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==Season 1==

===The New Threat)===

===The New Threat===

:'''Narrator''': Five years have passed since Goku and his friends thwarted the evil King Piccolo’s plans for global conquest. Thanks to their heroic efforts, the shadow of doom was lifted from the world, and a new day of hope has dawned. For in the years since Piccolo’s defeat, it has been a time of rebuilding, healing, prosperity, and peace for the citizens of Earth. But, unknown to them, at this very moment, a new threat to humankind is hurtling through the solar system. And as the mysterious invader makes its final approach to Earth, one thing is certain: The peaceful era the human race has enjoyed for the last five years is about to come crashing to an end!

(A woman name Chi-Chi calls Gohan.)

:'''Chi-Chi:''': Gohan! Gohan? It's time to come in. Gohan!

(Goku jumps on the trees)

:'''Goku''': This one outta do. (he growls, and he knocks down a tree with his punch)

:'''Chi-Chi''': Hey Gohan! Goku, you think you've got enough firewood there?

:'''Goku''': (drops the tree bark) Yeah, this should last us a while, don't you think?

:'''Chi-Chi''': You're going to hurt yourself one of these days.

:'''Goku''': Uh, I'm fine. Where's Gohan?

:'''Chi-Chi''': I don't know, but I think you better go find him don't you? You two are suppose to be at Master Roshi pretty soon.

:'''Goku''': Oh yeah, that's right.

:'''Chi-Chi''': You better take the flying nimbus. You don't want to be late for your reunion.

:'''Goku''': Okay. (walks off.)Bye, Chi-Chi!

:'''Chi-Chi''': Goku, be careful. Oh, I'm going to worry myself to death.

(next scene, we see pink flamingos in a farm, we see a farmer raking.)

:'''Farmer''': This job's bigger than I thought. (a pod on the sky is about to fall) What is that? (gets frightened, as his cigarettes drop, as the pod is about to land on the ground as the farmer gets scared, the pod explodes, the farmer groans as his chickens run away.) My gosh, ah yeah, it is, I better go... check it out. Aaaaaaah... Goodness, why me? (he drives his truck and he sees the pod, and he stops.) I better burn my pea shooter. Ugh... aaah... I don't like this. That's no meteor, it's made of steel. What in the world? I'll be darn!

(A Farmer Sees Raditz Come Out Of A Strange Pod.)

:'''Raditz''': So, the creatures on this planet are still alive. Kakarot has failed us.

Line 35 ⟶ 11:

:'''Raditz''': (Raditz catches the bullet) Hmmm...

:'''Farmer''': Ahhhhh! (Raditz flicks the bullet right at the farmer, sending him hurling backward and killing him)

:'''Raditz''': Heh. What a fragile breed of people.(scouter beeps) I'm picking up a higher power level from over there It must be him!(flies off) Prepare yourself, Kakarot!

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(In the forest, we see Gohan lost in the woods, whimpering.)

:'''Gohan''': I want my daddy. I wanna go home. (sticks a monkey tail) Daddy!! Daddy!! Uh, anyone? (he begins crying as he walks around in the woods, then he sits in front of the tree stomp, then he sees the mysterious bright light, as the butterfly meets Gohan) Hey Mr. Butterfly!(it flies off) Wait, come back! I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to look. (butterfly lands on a tree stump.) Aw, come on. You want me to climb up there? Okay! Hmm... (he runs to a tree bark as he jumps) Aaaah! (lands on the bark)Aw... Hold on. (jumps back on the bark)I'm coming. (loses his grip) Say, are you sure there's not an elevator on this thing?

(In the forest, Gohan walks out of the forest.)

:'''Gohan''': Uh, hello? Mis- Mister Butterfly? (the bush shakes) Uh. (a jaguar scares Gohan.) AAAAH!

:'''Jaguar''': Ahhhhh. Hehehehehe...

:'''Gohan''': Nice, kitty. Uhhhh.

