Dragon Ball: King Piccolo Saga

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Dragon Ball is a Japanese anime that originally aired in Japan from February 26, 1986 - April 12, 1989 on Fuji TV. It is based on the original manga series established by Akira Toriyama. The English dub started in 1995 by FUNimation, which has partnered up with Trimark, for the first 13 episodes, then redubbed in August 20, 2001, along with the other 140 episodes, for a total of 153 episodes.

King Piccolo Saga

Enter King Piccolo

Turtle: (after walking a long distance) That's it. From now on, this turtle's taking a taxi.

Roshi: His name may sound funny, but I can assure you, there's nothing humorous about that savage beast. With him came darkness and chaos. His minions of terror wreaked havoc upon the land, destroying all in their path with indiscriminate fury. No one knew what they wanted or why they had come. But they were here, laughing as our world crumbled around them. Piccolo and his army destroyed one city after another with little opposition... except for one temple. It was in this secluded sanctuary the beast faced a meager but determined school of martial artists. As the horde invaded the temple, the young fighters banded together for a final assault. Though hopelessly outnumbered, they were united. And with their combined strength, they offered a formidable defense. Many demons fell that day and alongside them, even more great men. When the battle was over, only two of the warriors were left standing... Myself and Crane Hermit. Unfortunately, the skirmish had barely made a dent in Piccolo's forces. Desperate and out of time, we concentrated our remaining energy into a shield that absorbed the enemy fire. And, with a breath of luck, reflected it back at them. One bright light. That's all I remember. But somehow, it worked. The horde was vanquished. It was finally over, or so we thought. Apparently, the monsters were just an opening act for King Piccolo himself. We barely got a glimpse of his ugly mug before he dismissed us with a wave of his hand. Against his might we were but ragdolls caught in a storm. Shen and I were young and in our prime. We gave everything we had and still King Piccolo prevailed. All those lives lost and we didn't lay a scratch on him. He was immune to everyone, even Mutaito.
Bulma: Who's Mutaito?
Master Roshi: He was my master.

Mutaito: Why have you attacked? This massacre was completely senseless.
King Piccolo: Do you want the truth? That it was mere amusement. Or do you need a higher purpose, perhaps fate.
Mutaito: But we pose no threat. We are seekers of peace.
King Piccolo: And you shall find it. In death.
Mutaito: I tried to be nice. Now we'll do it the hard way.

Tien: Wait a minute. What's all this talk about dragons... radars... balls? What's that got to do with anything?

Emperor Pilaf: It is marvelous. Born leaders, like us, only need one wish... to rule the world!
King Piccolo: Ha ha. Ha ha ha. I don't need magic balls to rule this Earth. It has fallen at my feet once before!
Shu: Then what do you want?
King Piccolo: The greatest prize of all! Eternal youth!
Emperor Pilaf: Huh?
King Piccolo: Just think. With eternal youth, I could master time itself. Why would would I want to rule this planet for a lifetime when I could rule it for all time?

Tambourine Attacks!

Goku: It was you! You killed my friend!
Tambourine: Your point?

Tambourine: (about killing Krillin) He was human. I did him a favor.
Goku: What did you say? Taking his life was a big mistake! Nobody messes with my friends!
Tambourine: One thing I find tolerable about your species, barely, is the sound you make when you die!
Goku: Grr! Grr! Grr! Grr!
Tambourine: What's wrong? Did I make you cry!? (As Goku tries to punch, Tambourine grabs Goku's arm in a tight grip) Your bodies are soft and fragile. Hardly suitable for fighting. But perfect for pain!

Tambourine: (to Goku) If your muscles were as tough as your talk, this wouldn't be so boring!

Tambourine: (to Goku) Really. What do you hope to accomplish here rather than to prove the fact that your species deserves extinction?
Goku: I don't know what you just said but I'm not here to prove anything. You're going to pay!
Tambourine: Heh heh. You are a conceited one. I think someone should take you down a notch.

Tambourine: Unlike other lifeforms, humans are worthless. They don't even make good pets.

Goku: You killed Krillin! H-he was my best friend!
Tambourine: Right, got it.

Tambourine: I love my job!

Yamcha: I didn't think I could hate someone I've never met before, but King Piccolo is an animal! Once I'm finished with him, he'll wish he stayed in that jar!
Bulma: What's wrong with you? You sound like Goku! This monster is too powerful, you're just going to get killed too!
Yamcha: The list he took has my name on it, Bulma. I'm not just going to sit around and wait for him to find me!
Oolong: You're right. He's only after people on the list, I'm safe! No one ever hunts pigs -- we're cute!
Bulma (yelling): no, but you'll end up the main course on a dinner table!
Master Roshi: No one is safe. King Piccolo's ambition does not allow for bystanders. Should he gain dominion over our world, all will be lost. What his nightmarish flames don't scorch, his legions will devour. There will be no quarter, no haven -- complete genocide.

Oolong: Oh, I can't believe this is happening to me. Suddenly my whole world's dark!
Launch: It's happening to all of us, so stuff it!

Piccolo: Tiny. You sure it's a Dragon Ball?
Tambourine: Yes. It was exactly where they said it would be.
Pilaf: Yes! I was right, you see! Do I not offer invaluable counsel?
Piccolo: You've done well, Pilaf. Once I have all seven of these trinkets, eternal youth will be mine!
Pilaf: Heh heh, soon we'll all get what we deserve!
Piccolo: My full power will be restored, and I will once again become invincible!
Pilaf: Right, and your looks will improve as well!
Piccolo: Hmm?
Pilaf: ...Truly hard to imagine, considering how good you look now!
Shu: You look great!
Mai: Model of beauty! [giggles]
Tambourine: There's more. Here is a list of names of participants in the last Martial Arts Tournaments.
Piccolo: Good. Post them on the wall.

Mai: (holding a poster with Goku's face): Uh, Emperor, I think you need to take a look at this!
Pilaf: Hmm! Ah, no wonder the little pest was so difficult to defeat! He won second place in the last two martial arts tournaments! A worthy opponent for my skills.
Tambourine: Don't bother with his picture either!
Pilaf: Huh?
Tambourine: What? He was as weak as the first one!
Pilaf: You... killed Goku?
Tambourine: If that was his name! It was over so fast there wasn't time for introductions! If the human I fought won second place... sir, these fighters will not pose a significant challenge, I assure you!
Piccolo: Hmm, that may be, but they could still be the same cunning warriors that drove back my forces and locked me in a jar for decades! We have to be absolutely sure! Hunt them down, all of them, and leave not one of them standing!

Mai (to Pilaf): Emperor, I'm beginning to doubt the wisdom of this alliance. He seems unstable.
Shu: No matter how much swampland he gives us, I don't think this is worth it!

[at King Chappa's temple]
Tambourine: Teach me! I'm here for my lesson.
King Chappa: Who are you?
Tambourine: King Chappa, is it true that you were once champion of the world martial arts tournament?
King Chappa: Yes. What do you want of me?
Tambourine: Die! [attacks]

[Tambourine arrives at a boxing match]
Announcer: Uh-oh, an uninvited guest has dropped in on Pamput and by the looks of him I doubt he is friendly!
Pamput: Hey you, get down!
Tambourine: Now, you will die.
Pamput: Listen, pal, for one thing, get a better costume, I can practically see your zipper. And get off my stage -- I'm the only star here!

Mark of the Demon

[after King Piccolo gives birth to one of his offspring]
Piano: So, does it have a name?
King Piccolo: His name is Cymbal. My child of darkness.
Piano: A musical instrument. Didn't see that one coming, Piccolo.

