User talk:WORLDPOWER27 - Wikipedia

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New messages go at the bottom, not the top.— dαlus Contribs 04:18, 30 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Sorry,i didn't realize it.WORLDPOWER27 (talk) 04:23, 30 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I agree with a lot of what you say. I'm a supporter of other Churches becoming closer to ours, because there are not THAT many differences between others, but we act as if we are enemies. How did the Orthodox Church split anyway? I've been curious about that for a long time. I've been told both that the Orthodox Church never split, just gradually fell apart, and I've also been told that there was a major Schism.

The protestant Churches are a different problem because they all group themselves together. An Episcopal Church is a lot more like us than a Baptist one. The Protestants do need money to expand, and from where I live (Central Florida), most of the Churches are Catholic, not Protestant, and many Protestant Churches are shutting down.

I don't think that Islam is a problem. I know very few people of Islamic faith, but those I do are probably the nicest people you will ever meet. The bigger problem right now and in the near future will be as stated above, the protestant Churches, because with them, we are fighting against each other even though we are the same.

Living in America, I cannot claim to know anyone who knows the Pope. I have met people who have met the previous Pope, but not Pope Benedict.

When I say I am Conservative Catholic, I mean it in both the Religious and Political sense. After looking at his political stance, Joe Biden seems Socially Conservative (except when it comes to Abortion), and Economically liberal. I'm a bit different there. I'm against Abortion in cases where it is not life threatening, but I'm weary of the PATRIOT act. I'm also against Free Health Care, for the sole fear that it might cause an overflow of patients. I also don't believe that Global Warming is happening.

I agree that we think alike in a lot of ways. I think the only reason we are arguing against each other as to whether or not the EU is a power is because I don't live there and you do. The EU is close to being a superpower, and now that I think of it, if Russia Joins the EU, Canada and the US might want to think about joining too (or at least being more supportive, lest we find ourselves without many allies). --Rockstone35 (talk) 01:21, 8 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I know they have something similar to the EU in the works called the North American Union. Currently it is just the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), but sooner than later, we might become a political entity.

I know that as far as the Orthodox Church goes, they are the only one that we can accept Communion from, and the only one where going to mass actually means you went. The Anglican Church is a strange situation. After Henry the 8th died, it should have died as well, because Queen Elizabeth was not able to rule because of all the divorces.

As for Hitler being Catholic, it was only by name. The Nazis prosecuted Catholics as well as the Jews, although not nearly to the same severity that the Jews were prosecuted.

I agree, the most powerful man in the world is the Pope, because he is the head of the Catholic Church, and all Christians look upon him as an authority figure. The death sentence is something I have mixed feelings about. I think that the death sentence should be restricted to only the worst crimes. That would be, First degree murder, and Rape. As it stands right now however, the death penalty is useless in the United States, because they tend to stay on death row until they die. Given the choice between life in Prison and the death sentence, I probably would chose the death sentence, because one will end the anguish of being stuck in prison forever. I think the death penalty must be handed out with extreme caution, but the complete removal of it is something I'm a bit leary about.

Abortion is very dangerous and very wrong however. Except in those cases where a birth threatens the life of the mother, or it would result in a stillbirth, at which case it should be the choice of the mother. Stem Cell research is a fine line. As a Catholic, I'm against using unborn stem cells, but I realize that if I were paralyzed from the neck down, and I found out that stem cells could help me, I probably would be oinking for whatever stem cells you could get. I know that there are ways to get stem cells from adult human beings, and that I don't see as being a problem.

Thats cool to know that San Florido is how Florida got it's name. I didn't know that. My town doesn't have a saint, but the largest Church in my town (indeed, the largest Church in the south part of the County) is a Catholic one known as St. Stephen's Catholic Community. I go there every week.

Btw: I like Latin too! Unfortunately, my school doesn't offer it, so I'm stuck learning Chinese. My Chinese teacher seems to think that Latin is useless for some reason, where in my opinion, while it is a dead language (no one learns Latin as their native tongue), it is very helpful for a Catholic, and helpful for anyone else who wants to learn how English is developed. Did you know that German and English are very similar? They both come from Anglo-Saxon, which I believe was derived from Latin. The Latin Alphabet actually comes from the Egyptian Hieroglyphs (Somehow)! But language isn't as much my forte as politics, religion and most of all Computers. Ask me if you are curious about any of those things! --Rockstone35 (talk) 15:08, 8 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