:'''Jaguar''': Ahhhhhhh.

:'''Gohan''': Uhhhh... I know, play dead. (he faints as the jaguar holds Gohan, he licks him as Gohan giggles, he roars, and takes his hat off) Uh... My hat is gone! (starts crying) No! My daddy gave me that hat! (runs off crying, as the jaguar growls, see Gohan crying) My hat! Aaaaaaaaah! (the jaguar freaks out and runs off with Gohan's hat. Gohan chases him, so he can get back his hat) Give me back my hat! You can't have it! (the jaguar freaks out when Gohan continues running towards him through the bushes, they jump over a rock, the jaguar runs away, as Gohan runs through the bushes, and he falls through a cliff, and he takes a nap)

(The Scene Is Gohan Gets Stuck on a Tree)

:'''Gohan''': Whoa.(he walks off, with Goku in the woods)

:'''Goku''': Hey, Gohan!!

:'''Gohan''': Okay. (he jumps on the two rocks when he is about to loose his balance, now he did it) Mommy! Daddy! (Gohan walks on the river so sad, as he sees a blue bird) Oh well, hello there! You're a pretty bird. (jumps off as he walks on a log as it tumbles) It's nice to meet you. (bird chirps) So, do you have a name? I'm Gohan. (bird flies away) Hey wait!(the log tumbles as it knocks Gohan off it sending him to the water, as he starts to get on the log, losing his grip) Mommy! Daddy! Help me!

:'''Goku''': Huh? (he sees Gohan's hat that the jaguar is wearing) Hey you! That hat. (jaguar gets scared)That's Gohan's! It belongs to my son. Have you seen it? (the jaguar growls growls) Where did you get his hat? (jaguar growls again) I said, where did you get it!? (Gohan's hat drops as the jaguar runs off, and the next scene is Gohan is still stuck in a waterfall,the log hits the rock making Gohan drown in the water, when he gets back on the slippery log, as he rises to the waterfall again)

:'''Gohan''': Ah, help me!! (we see Goku riding on a cloud finding Gohan)

:'''Goku''': Gohan!

:'''Gohan''': Mommy! Daddy!

:'''Goku''': (sees Gohan) Gohan!

:'''Gohan''': Aaaaaaaaah!

:'''Goku''': Gohan, can you hear me? (still riding on a cloud)Gohan!?

:'''Gohan''': (still stuck on a river with a log) Aaaaaaah!

:'''Goku''': Gohan!

:'''Gohan''': It's daddy! (lost his grip again, as he grabs on the end of a log)

:'''Goku''': Hang on son, I'll be right there! (he gets close to Gohan when he is about to catch him) Just a little farther! Huh? (Gohan gets in the waterfall cave)

:'''Gohan''': Daddy!

:'''Goku''': Hang on, Gohan! (Goku flies up on a cliff)

:'''Gohan''': Heeeeelp! (Goku rides still on a cloud searching for his son, Gohan is still stuck) Daddy! Hurry! It's dark... huh? (he sees the escape tunnel, as he falls through the waterfall) AAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Daddy! Help!

:'''Goku''': Uh! (the log falls down) Gohan! Gohan! (Goku hears Gohan crying as he lands on a tree branch)

:'''Gohan''': Heeeeeelp! I'm stuck!I can't get down! (Goku sees Gohan)Aaaaaah! Huh? (walks and hugs Goku) Waaaaah! Daddy! Thank you, daddy! Oh! I was so scared!

:'''Goku''': But, how did you get up here? Well, that's strange.

:'''Gohan''': Daddy. I lost my hat. (Goku puts his son's hat back on)

:'''Goku''': What? Silly, no you didn't, it's on your head. Now, let's go and get you cleaned up, then you can come with me to meet all my friends at Master Roshi's.

:'''Gohan''': Ah!

:'''Goku''': That's my boy!

(Raditz flies at the city around with the people, with the boy and his father laughing, the train makes sound with Raditz flying)

:'''Raditz''': Ah, miserable little vermin!

