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'''''[[w:A Bug's Life|A Bug's Life]]''''' is American computer animated film, released by [[w:Disney|Disney]] and [[w:Pixar|Pixar]] to theaters ina [[w:1998 in film|1998]]. ItAmerican CGI-animated film concernsabout an oddball ant named Flik, who recruits circus bugs to defend his colony from grasshoppers.

:''Directed by [[w:John Lasseter|John Lasseter]]. Written by [[w:Andrew Stanton|Andrew Stanton]].''

{{center|'''An epic of miniature proportions.'''([[A Bug's Life#Taglines|taglines]])}}

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== Flik ==

* ''[after Heimlich suggests that he tell the truth]'' They can't! They can't know the truth! The truth, you see, is bad! I will be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life! My children's children will walk down the street, and people will point and say "Look! There goes the spawn of Flik the loser!" Oh, oh, oh, you know, all right fine. Yeah okay. Just go. But could you do me a little favor before you leave? If you could squish me.

== Hopper ==

* I swear, if I hadn't promised mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I would ''kill you!''

* Listen, if you don't keep your end of the bargain, then I can't guarantee your safety! And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you! Someone could get hurt.

* It seems to me that you ants are forgetting your place. So let's double the order of food. ''['''Princess Atta''': No! But-But-]'' We'll be back at the end of the season, when the last leaf falls. You ants have a nice summer. LET'S RIDE!

* Guys, order another round, because we're staying here! What was I thinking? Going back to Ant Island. I mean, we just got here, and we have more than enough food to get us through the winter. Right? Why go back?

* You let one ant stand up to us, then they ''all'' might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of '''life!''' It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. '''That's''' why we're going '''BACK!''' Does anybody else wanna stay?



* Let this be a lesson to all you ants! Ideas are very dangerous things! You are mindless, soil-shoving losers, put on this Earth to serve us!

== Manny ==

Line 12 ⟶ 22:


:''[First lines; As the line of ants marched to the stone, one ant spotted a shadow moving across the ground. He looked up and gasped. A leaf was falling from the overhead tree]''

:'''Scared Ant #1''': ''[gasps]'' No, no, no, Oh, no. Oh, no.

:''[a leaf lands in front of one of the worker ants in the food line]''

:'''Scared Ant #1''': I'm lost! Where's the line?! It just went away! What do I do?!

:'''Scared Ant #2''': Help!

:'''Scared Ant #3''': We'll be stuck here forever!

:'''Mr. Soil''': Do not panic. Do not panic! We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm. We are going around the leaf.

:'''Scared Ant #1''': Around the leaf. I-I-I don't think we can do that.

:'''Mr. Soil''': Oh, nonsense. This is nothing compared to the twig of '93. ''[gestured for the line of nervous ants to come towards him]'' That's it. That's it. Good! You're doing great! There you go. There you go! Watch my eyes. Don't look away. And here's the line again.

:'''Scared Ant #1''': ''[gleeful shout]'' Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Soil!

:'''Mr. Soil''': Good job, everybody!

:'''Dr. Flora''': Oh, my. There's quite a gap, Mr. Soil. Shouldn't we tell the queen?

:'''Mr. Soil''': I don't think we need to involve the queen in this. She's got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.

:'''Dr. Flora''': Oh, yes, Princess Atta. The poor dear.

<hr width="50%"/>

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh... Wind's died down. They'll be here soon.

:'''Queen''': Just be confident, dear. You'll be fine.

Line 22 ⟶ 48:

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh! Don't tell me. I know it. I know it. What is it?

:'''Queen''': We relax!

:'''Princess Atta''': Right.

:'''Queen''': Oh, it'll be fine. It's the same, year after year. They come, they eat, they leave. That's our lot in life. It's not a lot, but it's our life. ''[laughs]'' Isn't that right, Aphie? Oh, you're such a cute little aphid. ''[As she sets Aphie down, the 2 ant boys pop out of a hole in the ground]''

:'''GrubReed''': Ditch Dot!

:'''ReedGrub''': Yeah, yeah!

:'''Dot''': Hey, come back here! ''[Triestries to hover after the boys, but drops to the ground]''

:'''Queen''': Dot!

:'''Dot''': Yes, Mother.

