User:Gerda Arendt/Images 2020 - Wikipedia

Article Images

Did you know ...

... that Beethoven's Third Cello Sonata,
first performed in 1809, has been described as the first sonata
for piano and cello to treat the instruments as equal partners?

... that when Johannes Chum,
a tenor in operatic roles from Nerone to Lohengrin,
performed in Harnoncourt's recording of Beethoven's Missa solemnis,
a reviewer described his singing as "seraphic"?

Best wishes for 2020, - let's make it a year of illumination, enlightenment and vision!
Let's be thankful for 2019, a year of thanks.

2019 was another green year

  • ice flowers

  • cherry blossom

  • carnations

  • daisies

  • sunflowers

  • dahlias

  • apples on the tree

  • beech foliage

Months and music for 2020


Advent · expectation


Ecumenical service · Abendlob

Did you know ...

... that the German Advent song "Tochter Zion, freue dich"
has words by Friedrich Heinrich Ranke set to music used for
triumphant entrances in two of Handel's oratorios?

... that a verse from Psalm 85 inspired artworks
depicting the kiss of Justice and Peace?

... that Dixit Maria, a motet in Latin by Hans Leo Hassler,
sets to music the narrative of Mary's consent to the Annunciation?

... that one of the versions of Vivaldi's Magnificat
included five arias to be performed
by girl soloists from the Ospedale della Pietà,
who were named in the score?

... that the hymn "Nun lässest du, o Herr",
written by Georg Thurmair as a paraphrase of the Nunc dimittis,
appeared with a 16th-century melody in the first Gotteslob,
but with a new one in the second?

... that Ave Maria, an obscure piece for two men's choirs
by Franz Biebl published in 1964, became famous
when the Chanticleer made it part of their holiday programs?

Christmas · radiance and light


24 December · Christmas Eve
25 December · First Day of Christmas
26 December · Second Day of Christmas
Radio service hr4
1 February
8 March
8 March

Did you know ...

... that in his 1831 chorale cantata Verleih uns Frieden, Mendelssohn set Luther's German prayer for peace to a new melody?

... that O salutaris hostia (O saving victim), a setting of a Eucharistic hymn for mixed choir by Vytautas Miškinis, was performed in Brussels when Lithuania held the EU presidency?

... that Three Latin Motets (Beati), Charles Villiers Stanford's only church music not in English, was dedicated to Alan Gray, who succeeded him as organist at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the college's choir?

... that Henry Purcell (pictured) composed basically two settings of Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts, a complex one early, and a simple one for the burial of Queen Mary?

good plans but cancelled

28 + 29 March
9 April
Maundy Thursday
10 April
Good Friday
Passion in Paintings
from Unionskirche, Idstein

good plans, but cancelled

11 April
Easter Vigil
12 April

good plan, but cancelled 31 Pentecost - Chor von St. Bonifatius + Wiesbadener Knabenchor (60th anniversary) - Schubert: Mass in E-flat major

good plans but cancelled 7 Kirchweih - St. Martin - Colin Mawby: Halleluja / Rheingau Musik Festival, also July and August

I asked my friends to tell me a location where they would like to sing a song with me. Mine is first. For all but two so far, the images are placeholders, more or less similar to what I received, sometimes rather showing the mood than the location. When you read this, feel free to add one ;) - The small dates for the places indicate that I took the image. The small dates for the songs indicate when we actually sang the songs (first). 5 and 12 July are church dates, which covered five of them, be it mind-reading or a look here ;)

Image Places Songs Notes
  A meadow full of daisies where the Aar springs
(12 Jun)
music 1 listen 1
listen 2
  St. Michael, Kaubenheim Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust (6 Aug)
(m 1 Oct)
  St. Bonifatius, Wiesbaden Mein Gott, wie schön ist deine Welt (12 Jul)
  Kreuzkapelle, Bad Camberg
(19 Sep)
(m 9 Jun)
Wise Guys, listen
  St. Martin, Idstein 
(1 Jun)
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig as in St Matthew Passion
(5 Jul)
  Zu den heiligen Engeln, Kirchrode Geh aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud (12 Jun)
(m 2 Oct)
  Gaisbergferner, Obergurgl Geh aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud (12 Jun)
Sozusagen grundlos vergnügt (15 Aug)
(22 May)
Ave Maria
Handel's Hallelujah 
(m 10 Jul)
  Borgholzhausen Das wünsch ich sehr
(m 12 Jun)
  St. Johannes Evangelist Viel Glück und viel Segen [de]
(12 Jun)
  Sunset in Thuringia Wenn Du jetzt aufgibst listen
  Caputh, Brandenburg, where Fontane walked and Einstein liked to live Rote Rosen am Hügel (3 Oct)
(m 19 Sep)
  Lüneburger Heide Auf der Lüneburger Heide
  Schloss Oldenburg Such, wer da will, ein ander Ziel (15 Aug) played on trumpet
Flowers Das Weizenkorn muss sterben
Viens, Esprit Créateur
their home Take the "A" Train sung by Ella Fitzgerald, listen
  Glen Nevis listen 3 Moop Mama
  Rheinsteig above Rüdesheim, overlooking Nahe Segne, Vater, diese Gaben (12 Jun)
  Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral listen 1 2
  Berger Kirche Petite messe solennelle
(m 11 Jul)
(19 May)
Mögen sich die Wege (Irish blessing)
(m 11 Jul)
  Rhine at Rheindürkheim
(27 May)
Mein Gott, wie schön ist deine Welt (12 Jul)
  Organ loft of St. Bonifatius, Wiesbaden, where the choir often performed, including Bach's Christmas Oratorio Gabriel's Oboe
(m 13 Sep)
listen to Henrik Chaim Goldschmidt
  Handkerchief tree, Rombergpark Freuet euch der schönen Erde (11 Jul) Text listen
  Georgengarten, Hannover The Times They Are a-Changin' listen
  Yellow flowers and wall Le Laudi 
(m 18 Sep)
  Bright Angel Trail Sweet Bird
Bach Cello Suites
listen 1 2 Yo-Yo Ma
  White and red roses in Eltville, framing the view of the Rhine
(8 Jun)
Die güldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne (18 Jun)
Nun danket alle Gott (5 Jul)
(m 3 Oct)
  Autobahnkirche Siegerland
Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen, from Elias
(m 11 Jul)
  Herzogstand Hebe deine Augen auf, from Elias
  Münster Botanical Garden
(11 Jul 2018)
La Partida listen
  Bedford Presbyterian Church Vespro della Beata Vergine 
Dona nobis pacem, from Mass in B minor 
  Teatown Lake Reservation Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (13 Aug)
  From Werl to Teresina Die Himmel rühmen des Ewigen Ehre
Ave verum corpus
  Fondation Monet in Giverny Seele, vergiss sie nicht 
Von Gott kömmt mir ein Freudenschein, from Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten! BWV 172 
(m 27 Jul)
  Flight over Berchtesgaden Kommt ein Vogel geflogen (13 Oct)
  Castle Tower in Eltville Die Schöpfung
(m 18 Sep)
  Pocantico River at Rockefeller State Park Preserve Here I Am, Lord
For the beauty of the earth (13 Jun)
listen 1
listen 2
  St. Jacobi, Werther, decorated for Thanksgiving Wir pflügen und wir streuen
Stern über Bethlehem
(m 3 Oct)
  Ronneburg What the World Needs Now Is Love song at wedding, listen to Dionne Warwick
  Tuscany Geh aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud (12 Jun)
(m 12 Jun)
Winery near Leesburg, Virginia Virginia, The Home Of My Heart listen to Susan Greenbaum
  Schloss Freudenberg in Wiesbaden-Dotzheim Der Lindenbaum, from Schubert's Winterreise
Libiamo ne' lieti calici
  Entree salle capitulaire of Abbaye de Fontevraud Dona nobis pacem (round) (18 Jul) listen
  Torneträsk Vi gå över daggstänkta berg (6 Aug)
  Spitzingsee O Täler weit, o Höhen (17 Sep)
Sail away (17 Sep)
  Cima Valdritta (Monte Baldo) Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit (2 Oct)

Anna and Bernhard Blume


Did you know ...

... that the art photographers Anna and Bernhard Blume
created Kitchen Frenzy and Pure Reason?

... that in 1968, the German artist Bazon Brock created
a sign in the style of a high voltage warning saying
that "death must be abolished ..."?

back to singing in church at St. Martin, Idstein 

5 July
Nun jauchzt dem Herren, alle Welt
12 July
Mein Gott, wie schön ist deine Welt
26 July
Deutsche Messe (Schubert)
2 August
Herr, deine Güt ist unbegrenzt
9 August
Singt dem Herrn ein neues Lied
16 August
Ein Haus voll Glorie schauet
22 August
Zu dir, o Gott, erheben wir die Seele
29 August
Ich lobe meinen Gott von ganzem Herzen
5 September
Lobet den Herren alle, die ihn ehren
12 September
Zu dir, o Gott, erheben wir
19 September
Kreuzkapelle, Bad Camberg
26 September
Alles meinem Gott zu Ehren

good plans but cancelled:

26 - Concert - Chor St. Martin + Idsteiner Kantorei + Zwijndrecht Korale - St. Martin - Martín Palmeri: Misatango + Peter Reulein: Te Deum

27 - same

3 October
Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie
Adagio for Strings
4 October
St. Pankratius, Gütersloh [de]
Lobet den Herren alle, die ihn ehren
4 October
St. Peter, Syburg
Bläserquartett "ArtCollage"
10 October
Eine große Stadt ersteht
17 October
Erfreue dich, Himmel

good plans, but cancelled

3 - Concert - St. Bonifatius - Johannes Brahms: Schicksalslied · Joachim Raff: De profundis [2]

24 - Concert - Reger-Chor - St. Bonifatius - Bach: O ewiges Feuer, BWV 34/1 · Duruflé: Requiem · Van Nuffel: In Convertendo + Bach: Bleib bei uns, BWV 6/1

31 - Brugge Cathedral - same

good plans but cancelled

13 Abendlob for Advent - St. Martin

Beethoven in 1803
... did you know?

Did you know ...

... that Beethoven's Third Cello Sonata, first performed in 1809, has been described
as the first sonata for piano and cello to treat the instruments as equal partners?

... that Gustav Classens, music director in Bonn from 1933, performed
Beethoven's Choral Fantasy, Missa solemnis, and Ninth Symphony
during his first two seasons, offering the Ninth in both?

... that Christian Schreiber, a church administrator, philosopher and poet,
wrote a German version of the Latin Mass
for the publication of Beethoven's Mass in C major?

... that when Johannes Chum, a tenor in operatic roles from Nerone to Lohengrin,
performed in Harnoncourt's recording of Beethoven's Missa solemnis,
a reviewer described his singing as "seraphic"?

(16 December 2020)

Advent 2020 · take courage

Did you know ...

... that in Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, a cantata in eleven movements for Advent,
Georg Böhm set all eight stanzas of Luther's hymn, and all differently?

(20 December 2020 · #1530)

... that "Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder", a 1642 Advent hymn,
includes a call to penitence that John the Baptist took from the prophet Isaiah?

... that the Advent song "Kündet allen in der Not",
an appeal to those in need to take courage,
was written by Friedrich Dörr, based on Isaiah's prophecy?

... that "Macht weit die Pforten in der Welt", written for the Basel Mission,
was included with a new melody in Kirchenlied
to proclaim Christ the King in opposition to the Nazi regime?

good plans but cancelled

24 Christmas Eve - St. Martin

25 Christmas Day - St. Bonifatius