User:Pythoncoder - Wikipedia

Article Images
This page contains material that is kept because it is considered humorous.
Such material is not meant to be taken seriously.

An editor thinks something might be wrong with this page. That editor won't actually make any effort to fix it, but rest assured that they have done their encyclopedic duty by sticking a tag on it.
Please allow this tag to languish indefinitely at the top of the page, since nobody knows exactly what the tagging editor was worked up about.

Trout this userHas this user made a silly mistake? Click on the trout to notify him!


Account basics

This contributor to Wikipedia is male.
prog-3This user is an advanced programmer.
BASIC-1This user is a beginner BASIC programmer.
This user is a beginner TI-BASIC programmer.
C-2This user is an intermediate C programmer.
C++-1This user is a beginning C++ programmer.
C#-1This user is a beginning C# programmer.
Java-2This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
This user programs in the awesome language of Python.
py-3This user is an advanced Python programmer.
HTML-4This user is an expert HTML user.
css-3This user is an advanced Cascading Style Sheets user.
js-2This user is an intermediate JavaScript programmer.
{{Wiki}}This user is an intermediate writer in the MediaWiki language.
XML-1This user is a beginning XML coder.
golang-2This user is an intermediate Golang programmer.
bash-1This user is a beginner Bash programmer.
asm-2This user is an intermediate assembly language programmer.
GMLThis user programs in the GML.

This user is a beginning LaTeX user.
svg-2This user is an intermediate SVG user.
This user can write in Markdown.
Interests and preferences
This user is a citizen of the United States of America.
G This user's favourite colour is red.
CyanThis user's favourite colour is cyan.
This user prefers pepperoni pizza.
This user is interested in Canada.
42This user knows that the answer is 42.
This user has a high-definition television set.
Diff EThis user plays Video Games on Easy or the lowest difficulty available.
This user blesses the rains down in Africa.
This user enjoys rock music.

This user likes the Olympic Games.
This user works for the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.
This user is a fan of Friends.
Good God Lemon!
her? This user has made a huge mistake.
PnRThis user hates Eagleton almost as much as Leslie Knope.
SEINYada, Yada, Yada, this user is a fan of Seinfeld.
d'oh!This user thinks The Simpsons is simply... excellent.
This user STRONGLY advocates the use of more cowbell.
This user doesn't want a snuffed torch in Survivor.
This user likes Pixar and its films.
"Surely this user can't be serious?"
MGThis user thinks Mean Girls is so fetch!
DSThis user knows you can't fight in the War Room.
This user demands a shrubbery! Ni!
VThis user remembers the fifth of November.
This user is a Star Wars fan.
ID You don't need to see this user's identification.
FMThis user has an FM radio.
NETThis user listens to radio over the Internet.
SatThis user has a Satellite radio.
This user listens to NPR.
Computer hardware & OS
macOSThis user contributes using macOS.

This user contributes using a Mac, and doesn't know why Windows was ever invented.