I like languages.I speak french,german and english.I've 2 degrees,one in chemistry and one in ecomnomy.I'm 37 and i live in Citta' di Castello.I was soldier in the 28th rgt of art. Pavia.I waked for Glaxo and CMC.I visited all EU,Switzerland,Norway,Russia,Mauritania,Brazil,Argentina,Paraguay,Australia,Canada(ON,BC,AL) and Usa(NY,CA,NV,WA,CO,AZ,AK,HI). English is very common in the world because is an easy language.German is similar but more complex.French is very similar to the italian (it's an italian dialect) above all in the pronounce.Spanish,romenian and portoguese are also similar to italian but less than french.All this languages are from latin. Your teacher of chinese isn't well informed because latin is used in many scientific areas and many many english words are from latin.In fact after roman left UK in 260 a.c. arrived saxons.After saxons arrived the Normans that were "civil" vikings.They spoke french and so also latin.When they arrived they imposed their language.In english all the words of a medium-high level complexity are from latin.The common languange is in part latin and in part saxon. Conversation,distribution,constellation and so on are for instance all from latin.The words ending with -tion are from french and italian and so from latin (3rd declination).All international act derive from latin law and many times are used latin words (not chinese words). Mors tua vita mea-If you die i live Divide et impera-Divide your enemies and rule Excusatio non petita accusatio manifesta-Nobody asked you to tell to be honest so you are the guilty Deus ex machina-The mind of everithing Ad crucem ibis-You'll go on the cross (What Jesus heard!) Chartago delenda est-Chartagena must be destroyed. Agenda (booknote)-the things people must do. Latin is wonderful. Pax tibi Marce evangelista meus-Peace to you Mark my evangelist You should tell your teacher to study better history! I would like to help you a lot because you are intelligent and with a very high level intersert in main things.Your teachers should be pride of YOU!WORLDPOWER27 (talk) 21:42, 8 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thank you! Thats amazing, I've never been out of the country (indeed, never been out of the South Eastern United States, you've been to more states than I have). I really want to learn Latin! Those are cool phrases! I've been wracking my brain though, I went to Mass Tonight (Holy Thursday), and the song they sang at the end was Adoramus Te Dominae. What do those words mean? Adoramus must mean to adore, and I think Te means and, but what does Dominae mean? My only guess is the phrase means: Adore god, but I don't know how close I am. --Rockstone35 (talk) 04:51, 10 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Adoramus te domine tranlsted is "We adore YOU oh Lord!" Domine (vocative) and not dominae (genitive).You are very close. That's make you understand how english derives from Latin. United States is from Latin. Unitas-unitatis=Union Statum-i=State The same EU.Do you know that tthe flag of EU has a Catholic origin? The 15 yellow stars on the blue flag are the stars of St MARY in Lourdes.Peter in english i from Latin (Petrus-i).It means stone,like Rockstone35. About Usa don't worry as You said (i agree) one day after this crise will be in a political being similar to EU that derives from Nafta.I want only to suggest You some good thing in financials.Be aware of US Treasury bonds (too high courses) and above all of shres markets (DJ will fall again under 5000 pts).It's very good now as investiment in Usa GOLD or gold societies such as Newmont Mining (NEM).I tell YOU this because i think that 2 brothers MUST help one another. One day i'd like (if YOU want)to explain why Christian religion expanded and why the teh erethic Protestants born in some places.There are historical and cultural reasons. I wish YOU teh best days for Easter.Have a true Easter and GOD blesses YOU!When Jesus tell the times that we have to pardon ,HE says seventy times jew is ALWAYS! You should study latin and old history.I see you'd overtake a lot of people because you like these subjects. VALE ROCKSTONE35!WORLDPOWER27 (talk) 13:52, 10 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thank you! Latin is the #1 thing I want to learn about now. God bless you too! How did the Christian Religion expand and how did the Protestants form? The only protestant group that can be irritating are the Baptists, because they deny pretty much any other. The others are a bit more understanding. Have a good Easter too! --Rockstone35 (talk) 16:46, 10 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Sorry about my late response, Spring Break just ended.

Anyway, I hope your Daughter's baptism went well!

Talk to you later, I hope you had a good and blessed Easter! Bye! --Rockstone35 (talk) 19:36, 14 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

You have been accused of sockpuppetry. Please refer to Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/EU 100% for evidence. Please make sure you make yourself familiar with notes for the suspect before editing the evidence page. TastyCakes (talk) 16:59, 19 May 2009 (UTC)Reply