Yefrem Mukhin

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Mukhin Yefrem Yosypovych (Russian: Мухин, Ефрем Осипович ; Ukrainian: Мухін Єфрем Йосипович (8 February 1776 - 12 February 1850) was a scientist, surgeon, anatomist, physiologist, hygienist of Ukrainian origin. One of the founders of the anatomical and physiological direction in medicine and the doctrine of the leading role of the brain in the body's vital activity. Started the symbiosis of traumatology and surgery. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Yefrem Mukhin

Мухін Єфрем Йосипович

On the engraving of 1830, the work of Alexander Florov

Born8 February 1776

village of Zarizhne , Sloboda Ukraine , Russian Empire (today Kharkiv oblast , Ukraine)

Died2 December 1850

village of Koltsovo , Kaluga Governorate, Russian Empire

Alma materKharkiv Collegium
Scientific career
FieldsMedicine, Surgery, Anatomy
InstitutionsMoscow University

He grew up in a noble family. From September 1781 he studied at the Kharkiv Collegium. In May 1787, he was assigned to the fortress of St. Elizabeth hospital to care for the sick. In February 1789, he was transferred to the main hospital at the main apartment of Grigory Potemkin, where he received extensive practice “not only in one hospital, but also on the battlefield,” including during the siege of Ochakiv.[1][2]

After end of the Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792), he returned to the hospital in Elisavetgrad, where from December 1789 he was a prosector of anatomy. In January 1791, he was promoted to physician and began teaching osteology and the “science of dislocations and fractures” at the hospital's medical-surgical school, and also served as a surgeon.[3]

In January 1795, he began attending lectures and practical classes at Moscow University, and in October he was hired as a doctor at the Moscow Military Hospital.

In August 1800, he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and in September took the position of associate professor at the Medical-Surgical Academy. At the same time, at the invitation of Metropolitan Plato, he taught in 1802-1808 “the entire course of medical sciences” at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy (without salary); also lectured at the Moscow Theological Academy.[4]

He left the university in 1835 with the rank of professor and died in his estate in 1850.[5]

In the city of Kropyvnytskyi (Ukraine) there is a medical college named in his honor.[6]

  1. ^ Лицо с незаконченным медицинским образованием и прошедшее несколько лет практической выучки
  2. ^ Совет был учреждён распоряжением Московского военного генерал-губернатора Д. В. Голицына
  3. ^ Барсов И.Ф. Описание села Федяева Вяземского уезда. 10 февраля 1904г. // ГАСО. Ф.391. Оп.1. Ед.хр.3. Л.141 -142. В пригороде г.Вязьма имением Федяево, с прилегающим к нему деревнями Гридино, Рябцево, Потапово, Долматово, Е.О.Мухин владел до февраля 1842г.(См.:РГИА.Ф.577.Оп.37.Д.811.Л.112-115). На Смоленщине другое имение Златоуство в Гжатском уезде (ныне Гагаринский район) Е.О.Мухину принадлежало пожизненно. После его смерти село Златоуство с деревнями по берегам реки Гжать Подвязье, Казариново, Печишенки, Коринкино, Ругатино, Куршево, Куклинки, Извозки, Орлово, Кривцы с пустошью Иванцово, унаследовали его дети (См.:ГАКО.Ф.66. Оп.2. Д.728 от 12. 09. 1860г. Л. 8-10).
  4. ^ По адресу: Курносов пер., д.3. Дом Е. О. Мухина снесён при строительстве высотки на Котельнической набережной.
  5. ^ Государственный архив Калужской области (ГАКО). Ф.33, Оп.4, Д.159, Лл.843об.—844.
  6. ^ Єлисаветградська медико-хірургічна школа та Е.Мухін