комітет опору диктатурі зробив паузу, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (21 November 2011)
  179. ^ Ukrainian opposition parties agree to form single list for 2012 elections, Kyiv Post (23 January 2012)
  180. ^ a b (in Ukrainian) Відомості щодо реєстрації виборчих списків кандидатів у депутати Information on the registration of electoral lists of candidates Archived 2012-10-29 at the Wayback Machine, Central Election Commission of Ukraine
  181. ^ (in Ukrainian) Українська платформа "Собор" знімається з виборів на користь опозиційних сил, Krayina (13 October 2012)
    Хто і чому змушує кандидатів зніматись з виборів? – розслідування ТВі Archived 2012-10-19 at the Wayback Machine, TVi (15 October 2012)
  182. ^ Українська Партія «Зелена Планета»
  183. ^ "ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ПАРТИЯ "ЗЕЛЕНЫЕ" - ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ". greensua.org. Archived from the original on 2017-12-03. Retrieved 2019-05-04.
  184. ^ Source: Central Election Commission of Ukraine Archived 2007-10-11 at the Wayback Machine
  185. ^ Party of Regions remains leader of electoral sympathies in Ukraine – poll, UNIAN (2 June 2009)
  186. ^ Party Of Regions, Tymoshenko bloc, Strong Ukraine, Front for Change and Communist Party would get into parliament, Kyiv Post (12 April 2010)
  187. ^ "Electoral moods of the Ukrainian population: December 2010". ratinggroup.com.ua.
  188. ^ "Electoral moods of the Ukrainian population: September 2011". ratinggroup.com.ua.
  189. ^ "Electoral moods of the population of Ukraine: Deсember 2011". www.ratinggroup.com.ua.
  190. ^ "Electoral moods of the population of Ukraine: February 2012". ratinggroup.com.ua. Archived from the original on 2014-11-29.
  191. ^ "Ratings of parties in elections to the Verkhovna Rada: March 2012". ratinggroup.com.ua.
  192. ^ "Ratings of parties in elections to the Verkhovna Rada: May 2012". ratinggroup.com.ua.
  193. ^ "Electoral support for parties at the start of the election campaign beginning in August 2012". ratinggroup.com.ua.
  194. ^ "PR Newswire UK: Ukraine's Party of Regions Continues to Lead - GfK Survey - KYIV, Ukraine, 5 October 2012 /PRNewswire/". united kingdom, france, germany, spain, ukraine: Prnewswire.co.uk. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  195. ^ "Poll: Over 20% of voters ready to support Party of Regions| Ukrinform". Ukrinform.ua. 2012-10-03. Archived from the original on 2013-04-19. Retrieved 2012-11-07.
  196. ^ "Соціологічна група "Рейтинг"" (PDF). ratinggroup.com.ua.
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