(Piccolo stands on a cliff sensing Raditz)

:'''Piccolo''': (Piccolo senses Raditz) Uh? Huh? Huh? What is that? I've never felt so much power! Uh...huh...? It can't be Goku, it's too horrible. Huh! Who is that!? (Raditz lands in front of Piccolo)

Line 95 ⟶ 28:

:'''Raditz''': But allow me to demonstrate a more effective attack.

:'''Piccolo''': Huh...huh!?

:'''Raditz''': It's one of my favorites. I call it a double sunday. Now, see if you can follow this one. (Raditz' scouter indicates another power level) Uh? Well, I guess it's your lucky day green man. (Raditz leaves)

<hr as the scouter beeps, then he talkswidth=50%/>

:'''Raditz''': (to himself) There it is. Just on the edge of my scouter's range. And it's big. It must be the largest power level on this planet. It's Kakarot. This time I'm sure.

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:'''Piccolo''': (to himself, while breathing hard) I don't believe it. I hit 'im full force and he didn't even flinch. This guy could be a problem.

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(In the sky, Raditz is flying as his scouter beeps)

:'''Raditz''': (to himself) Have you forgotten your pride Kakarot. We are Saiyans, the mightiest warriors in the universe. I can still remember the day that we first sent you to this planet as an infant. We had high hopes for you then Kakarot, why have you not carried out your mission? Kakarot!

:'''Narrator''': Who is this mysterious saiyan warrior that now darkens the sky with his presence? His search for the one name Kakarot has already lead into Piccolo, one of the most powerful fighters on Earth. Could it lead him to Goku as well? The answers to this burning questions will soon be revealed, and Goku will discover the secrets of his pasts. Next time on Dragon Ball Z!


Line 166 ⟶ 105:

:'''Raditz''': So what do you say Kakarot? I do hope you'll come through for me on this one. After all, he's my nephew. It would be a shame if I had to hurt him. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

===*Unlikely Alliance*===

:'''Narrator''': Last time on Dragon Ball Z, an uninvited guest crashed the party on Master Roshi's island! It was Raditz an evil warrior from outer space who claimed to be Goku's older brother, but Raditz knew he had little regard for battling as he dealt Goku with a devastating kick that left the most powerful fighter crumbled in the sand, and the worst was yet to come! That's right, Raditz has captured Gohan and with his young nephew now furtherly in his clutches, the sinister alien chewed Goku his demands! Join him, or suffer the consequences! Goku is obviously no match for his awesome power! Is there any hope for rescuing his son? Find out today on Dragon Ball Z!

(the episode says Unlikely Alliance)

:'''Gohan''': Waaah! Waaah! Put me down!

:'''Raditz''': What's the matter, Kakarot? Do you have an answer for me? Let's try again, do you want your son back? I want you to eliminate one hundred Earthlings by this time tomorrow. Do you understand?

:'''Goku''': Uh...uhhuh...uh...uh...

:'''Raditz''': That's good. Do this little job for me and you can join us. But then, and I'll see it to your son's suffers in demesne unpleasant ending.

:'''Gohan''': Waaaah! Waaaah! Waaaah!

:'''Krillin''': You coward! Hiding behind a kid!

:'''Bulma''': Yeah, that's right!

:'''Master Roshi''': That's right you sicko! And besides, it won't do you any good! Goku isn't capable of killing anyone!

:'''Raditz''': Quiet old man. Kakarot is a Saiyan. I think you'd be very surprise if what he's capable of doing.

:'''Master Roshi''': Don't worry! Krillin and I are ready! We'll put that space pirate out of business, won't we?

Line 200 ⟶ 123:

:'''Raditz''': Well, well, well. Look who's decided to drop in. It's little brother. Oh, and he's brought the green man with him. I was wondering who that second insignificant blip on my scouter might be. I confess, I didn't expect it to be you. What a pleasant surprise. I have to hand it to you brother, I didn't think I'd see you till tomorrow. You are a little more resourceful than I thought, and more foolish as well.

