Dragon Ball: Commander Red Saga: Difference between revisions - Wikiquote

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:'''Soldier''': It looks like the boy has almost reached Captain Yellow's location.

:'''Commander Red''': Of course! He's just in time... ta mess things up!

Soldier 1: Hey, man! No trespassing! Unless you want brusing! That's right! You just keep pushing me, buddy! (Blue punches a soldier)

:'''General Blue''': How quickly they forget when you're gone.

:'''Soldier 2''': General Blue!

:'''General Blue''': Quit your blubbering and open the gates.

=== The Notorious Mercenary ===

:'''General Blue:''' I have returned to duty, sir?

:'''Soldier''': General welcome back.

:'''Commander Red:''' How could you come back here?

:'''General Blue''': Don't give me your false sentiments. You were all glad to be rid of me. So, save it.

:'''General Blue:''' Well it was quite a hassle. I was forced to steal a plane and a car and...

:'''Soldier''': Excuse me. Forgive me sir.

:'''Commander Red:''' That's not what I meant! You failed to get the dragon ball from the kid!! And you have the nerve to come here empty handed!

:'''General Blue:''' But he's. Tricky.

:'''Commander Red''': Thanks for meeting me, Mercenary Tao.

:'''Commander Red:''' I don't need your excuses!

:'''General Blue:''' But Commander, I was able to confiscate the Dragon Radar from him, and here it is. It easily hones in on the Dragon Ball location and it's extremely accurate, too.

:'''Commander Red''': That's reasonalble.

:'''Staff Officer Black:''': It's smaller than I expected

:'''General Blue:''' it will take me no time to secure all the dragon balls with the device. He he.

:'''Commander Red:''' Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. A good find I'll give you that, but I recall, your assignment was to get the DRAGON BALLS!!

:'''Staff Officer Black''':

:'''General Blue:''' Uh.

:'''Commander Red:''' ''(to General Blue)'' Ya know how it works around here. Those who cannot achieve results are punished. And severely.

:'''General Blue''': I have returned to duty, sir?

:'''General Blue:''' Ah! No.

:'''Commander Red''': How could you come back here?

:'''(General Blue''': Welldrops itthe was quite a hassle. I was forced to steal a planeradar and abreaks car and...down)''

:'''Commander Red:''': That'sHowever, notsince whatyou've Ibeen meant!of You failedvalue to getus in the dragonpast, ballI'll from the kid!! Andgive you havea the nervechance to come here emptysave handed!yourself.

:'''General Blue:''': But he's. Tricky.How?

:'''Commander Red:''': I don'twill be willing to let you live if you fight Mercenary Tao here needand yourdefeat excuses!him.

:'''General Blue:''' Mercenary Tao?

:'''General Blue''': But Commander, I was able to confiscate the dragon radar from him, and here it is. It wasily hones in on the dragon location and it's extremely accurate, too.

:'''Mercenary Tao:''' Mmmhmm?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': It's smaller than I expected

:'''Commander Red:''' So what do ya think. You're in?

:'''General Blue''': it will take me no time to secure all the dragon balls with the device. He he.

:'''General Blue:''' Yes. I'm in. Thank you for the opportunity, commander. He he he he.

:'''Commander Red''': Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. A good fine I'll give you that, but I recall, your assignment was to get the DRAGON BALLS!!

:'''General Blue''': Uh.

:'''Commander Red''': (to General Blue) Ya know how it works around here. Those who cannot achieve results are punished. And severely.

:'''General Blue''': Ah! No.

(General Blue drops the radar and breaks)

:'''Commander Red''': However, since you've been a value to us in the past, I'll give you a chance to save yourself.

:'''General Blue''': How?

:'''Commander Red''': I will be willing to let you live if you fight Mercenary Tao here and defeat him.

:'''General Blue''': Mercenary Tao?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Mmmhmm?

:'''Commander Red''': So what do ya think. You're in?

:'''General Blue''': Yes. I'm in. Thank you for the opportunity, commander. He he he he.

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Line 85 ⟶ 65:

:'''General Blue''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Well, aren't you amusing? I suppose I'll have to put an end to your arrogance.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': (to Commander Red) I don't work for free. This will cost you. Understand?

:'''Commander Red''': That's fine. Let'sLets get on with the show.

:'''General Blue''': You should have a weapon handy, you know? Just in case.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Hmph. I won't even need my hands and feet. I'll just use my tongue to beat you.

Line 104 ⟶ 84:

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': SoI he'swill justannihilate aany littleman, boy?woman, or child as long as the price is right.

:'''Staff Officer Black''':

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Well, it doesn't really matter. I will annihilate any man, woman, or child as long as the price is right.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': You're a good man.

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Line 119 ⟶ 93:

:'''Bora''': What are you doing? You nearly hit us!

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Heh. Well, that's the idea. I'm a hitman.

:'''Bora''': Huh? A hitman? Whoever you are your kind is not welcome here in Korin!

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': The name is Tao, and I won't be staying long. I simply come for the boy.

:'''Bora''': What?

:'''Goku''': But, I don't know you. Do I? Why did you come to see me?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': The Red Ribbon Army has sent me here to tie up some loose ends.

:'''Goku''': Red Ribbon!?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Yes. You're getting in their way for the hunt of the dragon ball. So you must be destroyed.

:'''Goku''': Again? They won't quit

:'''Upa''': Daddy help him! Please don't let them hurt Goku!!

=== Tao Attacks! ===

Line 227 ⟶ 196:

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': Good job, Tailor. But I should cut path on my eggs.

:'''Tailor''': Thank you, sir. i had to stay up all night to complete it.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Whatever. Now I can finish this job and retrieve the last dragon ball.

:'''Tailor''': But sir... my money...

:'''Mercenary Tao''': What? Tailor? You desire compensation for the privilege of servicing the needs of Tao, the great mercenary?

Line 242 ⟶ 208:

:'''Korin''': Hm. Very good, Goku. You have learned that all I have to teach you.

:'''Korin''': Hm. Very good, Goku. You've learned that all I have to teach you.

:'''Goku''': Eh he he he he he. Thank you Master Korin for everything.

:'''Korin''': Farewell, young man.

:'''Goku''': Eh he he he! Bye-bye! See ya later!

:'''Korin''': (to himself) That boy is gonna do great things. He may even be more powerful than his old master. We'll just have to see.

=== The Return of Goku ===

Line 318 ⟶ 282:

(Mercenary Tao Runs Up fast by the Korin Tower)

:'''Narrator''': And so, Mercenary Tao climbs Korin's tower in search of the sacred water. Hoping it will increase his already phenominalphenomenal fighting strength. Meanwhile, Goku and Upa are forced to wait heplessly for the fight of the century to continue. And continue it will, in the next action packed episode of Dragon Ball.

=== The Last of Mercenary Tao ===

Line 427 ⟶ 391:

:'''Commander Red''': I can see that! I'm only missing one eye! I don't need you to point out the obvious, you imbecile!

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Yes, sir.

:'''Commander Red''': If you had trained those men properly in the first place, we wouldn't be having this problem! Honestly, I should've never listen to your sister!

:'''Staff Officer Black''': My apology, sir.

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Line 445 ⟶ 407:

:'''Commander Red''': Retreat from a child!? Never! You overestimate his chances!

:'''Staff Officer Black''': You mean you're going to fight him?

:'''Commander Red''': No, of course not. You are. I will ready our next plan. You will remain here and protect our interests I have full confidence in your ability to resolve this matter.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': But Commander, I-


:'''Staff Officer Black''': Clear. Crystal, sir.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Staff Officer Black''': If you want to see the Commander so badly, I'll take you to him. In pieces.

:'''Goku''': This is getting us no where! I'll give you one more chance. Hand over the dragon balls and surrender.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': No!

:'''Goku''': Okay. Let's finish this soon. I'm ready for lunch.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Commander. What do you mean by that?

:'''Commander Red''': Just one more ball. Then at last my dream to be tall as a mountain will come true. Soon no one would ever be able to look down at Commander Red again. I will become ruler of all I can see and my eye shall tower over the heavens. Hmmm. Heh heh.

:'''Commander Red''': You! You're still...?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Commander Red! What did you mean by that?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Alive? Yes, commander sorry to disappoint you and I heard every word you said! Do you mean all of this was sothat you could gain a few inches?

:'''Commander Red''': You're still...?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Alive? Yes, commander. Sorry to disappoint you and I heard every word you said! Do you mean all of this was so that you could gain a few inches!?

:'''Commander Red''': You bet. And what's wrong with that?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': It's a selfish goal. It has nothing to do with the Red Ribbon Army!

Line 476 ⟶ 428:

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:'''Staff Officer Black''': Listen I'm sorry but. I don't want to fight you anymore. I'm a victim just like you.

:'''Goku''': If that's really true, why are you pointing a gun at me!?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': You scared me. That's all.

:'''Goku''': Why are you being so nice to me now!?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': I told the commander not to hurt you so he decided to punish me as well.

:'''Goku''': You fought the commander to save me?

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:'''Master Roshi''': (after the gang pass a swerving vehicle piloted by Violet) Did you get the license number?

==See also==