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'''''[[w:A Bug's Life|A Bug's Life]]''''' is American computer animated film, released by [[w:Disney|Disney]] and [[w:Pixar|Pixar]] to theaters in [[w:1998 in film|1998]]. It concerns an oddball ant named Flik, who recruits circus bugs to defend his colony from grasshoppers.

:''Directed by [[w:John Lasseter|John Lasseter]]. Written by [[w:Andrew Stanton|Andrew Stanton]].''

:''Music by [[w:Randy Newman|Randy Newman]]'' and includes "The Time of Your Life". Written and performed by Newman.

{{center|'''An epic of miniature proportions.'''([[A Bug's Life#Taglines|taglines]])}}

== Flik ==

* ''[after Heimlich suggests that he tell the truth]'' They can't! They can't know the truth! The truth, you see, is bad! I will be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life! My children's children will walk down the street, and people will point and say "Look! There goes the spawn of Flik the loser!" Oh, oh, oh, you know, all right fine. Yeah okay. Just go. But could you do me a little favor before you leave? If you could squish me.

* Hey, don't worry! The colony is in good hands! Bye, now.

* That's right! Here I go! For the colony and for oppressed ants everywhere!

== Manny ==

* You listen to me, my boy. I've made a living out of being a failure, and ''you,'' sir, are ''not'' a failure!


:''[First lines; The movie begins with as the line of ants marches to the alter, one ant spots a shadow moving across the ground. He looks up and gasps. A leaf falls from the overhead tree]''

:'''Scared Ant #1''': ''[gasps]'' No, no, no, Oh, no. Oh, no.

:''[The leaf lands in front of one of the worker ants in the food line]''

:'''Scared Ant #1''': I'm lost! Where's the line?! It just went away! What do I do?!

:'''Scared Ant #2''': Help!

:'''Scared Ant #3''': We'll be stuck here forever!

:'''Mr. Soil''': Do not panic. Do not panic! We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm. We are going around the leaf.

:'''Scared Ant #1''': Around the leaf. I-I-I don't think we can do that.

:'''Mr. Soil''': Oh, nonsense. This is nothing compared to the twig of '93. ''[gestured for the line of nervous ants to come towards him]'' That's it. That's it. Good! You're doing great! There you go. There you go! Watch my eyes. Don't look away. And here's the line again.

:'''Scared Ant #1''': ''[gleeful shout]'' Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Soil!

:'''Mr. Soil''': Good job, everybody!

:'''Dr. Flora''': Oh, my. There's quite a gap, Mr. Soil. Shouldn't we tell the queen?

:'''Mr. Soil''': I don't think we need to involve the queen in this. She's got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.

:'''Dr. Flora''': Oh, yes, Princess Atta. The poor dear.

<hr width="50%"/>

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh... Wind's died down. They'll be here soon.

:'''Queen''': Just be confident, dear. You'll be fine.

Line 53 ⟶ 38:

:'''Dot''': It's not my fault she's so stressed out.

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[sighs]'' I know, I know. ''[sighs]'' I'm always acting like [[Chicken Little (2005 film)|the sky is falling]]. ''[A huge stalk of grain falls on top of her]''

:'''Mr. Soil''': Look out!

<hr width="50%"/>

:'''Queen''': Atta!

:'''Thorny''': Princess Atta!

:'''Dr. Flora''': Princess Atta! Princess Atta!

:''[In the tall grass, Flik is testing out his new harvester made of weeds and twigs. After cutting down the wheat and the kernels fall into the basket, he throws the stalk away, which lands on top of Atta]''

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh!

:'''Mr. Soil''': Look out!

:'''Dr. Flora''': Hey! Stop that!

:'''Mr. Soil''': What do you think you're doing?!

:'''Dr. Flora''': You could have killed somebody over here!

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': ''[Looks up and gasps, running over]'' I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

:'''Thorny''': ''[Annoyed]'' Oh, it's Flik.

Line 92 ⟶ 70:

:'''Flik''': I'm sorry. I was... I was really just trying... Trying to help.

:'''Cornelius''': Harvester. Why, we've harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa.

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[exasperated sighs]'' Where were we?

:'''Mr. Soil''': The food pile, Your Highness.