:'''Goku''': We'll see about that!

:'''Raditz''': Fair enough. So, what brings you here, Kakarot? Do tell. Have you eliminated one hundred earthlings?

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:'''Goku''': I'm here to get my son back! Where is he?

:'''Gohan''': That's my daddy! Ah ha ha ha ha!

:'''Raditz''': I was afraid you say that! You are testing my patience Kakarot!. I've been more than generous with you so far! Now, now for the last time, I strongly recommend that you join us!.

:'''Goku''': I don't care what you recommend! The answer is still no!

:'''Gohan''': (jumps up and kicks the glass of the space pod) Waaaah! That hurt! Waaaaah!

:'''Raditz''': You should listen to your big brother.

:'''Goku''': As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a brother!

Line 211 ⟶ 133:

:'''Piccolo''': Alright! I've heard enough talk! You know why we're here so lets get on with it! (Piccolo throws down his weighted clothing)

:'''Goku''': Huh? Piccolo!? I had no idea you trained with weighted clothing too.

:'''Piccolo''': What? Thought you were the only one? Hmm... Oh, yeah! I feel much lighted now.

:'''Raditz''': (scouter beeps) Hmmm... His power level is gone on to four hundred.

:'''Goku''': (takes his under shirt off) Ah! There's thirty pounds,(takes his boot off) and here's fifty, (he takes his boot off) and another fifty.

:'''Radits''': Grr...

:'''Goku''': (takes his wristbands off) And two little fivers.

:'''Raditz''': Grr...

:'''Goku''': (after taking off weighted clothing) That outta do it Piccolo, unless you can thing of something else.

:'''Piccolo''': What am I, your tailor?

:'''Raditz''': Hm! Heh heh ha ha ha ha! Do you two really think that's going to make a difference?

:'''Goku''': Ah!

:'''Piccolo''': Hm?

:'''Raditz''' Fools! Who do you think I am? A few weights aren't going to effect the outcome of this fight. I'm still ten times stronger than you are.

:'''Goku''': That maybe true, but strength isn't the only thing that matters! Now when you can outsmart your opponent.

:'''Raditz''': You really don't have a clue, do you brother? You know what? I think I've decided I don't want you to join us, anymore. A fool like you will only slow us down. YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO ALL SAIYANS!! NOW PREPARE TO DIE!!

:'''Goku''': Huh?

:'''Piccolo''': Ah!

:'''Raditz''': Ha! (he punches them) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

:'''Goku''': He... he's so fast! I never seen one move like that!

:'''Piccolo''': It's like he disappeared! I could've followed his movements at all! One second, he was in front of us! Then the next, he was! Ugh!

:'''Raditz''': Well, I'll give you this, you know how to take a punch. Good. That should only make the all the more enjoyable! Oh yes! Let's find out how much pain you can really stand.

:'''Piccolo''': I knew he was strong! But first power to be that much greater.

:'''Goku''': I need to find the way to grab his tail! That's the only chance we have!

:'''Raditz''': What's wrong? You look so pensive, Kakarot! Are you still trying to outsmart me? Well, think about this while you're at it! Your situation is even more hopeless than you realize! Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! If you think I'm strong now, wait until I catch my strong stride! Truth is, I'm just getting warmed up!

:'''Piccolo''': Ah!

:'''Goku''': Aah!

:'''Narrator''': What's sort of monstrous foe is this that now stands like a giant between Goku and his son? And one of the dream of his already unbelievable power. Even with their forces combined, it seems Goku and Piccolo have little hope of toppling this mighty villain the battle continues! Next, Dragon Ball Z!

===Piccolo's Plan===

Line 246 ⟶ 143:

:'''Raditz''': Trust me Kakarot, I know an easy win when I see one. I'm a Saiyan. It's what I do.