This user has experienced
a Mac OS X Kernel Panic.
safariThis user contributes using Safari on an iPhone.
QWThis user contributes using a QWERTY keyboard.
Computer software
MS OfficeThis person uses
Microsoft Office.
This user contributes using Firefox.
uBOThis user enjoys an ad-free internet thanks to uBlock Origin.
This user supports free software.
This user uses GIMP.
This user's primary email client is Mac OS X Mail v.16.0.
This user contributes while using iTunes.
PsThis user is skilled in
Adobe Photoshop
This user uses
Wine (software).
This user programs with Visual Studio Code.
Other internet
This user contributes using a 4G mobile broadband connection.
Facebook prohibited signThis user is Facebook-free.
WikiaThis user edits Wikia as Pythoncoder.
This user uses Google Drive.
This user is a proud Internet Archivist.
DISCORDThis user uses Discord!
This user is against DRM.
This user adamantly supports
Net Neutrality.
snkdThis user says sneaked.
. TheThis user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
’sThi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
“…”This user favors curly quotation marks over straight style.
ANAL 4This user advocates good grammar usage.
USThis user uses American English.
Majority ≠ right This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
theyThis user frequently uses singular they as it is a handy gender-neutral pronoun.
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
ain't nobodyThis user hates seeing double negatives clutter up the English language. He wants to stomp it out no matter what it takes.
A, B, and CThis user prefers the serial comma.
Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice Chex This user prefers the cereal comma.
"…"?This user thinks "British punctuation is best for quotation marks". Do you?
This user knows the difference between a dash and a hyphen, and follows MOS:DASH.
MixThis user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently.
Non-ISO languages
1337-27h15 u53r 15 48l3 70 (0n7r18u+3
\/\/i7h 4|\| 1|\|73rm3d14+3 l3\/3l 0f 1337.
pig-3Isthay userway ancay ontributecay ithway anway advancedway evellay ofway Igpay Atinlay.
Ubbi-1Thubis ubusuber cuban spubeak uba bubasubic lubevubel ubof Ububbubi Dububbubi.
ASCII-184 104 105 115 32 117 115 101 114 32 99 97 110 32 99 111 110 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 32 105 110 32 98 97 115 105 99 32 65 83 67 73 73 46
LE-1This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English.
LipsumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
sar-2This user is an intermediate speaker of sarcasm.
sarThis user is obviously not sarcastic.
Gadgets & user scripts
This user watches over Wikipedia with the help of Twinkle!
This user uses HotCat.
User scriptsI'm using these userscripts: user:pythoncoder#User scripts
This user welcomes new users with Twinkle!
This user has almost as many userscripts as they have userboxes.
This user uses Navigation popups for a variety of tasks.
Policies & guidelines
IARThis user thinks the best rule on Wikipedia is Ignore All Rules.
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.
This user is bold, but not reckless, in updating pages.
This user believes in civility and assuming good faith.
This user has strong political views, but feels that Wikipedia is not the proper place to express them.
This user resists the POV pushing of lunatic charlatans.
This user is against the practice of paid editing on Wikipedia.
This user dislikes policy creep and understands that some consider it a big reason for Wikipedia's decline in participation.
Wikipedia opinions
D:<Nothing annoys this user more than when a teacher says that Wikipedia isn't reliable and that anybody can enter anything completely untrue that'll stay.
This user supports opt-in ads on Wikipedia (via user preferences).
This user likes "Trivia" and "In popular culture" information, and supports their inclusion.
This user believes that all articles should have an infobox.
This user knows that Wikipedia has become too bureaucratic.
admin+This user feels that criteria for adminship are generally too high
? supportThis user supports the right of editors to place adjectives in their recommendations.? oppose
This user supports the right of anonymous users to edit Wikipedia.
FLThis user supports displaying selected featured lists on the main page.
This user believes the '09 fundraising banner was grossly inappropriate.
vnThis user page has been vandalized.
Vn This user talk page has been vandalized.
VANThis user has reverted vandalism many times and has warned many vandals.
Thank the IPThis user believes that vandal–reverting IP address editors should be rewarded or thanked for their efforts.
This user hates @#$%@#^&@§¡¿•&$@#$ψπ!@#$%&*ʘ vandals!
linkspamThis user despises linkspam, and will terminate it on sight, as well as any other spam by the contributor.
Wikipedia misc.
This user has a Sandbox.
This user wants to compile and preserve the sum of all human knowledge.
This user enjoys tagging pages for problems.
Please Sign Your Posts

This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.

This user believes that adding relevant links is never a bad thing.
<ref>This user would like to see everyone using inline citations. Please...
This user likes to use the thank button.
+1This user has made more than one edit. What now?!?!
This user finds edit/revert wars disruptive.
This user has almost as many userscripts as they have userboxes.
This user uses edit counts and service awards as helpful goals and milestones when editing Wikipedia, but still knows that they are not an accurate reflection of how much they have contributed to the site.
This user removes personal attacks because it's the right thing to do.
This user is one of 117,562 active users.
# of usersThere are currently 48,029,551 users on Wikipedia, and this user is one of them.
This user requests Oversight on edits that contain personally identifying information, among other criteria.
wow such doge
This user knows the dire side effects of dihydrogen monoxide.
Do you?
DogOn the Internet, nobody
knows you're a dog.
🦆A duck walked up to a lemonade stand... 🎶
xkcdSudo make this user a sandwich.

This user will never give you up, let you down, run around or desert you.

Slap me with a trout if necessary. Go ahead; whack away!
You just lost The Game.
This user knows Who's on First.
This user likes banging on the keyboard.
This user wants to see Jimbo and Willy on Wheels duke it out in the ring, with Chuck Norris as the referee.
WORNEENG! TIs USr dOs NOt kNow Hw tO maeKe A yusEr bOks! (NOr tyPe.)

Pi ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 86104 54326 64821 33936 07260 24914 12737 24587 00660 63155 81748 81520 92096 28292 54091 71536 43678 92590 36001 13305 30548 82046 65213 84146 95194 15116 09...

In Soviet Russia, Wikipedia edits you.
If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing!

This user is a member of .

