User:Maschen/Dirac–Fierz–Pauli equations - Wikipedia

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Quantum field theory


Dirac in 1936, and Fierz and Pauli in 1939, built relativistic wave equations from irreducible spinors A and B, symmetric in all indices, for a massive particle of spin n + ½ for integer n (see Van der Waerden notation for the meaning of the dotted indices):

where p is the momentum as a covariant spinor operator. For n = 0, the equations reduce to the coupled Dirac equations and A and B together transform as the original Dirac spinor. Eliminating either A or B shows that A and B each fulfill the Klein–Gordon equation[1]

provided the conditions


See also




  1. ^ S. Esposito (2011). "Searching for an equation: Dirac, Majorana and the others". arXiv:1110.6878.