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh, yes. Yes. ''[She leaves with the council]''

:'''Dot''': Hey, Flik! Flik, wait up!

:'''Flik''': Oh. Hello, princess.

:'''Dot''': You can call me Dot. Here, you forgot this.

:''[Dot holds the telescope out to Flik]''

:'''Flik''': Thanks. You can keep it. I can...make another one.

:'''Dot''': I like your inventions.

:'''Flik''': Really? Well, you're the first. I'm beginning to think nothing I do works.

:''[Dot holds up the telescope]''

:'''Dot''': This works.

:'''Flik''': Great. One success. ''[sighs]'' I'm never gonna make a difference.

:'''Dot''': Me, neither. I'm a royal ant, and I can't even fly yet. I'm too little.

:'''Flik''': Oh, being little's not such a bad thing.

:'''Dot''': Yes, it is!

:'''Flik''': No, it's not.

:'''Dot''': Is, too!

:'''Flik''': Is not.

:'''Dot''': Is, too!

:'''Flik''': Is not. Is not. Is not.

:'''Dot''': Is, too! Is, too! Is, too!

:'''Flik''': Is not... Oh... A seed. I need a seed. ''[tries to get a seed from his harvester, but he can't reach it and ends up going around in circles. He finally gives up and picks up a rock instead and hands it to Dot.]'' Here, pretend that that's a seed.

:'''Dot''': It's a rock.

:'''Flik''': Oh, I know it's a rock, I know. But let's just pretend for a minute that it's a seed, alright? We'll just use our imaginations. Now, now do you see our tree? ''[gestures to the huge tree above them]'' Everything that made that giant tree is already contained inside this tiny little seed. All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and ''voilà''!

:'''Dot''': This rock will be a tree?

:'''Flik''': Seed to tree. You've gotta work with me, alright? Okay. Y-you might not feel like you can do much now, but that's just because, well, you're not a tree yet. You just have to give yourself some time. You're still a seed.

:'''Dot''': But it's a rock.


:'''Dot''': You're weird, but I like you.

<hr width="50%"/>

:''[horn sounds, gasps and panicked chattering]''

:'''Flik''': ''[Looks to the sky and gasps]'' They're here!

:'''Ants''': They're here!

:'''Dot''': Mom! Where are you?!

:'''Ants''': They're coming! Run!

:'''Queen''': Dot! Dot!

:'''Dot''': Mom!

:'''Princess Atta''': Single file!

:'''Dot''': Mom!

:'''Queen''': Thank heavens!

:'''Princess Atta''': Please, everyone. Uh, food the offering stone.

:'''Queen''': ''[whistles]'' Okay, everyone, single file. Food to offering stone and into the anthill. Now, let's go!

:'''Princess Atta''': Go, go, go, go! Come on. Keep movin', keep movin'!

:'''Queen''': Good. Okay. That's everyone. ''[flies into the anthill with the others.]''

:'''Flik''': Hey! Hey, wait for me! ''[runs up to the offering stone, tangled up in his harvester]'' Get the food to the offering stone, then into the anthill.

:''[Flik takes off his harvester and sets it on the offering stone. It vibrates off the platform and falls the ground. The stalk-holder flips out and knocks one of the supporting rocks loose. The offering stone tips over, and the food starts falling off. Suddenly, we hears the crash and Flik turns around and sees the food falling off!]''

:'''Flik''': ''[screams]'' No! No, no, no, no, no! Oh, oh!

:''[Flik grabs the leaf's stem to save the food, but his attempts are futile. Every single piece of food falls off. Looking over the edge, Flik watches in horror as the very last piece falls into the creek]''


:''[Flik runs into the anthill just as the buzzing grows louder]''

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:''[In the anthill, the whole colony is waiting for the grasshoppers to have their feast then leave]''

:'''Princess Atta''': They come, they eat, they leave. They come, they eat, they leave.

:'''Flik''': Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me. Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry, sorry. ''[he runs through the crowd to make his way to Atta]'' Coming through. Princess Atta, there's something I need to tell you.

:''[Flik shuts up and bitsbites his finger in fear, waiting for the inevitable]''

:'''Princess Atta''': Not now, Flik.

