Dragon Ball Z: Season 1: Difference between revisions - Wikiquote

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===The New Threat===

:'''Raditz''': So, the creatures on this planet are still alive. Kakarot has failed us.

:'''Farmer''': (holding his shotgun) You're on my property.

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:'''Piccolo''': (Piccolo senses Raditz) Uh? Huh? Huh? What is that? I've never felt so much power! Uh...huh...? It can't be Goku, it's too horrible. Huh! Who is that!? (Raditz lands in front of Piccolo)

:'''Raditz''': Excuse me for dropping in. I'm trying ta find a man named Kakarot. I thought you were him.

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:'''Raditz''': (to himself) There it is. Just on the edge of my scouter's range. And it's big. It must be the largest power level on this planet. It's Kakarot. This time I'm sure.

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:'''Piccolo''': (to himself, while breathing hard) I don't believe it. I hit 'im full force and he didn't even flinch. This guy could be a problem.

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:'''Raditz''': (to himself) Have you forgotten your pride Kakarot. We are Saiyans, the mightiest warriors in the universe. I can still remember the day that we first sent you to this planet as an infant. We had high hopes for you then Kakarot, why have you not carried out your mission? Kakarot!


:'''Bulma''': Hey, who's the kid?

:'''Krillin''': You tryin' ta earn some extra cash babysitting or something?

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:'''Raditz''': Ha ha ha ha ha. So baby brother wants to be left alone. Well, its a pity that's not going to happen. No, at this point, I'm afraid you're far too valuable to us for that. You see, three years ago, our home planet Vegeta met with an unfortunate accident, when a huge comet splattered to its surface. The planet was vaporized and the Saiyan race destroyed. There's not too many of us left now brother. In fact, as far as we can tell, there are only four, including you. We were the only Saiyans away from home when the planet exploded. Like you, the rest of us have been sent off to perform a few hostile takeovers. And now we found another world we'd like to conquer. It should bring in a very high price. But unfortunately, the job's a little too big for only three of us to handle. We were almost afraid we'd have to pass it up, until I remembered you Kakarot. You're not as powerful as I might've hoped, but still, with your help, we should manage nicely. Well now, what do you think? Are you excited? You should be. I've come to take you back into the fold.

:'''Goku''': I heard enough!

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:'''Raditz''': (Raditz grabs Gohan) Like I said, I'm taking your son. If you ever want to see him alive again, I suggest you listen closely.

:'''Krillin''': Come on Goku! You have to get up!

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===Unlikely Alliance===

:'''Master Roshi''': Don't worry! Krillin and I are ready! We'll put that space pirate out of business, won't we?

:'''Krillin''': Well, if there's three of us, I guess it's possible. Possible but...not likely.

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:'''Krillin''': (to himself) What am I saying? I'm gonna get creamed out there. This stinks! I'm too young to go. I never even had a girlfriend.

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:'''Krillin''': Oh great! What else could go wrong today!?

:'''Piccolo''': I suppose you could make me angry, but I wouldn't advise it.

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:'''Raditz''': Well, well, well. Look who's decided to drop in. It's little brother. Oh, and he's brought the green man with him. I was wondering who that second insignificant blip on my scouter might be. I confess, I didn't expect it to be you. What a pleasant surprise. I have to hand it to you brother, I didn't think I'd see you till tomorrow. You are a little more resourceful than I thought, and more foolish as well.

:'''Goku''': We'll see about that!

:'''Raditz''': Fair enough. So what bring you here Kakarot? Do tell. Have you already eliminated one hundred Earthlings?

:'''Goku''': I'm here to get my son back! Where is he!?

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:'''Gohan''': That's my daddy!

:'''Raditz''': I was afraid you said that.
:'''Gohan''': Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
:'''Raditz''': You are testing my patience Kakarot.! I've been more than generous with you so far,! nowNow for the last time, I strongly recommend that you join us.!

:'''Goku''': I don't care what you recommend! The answer is still no!

:'''Gohan''': Waaaah! That hurt! Waah!

:'''Raditz''': You should listen to your big brother.

:'''Goku''': As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a brother!

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:'''Piccolo''': Alright! I've heard enough talk! You know why we're here so lets get on with it! (Piccolo throws down his weighted clothing)

:'''Goku''': Huh? Piccolo!? I had no idea you trained with weighted clothing too.

:'''Piccolo''': What? Thought you were the only one? Hmm...oh yeah. I feel much lighter.

:'''Goku''': (after taking off that weighted clothing) That outta do it, Piccolo. Unless you can thing of something else

:'''Piccolo''': What am I? Your tailor?

===Piccolo's Plan===

:'''Raditz''': I'll tell you what. Seeing as how your power levels are more or less equal, why don't we make a little game out of this? We'll call it "which of you can last against me the longest?" The rules are simple. I cause you both a great deal of pain and you writhe around in agony. The loser is the first to beg for mercy.

:'''Raditz''': I'll tell you what. Seeing as how your power levels are more or less equal, why don't we make a little game out of this? We'll call it "which of you can last against me the longest?" The rules are simple. I cause you both a great deal of pain and you writhe around in agony. The loser is the first to beg for mercy.

:'''Piccolo''': Grr...grr...grrr...grrr...that's it. I don't care how strong he is. I'm not gonna stand here and listen to this. I would prefer to die.

:'''Raditz''': Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Don't you worry about it green man, we'll get to that in due time.

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:'''Raditz''': Trust me Kakarot, I know an easy win when I see one. I'm a Saiyan. It's what I do.

:'''Piccolo''': Come on Goku, lets finish this guy. We'll charge him together.

:'''Goku''': Wait. Not yet. Not until what he's done with Gohan. Now where is he? Where have you hidden him?

:'''Raditz''': Right. Your little son? You think you're going to save him? Who's getting a head of himself, now?

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:'''Goku''': This is the last time I'going to ask you! Where IS my son!?!

:'''Raditz''': Spare me the fatherly dramatics. You can have a last look at him, if you want. He is locked inside my space pod, behind you.

:'''Goku''': Huh?

:'''Gohan''': Waaaaaah!

:'''Goku''': Huh?

:'''Gohan''': Daddy, help me!

:'''Goku''': Be strong Gohan. I'll be down to help you in a minute. Just hold on.

:'''Raditz''': Ha! You'll be down alright, but you won't be helping anybody.

:'''Goku''': Huh?