Shu: (whispering to Emperor Pilaf) Pilaf, can I have a word with you? Shouldn't we be the ones givin' out the orders? After all, who revived whom here? He should be servin' us.
Emperor Pilaf: Shhh... Quiet. He hears everything. I'm sure that when Lord Piccolo takes over the world, he'll give us half of it out of gratitude.

Master Roshi (slowly): Pale. Pale grey.
Puar: What? Who is 'Pale Grey'?
Yamcha: Wait. Is this 'Pale Grey' a great warrior, Master?
Master Roshi: No. N-nothing like that. Pale grey is the color of Bulma's panties.
Oolong: Hm?
Bulma: Hm? Ah! You were staring at my underwear this whole time!?
Master Roshi (frantically): No. I... I started at your knees.

Oolong: (after watching the news to see that World Martial Arts Tournament participants are being executed one by one) I hear flights to the Caribbean are cheap this time of year.

Goku: I know you're there! Come out and face me, you coward!
Yajirobe: I'm not a coward! You're the sneak that stole my food!
Goku: Huh?
Yajirobe: That's right! That fish was my dinner and you ate it!
Goku: But somebody left it. There. On that stick.
Yajirobe: Oh, man. I was cooking it on that stick, you idiot!

Here Comes Yajirobe

Yajirobe: Ya thief!
Goku: Huh? What's that?
Yajirobe: You heard!
Goku: I'm not a thief! I didn't steal anything of yours!
Yajirobe: Oh yeah!? Well, I don't recall inviting you to eat my breaktice!
Goku: What's breaktice? It sounds awful.
Yajirobe: My fish.
Goku: Look, I don't steal. Can you prove it's your breaktice fish?
Yajirobe: Uh...hey wait a minute... are you calling me a liar!? If so, you better be prepared to fight!
Goku: Okay.
Yajirobe: I don't know where you're from, big hair! But around here, it's not polite to steal other people's food!
Goku: Oh, I see. But you're fine with throwing giant boulders at strangers, is that it?

Yajirobe: (Upon first seeing Cymbal) That's one ugly bird!
Launch: That's enough o' that! Don't talk like you're not comin' home. If any of you get splattered, I swear I'll fill you with so many bullets, you'll jump back to life just to beg me for mercy!

Launch: (about Krillin's dead body) Heh. He looks happy. Probably loves the attention.

Cymbal: How long you live depends on your answer to my question.
Goku: It looks like him, but that's not the monster I fought.
Yajirobe: Alright, be quick. What do you want from us?
Cymbal: I seek a little orange ball with stars on it. If either of you have seen one, you better tell me or suffer the consequences.
Yajirobe: Grrr... If you want someone's help, you should learn to ask nicely.
Cymbal: Hmm? (Cymbal sees the Dragon Ball around Yajirobe's neck) Ha ha ha. I don't believe it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Score. Nice necklace. Give it here.
Goku: Uh!? If you're interested in the Dragon Balls, that means that you must be partners with the same monster who destroyed my friend Krillin... and that makes you my enemy!
Cymbal: Ah? You better talk some sense into your friend.
Yajirobe: Choose your words carefully, monster. He's not my... friend.
Goku: Monster! Do you have a friend with a mouth like this and eyes like this and he's got big wings and he's mean and ugly, but he's not as big as you.
Cymbal: Hmm... that sounds like... Tambourine.
Goku: Then he's the one I'm after.
Cymbal: I couldn't care less. I'm here for the Dragon Ball. Period.
Yajirobe: Sorry. I like it. If you want one, go find your own. This one belongs to me.
Cymbal: So what? I like yours just fine, boy. Heh heh heh heh. Since you're so cocky, I'll be happy to crush every bone in your body to get it.
Yajirobe: Heh. Try it. I'll break you in half.
Goku: No way. I'll take care of this creature.
Yajirobe: Stay back. He's mine.
Goku: I'm fighting him. His ally killed my best friend.
Yajirobe: I don't care. Your problems don't concern me. This green thing insulted me and now he's going to pay.
Goku: Why are you so stubborn?
Yajirobe: He's my new breaktice.
Cymbal: Ah?

Cymbal: If you're so eager to die, who am I to stand in your way?
Yajirobe: I'll be eating you soon. (Cymbal knocks Yajirobe away)
Cymbal: Ha ha ha ha! You were saying? It looks like the only thing that you'll be eating is dirt! (Yajirobe gets back up) Ah?
Yajirobe: It's been a strange day. I keep meeting strong enemies.
Cymbal: Ha! It's not the enemy's strength. You're just weak.
Goku: Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Yajirobe: There is no weakness in me, monster!
Cymbal: Big words for small prey.

Terrible Tambourine

Piccolo: (telepathically) Cymbal, Cymbal answer me! Cymbal, I command you -- hear my call and respond! Cymbal, where are you? [pause, aloud] It's over. Cymbal is no more. He's dead.
Emperor Pilaf: I sympathize with your loss.
Mai: He seemed like such a nice beast. Aw...
King Piccolo: Silence! You fools!
Mai: Ah?
King Piccolo: How could your feeble, inadequate brains possibly comprehend how I feel!? He was of my scales and blood! Grr! I gave him life! Watched him hatch and spit his first slime!
Emperor Pilaf: Why, you're... you're right. I couldn't begin to understand.
Mai: Exactly. Cymbal means nothing to us.
King Piccolo: Grrrr!!!!

Tambourine: Are you, uh, Giran?
Giran: And what if I am?
Tambourine: You die.

Giran: (after Tambourine knocks Giran away) Big mistake.
Tambourine: It's you who made the mistake of calling yourself a warrior.

Bear Boy: (after Tambourine kills Giran) You saved us!
Bear Father: I'm appreciative beyond words. By slaying Giran, you have liberated our village. Thank you so much. (Tambourine slices the Bear Father) Uh! Oh!
Bear Boy: Papa!
Bear Father: Oh... (the Bear Father dies)
Bear Boy: Papa, say something!
Tambourine: Now he's truly liberated!
Bear Boy: Grr! Grr!
Tambourine: Giran was just a job. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Your father I killed for fun.

Launch: Don't worry about Piccolo! If he's dumb enough ta show up, I'll be glad ta introduce him ta my lead army!

Yamcha: That must make you King Piccolo's yes-man.
Tambourine: Yes. I-I mean... uh well... you don't... you... shut up!

[Tambourine and Piccolo are having a telepathic conversation]
Tambourine: Master, everything is proceeding as planned. I have tracked down and exterminated seven already; I'm working on the eighth.
King Piccolo: That's good news. I wish I had the same. Unfortunately we have a problem. Cymbal was sent to retrieve a Dragon Ball. Along the way, he was destroyed!
Tambourine: Destroyed?
King Piccolo: Our response to this crime must be swift and severe. You are to abandon your current assignment and find the assailant. I want an example made of him. Do it slowly.

Tien's Atonement

Master Roshi: What is it you want? Money?
Pirate: Arr, how about a million zeni?
Master Roshi: A million?
Tien: You can't be serious.
Pirate: Ye heard me, old man! Take it or leave it!
Master Roshi: You drive a hard bargain. [begins rummaging through his wallet'] Tell you what. I'll give you this. [hands the Pirate a slip of paper]
Pirate: And what's that?
Master Roshi: A lottery ticket and a beer coupon. Take it! Treat yourself!
Pirate: Forget it!

Piccolo: Grrr! I want him! I'll tear him apart!
Piano: Master, calm down! You need your strength!
Shu (whispering): I'm worried for your safety!
Pilaf (whispering): What are you talking about? Remember the nice cooker -- what do you think we got it for?
Mai (whispering): Emperor, I've got a bad feeling. What if this doesn't work?
Pilaf (whispering): Be patient, Mai, it won't take long!