:'''Flik''': But, Your Highness, it's about the offering!

Line 271 ⟶ 197:

:'''Grub''': Your dad's right. He's gonna die.

:'''Dot''': You just watch. He's gonna get the bestest, roughest bugs you've ever seen!

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:''[Dim roaring]''

:'''Rosie''': Get back! Get back! Get back, you horrible beast! I have no fear! ''[Cracks her shoelace whip so hard that it slaps Dim's foot]''

:'''Dim''': Oh! ''[whimpers]''

:'''Rosie''': Oh, no.

:''[Dim crying, the other flies booing]''

:'''Rosie''': Oh, I'm so sorry, Dim! An owie?

:'''Dim''': Owie! Owie, owie! ''[sobs]''

:'''Rosie''': Okay, show Rosie the owie! All right, Dim. It's okay.

<hr width=50%>

Line 307 ⟶ 223:

:'''Heimlich''': Here I come!

:''[Slim and Francis dramatically screaming]''

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:'''Fly Brother #1''': ''[to Francis]'' Hey, cutie! Wanna pollinate with a real bug? ''[laughs]''

:''[Francis flies up to the pair of flies and angrily throws his hat off]''

:'''Francis''': '''SO''', bein' a ladybug automatically makes me a girl! Is that it, flyboy?! Huh?!

:'''Fly Brother #2''': Yikes!

:'''Fly Brother #1''': She's a guy!

:'''Heimlich''': ''[holding a candy corn]'' Francis, leave them alone! They are poo-poo heads!

:'''P.T. Flea''': Not again! ''[hops off]''

:'''Francis''': Judging by your breath, you must have been buzzin' around a dung heap all day!

:'''Slim''': Come on, Francis. You're making the maggots cry.

:''[The baby maggots wail. Large wings with eye spots fan out. They belong to a moth, Gypsy, who preens and warms up her voice in a dressing room. Gypsy operatic vocalizing]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': All right, we're dying out there. Gypsy, quick, you and Manny...

:'''Gypsy''': Shh. He's in a trance.

:''[An elderly praying mantis, Manny, is shown in the room rubbing his temples with his eyes closed]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': Well, get him out of it! You and your husband are up now!

:'''Gypsy''': Manny, we're on!

:'''Manny''': Oh? Yet again, it is up to ''me'' to rescue the performance. Gypsy, come.

:''[Gypsy humming. Manny crashes and groans]''

:'''Gypsy''': Stage is the other way, dear.

:'''Manny''': Yes, of course.

:''[cut to Francis, whose face is reflected multiple times in the fly's eyes]''

:'''Francis''': Anytime, pal! I'm gonna pick the hairs out of your head one by one!

:'''Fly Brother #1''': Take your best shot!

:'''Francis''': You name the place!

:'''Fly Brother #2''': Oh, yeah?

:'''Francis''': Yeah, 'cause when you get there, '''''YOU ARE DEAD!'''''

:'''Slim''': ''[picks up Francis]'' Francis, let me handle this. That's no way to speak to a lady.

:'''Francis''': I heard that, you twig!

:'''P.T. Flea''': Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Manto the Magnificent and his lovely assistant, Gypsy!

:''[Bangs the gong]''

:'''Manny''': From the most mysterious regions of uncharted [[Asia]], I give you the [[Chinese]] [[Cabinet]] of [[Metamorphosis]]!

:'''P.T. Flea''': Rosie, whole troupe! On stage! Finale! Now!

:'''Rosie''': ''[while trying to put a band-aid on Dim]'' Okay, I just need a little time to...

:'''P.T. Flea''': Now!

:'''Rosie''': Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll. Let's get moving, guys. We're up next.

:''[Two pillbugs, Tuck with separate eyebrows and Roll with a unibrow, roll in. Tuck and Roll speaking gibberish]''

:'''Rosie''': Don't you understand? We are up!

:'''Tuck and Roll''': Up-a! Up-a! ''[speaking gibberish]''

:''[Tuck jumps onto Roll's shoulders]''

:'''Tuck and Roll''': Hey!

:'''Rosie''': Hey! They don't understand me.

:'''Manny''': I summon the voice of Confucius...