:'''Raditz''': You should say your good byes thought, you won't get another chance.

:'''Goku''': NO! I won't loose.

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:'''Goku''': Piccolo, are you alright? (sees his arm ripped) Ah!

:'''Piccolo''': Don't worry about it. It's not as bad as it looks. I'm not out of this fight yet.
:'''Raditz''': (after he burns off Piccolo's arm with a blast) Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, excuse me! Has anyone seen my arm? Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You can't miss it! It's green! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!

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:'''Piccolo''': (about his Special Beam Cannon) Well, the truth is, its untested. I've never tried it against an opponent. I was hoping to save it for a special occasion. It's the attack I planned to use to defeat you.

:'''Goku''': I see. And now you're using it to help me. You must be terribly disappointed.

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:'''Raditz''': Why are they laughing? Planning something clever, no doubt.

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:'''Raditz''': (to Piccolo) Why so blue, green man? Is it because you're powerless to help your friend, or 'cause you're just plain ugly!?

:'''Raditz''': (after the armor pad is pierced) My that was quite an impressive little trick. Look how easy it pierced my armor. It's lucky for me that your aim needs some work.

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===Gohan's Rage===

:'''Piccolo''': Yes, Goku, with pleasure. I see you had a surprise attack after all, you sly dog. Now, hold him tight, this is the last time I can do this.

:'''Raditz''': Kakarot, please tell me you're not going through with this. I am your brother.

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:'''Piccolo''': (after Raditz tricks Goku) You've always been way too trusting Goku.

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:'''Raditz''': Just say "uncle!" Heh heh heh heh heh heh. Uncle! Ha ha ha ha. (to Piccolo) Just look at that fool! Why so blue, green man? Is it because you're powerless to help your friend, or 'cause you're just plain ugly!?

===Gohan's Rage===

:'''Raditz''': (checks his scouter) What!? Hey, kid! What happened to all that power you had!?

:'''Gohan''': W...what power?

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:'''Goku''': Gohan!!!!? Gohan....huh!? Please, don't hurt him. He's just a boy.

:'''Raditz''': Yes, he's just a little boy, that's true. But he's very strong. And he has a power level even higher than yours little brother. And if he ever learned to control it, it would be very bad for us! Heh...so, you could see, I have no choice! He must die! Now!

:'''Goku''': No, wait. You can't.

:'''Raditz''': (to himself) You are the first Saiyan to ever damage me like this my nephew. You are a true warrior who was worthy of being a Saiyan. And so, I will give you a death that is also worthy of a Saiyan.

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:'''Raditz''': (to himself) How could that little brat's attack weaken me so much!? (to Goku) Kakarot, you're a fool! How do you expect to dodge that beam and hold me at the same time?

:'''Goku''': You're right! I can't! We'll both go!

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:'''Raditz''': (while breathing hard and coughing up blood on the ground) Kakarot. How could he? It makes no sense. The fool. Now we're both dead.

:'''Piccolo''': No, you die alone. Goku won't be gone for long. I'm guessing his friends will see to it he's back within the week.

:'''Raditz''': What? That's impossible. Tell me...how?

:'''Piccolo''': Heh, gladly. On this planet, we have something that we call the dragonballs. When all seven balls are gathered together, they have the power to grant any wish, and that includes bringing the dead back to life. So, you see, it's Goku who will have the last laugh.

:'''Raditz''': Ha ha ha ha ha. No. I'm afraid you're wrong green man. This device on my face, it's...it's also a transmitter. My Saiyan comrades heard every single word.

:'''Piccolo''': Huh?

:'''Raditz''': The two of them. Now they'll come. I know they will. (coughs up a lot of blood) They will. I know they will. And once they arrive, you'll be powerless to stop them. There's nothing you could do. They'll seek out these dragonballs and they'll destroy everything in their path. You, and every living thing on this planet will be wiped out. They'll destroy you all. Heh he he.

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:'''Nappa''': Grrr...Raditz stinks.

:'''Nappa''': Grrr...Raditz stinks.

:'''Vegeta''': He's a complete disgrace. Hmph. How could he let himself be beaten by men with such low fighting power?

:'''Nappa''': I don't know. Maybe we should go teach those Earthlings a lesson.

:'''Vegeta''': A waste of time. Then again, I am curious.

:'''Nappa''': Ah. Are you thinking about what Raditz said?

:'''Vegeta''': Heh he he he he he he he. Exactly. Those dragonballs caught my interest. Just think of the possibilities Nappa. If we can get our hands on those seven dragonballs, then we can wish for anything we want. Anything at all. Wouldn't you say that's worth making a little trip?

:'''Nappa''': You kiddin'? Yeah, lets go! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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:'''Vegeta''': Once we force Kakarot's friends to tell us how to find the dragonballs, we'll eliminate them, along with anyone else who tries to stand in our way.

:'''Nappa''': And then we can wish Raditz back to life.

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===No Time Like the Present===

:'''Bulma''': (about a scouter) I'll reprogram it too. I think I can get it to display numbers in our own language.

:'''Krillin''': Wow, Bulma. You're a genius!

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:'''Piccolo''': Before you leave, I have a request to make. This'll sound strange but try to put your emotions aside. I want Goku's son to come with me for special training.

:'''Master Roshi''': What?

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:'''Piccolo''': Earlier today, this boy showed signs that he might be the most powerful person on this planet. I think I can teach him to control his power, so he can use it to help us defend the Earth when the other Saiyans arrive.

:'''Master Roshi''': Hmm...

:'''Piccolo''': It is a long shot. He might still be too young, we'll see.

:'''Krillin''': Yeah. He's probably too young.

:'''Bulma''': Right. I wouldn't chance it if I were you...aha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

:'''Master Roshi''': Hmm...at any rate, I'd say you'd have to ask the boy's mother.

:'''Piccolo''': I'm not asking! I'm telling!

:'''Master Roshi''': Eh!?

:'''Bulma''': Ah?!

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:'''Demon''': Yes, I could tell right away from your cool suit. Oh, you Kung Fu guys are so buff. I mean like macho-supremo. You might even have a chance of making it to King Kai's. But, tell me, do you think a guy like me could learn Kung Fu? I mean, I've always wanted to, I just don't know.

:'''Goku''': Well, sure. It's not Kung Fu though, it's the Kame-Sennin style of martial arts.

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:'''Goku''': (about Snake Way) Wow! It seems so long!