Tien: Small world.
Fighter: Yes it is, as bad luck would have it. I thought I could forget your face, but I'm reminded of it every time I move. (The fighter remembers how Tien ruthlessly breaks his bones in a fight)

Fighter: I had to be rushed to the hospital. I don't remember much, except the pain from thirteen broken bones. It took me two years to get back to this house... and my beautiful wife!

Tien: I'm sorry about your injuries. I was a different person back then.
Fighter: So was I. I could walk without using a cane!
Tien: The reason I've come is I need your Dragon Ball.
Fighter: Dragon Ball? What the hell is that?
Tien: A ball with a star mark. We know that you have it here somewhere. Will you give it to us?
Fighter: No. Now go.
Tien: Unnacceptable.
Fighter: I don't know of what you speak. Hmph. What's more, I think you're lying.
Tien: Uh?
Fighter: Even if it did exist, help is the last thing I'd give you!

Fighter: Unlike the police, it didn't take us long to identify the killer, Tien Shinhan! Who else is as strong and delights in maiming martial artists!?
Tien: No! That's a lie.
Fighter: You would kill anyone if it suited your needs. I'm living proof.

Tien: The Dragon Ball?
Fighter: Why do you bother asking? Just tear the place apart. That is your style, isn't it, Tien? Just hurry up and get it over with!
Tien: (Tien kneels and begs for forgiveness from the fighter) I beg you. We desperately need that ball.
Fighter: (surprised) Ah?
Tien: I apologize for the wrong I've done you. If you want revenge, break an arm or two. Whatever you want. But please, give us the Dragon Ball.
Fighter: Uh...ah...?
Chiaotzu: Oh...
Tien: Eh...
Fighter: I've dreamed of revenge longer than I can remember. (sighs) I forgive you. Get up.

Goku's Revenge

Yajirobe: (after Goku pummels Tambourine in the name of revenge) I sure hope I never end up on that kid's revenge list.

Tambourine: (after mouth-blasting Goku) Fool! He was obliterated! I told you! We are superior to the human race!

Emperor Pilaf: (after hearing Tambourine has been killed) What kind of creature is out there that could defeat these people?
Mai: I'm not sure I want to know, sir.

King Piccolo: Two of my finest warriors were destroyed as if they were mere amateurs! I don't know who is responsible for this outrage but I will personally see to their destruction for interfering with my plans!

King Piccolo: We will turn our immediate attention on finding those responsible for the deaths of Cymbal and Tambourine.

Chiaotzu: I'm sure we're going to win!
Master Roshi: I'm afraid the odds of us winning a head-on battle aren't too good. Our best bet is to sneak in through the backdoor, surprise him, and take the ball while he's not looking. Then the Eternal Dragon can defeat him.
Tien: That's too passive for my tastes, Master! I say we fight him hand to hand, and destroy him!
Master Roshi: I understand how you feel, Tien, but he's much stronger than you think. With our combined strength, Piccolo still has us at a disadvantage. Our best bet is to concentrate on bringing all the Dragon Balls back together. Then we'll let the Eternal Dragon exterminate King Piccolo.
Tien: But Master, I thought our purpose in gathering the Dragon Balls is so we can resuscitate Krillin!
Chiaotzu: The Eternal Dragon will only make one wish come true...
Tien: ...and once the Dragon grants that wish, the balls are scattered again, correct?
Master Roshi: After one year, we can gather the orbs back together again. At that time, we will revive Krillin, I hope.
Tien: What about the Containment Wave?
Master Roshi: (angrily) That's a ridiculous idea, Tien Shinhan!
Tien: Forgive me, Master, but it worked before. That's what Master Mutaito used to capture Piccolo, wasn't it?
Master Roshi: In exchange for his life! Besides, there's no guarantee that it would work. If we failed, Yamcha would be the only one left to carry on the fight, and he's in no condition to defeat Piccolo!
Tien: I understand. (thinking) For Master to have such a reaction to my suggestion, there must be more to the Evil Containment Wave that I realized...

Goku vs. King Piccolo

Pilaf: Ah, look at the ground -- there's somebody down there! He must be the one who killed Cymbal and Tambourine. Give me just a moment to land the plane and you can destroy him.
King Piccolo: No, don't bother. It won't be necessary.
Pilaf: Huh? [looks through the binoculars] Aah! No... anyone but him! It's impossible! He's supposed to be dead!
King Piccolo: Who is it?
Pilaf: Who else? It's that same brat who always keeps me away from the Dragon Balls! He always gets in my way! He ruins every one of my plans!
King Piccolo: So, this little child is responsible for killing Tambourine and Cymbal? [chuckles, then roars] Both Cymbal and Tambourine fell in disgrace if that little worm had anything to do with their demise! I am not so weak that I cannot deal with a child...

Goku: Hey! Are you the ruler of those monsters? One of them killed my friend Krillin and stole my Dragon Ball!
King Piccolo: That's me. I see you have another Dragon Ball hanging around your neck...
Goku: I was right about you! Animal! You're just as responsible for Krillin's death?
King Piccolo: (dryly) Can you forgive me? [chuckles] You are unbelievable!
Goku: What's so funny?
King Piccolo: You are! I thought I was looking for a great warrior. And now I find it is you who has killed two of my greatest soldiers. Heh heh.
Goku: That's right. And you're going to follow them. But first, you are going to give me back my grandpa's Dragon Ball.

King Piccolo: You poor simpleton. You don't have a single clue who I am, do you? I am the abomination that haunts your nightmares! Soon, you will call me 'Master'!
Goku: That's not going to happen!
King Piccolo: It never fails. For some reason, every time I meet a martial artist, I have this incredible urge to destroy them. Even one as tiny and pathetic as you! Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
Goku: I might surprise you!
Yajirobe (to himself): Bye, Goku! Nice knowing you....

[after Goku knocks Piccolo down]

Pilaf: That kid's going to win! It's time to get out of here!
Mai: Aaah! Sire, what are we going to do?
Piano: Calm down!
Pilaf: We can't!
Piano: Did you really think His Majesty could be beat? He's just getting warmed up!

King Piccolo: You're good. It's obvious my minions were no match for your level of skill. Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Goku: Grr...
King Piccolo: You are the reason I have exterminated the martial arts society. Anyone with your level of skill... Deserves to be terminated!
Goku: Grr...
King Piccolo: You have such great strength. I shall do my absolute best to try to keep up.

King Piccolo: Now, let's try this once more. (King Piccolo kicks Goku in the chin, sending Goku flying into the air) Haaaaaa!!!! (King Piccolo then jumps into the air after Goku and punches him back down to the ground)
Goku: Uh!
King Piccolo: (After Goku slams into the ground, King Piccolo picks him up by the neck) Heh heh heh heh heh. Nice. You're still alive. I was hoping this would last a good while.
Goku: (clearly in pain) I'm... feeling fine. (King Piccolo promptly punches Goku in the face) Oh! Ow!
King Piccolo: What's wrong? No witty comeback?

Goku: You're tougher than I thought, but it doesn't make any difference, you big meanie! I'm still gonna destroy you!
King Piccolo: [laughs] Your misplaced confidence is refreshing.
Goku: [groans]
King Piccolo: Though I find this amusing, you must know: there is no escape. The only choice left is how you will meet your demise.
Goku: [groans]... No!
King Piccolo: [chuckles]! Well, despite your shortcomings, you are a defiant one. It's been a long time since I've seen that kind of spark in someone's eye. I'm fortunate. I'm stronger. Growl, human! [laughs maniacally]

Piccolo Closes In

[after King Piccolo defeats Goku]
Piano: Good show, your majesty.
King Piccolo: Vengeance is most refreshing. It's what keeps up my youthful appearance.

Yajirobe: I'm sorry things had to end this way, Goku. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. But you will receive a hero's burial.

Goku: I was no match for him! He defeated me like I was nothing!
Yajirobe: Don't be so hard on yourself, Goku. No one else could have done any better. King Piccolo isn't your everyday fighter!
Goku: Yajirobe, have you ever heard of Korin Tower?
Yajirobe: Korin Tower? Never heard of it!
Goku: I trained there once before. Listen, I have to ask you a big favor. Do you think you could take me to it? My muscles seem kind of stuck, but I think I know who can help me!
Yajirobe: Sounds like a strange place to find a doctor... Sure. No problem. I'll take you anywhere you want to go, under one condition -- you gotta feed me!

Chiaotzu: I found it! [holds up the Three Star Dragon Ball]
Master Roshi: With that one, we have five.
Tien: That leaves us with only two more balls to get! And we know where one is... with King Piccolo!
Master Roshi: We had better stay on our guard... [checks the radar] Hmm!
Tien: What's the matter? Is something wrong?
Master Roshi: Well, we don't have to worry about finding those two balls. According to the radar, they're together... and heading straight for us!
Tien: Ugh, that has to be King Piccolo! He means to destroy us!

Pilaf: -- Your majesty, the other five Dragon Balls are heading straight for us!
King Piccolo: Heh, how thoughtful of them to deliver my prize! This day has been fruitful. It has seen the end of my enemy and soon I will possess all seven Dragon Balls!

[aboard their jet]
Master Roshi: All right, we're on an intercept course.
Tien (thinking): That fiend! He's mine!
Master Roshi: Let me make one thing clear -- we have no chance of defeating King Piccolo with hand-to-hand combat. We must get his Dragon Balls and call upon the Eternal Dragon. It will be the Dragon's privilege to remove Piccolo from this world.
Tien: Yes sir.
Master Roshi: Tien, take us down between those two boulders. That's as good a place as any to make our stand!

Yajirobe: I admire your courage, but it was foolish for you to go up against King Piccolo by yourself.
Goku: I'm surprised, Yajirobe. You didn't even lend me a hand.
Yajirobe: Of course I didn't! I like you, Goku... but not as much as I like living.

Yajirobe: -- Just in case you're thinking what I hope you're not, I wouldn't go up against King Piccolo again. It's not wise to push your luck.
Goku: How well do you know him? Who is he?
Yajirobe: Like I said, it's just a story I heard as a kid. A terrible tale that gave me nightmares. A long time ago, King Piccolo used his power to try and take over the world. Fortunately, a brave martial artist -- I forget his name -- but he was able to stop the invasion. Or that's the story; I guess we know differently now.

Yajirobe: What could someone as powerful as King Piccolo possibly ask for?
Goku: Uh... a better personality?

Tien: I take the ugly green guy is King Piccolo! It looks like he just swallowed the Dragon Balls!
Master Roshi: Maniacal fiend! He's smarter than I remembered! The only option for us now is to knock him over and pump those balls out of his rotten hide! [growls]
Tien: We have to fight him head on, Master Roshi!
Master Roshi: That's what he wants us to believe... No, Tien, you stay out of this.
Tien: No, Master Roshi, I must fight Piccolo!
Master Roshi: You don't do anything, Tien Shinhan. That's an order.
Tien: But Master, you can't do this to me! I have to fight him!
[they glare at each other]
Tien: Don't tie my hands! Please!
Master Roshi: I appreciate your concern for my safety, but I've taken steps to protect myself, including a life-sustaining potion.
Tien: But you can't do it--
[Master Roshi sprays him with knockout gas]
Tien: Master, you-- aah... [faints]
Master Roshi: I'm sorry to have to do this, Tien. It's better for you to sleep through this one. Too many lives have been lost already. Your dedication to our cause is admirable, but I must confess -- I didn't take a life-sustaining potion; I never touch the stuff myself! Anyway, if I fail, you'll be the only one left to defeat that monster, but only as a last-ditch effort. Your will is strong, but your training is incomplete. Tell Goku I was proud!

Roshi's Gambit

Bulma (to radio): This is Kame House! Come in, Master Roshi! Please respond! I repeat, Kame House to Master Roshi, please come in, Master Roshi! Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, is anybody there? If you can hear me, please say something! Someone answer me!
Oolong: With that tone, I wouldn't answer either!

Yamcha: What could o' happened to them?
Oolong: It's possible they've been destroyed.
Bulma: And it's possible you're stupid!

Piano: Foolish old man -- he must really have a death wish to challenge King Piccolo out in the open like this!
Pilaf: Why, he doesn't even have any support!
Piano: He could have an army and he'd still lose!

King Piccolo: Obviously, you have no idea who I am; otherwise, you'd know this path you've chosen is suicide!
Master Roshi: This isn't the first time we've met, monster.
King Piccolo: Then you must realize that I will soon send you to oblivion!
Master Roshi: Yeah, yeah, I've heard that before. The only one who's going to take a dirt nap is you... unless you decide to play it smart and give me your Dragon Balls!
King Piccolo: If that was a joke, then I'm still waiting for the punch line! Your humor is wearing thin! You want my Dragon Balls? Then... [regurgitates the Dragon Balls] ...they're all yours!

King Piccolo: Fool! Why do you stand in my way?
Master Roshi: Because you are in mine.
King Piccolo: How so?
Master Roshi: With you threatening the world, how am I supposed to enjoy my exercise programs? Huh?

Master Roshi: I have no interest in fighting you! You're right, I'm no match for you. You possess powers far greater than my own! But for every obstacle there is a solution -- I can still defeat you!
Chiaotzu: No!
Tien: Master, don't do it! You mustn't!
King Piccolo: What are you blabbering about?
Master Roshi: You know what I'm talking about all too well! I told you -- this wasn't the first time we met! Many years ago, I faced you in battle! I was there the day my master stared you down -- the day you blinked!
King Piccolo: Go on!
Master Roshi: Do you want to know my master's name? [pause] It's Mutaito!
[Piccolo trembles in fear]
King Piccolo: (thinking) Not again! Aaaah!

Master Roshi: Here you go! This should jog your memory! [reveals an electronic jar]
King Piccolo (terrified): The electronic jar!
Master Roshi: Home sweet home!

Pilaf: That's strange. Why is King Piccolo shaking? Is he cold?
Piano (sadly): Poor Majesty... he's frightened! Piccolo!

[the Evil Containment Wave fails to trap Piccolo]
Master Roshi: You haven't won. Your dark dreams will never come true. Somehow, someone will succeed where I've failed. Until that day, live in fear. You will fall. We're only human but... but we will survive. We will survive. [Master Roshi falls and dies]

King Piccolo: Yes, he's dead! The fool's dead! [laughs maniacally]
[Mai, Pilaf, Shu, and Piano join in laughing]
Shu: Incredible!
King Piccolo: That was too close! I never expected he would know about the Evil Containment Wave! The old man was sly, but now he's gone forever! I'm free -- truly free! No one on this pathetic planet will harm me ever again! [laughs maniacally, then stops abruptly] - it's time. [telekinetically lifts up all the Dragon Balls and throws them onto the ground]
King Piccolo: The seven Dragon Balls are mine! At last, I will reclaim my youth and with it, all my glory of power!

Mai: The Eternal Dragon will soon appear.
Emperor Pilaf: Shu, please tell me you brought my camera. I have to take pictures.

King Piccolo's Wish

Tien: (telepathically) Chiaotzu! Can you hear me?
Chiaotzu: Tien Shinhan!
Tien: We have to do something about this! Now I want you listen to me very carefully. I'm losing consciousness because of that strange medicine Master Roshi gave me. This is up to you! Before Piccolo can make his wish, I want you to make your own: tell the Dragon that you wish that King Piccolo would disappear from this world forever!

Shenron: I will grant one wish. Tell me what it is you desire.
King Piccolo: At last.. I--I wish for--
[Chiaotzu emerges]
Chiaotzu (quickly): Make King Piccolo disappear, from this--
[Piccolo blasts him to death]
King Piccolo: I despise uninvited guests!
Shenron: What do you wish for?
King Piccolo: I wish to be made young again. Restore my youth and power! Return to me what time has stolen! Can you do this?
Shenron: As you wish.

Yajirobe: (about Korin) This is a friend of yours? He doesn't sound nice to me. He's not going to try and eat us for breaktice, is he?
Goku: Eheh heh heh heh. You're funny, Yajirobe.

Shu: Congratulations, Sire! You did it!
Mai: I'm looking for the day King Piccolo conquers the world. Then he'll...
Shu: ...be so grateful he'll give you that swampland you wanted!
[Pilaf laughs nervously]

King Piccolo: It's time to get down to business. This world will soon be now!
Pilaf: Yes! The world will soon be under our control!
King Piccolo: Full speed ahead! Take me to the King's castle!
Pilaf: I don't think the direct approach is the best way to handle this!
King Piccolo: Hmph? Do my tactics trouble you?
Pilaf: Of course not, you have great tactics! It's just that this castle we're going to has some impressive weapons, and I thought maybe we should get an... upgrade...?
[Piccolo growls]
Pilaf: No, wait, scratch that! We don't need an upgrade! Our current systems should do just fine!
Piano: You foolish twerp! Now that King Piccolo has regained his youth, no weapon on the planet can destroy him!
Pilaf: Yes, I see.. Well, no sense in hanging around here any longer. We've got a castle to conquer!

Villager #1: Sire, I beg of you, please help my village! This drought has lasted for six months!
Villager #2: There isn't enough water for drinking, let alone to grow our crops! We can't last much longer!
King Furry: I understand your needs. I will help!
Villager #1: Sire, you mean...?
King Furry: I will send the Aqua Squad to your aid immediately!
Villager #2: Thank you, Sire!
'King Furry: Do not thank me -- I share your happiness! My lifelong dream is that everyone in the world will live in perfect harmony!

King Piccolo: Reports tell me that the present king is nothing more than a bleeding-heart peace-lover. Ha ha ha ha. It's the sentimental ones who are always my favorite to destroy, don't you agree?
Pilaf: Oh, yes. I... [chuckles]
King Piccolo: My reign over this planet is close at hand. With my ascension, I shall create a magnificent kingdom in my own image! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! However, before I can rebuild, I must first tear down!

Pilaf: Might I inquire which part of the world is mine?
King Piccolo: As much...as much as you can carry on the way down!
Pilaf: You have such humor, Sire! What do you mean 'on the way down'?
King Piccolo: Isn't it obvious? We're having a falling-out... literally!
Pilaf: But Your Majesty, please, this is a terrible misunderstanding! We worked so hard for you! Don't forget. I'm the one who brought you back to life! I'm your savior!
King Piccolo: You're nothing but an inept clown surrounded by amateurs! Say good-bye!

[after King Piccolo throws down Emperor Pilaf, Shu, and Mai from his hovering ship]
Mai: From here on, I think we should choose our allies with more scrutiny, sire.
Pilaf: Be quiet!

King Piccolo: It begins. Let rise the flames of chaos, scorch the earth til all I see withers and dies!

Siege on Chow Castle

Piano: Presently, the world is divided into 43 sectors; each sector is ruled by a king. We are currently approaching the Eastern City, home of King Furry. This is his sector, as is the surrounding area; also the north area, which is covered with snow. There is also a desert, and furthermore there's--
King Piccolo: Enough! Such a boring locale! Let me show you something fun!
[Piccolo uses his heat vision to blow up Piano's globe]
King Piccolo: Beautiful. Soon this will be the reality!
Piano: Yes, Sire.

Piano: We've arrived at King's castle.
King Piccolo: Then let's go. It's time to take our first step in creating a new world order.

[they see fireworks]
Piano: I forgot to mention, Sire: today, the town's citizens are celebrating their King's 20th term...
King Piccolo: Good.
Piano: ...or perhaps they knew we were comin and decided to start celebrating your ascension early!
King Piccolo (chuckling): Maybe so!

Yajirobe: He nearly got himself killed... by a terrible monster named King Piccolo. Goku decided to try and fight him all by himself. It was a dumb thing to do.
Upa: Hey, I don't know who you are... but you better stop talking that way about Goku, or you'll be sorry!
Yajirobe: Quiet down before I step on you.

King Piccolo: All that I see before me is now mine. [laughs maniacally] Not too bad.

[after Bora throws Yajirobe and Goku part of the way up Korin's Tower]
Yajirobe: Ah! We flew all that way and we still can't see the top!
Goku: I can smell those beans. I hope there's some left when we get there!
Yajirobe: Nobody's eating my beans!
[Yajirobe takes off]

Goku: Aren't you having fun?
Yajirobe: (sarcastic) Oh, sure! This is great! I love climbing towers with my bare hands!

Yamcha: Tien Shinhan, we're the only ones left. We have to work together to defeat Piccolo.
[Tien doesn't speak]
Yamcha: Tien Shinhan!
Tien': I'm sorry, Yamcha. There's something I must do. Alone. It's the only way. I will learn the secret of the Evil Containment Wave.
Yamcha: No, it's too dangerous!
Tien: I must destroy that monster! No matter the cost. It's why I was spared.
Yamcha: You can't go alone! I'll learn it with you!
Tien: That's not an option. It's impossible to learn this Wave unless you've witnessed it firsthand, as I have.
Yamcha: No, Tien!
Tien: Don't argue with me. My mind is set. I have nothing left to lose...

[after Tien takes off]
Launch: What a man!

Bodyguard: Hold it!
King Piccolo: Hm?
Bodyguard: You can't go in there!
King Piccolo: Oh. Are you the welcoming committee?
Bodyguard: Afraid not. I handle the goodbyes. And you've worn out your welcome. You're fairly adept when fighting against machines. How about pure muscle, you green freak!?
King Piccolo: Ha! I thought you'd never ask. But rather than fight, why not work for me? You could shine my shoes, big boy.
Bodyguard: Enough! Either you surrender immediately, or I'll do my worst!
King Piccolo: Surrender? Why should I surrender? You're the one who's losing all his men. Before you die, tell me... where's the king hiding?
Bodyguard: Ah! Forget the king! Settle for my fist! (the bodyguard punches at King Piccolo only to have his hand grabbed) Uh...uh...uh...uh...uh...
King Piccolo: Oh my. Is this how we throw punches?
[King Piccolo appears in front of another soldier who was trying to run away]
King Piccolo: Where is the king?
Bodyguard: Where you'll never find him!
King Piccolo: Ha! We'll see.
[King Piccolo slams his hand clean through the bodyguard's chest and lets him fall to the ground, dead]
[King Piccolo appears in front of another soldier who was trying to run away; the soldier screams]
King Piccolo: I hope you have an answer for me.
Soldier: I get paid by the hour!

Dog: Too bad my friends weren't here. I know this bloodhound who would've taken that monster down!
Woman: This is the end -- there's nothing we can do.
Man: We should have gone to the movies instead!
Little Girl: Mommy, is there someone who can stop the green man? What about Daddy? Isn't he stronger than the green man?
Man: 'Nobody's daddy is that strong!
Suno: I know somebody.
Others: Huh?
Suno: I have a friend who I know could defeat him!
Man: Well, don't stop there! Who is it?
Suno: It's... Goku.
Little Girl: Go... ku?
Suno: Goku, wherever you are, please help me. We need your help now!

Conquest and Power

King Piccolo: Well, well. I went searching for a king and found a coward.
Officer: How dare you talk to the king like that you animal!?
King Piccolo: Wait your turn!

King Piccolo: From the expression on your face, I can tell that you're a visual learner. But this is just a miniscule example of my power. I trust you won't need another.
King Furry: Uh...
King Piccolo: Whether you're staring at one crater or an entire wasteland is entirely up to you. I can do this all day.

Bulma: (via radio): Tien, listen! We'll collect the Dragon Balls again. That way we can bring Master Roshi and Chiaotzu back to life.
Tien: That's not an option. Once King Piccolo got what he wanted from the Dragon Balls, he destroyed the Dragon.

Tien: (to himself) If anyone else is going to die, it will be me. And only me.

Oolong: (about the Eternal Dragon's death) Well, so much for being "eternal".
Turtle: This means master will never be able to return.
Bulma: I wonder if we're ever going to see Goku again.
Puar: He will come back, you'll see. Goku is alive. I just know it.
Yamcha: I feel the same way about it, Puar.
Oolong: I mean... why call him eternal if he's not gonna be around.
Turtle: Oh...
Oolong: That's just false advertising.
Launch: That's enough! [shoots at him with her gun] This is no time for jokes, you filthy pig!

King Piccolo: You work for me now. You will do my bidding.
King Furry: I will not help you betray me people. Never!
King Piccolo: Betray them?
King Furry: I was elected to preserve the peace!
King Piccolo: So far, it doesn't look like you're doing too good of a job! [laughs] In fact, one could say that your 'peace' is in 'pieces'! [laughs maniacally]

Korin: Well, there's no sense in training a body that's injured. First thing's first -- you need energy. Here you go, catch. [throws Goku a bean]
Goku: Thanks, Master! This is a senzu bean, isn't it?
Yajirobe: The beans... What? Senzu beans? These are the beans you were talking about?
Goku: That's them!
Yajirobe: You call this special? This is my reward? [grabs the whole pot of senzu beans] I can't believe I went through all that just for these lousy beans! Well, I'm going to get my reward! [Yajirobe begins gorging himself on them] Stupid beans! [keeps eating] Risked my life all night... [keeps eating, then suddenly bloats and collapses]
Goku: You're silly, Yajirobe! You only need one bean -- they last for ten whole days!

Korin: Many great warriors had tried what you're attempting--but he manages to kill everyone! That monster even killed Master Roshi.
Goku: What!? King Piccolo killed Master Roshi!!!?
Korin: Yes.
Goku: You... you mean I'll never get to see him again just like my grandpa?
Korin: Well in these cases, that's what normally happens.
Goku: Oh no. But I never even got to say goodbye.

Awaken Darkness

Piano: (to the King's staff) Do you really think King Piccolo would ever be satisfied with this slop? You will prepare a new menu with all haste! Dishes of newt manure, deep fried eyes, fresh moose pie with dinosaur tongue, and brain pudding! You will prepare 111 of each dish within the hour! Everything must be in order when Sire awakens from his nap!

Goku: Ultra Divine?
Korin: That's right. This water... is most certainly divine!
Goku: But Master Korin, how is it any different from the Sacred Water I drank a long time ago?
Korin: Actually, there is a huge difference. You see, Sacred Water is merely water with a kick. No magic in it. Ha! But Ultra Divine Water is packed with mystical properties and a magical zing!
Goku: Whoa! If I drink Ultra Divine Water, then I'll be super-strong!

Korin: The water would increase your abilities, that's true. But to enjoy its benefits, you would first have to track it down...
Goku: Huh?
Korin: It is a perilous journey. Far to the north, there is a treacherous maze of ice. To obtain the water, you must first navigate through this icy labyrinth. The liquid is hidden somewhere in the cave.
Goku: A maze?
Korin: It's a complicated network of passageways, with many confusing routes to choose from, but only one exit. It's easy enough to get in; the trick is getting out. Once inside the labyrinth, it's easy to get lost. You could find yourself wandering aimlessly for weeks, or even years. Many brave explorers have attempted to navigate this path, only never to be heard from again!

Goku: (about entering a maze to retrieve the ultra divine water) You'll go with me, won't you, Yajirobe?
Yajirobe: Uh! You've got to be kidding! No way!
Goku: You won't?
Yajirobe: Of course not! Why in the world would I voluntarily go to such a terrible place? You're crazy! Count me out of this one!

Korin: The days of impetuous youth. I'm glad that I'm old.

Yajirobe: I'm not getting stuck in an ice maze for anybody! I don't even like cold food!

Korin: If you go, there's one thing you must avoid: darkness.
Goku: Don't worry, I've never feared the dark before!
Korin: You will. It will be your greatest challenge! This is blacker than night. It veils the Ultra Divine Water in illusion so cunning that you may never escape its empty void once it's there!

Darkness: Who dares wake me from my cold slumber? It is human... it will suffer. They will all suffer who trespass upon my domain...

[Suno is helping an injured old woman]
Suno: Grandma, hold on! Hold on!
Old Woman: Thank you... I never expected kindness from a stranger. Your help makes the end bearable...
Suno: Don't say such a thing. Never give up on hope!
Old Woman: Yes, there is hope. I see it in your eyes.

Piano: Like I was saying before we were interrupted sire, the cooks are completely inadequate. They can't even perform the simplest of tasks.
King Piccolo: Hmph. Then eliminate them all. Things taste better from scratch.

Goku: (after gliding through an icy cavern on top of Yajirobe's body) Wow! That was great! We escaped the snow beast thanks to you! I haven't gone that fast since I last rode my Nimbus! Too bad you can't fly.
Yajirobe: Would you be quiet! What are you thanking me for!? It wasn't like I had a choice! Is there a sign on me that says "passengers welcome"!?

Darkness: Humans have disturbed my slumber. They trespass at their own peril.

A Taste of Destiny

Yajirobe: You really think you have a chance against King Piccolo? Man, you're dumb.
Goku: I have to try, don't I?
Yajirobe: Didn't you say he killed some of your friends?
Goku: My best friend Krillin and Master Roshi.
Yajirobe: So why don't you just be happy you're still alive... and get on with living?

The Darkness: (disguised as Master Roshi, battles Goku) Give up, Goku! You don't stand a chance!
Goku: Never!
The Darkness: The Ultra Divine Water is sacred! It is not meant for humans! Your presence defiles it! You must leave this holy place or die!
The Darkness: I'll show you real! (hauls rocks at Goku until Goku gets hit by one) Real enough for you?! (snickers)
Goku: Real or not, I've had enough!

Goku: (while holding Yajirobe so he doesn't fall down an endless pit) Please! Let him go! Your fight is with me!
The Darkness: (disguised as Master Roshi) Eheh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Why don't you let him go?
Yajirobe: Ahh! Nobody let go!

Yajirobe: (while Goku hangs onto him while he dangles off the edge) This is your fault, Goku! You killed me! And on an empty stomach too! I'm too young to die!

The Darkness: Only those with the special power become stronger. The others will die.
Yajirobe: Say... uh... darkness... how many people have drank this water stuff?
The Darkness: Thirteen.
Yajirobe: And... uh... how many people survived? Uh... like six... or... uh... three?
The Darkness: None survived.
Yajirobe: Uh!?
Goku: None survived!?
Yajirobe: Hey, that's not fair! What kind of a chance does that give us!? If no one survives it, then it's just poison and there's nothing special about dying from poison, is there!?
Goku: I'll do it!
Yajirobe: Uh! Are you nuts, Goku!? I mean it's one thing to play the hero but drinking this stuff is just plain suicide!
Goku: Then I'll risk it!
Yajirobe: Grr! Goku, please, I'm begging you! For some dumb reason, you always wanna do the right thing! But I'm telling you there is nothing in that pot but poison. You drink that stuff and you will die!
Goku: We'll see.

King Furry (on TV): Citizens, I come today bearing important news. This is a great, joyous time of change!
Bulma: Hey, it's King Furry!
King Furry: This change will effect us all in... wonderful ways! I have proudly given my throne over to the great King Piccolo!
All: What?
King Furry: Citizens! It's all lies! King Piccolo is not to be trusted! Please, we must find a way to stop him before it's too late!
[King Piccolo grabs Furry and throws him aside, then takes his seat]
King Piccolo: Stick to the script, Furry! Show time!

King Piccolo: In fact, you will find that I will encourage your freedom. Every freedom. Heh heh heh. By now, you all know how powerful I am. But what you may not know is what a loving king I could be. So, my first decree will go out to the ones I love the most... of course that's the criminal element. We will begin by eradicating the police. Those wicked people who would stomp on your freedom and put you in chains for merely seeking the life that you desire. Theft, violence, murder, nothing will be illegal in this grand new world. Come out from the shadows. Your new king understands your pain.
Criminal: All hail King Piccolo!
King Piccolo: This is your time! This is our time! Order is dead and chaos reigns, thus says King Piccolo!
Yamcha: This guy's a madman!
Launch: Eh. I don't know. It doesn't sound that bad.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

King Piccolo: My first decree is to abolish the police and release all criminals! I want riots! Order is legally dead!

Bulma: So, that's it, then?
Oolong: I guess it's all completely hopeless now. I give up.
Launch: Yeah? Well, I'm not a quitter. There's still hope in Tien, and his Evil Containment Wave.
Yamcha: Hold on. Remember what Master Mutaito said? Anyone who uses the Wave... will die!

Android 8: Suno!
Suno: Eighter!
Android 8: It is you! I'm so happy now!
Suno: Oh, I'm not happy. Hardly anyone survived, and the ones that did aren't doing well.
Android 8: Did you send for help?
Suno: Most people just left us. You have to believe I tried my best!

Suno: Won't you help us?
Thug: Ha. You kiddin' me! Ah man, get real!
Thug 2: They don't know who they're dealin' with!
Thug 3: Ha ha! They're about to!
Thug 4: Dude, you have the great pleasure of running into loyal followers of King Piccolo's tribe of evil! The Great One doesn't want us helping people.
Android 8: Grr...
Thug: Ah...ah... no offense!
Android 8: Piccolo makes good speeches, but I'm pretty persuasive myself...

Tien (thinking): I'm coming for you, Piccolo@
Yamcha: (on radio) Tien Shinhan! Come in, Tien! This is Yamcha, are you there? Come in, Tien!
Tien: This is Tien Shinhan.
Yamcha: Hey, I--
[Launch shoves him aside]
Launch: Dear, where are you?
Tien: I'm off to present a special gift for our new king's coronation!
Oolong: Then that means...
Tien: (through a transmission) I've mastered the Evil Containment Wave. It's time to put it to the test.
Launch: I'm proud of you, Tien. So proud.
Tien: Don't be. This is not about me. Or rather, this is about the bad things in my life that made me no better than King Piccolo. This is about atonement. And I only hope it's enough. Goodbye, my friends.
Bulma: Goodbye, Tien!
Launch: Farewell, Tien Shinhan. You're the bravest.

Goku: (flying around on a new Nimbus cloud) Do you wanna go for a ride, Yajirobe?
Yajirobe: What!? No way, Goku! I like living too much!

[Goku and Yajirobe are still in the dark dimension]
Goku: Could you let us out please?
Yajirobe: Yeah, it smells bad down here and I'm hungry.
Korin: Okay. Hold your horses.

Goku: I sense it. I feel it. I'm not what I was before. And it's not just the strength too - I feel power and at peace. With... with everything!
Korin (thinking): I suspected he would survive, but I didn't think about what it would mean? Could he be... the 'one'?
Yajirobe: Are you sure? You sure look the same!
Goku: And there's something else. [pause] I know where Piccolo is!
Korin:And how do you know that, Goku?
Goku: Well, I don't know what to call it -- I guess you could say I sense his 'power level'!
Korin: Mmhmm, that is exactly what you're sensing! Feel strong?
Goku: Hmm.
Korin: It's gift time! Flying Nimbus!
Goku: Nimbus?
[a massive Flying Nimbus appears]
Korin: Jump in there and pick out a good one, Goku!
Goku: I thought the Flying Nimbus Master Roshi gave me was the only one in existence!
Korin: Nah. That was just an old model I gave him years ago!

Prelude to Vengeance

Bulma (on the phone): I got a connection! Oh, thank goodness! Mother? Huh?
Mrs Brief: Oh, Bulma, it's so good to hear from you after all this time! You won't believe all the stress I'm under, it's excruciating! Everything is topsy-turvy around here and I don't have a single outfit for the occasion! And your father isn't helping one bit! What a horrible ruler that new guy is turning out to be, making such a big mess without allowing adequate shopping time! Well, I've got a thousand things to do! Thanks for calling, bye!
Bulma: But Mom-- [phone disconnects] Well, I love you too, Mother.

[after Goku stops a soldier from blasting Ox King]
Goku: You guys are working for King Piccolo, aren't you?
Royal Soldier: Yes, we are, but... reluctantly. Look, if we don't obey his orders, he'll destroy us as well!
Goku: You should do what's right, not what you're told. And don't worry about King Piccolo any more because I'm going to destroy him!
Royal Soldier: What can you do? You're just a child! He decimated half of my force -- you have no idea how strong he is!
Goku: You're wrong! I will beat him!

[while polishing her gun]
Launch: Isn't it a beautiful sight? Locked, loaded, and ready for action!

[while watching Tien fight Drum]
Piano: Sire, don't you think it would be prudent to leave for Sector 28 now? We know the outcome of this fight; there's no need to stick around.
King Piccolo: Wait, not yet. Relax, Piano; there's always time to enjoy a good slaughter.

[after Tien's Wave is blocked by Drum]
King Piccolo: It appears Drum's interference with your Containment Wave not only spared my life but yours as well. (to Drum) Finish him off, and make it as painful as possible.

King Piccolo (to Goku): You're a persistent little worm. Next time I beat you I'll make sure that you stay now.
Goku: I might surprise you. [pause] Hey, wait! Something about you is different!
King Piccolo: Good of you to notice. I've been rejuvenated. Do you know what means? Let's just say I'm somewhere between invincible and immortal!

Drum: You're not goin' anywhere, runt! No one treats me like that and gets away with it!
King Piccolo: Exactly. Drum, teach these fools a lesson they won't forget.
[Drum chuckles, cracking his knuckles]
Tien: Goku, move! He's faster than he looks!
[Drum chuckles, then vanishes and reappears behind Goku, who kicks him in the face so hard that his eyes pop out]

Goku Strikes Back

Newsreader (over the radio): We are sending you this broadcast at great risk to our lives. But, as always, we're committed to getting you all the latest news, fast and first! You're seeing live shots from West City, which King Piccolo vowed to demolish! A shockwave ran up the sign of this magnificent metropolis, as citizens began fleeing for their lives!
Yamcha: How horrible.
Bulma: Well, at least West City hasn't been destroyed yet.
Yamcha: Most likely thanks to Tien Shinhan getting in Piccolo's way. Wonder how well Tien is doing...
Launch: If that dirtbag Piccolo hurts him in anyway, I'll make him pay!
Yamcha: Oh, I have a feeling Piccolo has his hands full.
Bulma: That's right!
Launch: Yeah!

Tien (thinking): He defeated that Drum creature with one blow! One blow! I don't understand; what happened to Goku? How could he have become so powerful!
King Piccolo: Of all people, I never thought I would see you again. How tenacious! You dare get in my way?
Goku: You bet I do. I will never stop until I've defeated you!
King Piccolo: You can try, if you're feeling suicidal. For you will die... you think you're going to be able to stop me? Bigger and smarter adversaries than you have tried and failed.
Goku: You'll see just how much I've changed!
King Piccolo: As tempting as it is to disprove your boast, I don't have the time. There are people awaiting their destruction in West City.
[Piccolo advances on Goku]
King Piccolo: This will have to be a quick demonstration. I apologize.

King Furry: What in this world is making all that noise?
Guard: Sire, it's King Piccolo!
King Furry: I was afraid of that. What is he destroying now?
Guard: Piccolo isn't destroying anything, sir?
King Furry: Huh?
Guard: He is fighting a young child, and he is losing!

[after Goku throws Piccolo into a building]
Goku (mockingly): I thought you said this was going to be fast.
King Piccolo: You insolent brat! Now you've really made me angry!

King Piccolo: This isn't happening! This can't be true!
Goku: I told you I wasn't the same person you fought before!
King Piccolo: You think you can attack me? Guess again, human! You get one lucky shot and suddenly you think you're a big man! I haven't begun to show you my true power!
Goku: You've taken away my close friends and hurt innocent people! You'll pay for your crimes!

King Piccolo (thinking): His eyes are so full of hatred! He really thinks he can beat me! Little does he know how horrible I can be!

[after seeing Goku knocks King Piccolo down with one punch]
King Furry: That kid can punch!
Guard: Yes sir!
King Furry: Get him, boy! Do it for the world! We're all depending on you!

King Piccolo: It feels good, doesn't it? We're not different, you and I. We both love inflicting pain. It's an intoxicating feeling, isn't it?
Tien: Don't listen to him, Goku! He's just playing mind games! Strike him down!
Goku: Stop talking and fight. Where's all your power? You said you'd finish me -- I'm still waiting.
Tien: He's bluffing! He knows he can't beat you!
King Piccolo: Aye, aren't we sharp today? Oh, you don't miss a thing, do you? You see, if I were to fight you at full strength, my life wouldn't last as long. But why save all the fun for later, when we can party right now?
[Piccolo begins bulking up]

King Piccolo: I hope you're ready to die!
Goku: You should ask yourself that question, Piccolo. I didn't come here to lose.
King Piccolo: You may have strength, boy, but bravado isn't your strong suit. Stick to what you do best and quit!
Goku: I'm here to win!

The Biggest Crisis

[while Piccolo writhes in pain]
Goku: Hey, I couldn't have hurt you that much! On your feet! I'm just getting warmed up!
King Piccolo: What are you, a monster?
Goku: The only monster here is you! This fight isn't over until one of us is left standing!
King Piccolo: Hear my words: you won't be so lucky this time!

Yamcha: Hang on, we'll be at the king's castle in about twenty minutes.
Bulma: D'you think Tien could hold out this long, Yamcha?
Yamcha: Must be okay, I haven't heard any news about him from West City. But if there's any trouble when we get there, I'm joing in on the fight!

Guard: Your Highness, please, let's get out of here! Now is a good time to go!
King Furry: I refuse to leave the castle!
Guard: But sir, something terrible could happen to you! You're in a great danger if you stay here!
King Furry: I can't leave!
Guard: Listen to me! The best thing for you to do is leave the city immediately and come back when it's safe! This is the only choice we have, sir! Please, sir!
King Furry: Very well. But what about all those people out there? I can't just leave them behind! I wish there's something I could do about this...

[[after zapping Goku's leg]
King Piccolo: Without the use of that leg, you can't avoid me much longer!
Goku: Ow! I only need one leg to finish you!
King Piccolo: Really? That I'd like to see!

Goku: Not bad for a kid, huh?

King Piccolo: It is finished! There is no one left to stand against my power! [pause] Wait! I feel his spirit. No, it can't be... [begins searching] I know I got him! There's no way he could move!
Goku: Yoo hoo! Up here!
[Piccolo looks up, seeing Tien carrying Goku in the air; Goku makes faces at him]
King Piccolo: Your friends heroic's will prove to be in vain!

King Piccolo (to Goku and Tien): I will send you away from this world together!

Final Showdown

King Piccolo: I don't get it! That's impossible -- how could you survive that? I've fought all over the universe and I've never met anyone with the strength to face me in hand-to-hand combat!
Goku: Well, I guess I'm not like other people because I've got a tail. Do you want to see just how powerful I really am? Well, just try and attack me again if you've got any energy left! Come on, I'm ready!

[after grabbing Tien by the head]
King Piccolo: Now look who's in control? I think you'll agree that I have the upper hand!

King Piccolo: Don't move! Take one more step closer, and I'll give this guy a headache he's never going to forget!

Tien: Goku, forget about me! Just make sure you destroy this monster!
[Piccolo begins crushing Tien's skull]
King Piccolo: Don't give him any ideas!

Yajirobe: What a ripoff! I come all this way to watch Goku fight, and there's no sign of him. Whoa, that's one big crater! This doesn't look good, and I'm not sticking around to see if it's safe. All this way for nothing. Goku should have known better than to try and stand up to guy like Piccolo anyway. Well, I guess the poor guy will get what he deserves -- there's nothing I can do about it! [gets in his car and takes off] Wait a minute. He owes me a dinner! Goku promised to treat me to a free meal and he still hasn't done it yet! [turns around]

Hey, hold on -- if I find Goku now, he might be all beaten up, and then I won't get anything to eat and my life could be in danger! [turns around again] Wait a minute, I forgot that Goku drank the Ultra Divine Water! He won't be beaten that easily! Hmm... if Goku is still alive, then I can still get that free meal from him! That'll be all right with me!

[after breaking Goku's arm]
King Piccolo: Look at you! You're crying like a baby! You'll have to learn to be tougher than that. If you were more like me, you could overcome anything, even pain!
Goku: There's no way I'd ever want to be anything like you!
King Piccolo: Are you so sure?
Goku: Tien, forgive me -- but I can't let him get away with this!
King Piccolo: What? You fool! Don't you care about your friend's life?
Goku: Of course! And if I have to collect the Dragon Balls to revive him then so be it!
[Piccolo begins laughing]
Goku: What? That can't be! That can't be true!
King Piccolo: Ha! Why would I lie about that? Even the Eternal Dragon was no match against my power!
Goku: No! How could you do that?
King Piccolo: It is over! Once I exterminate your friend, there is nothing anybody can do about it! If you move, he's finished! If you stay where you are, you're finished! Either way, you lose!

[while attacking Piccolo]
Goku: It's time for your terror to end!

King Piccolo: I don't believe it! He flew right through me! How could he defeat me like that? So, I underestimate his strength... He's won for now, but my legacy on this planet will survive... [coughs up one last egg and spits it into the distance] Good luck, my son. Get revenge for my demise! Destroy all my enemies! [explodes]

Yajirobe: Hey, Goku. Did you know I was thinking about going after Piccolo myself?
Goku: You were? Yeah, right. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Yajirobe: Hey, what's so funny about that?
Tien: Yeah. That's not nice. Don't forget, Yajirobe saved your life. You should at least show 'im some respect.
Goku: Yeah, you're right. Sorry, Yajirobe.
Yajirobe: No sweat.

See also