Line 43 ⟶ 69:

:'''Mr. Soil''': What do you think you're doing?!

:'''Dr. Flora''': You could have killed somebody over here!

:'''Flik''': ''[Lookslooks up and gasps, running over]'' I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

:'''Thorny''': ''[Annoyedannoyed]'' Oh, it's Flik.

:''[Cornelius groans]''

:'''Flik''': I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I'm sorry! ''[The council members lift the stalk, freeing Atta]'' Princess Atta!

:'''Princess Atta''': Flik, what are you doing?

:'''Flik''': Oh... Oh, this? This is my new idea for harvesting grain! No more picking individual kernels! You can just cut down the entire stalk!

:'''Princess Atta''': Flik, we don't have time for this.

:'''Flik''': Exactly! We never have time to collect food for ourselves, because we spend all summer harvesting for the offering. But my invention will speed up production.

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[groans]'' Another invention?

:'''Flik''': Yeah, and I've got something for you, too. ''[Picks up a blade of grass and folds it into a cone]''

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[sighs]'' Flik!

:'''Flik''': Since you're gonna be queen soon, you could use this to oversee production. ''[Borrowsborrows a dewdrop from Dr. Flora]'' Dr. Flora, if I may.

:'''Dr. Flora''': ''[gasps]'' Oh!

:'''Princess Atta''': This is all very nice, but...

:'''Thorny''': What?

:'''Flik''': Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right?

:'''Princess Atta''': Flik, please.

:'''Flik''': Wrong! It is, in fact... ''[Dropsdrops the dewdrop in the middle of the blade]'' A telescope!

:''[Dot and Queen laugh]''

:'''Princess Atta''': It's very clever, Flik, but...

:''[Flik peers at Atta through the telescope]''

:'''Flik''': Hello, princess! My, aren't you looking lovely this morning! Not, of course, that you would need a telescope to see that...

:'''Thorny''': All right, listen! The princessPrincess doesn't have time for this! You want towanna help us fill this thing?! Then get rid of that machine, get back in line and pick grain like everybody else!

:'''Cornelius''': Like everybody else!

:'''Princess Atta''': Please, Flik. Just go.

:'''Flik''': I'm sorry. I was... I was really just trying... Trying to help.

:'''Cornelius''': Harvester. Why, we've harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa.

Line 79 ⟶ 105:

:'''Flik''': But, Your Highness, it's about the offering!

:'''Princess Atta''': Shhh!''

:'''Grasshopper #1Hopper''': ''[first words]'' Hey, what's going on?

:'''Grasshopper #2Molt''': ''[first words]'' Yeah, where's the food?

:''[all ants gasp]''

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[angrily to Flik]'' What did you do?

:'''Flik''': ''[all ants turn to him, nervously]'' It was an accident?

:''[An ugly foot punches a hole in the ground followed by several more feet punching more holes as the grasshoppers drop into the anthill]''

:'''Molt''': ''[first words]'' Boo! Where's the food?!

:''[As the ants try to hide, a tall, brown grasshopper lands in front of Flik and two other ants]''

:'''Flik''': Hopper.

:''[Hopper paces back and forth around]''

:'''Hopper''': ''[first words]'' So, where is it? '''''WHERE'S MY FOOD?!''''' ''[echoes]''

:'''Princess Atta''': I-Isn't it up there?

:'''Hopper''': ''What?!''

:'''Princess Atta''': The food was sitting in a leaf on top-

:'''Hopper''': ''[interrupts]'' ExcuseEXCUSE meME?!

:'''Princess Atta''': Are you sure it's not up there?

:'''Hopper''': Are you saying I'm stupid?

Line 107 ⟶ 133:

:'''Hopper''': Molt.

:'''Molt''': This blue jay has him halfway down his throat, okay? And Hopper's kickin' and screamin', okay? And I'm scared, okay? I'm not goin' anywhere near, okay? ''[Hopper furiously approaches Molt]'' Aw, come on. It's a great story. ''[Hopper angrily grabs his antennae]'' Ow! Ow! Ow!

:'''Hopper''': ''[violently pushes him against a wall]'' I swear, if I hadn't promised mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I would ''kill you!''

:'''Molt''': And believe me, no one appreciates that more than I do.

:'''Hopper''': Shut up! I don't want to hear another word out of you while we're on this island. Do you understand me? ''[Molt whimpers]'' I said, do you understand me?!

:'''Molt''': Well, how can I answer?! You said I couldn't say another word! ''[Hopper enraged is about to punch him]'' Ah! Remember Ma!

:'''Hopper''': ''[furiously turns and angrily punches another grasshopper; calms down becoming reasonable]'' Hey, I'm a compassionate insect. There's still a few months till the rains come, ''so you can all just try again.''.

:'''Queen''': But, Hopper, since it's almost the rainy season, we need this time to gather food for ourselves!

:'''Hopper''': Listen, if you don't keep your end of the bargain, then I can't guarantee your safety! And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you! Someone could get hurt. ''[He evilly snaps his fingers and calls out Thumper who scares Dot; she tries to run away but is caught by Hopper; he brings her face-to-face with Thumper]'' What's the matter? You scared of grasshoppers? You don't like Thumper?

:'''Flik''': ''[steps forward]'' Leave her alone!

:'''Hopper''': ''[turns to Flik]'' You want her? ''[He holds Dot above Flik]'' Go ahead. Take her. ''[Flik stands down in fear]'' No? Then get ''back in line''. ''[Flik goes back in line; releases Dot, who returns to her family]'' It seems to me that you ants are forgetting your place. So let's ''double'' the order of food.

:'''Princess Atta''': No! But-But-

:'''Hopper''': We'll be back at the end of the season, when the last leaf falls. ''[pulls a skin flake off Molt and lets it slowly drop like a leaf]'' You ants have a nice summer. LetLET'sS rideRIDE!

:''[The grasshoppers all fly away and the entire colony stares at Flik, who chuckles nervously]''

Line 155 ⟶ 181:

:'''Cornelius''': While we keep harvesting to meet Hopper's demands.

:'''Dr. Flora''': You see? With Flik gone, he can't...

:'''Princess Atta''': He can't mess anything up! ''[After talking with the Council]'' Flik, after much deliberation, we have decided... to grant you your request!

:'''Flik''': Really?

:'''Queen''': Really?

:'''Princess Atta''': Uh, really.

:'''Flik''': Oh! Thank you, princess. Thank you so much for this chance. I-I-I won't let you down, I promise, I promise, I promise, I promise.

:'''Princess Atta''': Yeah, yeah, that's fine, that's fine. No, forget it, forget it.

:'''Flik''': But I should probably help repair some of the damage before I go, don't you think...

:'''Ant Council''': No! No, no!

Line 167 ⟶ 193:

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': ''[suavely]'' Hey, donDon't worry! The colony is in good hands! Bye, now.

:''[An ants cheering]''

:'''Flik''': ''[breathes in]'' All right. Hey, fellas. Beautiful morning, huh?

Line 195 ⟶ 221:

:'''Dot''': Flik!

:'''Flik''': ''[muffled]'' I'm okay!

:'''GrubReed''': Your dad's right. He's gonna die.

:'''Dot''': You just watch. He's gonna get the bestest, roughest bugs you've ever seen!

<hr width=50%>

:''[Dim roaring]''

:'''Rosie''': Get back! Get back! Get back, you horrible beast! I have no fear!

:'''Dim''': Oh! ''[whimpers]''

:'''Rosie''': Oh, no.

:''[Dim crying, the other flies booing]''

:'''Rosie''': Oh, I'm so sorry, Dim. An owie?

:'''Dim''': Owie! Owie, owie! ''[sobs]''

:'''Rosie''': Okay, show Rosie the owie. All right, Dim. It's okay.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Fly Mom''': ''[frustrated sighs]'' I have been in outhouses that didn't stink that bad. This is ridiculous. What a disappointment.

:''[A small flea in a top hat, P.T. Flea, jumps outside the tent]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': ''[gasps]'' No!

:'''Complaining Fly''': You! Come here! I want my money back!

:'''P.T.''': Uh, no refunds after the first two minutes.!

:'''Cockroach''': Popcorn! Stale popcorn!

:'''P.T. Flea''': We're losing the audience! You clowns get out there now!

:'''Heimlich''': I hate performing on an empty stomach!

:'''P.T. Flea''': Do your act, Heimlich, then you can eat.!