:'''Piccolo''': Come on Goku, lets finish this guy. We'll charge him together.

:'''Goku''': Wait, not yet. Not until he tells us what he's done with Gohan. Now where is he? Where have you hidden him?

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:'''Raditz''': Right! Your little son. You think you're going to save him, who's getting ahead of himself now?

:'''Goku''': This is the last time I'm going to ask you, where is my son!?

:'''Raditz''': Spare me the following dramatics, you can have a last look at him if you want. He's locked inside my space pod behind you.


:'''Goku''': Gohan!

:'''Gohan''': Daddy help! Please daddy! Get me out!

:'''Goku''': Be strong Gohan. I'll be down to help you in a minute. Just hold on.

:'''Raditz''': Ha! You'll be down alright, but you won't be helping anybody.

:'''Goku''': Grrrrr.

:'''Raditz''': You should your goodbyes, though, but you won't get another chance!

:'''Piccolo''': Grrrrrrr.

:'''Goku''': No, I won't loose!

:'''Piccolo''': Alright, let's do this!

:'''Raditz''': Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm...

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:'''Goku''': Piccolo, are you alright? Ah!(sees Piccolo lost an arm as blood drips)

:'''Piccolo''': Don't worry about it. It's not as bad as it looks. I'm not out of this fight yet.

:'''Raditz''': (after he burns off Piccolo's arm with a blast) Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, excuse me! Has anyone seen my arm? Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You can't miss it! It's green! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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(a horse starts to eat a grass as they hear Raditz's laugh)

:'''Krillin''': Uh, how are we doing, Bulma? Are we getting close?

:'''Bulma''': I think so, but I need the Dragon Radar to know for sure. I just hope Goku's doing alright. I've got a terrible feeling about this.

:'''Master Roshi''': Well at least, we know that with Piccolo. His chances are about as good as they can get.

:'''Krillin''': But the fact that he's with Piccolo is what worries me the most. I mean, he's one of the bad guys for all we know, he's already teamed up with Raditz and blasted Goku for the uh...ah...

:'''Master Roshi''': Goku can't beat Raditz alone, and I doubt any of us could be much help! So we might as well put our faith in Piccolo. If he can't help Goku, or wilt, there is no one else who can.

:'''Krillin''': Uh. Good luck, Goku.

(they fly away, back with Goku and Piccolo vs Raditz)

:'''Raditz''': Come on, now! Surely only that pathetic excuse for an attack is the best you could do.

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr! Okay, Goku if you have any new techniques you've been waiting to use, now it's the time.

:'''Goku''': Heh heh! Sorry, I wish I did!

:'''Piccolo''': Ha! You slacker! Why? You've been taking it easy, I've been developing a new attack.

:'''Raditz''': Fools! Haven't you figured it out yet? All of your planning is futile! Whisper all you want, you're still going to die!

:'''Piccolo''': Ah!

:'''Goku''': So you're going to think this attack of yours has enough power to do some damage, Piccolo?

:'''Piccolo''': Yes!

:'''Goku''': And if you could do it with one arm?

:'''Piccolo''': Yeah! That's no problem. The problem is, it takes me a while to gather the energy for it.

:'''Radizt''': Hm hm!

:'''Piccolo''': So, you'll have the last to get him alone in five minutes. It's your decision.

:'''Goku''': Alright! If you're sure it will work, I'll hold him off.

:'''Piccolo''': (about his Special Beam Cannon) Well, the truth is, its untested. I've never tried it against an opponent. I was hoping to save it for a special occasion. It's the attack I planned to use to defeat you.

:'''Goku''': I see. And now you're using it to help me. You must be terribly disappointed.

Line 295 ⟶ 160:

:'''Goku''': Heh heh. Figures.

:'''Piccolo''': You know, that wasn't actually intended to be funny.

:'''Raditz''': What are they laughing at? Planning something clever, no doubt.

:'''Goku''': I guess I'll be sure to watch out the next time we meet. But for now, wish me luck. Heh!

:'''Piccolo''': Alright, do your best, Goku.

:'''Goku''': (uses his fists) Wah! Grrrrrr.....

:'''Piccolo''': Grrrrr...

:'''Raditz''': Heh. Is about time. (Goku battles with Raditz)

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr... (when he is trying to use Special Beam Cannon, as Goku continues fighting with Raditz)

:'''Piccolo''': Grrrr... (Radtiz and Goku continue fighting, Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon glows, and Raditz punches Goku)

:'''Goku''': Uh! Uh! Ah! Ugh!

:'''Raditz''': Huh? He's persistent.

:'''Goku''': Grr... Ka...me...

:'''Raditz''': Grr... Impossible! His power level is skyrocketing! Nine hundred and fifty!

:'''Goku''': Ha...

:'''Raditz''': But, how? He knows how to raise his power level by concentrating his energy into one spot!

:'''Goku''': Me...

:'''Raditz''': Ugh! What? (shows Piccolo his power level) His power level gone up as well. It's over nine thousand! Unbelievable! And it's still going up!

:'''Goku''': HAAAAA! (blasts at Raditz running around trying to dodge it)

:'''Raditz''': Enough of this! Aaaah! (hits Raditz, but no effect)

:'''Goku''': He cancelled it out! Piccolo, you better hurry!

:'''Raditz''': Brother, I'll show you how it's done! Raaaaaaa! (blasts Goku with his blast as Goku's clothes rip by the power of Raditz blast)

:'''Goku''': Gaaaaah!

:'''Gohan''': Let me out! Uh...

:'''Raditz''': Ugh!

:'''Piccolo''': Heh heh heh heh heh heh! Grrrrr. Let's see you stop this one!

:'''Raditz''': How foolish! I underestimated these guys! Power level thirteen hundred and thirty! I can't block that!

:'''Piccolo''': Ha ha ha ha!

:'''Raditz''': Grrr! Alright then, green man! Let's see what you've got!

:'''Piccolo''': It's all yours! Special Beam Cannon! (shoots a beam of light)

:'''Raditz''': Uh!

:'''Goku''': Ah! (it shoots Raditz, but the armor was pierced a little bit)Aaaaah!

:'''Piccolo''': Ah! Huh? He dodge it! He's fater than the...the speed of light.

:'''Raditz''': My, that was quite an impressive little trick! Look how easily it pierced my armor. It's luck for me, you aimed it seems a little work.

:'''Piccolo''': Gah! Darn it! All for nothing!

:'''Raditz''': Now, I had a little trick that I wanted to share with you, remember? It's the one I was going to show you with me first not!

:'''Piccolo''': Yeah! I know!

:'''Raditz''': Do you remember the name?

:'''Piccolo''': Ah!

:'''Raditz''': Double Sunday!

:'''Piccolo''': Ah!

:'''Raditz''': Aaaaah!

:'''Piccolo''': Uh!

:'''Raditz''': Aaaah! Uh!

:'''Goku''': (grabs Raditz tail) Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! You were careless! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! I'll never forget how much my tail hurt when someone squeezed it!

:'''Raditz''': Aaaaah! (fals over) You shouldn't do that!

:'''Goku''': Piccolo, do you think you can manage that attack one more time?

:'''Piccolo''': Yes Goku! With pleasure! I see you had a surprise attack after all, you sly dog! Now hold him tight, this is the last time I can do this.

:'''Raditz''': Kakarot, please tell me you're not going to go through with this! I am your brother. Ah!

:'''Goku''': Brother? Don't be ridiculous! You kidnapped my son and you tried to kill me, and if I remember right, you said you're going to exterminate every human on this planet!

:'''Raditz''': I was bluffing at. I would have done it or set anything to get you to join us, I swear it.

:'''Piccolo''': Don't listen to him Goku! He'll say anything to get loose!

:'''Goku''': Gah!

:'''Raditz''': I was never going to kill you or the boy! Once, I was sure that I couldn't persuade you to join us. I was going to leave this planet for good, and that's the truth. I could never hurt my own freshen but I swear! I swear it Kakarot!

:'''Goku''': Do you promise to leave?

:'''Raditz''': Yes, of course it over! I tell the others that you won't join.

:'''Piccolo''': No Goku! He's trying to trick you!! Don't let him go!!!


:'''Goku''': Uh...uh...uh... (he accidentally lets go of Raditz tail)

:'''Piccolo''': NO GOKU!!!

:'''Raditz''': Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! (he gets up and punches Goku)

:'''Goku''': Uh...uh...uh...

:'''Raditz''': Ah! (jumps on Goku's chest)

:'''Goku''': Ah...uh...uh...

:'''Raditz''': Heh heh heh heh heh heh!

:'''Piccolo''': You've always been way too trusting Goku!!

:'''Raditz''': Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Fool! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! How could you?

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:'''Raditz''': (to Piccolo) Why so blue, green man? Is it because you're powerless to help your friend, or 'cause you're just plain ugly!?

:'''Raditz''': Come on, Kakarot! I want to hear you beg! (stomps on Goku again) Go on! Just say "Uncle!" Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Uncle! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (to Piccolo) Just look at that fool! Why so blue, green man? Is it because you're powerless to help your friend, or 'cause you're just plain ugly!? Heh heh heh heh.


:'''Raditz''': I guess you're not going to beg for me. Ah, you're such a dissapointment brother! AH! TIME TO DIE!! (checks his scouter) I'm picking up an enormous power level.

===Gohan's Rage===

:'''Narrator''': Last time on Dragon Ball Z! Goku and Piccolo launched a combine assault against the evil Raditz, but in-spite of their fierce efforts, Raditz easily deflected their every attack, and encountered with an energy blast that sent Goku and Piccolo, really! Having fully seized the upper hand, Raditz proceeded to deal out of series of punishing blow. And the mighty Goku was rendered helpless, as his older brother cruelly grabbed him into the dust!

:'''Raditz''': Time to die!!

:'''Narrator''': That's right! It's Gohan! What awesome new powers have awaken within Goku's son? The answer...today!

(the episode says Gohan's Rage)

:'''Raditz''': (checks his scouter) What!? Hey, kid! What happened to all that power you had!?

Line 390 ⟶ 178:

:'''Raditz''': (to himself) You are the first Saiyan to ever damage me like this my nephew. You are a true warrior who was worthy of being a Saiyan. And so, I will give you a death that is also worthy of a Saiyan.

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:'''Piccolo''': Heh heh heh heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh. Goku, sometimes you amaze even me. Now, hold tight. This will take some time, and don't listen to anything he says!

:'''Goku''': See? It never pays to tell a lie. Now does it.

:'''Raditz''': You little scoundrel! Grrr...grrr...grrr...grrr...

:'''Goku''': Piccolo! Hurry up! I can't hold him much longer!

:'''Raditz''': (to himself) How could that little brat's attack weaken me so much!? (to Goku) Kakarot, you're a fool! How do you expect to dodge that beam and hold me at the same time?

:'''Goku''': You're right! I can't! We'll both go!

:'''Raditz''': What!? That's insane! You'll be killed. Is that what you want?

:'''Goku''': If its the only way for me to beat you!

:'''Piccolo''': Hold on Goku, I'm almost ready! (to himself) So, you're going to sacrifice yourself? Goku...how very noble of you. And how convenient for me. Then again, even if I do kill you, it's only a matter of time before your friends wish you back with the Dragon Ballsdragonballs...too bad.

:'''Goku''': No you don't! No way! Piccolo! My ribs are broken! Hurry!

:'''Piccolo''': I'm almost there, Goku! Hang on!

:'''Raditz''': (checks his scouter) One thousand and four hundred and fourty? No! If that hits, we're finished!

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr...grrr...grrr...grrr...grrr...grrr...

:'''Raditz''': Hey Kakarot! Look, if you don't let me go right now, we're both going to die!

:'''Goku''': What's wrong? You seem a little scared, brother.

:'''Raditz''': You're a Saiyan! Don't sacrifice yourself for these earth dogs!

:'''Goku''': It's nice to know that you're so worried about me.

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr...prepare yourself, Goku! It's time!



:'''Piccolo''': Haaaaaa! Special Beam Cannon fire!!

:'''Raditz''': KAKAROT!

:'''Piccolo''': Aaaaaaaaaah! (shoots both Raditz and Goku)


:'''Goku''': AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Uh...uh...uh...

:'''Raditz''': Uh...uh...ah...ah...ah...curse...ah...YOOOOOOU...

:'''Goku''': Uh...ah...

:'''Raditz''': Aah! (falls down)

:'''Goku''': Uh... (falls down as well)

:'''Piccolo''': Ah...uh...uh...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...

<hr width=50%/>

(Goku and Raditz both start dying as wind blows)

(Goku and Raditz were seen beaten except Piccolo)

:'''Piccolo''': Ha...ha...ha...

:'''Raditz''': (while breathing hard and coughing up blood on the ground) Kakarot. How could he? It makes no sense. The fool. Now we're both dead.

:'''Piccolo''': No, you die alone. Goku won't be gone for long. I'm guessing his friends will see to it he's back within the week.

Line 445 ⟶ 205:

:'''Piccolo''': Grrrrr...... (Piccolo raises his hand to finish off Raditz)

<hr width=50%/>

(I Goku's House, Chi-Chi starts Sewing Goku's Clothes)

:'''Chi-Chi''': Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. Hmm...Goku should've been home by now. I guess he lost track of time suiting with his friends again. Still, I wish he hurries, not good for Gohan to be away from his studies this long. Oh well. I suppose it's alright this time. Gohan looks so hard, he deserves to have a little fun once in a while. Come to think of it, so do I. Huh?

:'''Ox-King''': Chi-Chi! Gohan!

:'''Chi-Chi''': Ah! Hey dad!

:'''Ox-King''': Hey, darling! He he he he he. I thought I come to see how you were doing. So, where's my grandson? Gohan, I have something for you. Uh...uh...uh...uh...

:'''Chi-Chi''': (after Ox-King gets stuck by the opened door) He he he he. Oh, Dad.

(In the Cruiser)

:'''Bulma''': Okay, I think this is the place. They should be right down there, somewhere.

:'''Krillin''': Uh...

(Raditz was killed by Piccolo's hand)

:'''Piccolo''': (after he finishes Raditz) Thanks for the warning. We'll deal with your Saiyan friends just like we dealt with you. Goku, It's over. He's gone.

(Piccolo Sees a Cruiser)

:'''Krillin''': Hey look! There they are!

:'''Bulma''': Oh no! Only one of them standing.

:'''Krillin''': Huh...who...who is it?

:'''Master Roshi''': Piccolo. Oh no. This doesn't look good.

(In Outer Space)

:'''Narrator''': Even as Goku's friends rushed to his side, little could they know. At far away, in a distant corner of the galaxy. The events on Earth are being followed with great interest.

(In another Planet, they are filled with swamp creatures)

:'''Nappa''': Grrr...Raditz stinks.

Line 480 ⟶ 212:

:'''Vegeta''': A waste of time. Then again, I am curious.

:'''Nappa''': Ah. Are you thinking about what Raditz said?

:'''Vegeta''': Heh he he he he he he he. Exactly. Those Dragon Ballsdragonballs caught my interest. Just think of the possibilities Nappa. If we can get our hands on those seven Dragon Ballsdragonballs, then we can wish for anything we want. Anything at all. Wouldn't you say that's worth making a little trip?

:'''Nappa''': You kiddin'? Yeah, lets go! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!

<hr width=50%/>

(Back on Earth)

:'''Krillin''': You're going to make it, