Dragon Ball: Commander Red Saga: Difference between revisions - Wikiquote

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:'''Captain Yellow''': The helicopter, imbecile! We take the helicopter into the volcano!

:'''Soldier''': Yes, sir.

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:'''Captain Yellow''': Well, I can't believe anyone would live out here by choice!

:'''Bora''': Who are you?

:'''Captain Yellow''': Oh, yes. I'm Captain Yellow o' the Red Ribbon Army. We'll be setting up our mobile headquarters right here.

:'''Bora''': Here?

:'''Captain Yellow''': Yep. And there's plenty o' work to go around so we can put a big fella like you ta good use!

:'''Bora''': No thanks.

:'''Captain Yellow''': Grr...

:'''Bora''': You must leave. This is no place for people like you. Now go.

:'''Captain Yellow''': Grr... I wasn't askin' for your permission! (pulls out his gun)

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=== The Notorious Mercenary ===

:'''General Blue:''' I have returned to duty, sir?

:'''Commander Red:''' How could you come back here?

:'''General Blue:''' Well it was quite a hassle. I was forced to steal a plane and a car and...

:'''Commander Red:''' That's not what I meant! You failed to get the dragon ball from the kid!! And you have the nerve to come here empty handed!

:'''General Blue:''' But he's. Tricky.

:'''Commander Red:''' I don't need your excuses!

:'''General Blue:''' But Commander, I was able to confiscate the Dragon Radar from him, and here it is. It easily hones in on the Dragon Ball location and it's extremely accurate, too.

:'''Staff Officer Black:''' It's smaller than I expected

:'''General Blue:''' it will take me no time to secure all the dragon balls with the device. He he.

:'''Commander Red:''' Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. A good find I'll give you that, but I recall, your assignment was to get the DRAGON BALLS!!

:'''General Blue:''' Uh.

:'''Commander Red:''' ''(to General Blue)'' Ya know how it works around here. Those who cannot achieve results are punished. And severely.

:'''General Blue:''' Ah! No.

:''(General Blue drops the radar and breaks down)''

:'''Commander Red:''' However, since you've been of value to us in the past, I'll give you a chance to save yourself.

:'''General Blue:''' How?

:'''Commander Red:''' I will be willing to let you live if you fight Mercenary Tao here and defeat him.

:'''General Blue:''' Mercenary Tao?

:'''Mercenary Tao:''' Mmmhmm?

:'''Commander Red:''' So what do ya think. You're in?

:'''General Blue:''' Yes. I'm in. Thank you for the opportunity, commander. He he he he.

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:'''General Blue''': So you're the world famous assassin. The one they call Mercenary Tao.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Do you want my autograph?

:'''General Blue''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Well, aren't you amusing? I suppose I'll have to put an end to your arrogance.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': (to Commander Red) I don't work for free. This will cost you. Understand?

:'''Commander Red''': That's fine. Lets get on with the show.

:'''General Blue''': You should have a weapon handy, you know? Just in case.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Hmph. I won't even need my hands and feet. I'll just use my tongue to beat you.

:'''General Blue''': Heh. I wouldn't count on it. Heh heh heh.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Begin!

:'''General Blue''': Heh heh heh heh heh heh. Rahh!!! (General Blue swipes and kicks at Mercenary Tao, who dodges his attacks) Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Haaaa! (Mercenary Tao appears behind General Blue and startles him) Huh!? Heh. Not bad. Now, try this. (General Blue tries to use his telekinetic hold with his eyes against Tao) Eheh heh heh. Well, how do you like being paralyzed? Haaa... (Mercenary Tao cracks his neck, proving that the paralysis had no effect on him) Ah!!!

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Excuse me. What was that?

:'''General Blue''': Impossible.

:'''Commander Red''': (surprised) Ah! General Blue's finishing move is completely useless! It's astounding!

:'''General Blue''': Grr...grr...grr...grr...grr...

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Mmm...

:'''General Blue''': Yahhh!!!! (General Blue lunges at Mercenary Tao) Yah! (Tao dodges his attack and pierces General Blue's brain with his tongue) Ah...ah...ah...ah...ah...ah... (General Blue collapses and dies)

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Mmm... I'd say you've got that problem licked.

:'''Commander Red''': (surprised) He killed... him with... one strike.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': (surprised) I can't believe it. He definitely lives up to his reputation.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Now... Since playtime is over, why don't you tell me about the real target so I can finally get to work.

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': I will annihilate any man, woman, or child as long as the price is right.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': You're a good man.

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': Pleased to kill you.

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': Ha ha ha ha! You should thank me for letting you live. Little boy. (throws the pillar, picks up the backpack and starts going to Arabia)

:'''Mercenary Tao''': (after Tao hands the tailor a blueprint for his costume) I want it to look like this. Every stitch. Every detail. Every thing.

:'''Tailor''': Okay... uh... come back in... ten days.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Grr... no. You have... mm... three...

:'''Tailor''': Three days? That's impossible. Sir.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Oh, you'll find a way. Now I need something to wear. (Tao puts on a temporary robe) This'll do.

:'''Tailor''': Oh, yes. Make yourself at home.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Now. Get started. I have a schedule to keep.

:'''Tailor''': Yes, I've heard about your work. Now that I think about it, three days is plenty. Please, call me if you need anything. Anything at all.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Where's your telephone?

:'''Tailor''': Oh. It's right over here.

(Mercenary Tao calls on Commander Red on the Phone, later in the headquarters)

:'''Soldier''': Commander Red, Mercenary Tao on line one.

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:'''Commander Red''': Hm. (picks up the phone) Tao, where have you been? How did it go? Did you take care of the boy nuisance.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Of course. Everything you asked. I have to stop a bit of an errand, but I'll be there in a few days to deliver your prize and collect my fee.

:'''Commander Red''': The brat's really gone, huh?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': That's right. And I except cash only.

:'''Commander Red''': Yeah, I got it. Now, are you absolutely sure you've collected all four of the dragon balls?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': What? There are only three. One short. Check the boy's body. He probably had one of the dragon balls hidden in his clothing.

:'''Commander Red''': Right. Well, we can take it from here. He's no longer a threat so I'll just send a man to retrieve the ball. I mean how difficult could that possibly be, now?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Great. See you in a few days.

:'''Commander Red''': We'll see you then, Tao. (hangs up the phone) That's a relief. Everything's in place.

:'''Assistant Black''': That man is certanly worth the fee.

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': What!? That's impossible! I told you I took care of him, Commander!

:'''Mercenary Tao''': You can't order me! I'm not one of your little soldiers.

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:'''Tailor''': But sir... my money...

:'''Mercenary Tao''': What? Tailor? You desire compensation for the privilege of servicing the needs of Tao, the great mercenary?

:'''Tailor''': A simple token of appreciation.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Silence. I see. I have given you my business and in exchange you offer me... contempt.

:'''Tailor''': Uh?

:'''Mercenary Tao''': That's a bit too pricey. You see, people meet my needs freely out of fear, and if I were to pay you, it would make me look weak. I can't tolerate that sort of reputation.

:'''Tailor''': Please, sir, I meant no disrespect. I only ask for what is rightfully mine.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Yes. You have made that clear.

:'''Tailor''': No, no, no. No, no, no, no. (Mercenary Tao ruptures the tailor's head with his finger) Oh...oh...oh...oh... (the tailor falls and dies)

:'''Mercenary Tao''': I believe I made my... point.

:'''Korin''': Hm. Very good, Goku. You have learned that all I have to teach you.

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': That's the second suit you've destroyed! Grr! Do you have any idea how difficult it's going to be to find another decent tailor!? Grr!

:'''Goku''': You should worry about your fighting. Not your looks.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': You dare question my abilities!? Well...THEN, TASTEthen MYtaste DODONmy RAY!!Dodon Ray!

:'''Goku''': Grrr!!

:'''Upa''': Be careful, Goku!

:'''Goku''': Go ahead. I'm ready for you this time!

:'''Mercenray Tao''': Dodon! GRRRRRRGah! (takes a blast at Goku, but blocks it)

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': Hah hah hah hah hah hah! Don't worry boy! I'm just gonna take a little off the top.

:'''Goku''': I don't need a weapon to defeat you.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': No. You need a miracle. Now hand over the Dragon Ball while I still have some patience and I might let you live. Do as I say.

:'''Goku''': No, the Dragon Balls are mine not yours. So either you give me the ones you stole or I'll take them by foce.

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Bah! Don't be such a fool, you're just a child. Why do you want these stupid things so badly anyway?


:'''Goku''': Hmm. Are you just gonna stand there, or what?

Line 191 ⟶ 282:

(Mercenary Tao Runs Up fast by the Korin Tower)

:'''Narrator''': And so, Mercenary Tao climbs Korin's tower in search of the sacred water. Hoping it will increase his already phenominalphenomenal fighting strength. Meanwhile, Goku and Upa are forced to wait heplessly for the fight of the century to continue. And continue it will, in the next action packed episode of Dragon Ball.

=== The Last of Mercenary Tao ===

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:'''Mercenary Tao''': (to himself) Why did that old cat insist I take his cloud? I got the impression he didn't exactly care for me. Oh, well. I guess that's his loss. I'll never see him again!

:'''Korin''': Very clever thinking Korin we didn't need him getting any more strength climbing down the tower

:'''Mercenary Tao''': Do you have any last words?

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:'''Goku''': Wait, I don't want to fight you just hand over the Dragon Balls.

:'''Staff Officer Black''': If you want to see the Commander so badly, I'll take you to him. In pieces.

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:'''Staff Officer Black''': Commander. What do you mean by that?

:'''Goku''': This is getting us no where. I'll give you one more chance, hand over the Dragon Balls and surrender.

:'''StaffCommander Officer BlackRed''': NoYou! You're still...?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Alive? Yes, commander sorry to disappoint you and I heard every word you said! Do you mean all of this was sothat you could gain a few inches?

:'''Goku''': Okay. Let's finish this soon. I'm ready for lunch.

:'''Commander Red''': You bet. And what's wrong with that?

:'''Staff Officer Black''': It's a selfish goal. It has nothing to do with the Red Ribbon Army!

:'''Commander Red''': Heh heh hah hah haaa! I lived for moments like this. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha..

:'''Commander Red''': It has everything to do with this army and my plans for the organization. These Dragon Balls are the tools I need to make this army and myself huge! It would be a grave mistake to underestimate my plan!

:'''Staff Officer Black''': Your lame plan's going to get us all killed!

:'''Commander Red''': I am the Red Ribbon Army! What's good for me is good for everyone and I want to be taller! All my life, I've drawn the short straw! I've had to contend with being a mere pebble in a land of giants! It is the curse of my existence! You couldn't possibly understand what it's like... the nightmare of being a genius, yet trapped inside this ugly little body!

:'''Staff Officer Black''': I understand that loyalty means nothing to you! You sold me out for your vanity!

:'''Commmander Red''': What's really eating you is there's no "Commander" in front of your name! And there never will be! You want to know why? Because you're small time! You're just a lackey! My errand boy! At your age, it's pathetic! (Staff Officer Black executes Commander Red by shooting him clean through the forehead)

:'''Staff Officer Black''': (after Commander Red's body falls to the ground) Looks like I've been promoted. You squandered your power but I will lead the army into a new era of greatness. my first order of business will be to rule this planet.

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