:'''Slim''': P.T., what's the point?

:'''P.T. Flea''': Not now, Slim.

:'''Slim''': What's the point of going out there? They'll only laugh at me.

:'''P.T. Flea''': That's because you're a ''CLOWN!''

:'''Slim''': No, it's because I'm a ''PROP!'' You always cast me as the broom! The pole! The stick! ''A splinter!''

:'''P.T. Flea''': You're a walking stick! IT'S FUNNY! '''NOW, GO!'''

:'''Slim''': You parasite.

:''[The other flies booing. Slim and Francis prance in the arena with flowers on their heads]''

Line 225 ⟶ 261:

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': ''YOU'RE PERFECT! Oh, great ones! I have been scouting for bugs with your exact talents!

:'''Flik''': ''[has just realized the "warrior bugs" are from the circus]'' Your Highness! The warriors have called a secret meeting to make plans for circus, uh, circumventing the oncoming horde, so they can trapeze - trap them with ease!

:'''Gypsy''': ''[gasps]'' A talent scout.

:'''Flik''': My colony's in trouble. Grasshoppers are coming! We've been forced to prepare all this food.

:'''Manny''': Dinner theater!

:'''Heimlich''': Food?

:'''Flik''': ''[pleading]'' PLEASE! Will you help us?!

:'''Thud''': ''[groan]''

:'''Fly''': Where are they?

:'''Slim''': We'll take the job!

:'''Flik''': Really?

:'''Heimlich''': Yah! Yah!

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': ''[has just realized the "warrior bugs" are from the circus]'' Your Highness! The warriors have called a secret meeting to make plans for circus,circus… uhUh, ''circumventing'' the oncoming horde, so they can trapeze -trapeze… trap''Trap'' them with ease!

:'''Princess Atta''': Well, shouldn't I come, too?

:'''Flik''': No! Ha ha ha! Sorry. No, no, see it's classified in the DMZ, gotta go ASAP, you know, strictly BYOB. Bye!

<hr width=50%>

:'''Princess Atta''': You don't think I've offended the warriors, do you?

:'''Flik''': ''You''? No!

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh, good. Because, you see, when you first brought them here, I'd thought you'd hired a bunch of clowns!

:'''Flik''': ''[voice suddenly higher]'' You ''did''?

:''[laughs nervously]''

Line 238 ⟶ 287:

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': Princess, you're doing a great job.

:'''Princess Atta''': Thanks. You're sweet. You're wrong, but sweet. I know what everyone really thinks.

:'''Flik''': I don't follow.

:'''Princess Atta''': Everyone, the whole colony. Nobody really believes I can do this job. It's like they're all watching me. Just... just...

:'''Flik''': Waiting for you to screw up.

:'''Princess Atta''': Flik, I owe you an apology.

:'''Flik''': For what?

:'''Princess Atta''': Well, I haven't been that nice to you, and I'm sorry. If there's any way I can make it up to you... Hey! I know! How would you like to be the queen's official aide to the warrior bugs?

:'''Flik''': Me?

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh, sure. You've got a great rapport going with them, especially after that rescue. It was very brave.

<hr width=50%>

Line 264 ⟶ 313:

:'''Axel''': Are you kidding me?

:''[the other grasshoppers, even Thumper, laugh]''

:'''Hopper''': Well, how about ''this one?'' ''[He pulls the lid off the jar, releasing an avalanche of grain that buries and kills Axel and Loco leaving all the grasshoppers shocked. Hopper then climbs on top of the grain pile]'' You let one ant stand up to us, then they ''all'' might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us 100a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of '''life!''' It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. '''That's''' why we're going '''backBACK!''' Does anybody else wanna stay?

:''[the grasshoppers are all set]''

:'''Molt''': He's quite the motivational speaker, isn't he?

Line 271 ⟶ 320:

<hr width=50%>

:'''Princess Atta''': You mean you're not warriors?

:'''P.T. Flea''': Are you kiddingkiddin'? These guys are the lousiest circus bugs you've ever seen, and they're gonna make me rich!

:'''Thorny''': You mean to tell me that our entire defensive strategy was concocted by clowns?!

:'''Francis''': Hey, hey, hey, hey. We really thought Flik's ideasidea was gonna work.

:''[all ants gasp and angrily turn to Flik, while the fireflies put a spotlight on him]''

:'''Francis''': ''[realizes his mistake]'' Oops.

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[sternly]'' Tell me this isn't true.

:'''Flik''': No, you don't understand me.

:'''Cornelius''': This couldn't have happened at a more inopportune time! The last leaf is about to fall!

:'''Princess Atta''': We haven't collected any food for the grasshoppers!

:'''Thorny''': If Hopper finds out what we almost did-

:'''Queen''': ''[angrily]'' Hopper is '''not''' going to find out! We're going to hide all this, and pretend it never happened! ''[angrily points to Circus Bugs]'' '''You''' bugs were never here, so I suggest you all leave!

:'''Flik''' ''[gets in front of Circus Bugs]'' But the bird! The bird will work!

:'''Queen''': I ''never'' thought I'd see the day when an ant would put himself before the rest of his colony.

:'''Flik''': ''[shocked]'' What?

:'''Queen''': The point is, Flik, you lied to us.

:'''Flik''': No, it's not true, I just-!

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[walks to Flik, hurt and angry]'' You lied, Flik. You lied to her. You lied to the colony! You lied to ''me!'' And like an idiot, I believed you.

:'''Flik''': But I was just afraid that if you knew I'd gotten circus bugs. ''[looks at Princess Atta still mad, sighs]'' I just wanted to make ita difference.

:'''Princess Atta''': I want you to leave, Flik. And this time, don't come back.

:''[Flik hangs his head in sadness, Dot gasps. Flik and Circus Bugs then sadly leaves.leave]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': Tough crowd. ''[giddapsSnaps the reins and the wagon rolls off]'' Yee-haw!

:'''Dot''': ''[sadly, while the Queen holds her back as Flik and the bugs leave]'' Flik...

<hr width=50%>

Line 302 ⟶ 351:

:'''Francis''': ''[out of the corner of his mouth]'' Steady...

:'''Hopper''': What's going on here?

:'''Princess Atta''': Well, uh...

:'''Slim''': Uh, yes. We were invited by Princess Atta as a surprise for your arrival.

:'''Hopper''': Squish 'em.

Line 312 ⟶ 361:

<hr width=50%>

:'''Hopper''': You piece of dirt! No, I'm wrong. You're lower than dirt. You're an ant! ''[to the ant colony]'' Let this be a lesson to all you ants! Ideas are very dangerous things! You are mindless, soil-shoving losers, put on this Earth to serve us!

:'''Flik''': You’re wrong, Hopper! ''[gets up weakly, pause]'' Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers! I've seen these ants do great things, and year after year they somehow manage to pick food for themselves and you! So who is the weaker species?! AntsANTS donDON'tT serveSERVE grasshoppersGRASSHOPPERS! ItIT'sS you''YOU'' whoWHO needNEED usUS! We're a lot stronger than you say we are... And you know it, don't you?

:''[Hopper knocks Flik back to the ground and prepares to stomp on him to his death, but the princess stops him]''

:'''Hopper''': Well, princess.

:'''Molt''': Uh, Hopper? I hate to interrupt, but um...

:''[Hopper then sees all the ants who isare now angry at him, preparing for a final battle.]''

:'''Hopper''': YouYOU antsANTS staySTAY backBACK!

:''[The ants puts their arms around each other to fight, including Circus Bugs.]

:'''Molt''': ''[backs away scared along with the other grasshoppers]'' Oh, this was such a bad idea!

:'''Princess Atta''': You see, Hopper, nature has a certain order. The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food, and the grasshoppers... ''leave!''

Line 329 ⟶ 378:

:'''Hopper''': All your little stunt did was buy them time!

:'''Flik''': No, please! Please, Hopper!

:'''Hopper''': ''[starts choking Flik]'' I'll get more grasshoppers and be back next season, ''but you won't!'' ''[a bird pops up; Hopper looks up]'' Well, what's this? Another one of your little bird tricks?

:'''Flik''': ''[smiles]'' Yep!

:'''Hopper''': Are there a bunch of little girls in this one, too? Hello, girls!

:''[The bird roars, Hopper screams and drops Flik. He tries to run away, but the bird blocks him, picks him up by his beak and flies mid-air above the nest where the chicks were hatched.]''

:'''Hopper''': ''[last words]'' No, no! No, no, no! ''[screams]'' No! OH, '''NOOOOOOOO!!!''' OH, NO, NO, NO! ''[The camera zooms in on the chicks’ mouths]''

:''[Hopper into chick's mouth and screams. The camera zooms with the chicks, resulting in a pool of blood and gore]''

<hr width=50%>

:'''P.T. Flea''': Hey, let's go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on. Let's go.

:''[A number of acrobat ants cartwheel into the wagon]''

:'''CelebratingAnt Antsacrobats''': Hup, hup, hup, hup, hey!

:'''P.T. Flea''': Hey, Tiny! Let's get this show packed up! We got paying customers hatching!

:''[Molt carries supplies into the wagon]''

:'''Molt''': Yes, Mr. Flea. Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away, sir. And, um, I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance, because it's an honor to work with creative giants such as yourself.

:''[P.T. Flea motions the fireflies to close the wagon door]''

:'''Molt''': ''[last words]'' Shutting up.

:''[P.T. Flea jumps on top of the wagon]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': You sure you can't come on tour with us?

:'''Flik''': Sorry. My place is here.

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[quietly]'' Good answer.

:'''P.T. Flea''': Oh, well. Your loss. One minute, insects!

:''[Flik and Atta walk over to the circus troupe]''

:'''Princess Atta''': I want to thank all of you for giving us back our hope, our dignity... and our lives.

:'''Slim''': And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much. Please accept this gift from us bugs to you ants.

:''[Manny twirls a leaf and produces a large rock, handing it to Atta]''

:'''Manny''': For you!

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh! ''[chuckles]'' It's a rock.

:''[Manny, Slim and Francis congratulate each other]''

:'''Cornelius''': What's with the rock?

Line 362 ⟶ 410:

:'''Rosie''': Well, Flik, you really goofed up. ''[quavering]'' Thanks.

:'''Flik''': ''[quavering]'' Yeah. You, too.

:''[Rosie begins to clap for Flik, followed by the rest of the troupe and the entire ant colony. Atta kisses Flik on the cheek. The queen removes Atta'sher tiaracrown, andplacing givesit heron own crown to herAtta’s. Atta tosses her tiara to Dot who flies up and catches it on her head. Dot giggles]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': ''[sniffles]'' All right. Now it's getting mushy. We're out of here! ''[Snaps the reins and the millipedes pulling the wagon move as the bugs take off and Dim lifts the wagon into the air]''

:'''Grub''': Whoa!

:'''Rosie''': See you next season!

Line 380 ⟶ 428:

:''[Francis and Manny fly down and carry Heimlich away.]''

:'''Heimlich''': Auf Wiedersehen!

:'''Manny''': Farewell!

:'''Flik''': Bye!

:'''Slim''': And thank you!


Line 386 ⟶ 436:




* [[w:Dave Foley|Dave Foley]] — Flik

* [[Kevin Spacey]] — Hopper

Line 396 ⟶ 448:

* [[Denis Leary]] — Francis

* [[w:Jonathan Harris|Jonathan Harris]] — Manny


* [[Madeline Kahn]] — Gypsy

* [[w:Bonnie Hunt|Bonnie Hunt]] — Rosie

Line 401 ⟶ 454:

* [[w:John Ratzenberger|John Ratzenberger]] — P.T. Flea

* [[Brad Garrett]] — Dim

* [[w:Bill Farmer|Bill Farmer]] — Scared Ant #3

* [[w:Roddy McDowall|Roddy McDowall]] — Mr. Soil

* [[w:Edie McClurg|Edie McClurg]] — Dr. Flora

* [[w:Alex Rocco|Alex Rocco]] — Thorny

* [[w:David Ossman|David Ossman]] — Cornelius


== External Links ==

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[[Category:1998 films]]

[[Category:1990s American animated films]]

[[Category:American films]]

[[Category:American computer-animated films]]

[[Category:American children's animated adventure films]]

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[[Category:American children's animated fantasy films]]

[[Category:Films about animals]]

[[Category:Films directed by Andrew Stanton films]]

[[Category:Circus films]]

[[Category:Films directed by John Lasseter]]