:'''Demon''': (giggling) Oh, we must have a psychic connection or something, because I say the same thing to myself every time I see it.

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:'''Gohan''': But, I don't wanna be a fighter. I wanna be an orthopedist when I grow up.

:'''Piccolo''': Hm, is that so? Well you still can, but first you have to help us defeat the Saiyans when they arrive. If we can't stop them, they'll wipe out everyone on Earth, then you won't turn out to be anything.

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===Day 1===

:'''Gohan''': No, I don't have anything. What about food, or a bed. What am I supposed to do out here all day? What about my homework?

:'''Piccolo''': I told you I wasn't going to go easy on you. You're on your own.

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:'''Gohan''': These apples are sour. I miss my mom's cooking. I wanna eat a real dinner.

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:'''Demon''': He said, "tell Master Roshi and the others not to wish me back with the dragonballs for one year."

:'''Baba''': So, Goku wants me to go down to Kame House.

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:'''Krillin''': (to himself) Okay, now...here I go...uh...okay, now. Chi-Chi, you're not gonna believe this but...uh...Goku is gone and Gohan uh...well we sorta let Piccolo borrow him for a...well, for a while...and uh...he he he he...okay, how about this way...Chi-Chi, um, guess what? Goku's in Other World with Kami and Gohan...well, he's been kidnapped again.

:'''Krillin''': (to himself) Okay, now...here I go...uh...okay, now. Chi-Chi, you're not gonna believe this but...uh...Goku is gone and Gohan uh...well we sorta let Piccolo borrow him for a...well, for a while...and uh...he he he he...okay, how about this way...Chi-Chi, um, guess what? Goku's in Other World with Kami and Gohan...well, he's been kidnapped again.

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:'''Ox-King''': I'm so excited to see Gohan. I can't wait. Heh he he he he he. You know, I haven't seen him in almost a year. He's probably all grown up by now. Heh he he he he.

:'''Krillin''': (to himself) Aw, man! How can I tell him he's gonna have to wait another year?

===Gohan Goes Bananas!===

:'''Master Roshi''': So, uh, how did she take it Krillin?

:'''Krillin''': Uh...I didn't tell her.

:'''Master Roshi''': Ehhh....

:'''Bulma''': No way! Seriously?

:'''Krillin''': Yup.

:'''Bulma''': I can't believe you Krillin. So what have you been doing all this time?

:'''Krillin''': W...well, we started eating dinner, and it got late and...uh...they made me spend the night over there.

:'''Bulma''': You are going to march right back over there and tell them what happened.

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:'''Bulma''': (Bulma checks the scouter for Master Roshi's power level) This should tell us what your power level is. And it's...one hundred and thirty nine!?

:'''Master Roshi''': One thirty nine, huh? That seems a little low to me.

:'''Bulma''': No, I'm sure it's a good rating, considering you're an old man.

:'''Master Roshi''': I don't know which hurts worse...the lousy power rating or the commentary that goes with it.

:'''Krillin''': Hey, check mine out! I'd love to know what my power level is!

:'''Bulma''': Alright. You've got it. (Bulma checks the scouter for Krillin's power level) Two o six. Not bad.

:'''Krillin''': Oh wow! Hear that Master Roshi? My power level's higher than yours!

:'''Master Roshi''': Eh...that proves it. The gizmo's busted.

:'''Krillin''': Ohhh...ya think...?

:'''Bulma''': I know a way to find out. Ah. (Bulma checks the scouter for Turtle's power level) Alright Turtle, put up your dukes. I'm gonna check the calibration on this thing. Power level point zero zero one. Ha ha ha ha ha. Sorry, Roshi. I'd say it's pretty accurate.

:'''Krillin''': Oh yeah!!!

:'''Master Roshi''': I'll be...

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:'''Yajirobe''': Come on! Open up! I don't have all day you know!

:'''Krillin''': Now what kind of visitor could possibly be so rude?

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:'''Krillin''': So uh...did Korin send you?

:'''Yajirobe''': "Hey, look at me. I'm know-it-all Korin." That's the guy. And he wants you ta bring Yamcha, and Ten-somebody and uh...Chiao-whatever...

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:'''Piccolo''': Now, I guess you'll need some new clothes and a sword would help. Now, You can't say I never gave you anything kid. (Piccolo makes clothes appear on Gohan's unconscious body) The clothes are like your dad's, but the symbols show you're from my camp. Alright, I've already done more for you than I intended. I don't have time to babysit you anymore. I have my own training to do. But if you can survive for six months on your own, you'll see me again. And that's when you'll learn the art of fighting the hard way...I'll teach you everything. That's right. You'll learn to be just like me. Heh.

===The Strangest Robot===

:'''Robot''': Who are you? What do you want?

:'''Gohan''': I'm...uh...my name is Gohan sir.

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:'''Robot''': You're going to have to learn how to take care of yourself. Now stop bothering me. Now, put me back in standby mode and leave. I've already wasted too much power dealing with you and your problems.

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:'''Gohan''': Wake up! Wake up! Please help me!

:'''Robot''': What? What? What is it this time?

:'''Gohan''': There's a scorpion!

:'''Robot''': But this is a cave. Caves have scorpions.

:'''Gohan''': But I'm scared.

:'''Robot''': They also have snakes and bats and spiders. Now stop being such a baby and put me back into standby.

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:'''Gohan''': Me again. Do you have anything to eat?

:'''Robot''': Oh, yes. Being a robot, I always keep plenty of food lying around. What do you think?

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:'''Robot''': (The robot is shutting down) Come now Gohan. That won't do any good.

:'''Gohan''': Don't go.

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===A New Friend===

:'''Puar''': Aren't you nervous about winning the game?

:'''Yamcha''': What's there to be nervous about? This is too easy. Seems like every time I step up to the play, I hit a home run.

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:'''Bulma''': Man, being a jerk just comes so natural to you.

:'''Yamcha''': Yeah, well, I'd say I owe all my training in that department to you Bulma.

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:'''Yamcha''': Krillin, if you need some help against those Saiyans, let me know.

:'''Krillin''': Wait a second. That's what I came to talk to you about. I do need you. Korin wants us all to report to him for special training.

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:'''Yamcha''': Well, I'm not gonna bow down to those Saiyan jerks! We've got Piccolo on our side and Goku's gonna be back even stronger than before.

:'''Bulma''': That's true.

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:'''Yamcha''': In any case, those sorry Saiyans are gonna have their hands full, I'll make sure o' that.

:'''Bulma''': Wow. Now you're talkin' Yamcha.

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===Terror on Arlia===

:'''Arlian Guard''': (to Nappa) You'll be glad to know your cell doesn't have any rats. The prisoners ate 'em all. Aha ha ha ha.

:'''Nappa''': (to Vegeta) Remind me to get that guy okay?

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:'''Arlian King''': I'm suffering from royal boredom.

:'''Arlian Guard''': Sire, earlier today we captured two aliens. They're in the dungeon now.

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:'''Arlian King''': What's the meaning of this!? Why don't these prisoners have an armed escort in my chamber?

:'''Arlian Guard''': I don't know sire, no orders were ever sent to the dungeon.

:'''Vegeta''': Your guards met with an unfortunate accident.

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:'''Nappa''': (to Arlian King) Come on, your heinous-ness. Bring on the cricket brigade of yours. We're ready.

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:'''Arlian King''': (to his monster) Yedi, destroy these creatures. They're bad. Very very bad.

:'''Nappa''': We're bad?

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:'''Nappa''': Well that thing back there said we were heroes.

:'''Vegeta''': Being a hero is highly overrated.

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===Global Training===

:'''Chiaotzu''': (Launch has invited Tien and Chiaotzu to eat) Whoah Tien, look!

:'''Tien''': You made all this yourself?

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:'''Launch''': Well, why don't you put your strength to good use and come work with me. You'll get rich. Just think. With your brawn and my brains, we could pull off some major bank heists. It would be so easy, in no time we'd be living like royalty for sure. 'Cause money does buy happiness. You with me?

:'''Chiaotzu''': Tien, lets eat. I'm starving.

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:'''Launch''': There you are! And you know I been lookin' for ya! You won't get away from me!

:'''Tien''': Uh...?

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:'''Chiaotzu''': But Tien, we can't leave here...you know... (about Launch)

:'''Launch''': Quiet little man!

:'''Chiaotzu''': Aha ha aha ha aha ha....

:'''Launch''': Oh, Tien.

:'''Tien''': Uh...?

:'''Launch''': Don't even think about tryin' ta forget me! I'm gonna follow you wherever you go and I don't care if you go all the way ta Kami's place.

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:'''Goku''': I'm on my way to King Kai's place.

:'''Demon''': What? You're runnin' all the way to King Kai's place? Well, for your feet's sake, I hope you brought an extra pair o' shoes with ya.

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===Goz and Mez===

:'''Mez''': Hey, try and be a good sport and save some for me...

:'''Goz''': Heh heh heh...sure, I'll try...not!

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:'''Mez''': Oh, Goz has done it again. Man, that big lug just can't resist finishing 'em off right away every time. Darn. I never get to have any fun!

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:'''Goku''': Hey Goz, I thought you said there was a way to get through those clouds up there.

:'''Goz''': There is. You'd be through right now if it wasn't for your problem.

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:'''Goz''': Ha! Little does he know that nobody's ever caught Mez except the great King Yemma. Ha. But then again, it has been a pretty odd day.

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:'''Mez''': We got totally burned!

:'''Goz''': Yeah, for the first time.

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===Princess Snake===

:'''Maid 1''': Apparently, the Princess has really got the hots for this one.

:'''Maid 2''': Yeah, I hear he's good enough to eat.

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:'''Princess Snake''': Hi there, how's the bath going?

:'''Goku''': Fine. It's a little hot, but it feels good. Ahh...

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:'''Goku''': Ahhh.... (Goku steps out of the water naked and walks off)

:'''Princess Snake''': Oh...oh my...

:'''Goku''': Now that was refreshing. I can't thank you enough.

:'''Princess Snake''': That was embarrassing. But oh my...what a bod'.

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:'''Maid''': You can't leave yet. I've got something to show you. And it's my gun.

:'''Maid''': You can't leave yet. I've got something to show you. And it's my gun.

:'''Goku''': Uh....

:'''Maid''': It gets so boring around here sometimes, I just go crazy. So once in a while, I pull out the old six shooter for a little game of chance.

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:'''Princess Snake''': Curse you... (Princess Snake warps into her more demonic appearance) haaaa....

:'''Goku''': Uh...huh...stay away from me! All of you!

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===Dueling Piccolos===

:'''Gohan''': An island? I'm on an island? I must be a long, long way from home.

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:'''Piccolo''': My greatest opponent is myself. If I can discover what my weaknesses are, then I will be an even stronger fighter than I already am.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': (to tiger) Don't worry mister tiger, I'll come back. I just need to go home and see my mom first okay?

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': (in the middle of a thunder storm while on a boat) Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Boy, I wish I could swim.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': Hey, this looks familiar. I came back to the same place I was before. Oh no.

===Plight of the Children===

:'''Rom''': He won't wake up.

:'''Chiko''': Is he alive?

Line 598 ⟶ 554:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': Hey, that's my sword. (Gohan falls down)

:'''Rom''': I guess he's dead again.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': Where am I?

:'''Chiko''': Here.

Line 610 ⟶ 564:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': Who are those guys?

:'''Rom''': They're from the home where kids get spanked and yelled at.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': Gohan, what is your mission? Say it!

:'''Gohan''': To prepare for the Saiyans. To fight! And to beat them.

Line 622 ⟶ 574:

===Pendulum Room Peril===

:'''Krillin''': Hey, Kami. I don't mean to be rude, but we're not really learning anything new.

:'''Yamcha''': He's right. So far, you haven't taught us anything we couldn't do on our own. We wanna be as strong as Goku was when he was here.

Line 633 ⟶ 584:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Mr. Popo''': To be truly strong, you must know yourself and your enemy. Once you know this, all will become clear.

:'''Krillin''': What do ya mean? Know myself?

Line 641 ⟶ 591:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (about taking on the pendulum room challenges) Hey guys, have fun. I'm a lot o' different things, but I ain't no guinea pig. (Yajoribe begins to eat a snack)

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Scarface''': (checking his scouter) Their total fighting power is only fifteen hundred and ten.

:'''Shorty''': And they want to fight some Saiyans huh? The fools.

Line 651 ⟶ 599:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Shorty''': You should never have come here! No one comes to Vegeta!

:'''Scarface''': He's right. We try to discourage tourism here.

Line 658 ⟶ 605:

===The End of Snake Way===

:'''Piccolo''': Now, eat this ape! (Piccolo blasts Gohan in his ape form and Gohan catches the blast in his hand) Yeah. You're definitely a Saiyan Gohan.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': Huh!? That's it! The projection! It's coming from that Saiyan spacecraft.

:'''Space Pod Computer''': (to itself) Wake up Kakarot. Destroy all lifeforms. Wake up Kakarot. Destroy all lifeforms.

Line 668 ⟶ 613:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': You're turning out to be a lot more trouble than I bargained for. There's the root of the problem. Right there. It's this tail o' yours. Look at him, sleeping like a baby. There! (Piccolo rips off Gohan's tail) That should take care of you for a while, 'cause I'm getting too old for this, kid. Sleep well Gohan, you'll need it.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Goku''': Wow, goodness gracious. Hey there. Are you King Kai?

:'''Bubbles''': Hoohoohoo hoo. Hoohoohoo hoohoohoohoo.

Line 682 ⟶ 625:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Goku''': Sorry King Kai. I was starving. I am ready though. Please teach me.

:'''Bubbles''': Hoohoo.

:'''Goku''': Uh?

:'''Bubbles''': Hoohoohoohoohoo hoohoohoohoohoo hoohoohoohoo

Line 691 ⟶ 633:

:'''Goku''': Wow! That'll make you strong in this gravity.

:'''Bubbles''': Hoohoohoohoo hoo hoo hoohoohoohoohoo

:'''Goku''': Oo oo oo oo oo oo...hey, this is a lot harder than it looks.

:'''Bubbles''': Hoo hoo hoohoohoo

:'''Goku''': Ah ah hoo hoo hee hoo hoooooo hooooo hooooo hoooo hoooooooooo hooooooooo hooo hooooooo hoooooooooooo!

Line 698 ⟶ 640:

===Defying Gravity===

:'''King Kai''': Alright. That's enough. Who are you?

:'''Goku''': Huh? Hey, are you...? No, you couldn't be.

Line 708 ⟶ 649:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Goku''': What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? One sells watches, one watches cells!

:'''Goku''': What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? One sells watches, one watches cells.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': Okay kid, you're in. When I'm through with you, you'll be a real prince of comedy. You'll have no equal in the art of delivering a punch line. They'll call you the prince of punch. How does that grab you?

:'''Goku''': But, King Kai, I came here for training in the martial arts.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': At least after six months of training, you're not acting like a crybaby anymore.

:'''Gohan''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hey, Piccolo, is it really true that you fought against my father a long time ago?

Line 729 ⟶ 667:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': That's the last of the bean tacos.

:'''Goku''': Oh oh! Beans give me gas!

Line 735 ⟶ 672:

===Goku's Ancestors===

:'''Goku''': What is it?

:'''Gregory''': I'm not an "it," you lunkhead.

Line 743 ⟶ 679:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gregory''': Who do you think you are? I heard what you said about King Kai! So you don't think he's for real, huh?

:'''Goku''': No, his methods just bug me.

Line 749 ⟶ 684:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': Goku, Gregory will be your next test. Are you ready?

:'''Goku''': Uh...a bug?

Line 757 ⟶ 691:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': The Saiyan leaders were more than happy to send specimens of their race into the great unknown. They knew that when the babies grew up, they would extinguish any and all inhabitants of the planet they landed on.

:'''Goku''': I'd like to extinguish them!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': Only four Saiyans survived the destruction of planet Vegeta, and you are one of them.

:'''Goku''': No! I'm not one of them! I'll never be!

Line 768 ⟶ 700:

===Counting Down===

:'''King Kai''': Goku, this will be the last day of your training with me. You've done well, but I'm afraid you're lacking in one area. You still can't seem to deliver a good joke when the pressure's on.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': Ahh! Oh no!

:'''Goku''': W...what? What's wrong?

Line 782 ⟶ 712:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': (after Piccolo blasts him with his eyes) Hey, you cheated. You said no eye lasers.

:'''Piccolo''': And what if I did? You should never believe anything the enemy tells you!

Line 788 ⟶ 717:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Shenron''': Why have you summoned me? Tell me your wish now.

:'''Oolong''': Yes, uh, excuse me. Mr. Dragon, could you possibly destroy the Saiyans that are on their way to Earth right about now?

Line 796 ⟶ 724:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''King Kai''': That Goku truly does have some incredible powers. Not only that, but his heart is as pure as gold. It's hard to believe that he was living down on Earth.

:'''Gregory''': He's stronger than you now, isn't he King Kai?

Line 802 ⟶ 729:

===The Darkest Day===

:'''Nappa''': (after blowing up an entire town) Do you think I was trying too hard to impress them Vegeta?

:'''Vegeta''': There isn't anyone left to impress Nappa. I should've known better than to let you have any fun.

Line 813 ⟶ 739:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Inspector''': (to Yajirobe) Listen, that's great if you want to save the world, but could you do it somewhere else, this is a restricted area.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (Yajirobe sees the space pods) Aw man, I was right! The Saiyans are here! And I'm supposed to help fight 'em. Maybe I could just go back to bed and pretend I didn't see this.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': Hey, you grew up with my dad, didn't you? He said guys thought you couldn't fight because you were so short.

:'''Krillin''': Short huh? Actually, we were the same size. But then, he kept growing and I stopped.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': I guess they're not going to tell us where the dragonballs are, Nappa.

:'''Nappa''': Wanna bet? Alright, lets see how strong you really are. (checks his scouter) Kid's at a thousand, the Namek is at fourteen hundred, and the midget is at eleven hundred.

===Saibamen Attack!===

:'''Vegeta''': Gentlemen, how would you like to make a match of this and fight our soldiers one by one? Well, answer.

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr...we're not here ta play games. And we're not going ta fight on your terms. We'll take you all on at once.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Tien''': I'll go first. I'm not afraid of these little creeps. It'll be a good warm up.

:'''Nappa''': Ha ha ha ha. That's the spirit. Fresh meat for the grinder. But just wait. You won't be so cocky when you see what these little creeps can do.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Reporter''': Why aren't you there with them now?

:'''Yajirobe''': (while eating) Because. I'm hungry, that's why!

Line 852 ⟶ 771:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (about the Saibamen) Looks like you got a hold of a weak batch Nappa.

:'''Nappa''': No, they're all good. These are the same ones that survived that crazy battle on Tradic. He should've won. His power level's twelve hundred. All of these Saibamen have the same fighting power as-

Line 862 ⟶ 780:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': (after Vegeta obliterates a Saibamen with a blast) Vegeta! Why?

:'''Vegeta''': He wasn't of any use to us anymore.

Line 873 ⟶ 790:

===The Power of Nappa===

:'''Nappa''': (to Krillin, who is saddened over the demise of Yamcha) Get over it little man. Don't you get it? You're all gonna die in the end!

:'''Vegeta''': Calm down Nappa. Ha. Give them a moment to clear this trash off the battlefield.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Tien''': Are you okay Piccolo?

:'''Piccolo''': Yeah, I'm fine. Just a broken rib or two.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': (as Nappa slams Chiaotzu into mountains) I can't look!

:'''Piccolo''': Watch Gohan! I said watch! Don't turn away! Honor his bravery!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Chiaotzu''': (telepathically speaking to Tien while grabbing onto Nappa's back in midair) Tien, can you hear me?

:'''Tien''': Ah?

Line 907 ⟶ 820:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': What an extraordinary feat. You see, Gohan. Size alone is not enough. You have to have heart and cunning too.


:'''Nappa''': (to Tien) Heh he he. You miss 'im already, huh? Well, don't worry, you'll be joining 'im soon. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': (about Nappa) He's going to start attacking Tien, and when he does, he'll have an unguarded moment. That's when we strike.

:'''Krillin''': Eh...eh...eh..eh...uhuh...

Line 930 ⟶ 840:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': What's wrong, oh wait, don't tell me. I think I know what you need. A nice trip to the afterlife. One way, of course. Heh he he.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to himself) Who is this Goku...? Interesting...huh...is it...?

:'''Nappa''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha. So much for ol' three eyes. Now then. Where were we?

Line 942 ⟶ 850:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': This planet's not that big, so why isn't he here yet? He's smart. He's not gonna show up here. He's hiding.

:'''Gohan''': Hey, you jerk. My dad never ran from anybody. He'll be here and he'll beat you! Just you wait!

Line 953 ⟶ 860:

===Nappa's Rampage===

:'''Vegeta''': We're going to wait for him to show his cowardly face...then we'll make him watch while we kill his son and all of his friends.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': We can't just give up because things aren't the way we want them to be.

:'''Krillin''': Uh...

Line 963 ⟶ 868:

:'''Krillin''': Hm...

:'''Gohan''': I'm really sorry about earlier you guys. I guess I just froze when I saw him coming at me. If it wasn't for me, Tien would still be alive.

:'''Piccolo''': It hurts doesn't it?

:'''Gohan''': Uh...

:'''Piccolo''': Facing your fears would've been much less painful.

Line 989 ⟶ 894:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Bulma''': Those Saiyans aren't here on vacation you know? They wanna take over our planet and sell it. It'll be the end of the world as we know it.

:'''Oolong''': Uh...oh, no! Please, I don't want it to end. Uh...oh, I can't take it. Why did you have to go and tell me that Bulma, you know that I'm highly allergic to danger.

Line 997 ⟶ 901:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': Hey, how 'bout that? I didn't know these Earthlings had a military. Yeah, now this is more like it.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': (after destroying many fighter jets) Eh, I thought these guys would be tougher than this. They're just a bunch o' pansies in their little toys.

===Nimbus Speed===

:'''Nappa''': Ah...secrets, secrets. Heh. What are you fools whispering about over there?

:'''Piccolo''': That's for us to know, but you'll find out soon enough.

Line 1,011 ⟶ 912:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': (after knocking Piccolo out) Guess I'll have to find someone else to play with until he wakes up. (to Gohan) Hm, how about you, kid? Ha ha ha ha! You know you should be proud! You're Saiyan too! Well, I suppose you're only half Saiyan but still, that's pretty good. The Saiyans are the strongest race in the galaxy. Ha ha ha ha ha. Yup, someday you could've been a mighty warrior. Someday. But not today!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (Nappa barely dodges Krillin's destruco disc, having his face slightly cut) What a fool! That shot would've sliced him in two!

:'''Krillin''': So close...

Line 1,021 ⟶ 920:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': Hey! Piccolo! Leave now! I can take care of this bully by myself until my dad gets here!

:'''Gohan''': Hey! Piccolo! Leave now! I can take care of this bully by myself until my dad gets here!

:'''Piccolo''': What?

:'''Nappa''': Huh?

Line 1,030 ⟶ 928:

===Goku's Arrival===

:'''Piccolo''': It's ironic, isn't it? After all my years of training to defeat your father, I go out like this, trying to save you, his son.

:'''Gohan''': Piccolo!

:'''Piccolo''': Gohan, you're the only real friend that I've ever had. I wanna thank you.

:'''Gohan''': Just hold on a little longer!

Line 1,041 ⟶ 938:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': (about to stomp on Gohan) Nice knowin' ya kid! There'll always be a soft spot at the bottom of my boot for ya! Ha ha ha! So long!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': Well, I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up. Especially after your family reunion with Raditz. Did you two have fun catching up?

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Goku''': Haaaaaaaa! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Goku keeps charging)

:'''Vegeta''': Power level's eight thousand! How? Wait, it's over nine!

:'''Nappa''': Vegeta, what doesdid the scouteryou say about his power level is?

:'''Vegeta''': '''It's over nine thousand!''' Grrr...Ha! (Vegeta takes off his scouter and crushes it in his hand)

:'''Nappa''': Nine thousand!? There's no way that couldcan be right! It can't!

:'''Goku''': Don't be so sure. I'll have you know I was trained in the art of Kaioken!

:'''Vegeta''': Huh? Kaioken?

Line 1,060 ⟶ 954:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': I'm the second strongest Saiyan in the universe!

:'''Goku''': Ha. Well, if your friend is stronger than you, then I'd say that makes you the third strongest.

Line 1,067 ⟶ 960:

===Lesson Number One===

:'''Nappa''': I hate yooooooou! (angrily throws a rock at Goku)

:'''Nappa''': I hate you! (angrily throws a rock at Goku)

:'''Goku''': (Goku dodges the rock with ease) You hate losing. You're not used to fighting someone stronger than you!

:'''Nappa''': You're not stronger than me, you little runt! Your strength was tested when you were a baby! You're a third class Saiyan! I'm a Saiyan elite, you low class dog!

Line 1,074 ⟶ 966:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': Alright, that's it! Enough! You heard me Nappa! Come down here! You're finished!

:'''Nappa''': Grr...

Line 1,080 ⟶ 971:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': I...I...I can't move my legs.

:'''Krillin''': Wow Goku, I think you really hurt that guy. He's not getting up.

Line 1,094 ⟶ 984:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': Vegeta, give me your hand. I can't get up...uh...uh... (Vegeta grabs Nappa's hand) uh...oh...thank you...ehe...heh...

:'''Vegeta''': Sure. It's the least I can do, Nappa. Haaaa! (Vegeta hurls Nappa into the air)

Line 1,106 ⟶ 995:

:'''Vegeta''': Goodbye. Grrr.....grrr...grr.....grr......haaaaaaaaaaa!

:'''Nappa''': (Vegeta emits a blast from his body that hits Nappa in midair) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! No! No! Vegeta!!!!!!

:'''Vegeta''': Hoo ha ha ha ha ha ha!

:'''Nappa''': Ahhhhhhh....ohhh....! (Nappa dies in midair from Vegeta's attack)

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': You can waste all the time you want with your pathetic goodbyes, but you're simply postponing the inevitable.

:'''Goku''': (about Vegeta) It's too bad! It seems he's totally determined to end things this way! He sure would make a good sparring partner! (Krillin raises his hand to shake Goku's) Hm?

Line 1,117 ⟶ 1,005:

===Goku vs. Vegeta===

:'''Vegeta''': Kakarot, I have a proposition for you. I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. I, Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, would like to offer you, Kakarot, the opportunity to stand beside me in this conquest. With Nappa gone, I could use a good man. Think about it. We would rule the planets. You could have anything you desired. There's no one in the universe that could touch us. Nothing would be out of your grasp. Well, what do you say Kakarot?

:'''Goku''': I have everything I could ever want right here on Earth, so I'll have to say, no thanks. Besides, I've seen how you treat your partners, not much job security.

Line 1,123 ⟶ 1,010:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': What's the matter Kakarot? You don't seem too eager to continue. Don't tell me you already need to catch your breath. We were just getting started.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (to himself) Goku's insane. This guy is beating him senseless but he just keeps coming back for more. I know Goku's tough, but it seems like this time, he's finally met his match.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': Now I see why you have no desire to join me on the hunt. If we still had a home planet, you'd be a laughing stock there.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (to himself) Oh man. It looks like Goku's in big trouble. I've gotta help him somehow. And I guess the best way for me to do that would be to...uh...hide...somewhere this way.

===Saiyan Sized Secret===

:'''Master Roshi''': The power measured from Goku was unstable. Think about it. A candle flickers most violently just before it burns out.

:'''Chi-Chi''': You're saying that Goku's in trouble?

Line 1,145 ⟶ 1,027:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to himself) Grr...grrr...this shouldn't be happening! I don't understand! I'm a super elite! Now he's sealed his fate! This planet is history! I'll destroy everything! Everything! Do you hear me Kakarot?! You're finished!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to himself) Who does this fool think he's dealing with!? He's beneath me! I'll show him. I'll show them all! I'll reduce this place to ashes!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (When Goku and Vegeta's blasts clash) Oh no! If I knew this was going to happen, I would've eaten more pizza and ice cream!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': Good thing it's over. Isn't it?

:'''Goku''': Well, at this particular moment, things are looking pretty good. I don't think he's enjoying himself.

Line 1,167 ⟶ 1,045:

===Spirit Bomb Away!===

:'''Vegeta''': Goodbye Kakarot! Argh! (Vegeta smashes his huge arms into the boulders as Goku tries to evade him) Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Go ahead and run, because you can't hide!

:'''Vegeta''': Goodbye Kakarot! Argh! (Vegeta smashes his huge arms into the boulders as Goku tries to evade him) Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Go ahead and run, because you can't hide!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Goku''': I think I'm finally beginning to understand. The giant monster my grandpa warned me about...it was me. Yes, I get it now. I'm the one who destroyed the stadium at the world tournament and I'm the one who...who crushed my grandpa. Why didn't anyone tell me? All these years, Master Roshi and the others, they must have known the truth. Must have seen me transform into this...thing. I'm sorry grandpa, I don't know if there's any way I can make it up to you...I'm gonna try.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': Ha ha ha. Ha ha. Well, I guess that does it for the great hero of this puny little planet. Pity, heh heh. I was just beginning to enjoy the challenge. Heh heh heh heh heh.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': Awww...you look so scared...ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Let me put you out of your misery once and for all!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (after stepping on Goku's body) Woops! Sorry about that! Apparently I've accidentally squashed both of your legs. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I guess you can't run from me anymore now.

===Hero in the Shadows===

:'''Vegeta''': (after he attacks Goku's immobilized body) Being a good fiend is like being a photographer. You have to wait for the right moment.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Gohan''': You put my dad down right now!

:'''Vegeta''': Ha ha. Oh no...it's you. Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything you say. I'll put your father down if you want, it might be one piece at a time, but I'll definitely put him down. Ha ha ha ha. Now, which piece would you like first?

Line 1,198 ⟶ 1,069:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to Krillin) Did you really think you could sneak up on me little man? Did you really think that you could fool me with such a simple ruse? Like I'd believe for a second that Kakarot's son came back to finish me all alone. Ha! I knew from the instant I saw him that he was merely trying to distract me from the real threat. You'll have to do better next time, except there won't be a next time. You're finished. As soon as I'm done squeezing the life from Kakarot, you're next.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (to himself, after cutting off Vegeta's tail) I must be out of my mind. I couldn't've picked a worse time to decide to be brave.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to Gohan) You're a low class scum just like your father!

===Krillin's Offensive===

:'''Vegeta''': I hope you're watching this Kakarot! Get a good look, because it's the last time you're going ta see your son!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Krillin''': (about Vegeta) He looks finished alright. I guess that blast really did 'im in. Good thing 'cause he was bad to the core. At least now, we won't have to look at his ugly face anymore.

:'''Vegeta''': (opens his eye) Who's face is ugly!?

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to Krillin) I suppose you think you're very clever, don't you? Well, here's a piece of advice, if you're going to shoot someone in the back, make sure and finish them off. It's going to be my greatest pleasure wiping you and your worthless friends off the face of this planet.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (to Krillin) How does it feel knowing you had one chance to save your precious Earth and everyone on it only to fail miserably?

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': I'm done toying with you! I'm going to do now what I should've done from the very beginning. I'm going to blast all of you insolent pests into oblivion.


:'''Vegeta''': (about Gohan) I can't allow this brat to transform. Not today!

:'''Vegeta''': (about Gohan) I can't allow this brat to transform. Not today!

:'''Yajirobe''': Leave him alone!

:'''Vegeta''': What!?

Line 1,239 ⟶ 1,101:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (after swiping Vegeta with his sword) Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I got him. I got him. I got him. I got him. Ha ha. I beat you, dirtbag. I can see it now..."Earth's greatest threat brought down by Yajirobe." Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, yeah! Took him down. You should learn not to mess with the best. You can't handle it!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (Vegeta stands back up) What was that, tubby?

:'''Yajirobe''': Uh...wait a minute...hey, hold on! I was...I was just kidding about the whole dirtbag thing. You really thought I was trying to hurt you, didn't you? Ha ha, that's funny. I was just messing around with you. (Vegeta kicks Yajirobe in the face, sending him sprawling in the air) No, wait. Listen. I don't think you understand. (Vegeta punches Yajirobe hard, sending him through a boulder) That hurt...

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (about Vegeta, who is being attacked by Gohan who transformed into a giant ape) I'm glad I'm not him.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Krillin''': Eyaaaaaa!!!!! (Krillin almost pierces Vegeta with the sword)

:'''Goku''': Stop! Don't do it.

:'''Krillin''': Goku, is that you? We have got to stop this guy while we have the chance. He's...he's pure evil.

:'''Goku''': No, listen. Just let him go Krillin. Show him what it means to be merciful.

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:'''Goku''': I know what you must be thinking, but believe me, I know what I'm doing.

:'''Krillin''': This is the guy that threatened all the people here on Earth. Surely, he'll try to come back and destroy us again. I just don't think it's a good idea to let him escape now that we have a chance to stop him for good.

:'''Goku''': By doing this, we're showing him that there is another way, a better way.

:'''Krillin''': Goku, I don't think this is the kind o' guy that can learn a lesson like that. He'll just think we're weak. It won't change him at all.

:'''Goku''': Don't be so sure about that Krillin. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. Think about it. When Piccolo first came to us, he was just as evil as his father had been. He nearly destroyed not only me, but the entire planet. And now...

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===Picking Up the Pieces===

:'''Yajirobe''': You should be thanking me! I'm the one who cut off that Saiyan creep's tail you know! Jeez, you stick your neck out for people, and this is what you get!

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:'''Yajirobe''': Hey, Chi-Chi, what the heck's goin' on here?

:'''Chi-Chi''': Huh?

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:'''Krillin''': I think Namek is where they're from. I mean, Piccolo and Kami, they're aliens.

:'''Yajirobe''': Well, I always said, they were funny lookin'.

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:'''Master Roshi''': You see, the dragonballs are tied to the one who created them. And, they cannot grant a wish that exceeds their maker's power.

:'''Yajirobe''': Oh, that's a load o' hooey. You're makin' it up. You just don't wanna admit that you're wrong. Yeah. (Korin slaps Yajirobe's face with his tail)

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:'''Yajirobe''': People can be pretty disgusting sometimes.

:'''Korin''': You said it.

===Plans for Departure===

:'''Chi-Chi''': You just leave my little Gohan out of this. His fighting days are over!

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:'''Krillin''': Hey, Goku. You shoulda seen Yajirobe fight.

:'''Yajirobe''': Grr...well, I didn't see you guys doing any better.

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:'''Master Roshi''': (after Bulma walks in) Oh, it's Bulma! I thought it was a hot new nurse. Heh.

:'''Bulma''': Can't you be serious for a change?

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:'''Bulma''': Somebody help me! I'm too young and pretty to die!

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:'''Master Roshi''': (Krillin is afraid after hearing Goku's screams in the hospital room) Why are you shaking like that Krillin?

:'''Krillin''': Uh...because I'm cold.

===Nursing Wounds===

:'''Dr. Brief''': I kind of feel a little embarrassed asking, but do you know anything about integrated microcircuit feedback loops and their effect on afterburner ignition rates?

:'''Bulma''': I didn't understand anything you just said, so I guess just plug stuff in where it looks like it fits and hope it works.

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:'''Master Roshi''': Ahem...two months alone with Bulma...sign me up! It'll be the trip of a lifetime, I promise.

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:'''Gohan''': Don't be silly mom.

:'''Chi-Chi''': I'm silly? My son tells me I'm silly? I'm not the one who wants to run around and be a superhero.

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:'''Krillin''': Hee hee ha ha ha. I worried about not having a spacesuit. At least I don't have to wear a little uniform.

:'''Gohan''': Yeah, dad thought I looked pretty funny too.

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:'''Krillin''': So what's with all this stuff?

:'''Chi-Chi''': Here's his underwear, toothbrush, coloring book, and sleep mask. And here are some snacks for the trip and his medicine. And we have a hair dryer, full dinner set with salad and dinner forks. Multi-

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===Friends or Foes?===

:'''Bulma''': I don't wanna interrupt your training but this place is filthy. Can't you two find a minute to clean this mess?

:'''Krillin''': Hmmm...

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:'''Bulma''': Yeah, but I'm busy. I have too many other important issues to deal with right now. Besides, you two never do anything to help out around here.

:'''Krillin''': Uh...but Bulma, you said you were bored.

:'''Bulma''': Uh, you're hopeless. And don't cry to me if I forget about making your dinner.

:'''Krillin''': Uhh...

:'''Bulma''': (yawns) I have so much to do today.

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:'''Bulma''': That was weird. One second we're about crash into our own ship and the next, we're...well who knows where...it looks like we're on another ship.

:'''Krillin''': Yeah, a big one. Probably full of big scary aliens too.

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:'''Bulma''': Oh, great!

:'''Bulma''': Oh, great!

:'''Krillin''': Huh?

:'''Bulma''': I forgot to put some pants on before we left!

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:'''Bulma''': Listen. You two need to be more aware of what's going on around here! I almost got my head shot off!

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:'''Gohan''': What if this is a...a Saiyan spaceship!?

:'''Bulma''': What do you mean?