:'''Circus Fly''': Get off the stage, you old hack!

:'''Manny''': ''[yelps]'' I demand to know who said that! ''[grunts]''

:''[A berry splatters in his face]''

:'''Manny''': How dare you! ''[yelps]''

:''[More berries hit Manny. The other flies booing]''

:'''Manny''': Ingrates!

:''[Fruit continues to hit Manny as he storms offstage. Gypsy remains inside the food container]''

:'''Gypsy''': ''[muffled]'' Manny? Manny!

:'''Fly Brother #2''': I only got 24 hours to live, and I ain't gonna waste it here! Come on!

:''[P.T. runs to a matchbox and takes a match]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': I've just about had it with these losers! ''[Strikes the match and hops onto his thimble in the center ring]'' '''''FLAMING DEATH!!!!'''''

:''[The leaving flies stop to look]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': I hold in my hand, The match! The match that decides whether two bugs live or die this very evening! In a moment, I will light this trail of matches, leading to a sheet of flypaper doused in lighter fluid! Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll, the pill-bug cannonballs! The cannon will be triggered by Dim, trained to jump at the sound of this bell, set to go off in 15 seconds. Our pill bugs' only hope of survival is our mistress of the high wire, Rosie! Secured to a web line of exact length, Rosie will plummet down to these two posts, spinning a web of safety in less than '''15 SECONDS!!!''' Not good enough, you say? Well, what if they were all '''''BLINDFOLDED!?''''' ''[The cast puts on blindfolds. The flies hurry back to their seats.]'' Ladies and Gentlemen, may I suggest that those of you with weak constitutions leave the arena, for this act is so dangerous that if the slightest thing should go wrong...

:''[Roll tightens Tuck's blindfold too tight, and they both slap each other, launching Tuck into P.T. He drops the lit match and triggers the line of Matches]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': No!

:'''Rosie''': Go?! Whoa! Okay, through the tunnel...

:'''Gypsy''': Whoa!

:''[Gypsy falls onto the timer, causing it to ding and signaling Dim to jump. Dim laughs]''

:'''Rosie''': Okay, that's done!

:''[P.T. flies through a hole left in Rosie's web and sticks to the flypaper]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': Whoa!

:''[Heimlich screams]''

:'''Francis''': P.T.!

:'''Slim''': Oh, no!

:'''Gypsy''': Oh, dear...

:''[The flame continues approaching. P.T. Flea attempts to pull himself off. P.T. Flea panics and grunts]''

:'''Francis''': Water! We need some water!

:'''Slim''': Water, water, water, water!

:''[The other flies laughing]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': ''[panicking]'' Help! ''[grunting]'' Get me out of here.

:''[P.T. successfully pulls himself off the flypaper and walks off laughing triumphantly until the flypaper falls on top of him and is ignited by the flame]''

:'''Fly Brother #1''': Wow!

:''[The flypaper burns away, leaving behind a charred P.T.standing midstep]''

:'''Rosie''': It's the-the web. I'm sorry, it's--

:'''P.T. Flea''': You're all fired.

:'''Francis''': We got the water!

:'''Heimlich''': Here we come, P.T.!

:'''Slim''': We'll save you.

:''[Francis, Slim and Heimlich toss water onto P.T. Flea, who floats within it]''

:'''Fly Brother #1''': ''[clapping]'' Whoo! Whoa!

:'''Fly Brother #2''': Burn him again!

<hr width=50%>

:''[two mosquitoes fly near a bug zapper; one flies towards it, as if in a trance]''

:'''Harry''': No! Harry, no! Don't look at the light!

:'''Harry's Friend''': ''[entranced]'' I can't help it. It's so beautiful...! ''[gets zapped, falls into a big garbage can]'' Woo hoo!

:'''Flik''': Try not to look like a country bug. Blend. Blend in.

:'''Bug #1''': Hey, buggy! Hey, buggy!

:'''Bug #2''': What do you expect? The Guy's a tick.

:''[The bugs laughing]''

:'''Flik''': Wow! The city! ''[impressed laugh]''

:'''Bus Beetle''': Making all stops to the septic tank, including standing water, empty bean can and dead rat! Watch your stingers. All aboard!