This user valiantly served in The Great April Fools' Day Edit War of 2019.
This user valiantly served in The Great April Fools' Day Edit War of 2020.
This user often makes mistakes while typing, and would like to take this oppurtunity to aoplogiae.
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This space is for rent.
This user does not exist. However, if this user begins to exist, seek shelter immediately.
Wikipediholism tests
This user scored 237 on the Wikipediholic test (revision 1009241023).
This user has taken the Wikipediholism test.
Version: legacy
Revision ID: 819539937
Score: 18240
Eliteness: 10
Rare Coins: 1
This user has taken the Wikipediholism test.
Version: User:pythoncoder/test/test
Score: 948
Eliteness: 9.001
Rare Coins: 3
Ultra Rare Coins: 1
UserboxitisI have Userboxitis and I got another Userbox!
This user likes or is interested in userboxes and loves to collect them.
This user lives in a Userbox.
This user is a userbox...
ubx-5This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
{{!!!}}This user over-uses userboxes.
Too many userboxesThis user may have too many userboxes ... nah, no way!!
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up his user page instead of actually writing something useful.
(This userbox intentionally
left blank)
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
Creation is goodThis user creates his own userboxes.
This user collects userboxes as if they were trading cards.


If this is your first time receiving this message, please restart your computer.
Oh no: this user has way too many userboxes.
I'm suffering from extreme
userbox overload.
This userbox was put here by mistake.
This user needs quite a few userboxes to sum him up completely.
This user has created 6 userboxes.
This user believes userboxes are a form of expression.
This user has too many userboxes.
This user loves userboxes!
This user thinks userboxes should be on every site.
IDThis is a blank Userbox, please tell the user if you see it, because it doesn't exist.
Userboxes I created[1]
This user keeps the userboxes they made below this point!
This user opposes the Wikimedia Foundation's arbitrary, opaque, and dictatorial office-banning of administrators when the community and ArbCom are more than capable of handling the issue themselves.
This user has taken the Wikipediholism test.
Score: 42
aotwThis user is an antiovertranswikist.
Association of Inclusionist WikipediansThis user is a proud member of the Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians.
many groupsThis user does not have a single editing philosophy and is instead a member of several semi-contradictory groups.
NYYThis user is a fan of any MLB team that beat the New York Yankees in the playoffs.
1Wikistress level 1: Just fine
2Wikistress level 2: A bit tense
3Wikistress level 3: Pretty stressed
4Wikistress level 4: I quit / I need a vacation
This user is currently active.
This user is currently semi-active.
This user is currently on wikibreak.
This user is currently on vacation in real life.
This user has retired from Wikipedia.
This user has almost as many userscripts as they have userboxes.
This user blesses the rains down in Africa.
This user contributes using a 5G mobile broadband connection.
This user programs with Visual Studio Code.
  1. ^ Some userboxes are duplicated here, because they are both relevant userboxes to me and userboxes I made.

Hello, I'm Pythoncoder. I edit in a lot of areas, including fixing typos, patrolling Recent Changes and New Pages, and rejecting AfC submissions with out-of-place chemistry terms. I also participate in RfAs, village pump proposals, and deletion discussions when I feel like it. Have a question about my edits or Wikipedia in general? Click the “Talk” button at the top of this page to leave me a message.

I also edit Wikia and RationalWiki under this same username, but I definitely do not have an account on Uncyclopedia. I’m still waiting for TV Tropes to send me a confirmation email, but maybe that’s for the best. I am not related to User:PythonCoder, who last edited in 2012.

Disclosures: I have never edited for pay and I never will. I use a lot of user scripts and gadgets (and even develop a couple) so I made PythoncoderAlt as an alt account to test what "stock Wikipedia" looks like for new users.

Articles I’ve created


Most of my edits these days involve new page patrol and other maintenance tasks, but I have created a few small articles:

Articles I’ve improved


April Fools' Day userpages


Every April Fools' Day, I have a bit of fun with my userpage. Here are my joke userpages from years past:

Stop pseudoscience on Wikipedia!

Current signature: pythoncoder (talk | contribs) 14:04, 12 May 2019 (UTC)

Previous signatures:

Steamboat Willie (1928)

Can you become the Supreme Leader of the Supreme Cabal?


Third opinion


Request for comment
Jimbo Wales
In the news
On this day
Did you know

You are banned!

Community discussionCommunity discussion
Rouge admin
Deletion review


Wikimedia Foundation
Edit war
(pay $100)
Main Page

Just browsing

WikiProject Spam


Admin cabal
Teh Drahmaz
(pay $200)
Community discussionANI

Collect $200 salary as you pass

[citation needed]


  Running with scissors is too dangerous for Wikipedia!


  Self-whale... for when a trout just isn't enough

  Looks like a duck to me

   Sounds like a duck quacking into a megaphone to me


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Committed identity: 41c0ec16624f38c6dcbd396023ee7110a5ca3ba65b68f47b84a8bbd2c4d52b571a16f18d5da99075a9493274bff2b8842d50d4798c4fcb06190e0857be02d8af is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.

 This is a Wikipedia user page.
This is not an encyclopedia article or the talk page for an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user whom this page is about may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia. The original page is located at