:'''Bug #1''': Hey, watch it.

:'''Bug #2''': Get out of the way!

:'''Flik''': Oh, sorry.

:'''Snail''': Ow! Watch where you're goin'!

:'''Flik''': I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't... Oh, sorry!

:''[off-key violin sawing]''

:'''Flik''': Oh, I'm really, really, sorry. That was an... An accident.

:''[Flik turns around to Bug Bar and sees a bee kicking two flies out]''

:'''Bee''': Hey, tough guy! I'll show you who's tough! AND STAY OUT!

:'''Flik''': Tough bugs! ''[heads to Bug Bar]''

<hr width=50%>

:''[Inside, bugs sit, drink and talk as a saloon piano plays]''

:'''Cockroach''': I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly...

:'''Flik''': Wow...

:'''Fly''': Move it!

:'''Flik''': Whoa!

:'''Fly''': Hey, waiter! I'm in my soup! I've been working out. Feel my wing. Yo! Two Black Flags over here! All right.

:'''Bug''': Hair of the dog you bit.

:'''Cockroach Waitress''': ''[in the bar]'' Hey, who ordered the Poo Poo Platter? ''[a bunch of flies swarm the dish she holds in the air]''

:'''Mosquito Waitress''': Here you go, Slick. Enjoy.

:'''Slick''': ''[takes one bite and his mouth starts to bubble]'' Ow! '''OW!! HEY I SAID NO SALT!!'''

:'''Bug''': Buzz off!

:'''Flik''': Oh, pardon me, sir. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment. I represent a colony of ants, and I'm looking... I'm looking for tough bugs, you know, mean bugs, the sort of bugs...

:'''Slim''': Fired by a flea, how humiliating!

:'''Francis''': Let's face it. We stink.

:'''Tuck''': You fired!

:'''Roll''': You fired!

:'''Tuck''': You fireeeeeed!

:'''Rosie''': ''[in disgust]'' Oh, will you '''SHUT UP?!'''

:'''Tuck''': Hey!

:'''Roll''': You fired!

:'''Heimlich''': Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly, and then everything will be better.

:'''Gypsy''': I can't believe the troupe is breaking up. We've always been together.

:'''Manny''': Farewell, my friends.

:'''Francis''': To the audience we'll never have.

:''[Slim sips his drop of water, the Fly Brothers enter the Bug Bar.]''

:'''Slim''': ''[gasps and whispers]'' Francis! Your boyfriends from the circus are here!

:''[Thug enters, Francis gasps]''

:'''Fly Brother #1''': There she is.

:''[Francis nervously popping lips]''

:'''Fly Brother #2''': Hello there, girlie bug.

:'''Francis''': Shoo, fly. Don't bother me.

:'''Fly Brother #1''': Say, why don't you tell our pal, Thud.

:''[Thud slams down behind Francis. Thud growls]''

:'''Fly Brother #1''': What you said to us at the circus?

:'''Fly Brother #2''': Yeah. Something about buzzing around a dung heap?

:'''Flik''': Excuse me. Hi, I represent an ant colony, and we're just...

:'''Drunk Mosquito''': Hey, bartender! Bloody Mary, O-positive. ''[given a drop of blood]'' Oh, yeah... ''[slurps it quickly and passes out]''

:'''Flik''': Sir?

<hr width=50%>

:'''Fly Brothers''': Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home! ''[laughing]''

:'''Fly Brother #1''': Not so tough now, are you? All right, clown. Get up and fight like a girl.

:'''Francis''': ''[whispers]'' Get ready to do the Robin Hood act.

:'''Heimlich''': ''[giggles]'' I want to be Little John!

:'''Slim''': What part can I play?

:'''Flik''': You see, I'm looking for tough warrior bugs.

:'''Francis''': Stand back, ye flies! We are the greatest warriors in all bugdom.

:'''Flik''': ''[from a distance, to himself]'' Warrior bugs!

:'''Francis''': My sword.

:''[Francis grabs Slim and brandishes him like a sword]''

:'''Slim''': ''[dryly]'' Swish, swish. Clang, clang.

:'''Francis''': Little John.

:'''Heimlich''': What ho, Robin! Justice is my sword and truth shall be my quiver.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': Oh, great ones! I have been scouting for bugs with your exact talents!

:'''Gypsy''': A talent scout!

:'''Flik''': My colony is in trouble. Grasshoppers are coming. We've been forced to prepare all this food.

:'''Manny''': Dinner theater!

:'''Heimlich''': Food?

:'''Flik''': Please, will you help us?

:'''Fly''': Where are they?

:'''Slim''': We'll take the job!

<hr width=50%>

:'''Rosie''': Okay, come on everyone. Break a leg.

:'''Flik''': Whoa! You're vicious!

:'''Dim''': Hold on, Mr. Ant.

:'''Flik''': Amazing.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Reed''': Hey, look who's playing lookout again, ''Little Speck!''

:'''Dot''': The name is Dot.

:'''Grub''': Well, Spot, you still looking for Flik?

:'''Reed''': Forget it, Dot, that loser's never coming back.

:'''Dot''': Flik, he did it! He did it!

<hr width=50%>

:''[one of the ants fainted]''

:'''Princess Atta''': Dr. Flora!

:'''Dr. Flora''': Oh, dear. Not another one.

:'''Thorny''': Oh, this is insane.

:'''Cornelius''': Insane.

:'''Thorny''': There's just not enough food left on the island! No way we can make double quota before Hopper comes.

:'''Princess Atta''': Well, we have to try, Thorny. We don't have any choice.

:'''Thorny''': Yeah, I know.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Queen''': ''[about Mr. Soil]'' He's our royal thespian. Last year he played the lead in Picnic. ''[laughs]''

<hr width=50%>

Line 508 ⟶ 228:

:'''Princess Atta''': Well, shouldn't I come, too?

:'''Flik''': No! Ha ha ha! Sorry. No, no, see it's classified in the DMZ, gotta go ASAP, you know, strictly BYOB. Bye!

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': ''[after Heimlich suggests that he tell the truth]'' They can't! They can't know the truth! The truth, you see, is bad! I will be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life! My children's children will walk down the street, and people will point and say "Look! There goes the spawn of Flik the loser!" Oh, oh, oh, you know, all right fine. Yeah okay. Just go. But could you do me a little favor before you leave? If you could squish me.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': You can't go! I'm desperate!

:'''Slim''': Really? I couldn't tell!

:'''Dot''': Hmph. Come on wings. Help!

:'''Princess Atta''': Mother, Flik it's up to something.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Heimlich''': Help! I'm stuck! Put me down!

:''[the ants watch as Heimlich gets stuck during the bird attack]''

:'''Princess Atta''': The caterpillar's using himself as live bait!

:'''Mr. Soil''': How brave!

:'''Heimlich''': ''[as bird looms over him]'' '''''AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!'''''

:'''Slim''': Suck it in, man...!

<hr width=50%>

Line 544 ⟶ 247:

:'''Flik''': Me?

:'''Princess Atta''': Oh, sure. You've got a great rapport going with them, especially after that rescue. It was very brave.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': Hopper's afraid of birds!

:'''Francis''': ''[after being vigorously pursued by a bird]'' And I don't blame him!

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:'''Heimlich''': Look! I'm a beautiful butterfly!

<hr width=50%>

Line 598 ⟶ 294:

:'''P.T. Flea''': Tough crowd. ''[giddaps]'' Yee-haw!

:'''Dot''': ''[sadly, while the Queen holds her back]'' Flik...

<hr width=50%>

:''[after Hopper and his grasshopper army returns to Ant Island]''

:'''Hopper''': ''[holding a leaf with grains]'' You little termites! I give you a second chance, and this is all I '''''GET?!'''''

:''[Hopper angrily throws it in front of the ants]''

:'''Princess Atta''': But Hopper, we ran out of time!

:'''Hopper''': Have you been ''playing'' all summer?! You think this is a game?!

:'''Princess Atta''': No, no, please!

:'''Hopper''': Well, guess what? ''You just lost. [Thumper roars, all ants starts running while grasshoppers chase them]'' '''NOT ONE ANT SLEEPS UNTIL WE GET ''EVERY SCRAP OF FOOD ON THIS ISLAND!'''''

:'''Molt''': Just do what he says. You don't want to make him mad. Believe me!

:'''Hopper''': ''[to the queen]'' No, no, no. You're staying with me, Your Highness.

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': Where do you think you're going?

:''[all ants scream, cut to Dot and blueberries]''

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #2''': Get over there!

:'''Dot''': Quick! To the clubhouse.

:''[They all run to get to safety.]''

:'''Dot''': ''[gasps]'' Hurry!

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': Shut up a minute, will you?

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #2''': I think I heard something over here.

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': Have you checked over there?

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #2''': No, not yet.

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': Well then, get over there and check it out!

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #2''': Wait a minute. ''[gasps]'' Hey, I think I found something.

:''[The grasshopper bends down and picks up a ladybug leaf cape, placing it on his head]''

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': ''[chuckle]'' Cool. Hey, how do I look?

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #2''': Like an idiot.

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': I don't know, maybe it'll keep me dry in the rain.

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #2''': You moron! We'll be out of here before it rains. Didn't you hear Hopper? After the ants pick all the food, he's gonna squish the queen to remind them who's boss. Then she's dead, they cry, boo-hoo, we go home. End of story.

:'''Grasshopper Seeker #1''': Oh, cool. I love our job.

:'''Dot''': Stay here. I'm gonna get help.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Manny''': You listen to me, my boy. I've made a living out of being a failure, and ''you,'' sir, are ''not'' a failure!

<hr width=50%>

:''[Dot gets a rock]''

:'''Dot''': Pretend it's a seed, okay?

:'''Flik''': Thanks, Dot.

:'''Francis''': Hey, what's with the rock?

:'''Slim''': Must be an ant thing.

<hr width=50%>

:'''P.T. Flea''': Bugs will pay big bucks to see a bonfire that is starring me.

:'''Francis''': P.T., look. '''MONEY!'''

:'''P.T. Flea''': ''[looks back at Rosie]'' Where? Where?

:''[P.T. starts screaming, as Rosie starts releasing her webs at him.]''

<hr width=50%>

:'''Flik''': Hello kids! Ready to make some grasshoppers cry?

:'''Dot''': It's payback time... Blueberry style!

:'''Daisy''': Blueberries rock!

<hr width=50%>

Line 664 ⟶ 309:

:''[he and the other grasshoppers sit back in their seats laughing hysterically]''

:'''Hopper''': I guess we could use a little entertainment. Looks like you did something right for once, Princess.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Heimlich''': ''[dressed as baby]'' Bottle all gone. Baby wants pie!

:'''Francis''': Pie? He asked for it. Should I give it to him?

:'''Molt''': Yeah! Give him pie! Give him pie!

<hr width=50%>

Line 681 ⟶ 321:

:'''Molt''': ''[backs away]'' Oh, this was such a bad idea!

:'''Princess Atta''': You see, Hopper, nature has a certain order. The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food, and the grasshoppers... ''leave!''

<hr width=50%>

:'''Hopper''': Where are you going?! They're just ants!

:'''Dot''': No! Bad grasshopper! Bad grasshopper! Go home!

:''[Thumper yelps]''

:'''Dot''': Yeah!

:'''Hopper''': Come back here, you cowards! Don't leave!

<hr width=50%>

Line 704 ⟶ 337:

<hr width=50%>

:''[Last lines; The next morning, in a conch sounds. Thorny and other ants, using their own harvesters to cut down and harvest grain stalks, stop work at the sound of the conch]''

:'''Thorny''': Come on, boys!

:''[Dot and other ant kids are playing in the frame of the fake bird, now surrounded by flowers]''

:'''Ant Boy''': Hey, Princess Dot! Wait up!

:'''Queen''': I finally get a second to relax, and I got to get out of my chair. Come on! You can rub lotion on me later, shade boy.

:'''Cornelius''': Yeah, hubba-hubba.

:''[The Queen and Cornelius walk down toward the ants and circus bugs joyfully gathering among blooming flowers]''

:'''Firefly''': Oh, thank you!

:'''Manny''': Thank you.

:'''Gypsy''': You're too kind.

:'''Slim''': The least we could do.

:'''Manny''': All in a day's work.

:'''Slim''': Any time.

:'''Rosie''': Dim!

:''[Dim opens his shell to reveal ant kids attempting to secretly ride him]''

:'''Dim''': Oh...

:''[The ant boys moaning]''

:'''Rosie''': I'm so sorry, kids. I wish you could come along, too.

:''[Daisy tearfully hugs Francis. Daisy and the Blueberry troops all crying with Dot]''

:'''Francis''': ''[quavering]'' I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry.

:''[Tuck and Roll perform a skit using Hopper's antenna. Tuck and Roll speaking foreign language]''

:'''P.T. Flea''': Hey, let's go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on. Let's go.

:''[A number of ants cartwheel into the wagon]''

Line 769 ⟶ 381:

:'''Heimlich''': Auf Wiedersehen!

:'''Flik''': Bye!

:''[Atta and Dot lift Flik up and land on the root. They wave goodbye to the circus troupe. Thorny and the harvester-wearing ants line up]''

:'''Thorny''': Present, stalks!

:''[The ants face backwards]''

:'''Thorny''': Harvester, salute!

:''[The harvesters launch their stalks into the air, crashing into each other and producing firework-like showers of grain. Flik and Atta hold hands as they and Dot continue waving goodbye. The circus troupe flies away from the island, now surrounded by water and whose tree now bears pink blossoms]''


:'''Man #1''': Speed.

:'''Man #2''': Marker.

:'''Director''': And action!

:'''Hopper''': Are you saying I'm stupid?

:'''Princess Atta''': No.

:'''Hopper''': Do I look stupid to you?

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[laughing]'' I'm sorry!

:'''Hopper''': Are you saying I'm stupid?

:'''Princess Atta''': ''[laughs]'' I'm sorry! I got it. No-no. Just do it again. I'm fine.

:'''Hopper''': Are you saying I'm stupid?

:'''Princess Atta''': Yes!

:'''Hopper''': This is the 15th take. I cannot work like this. I will be in my trailer.

:'''Princess Atta''': I need a break.

<hr width=50%>

:'''Director''': Marker.

:'''Rosie''': Whoa! Flik, Honey. We are not about to...

:''[Rosie hears a hammer pounding]''

:'''Rosie''': Is someone hammering? Can we hold the work? Please? People! Am, am I in this shot? You can... You can see me, right?

<hr width=50%>

:'''Director''': And action!

:'''Flik''': [[Toy Story|To infinity and beyond!]]

:''[crew laughing]''

:'''Flik''': I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.

=RANDY NEWMAN lyrics (The Time of Your Life)=

:'''Randy Newman''': Was a bug, little bug, hardly there / How he felt, what he dreamed, who would care? / Without any evidence

:'''Chorus''': His flaws were many

:'''Randy Newman''': He was full of confidence

:'''Chorus''': Some people haven't any

:'''Randy Newman''': Didn't have much common sense

:'''Chorus''': It's highly over-rated

:'''Randy Newman''': He just knew that he'd come through / It's the time of your life, so live it well / It's the time of your life, so live it well / We may only go 'round just one time / As far as I can tell

:'''Chorus''': He could be wrong about that

:'''Randy Newman''': It's the time of your life / It's the time of your life / It's the time of your life, so live it well / Like us all, he started small, then he grew / When the time came, he knew what to do / He knew in order to succeed

:'''Chorus''': They'd have to work together

:'''Randy Newman''': He turned a rock into a seed

:'''Chorus''': And they were changed forever

:'''Randy Newman''': Then they had the strength they'd need

:'''Chorus''': To get through stormy weather

:'''Randy Newman''': Do or die, you gotta try / It's the time of your life, so live it well / It's the time of your life, so live it well / We may only go round one time / As far as I can tell

:'''Chorus''': He could be wrong about that

:'''Randy Newman''': It's the time of your life, so live it well / Isn't it a bit surprising / How our fortunes ebb and flow / And only to the enterprising / Does the magic fortune cookie go / Believe me / It's the time of your life, so live it well / It's the time of your life, so live it well / We may only go round one time / As far as I can tell / It's the time of your life / It's the time of your life / It's the time of your life, so live it well
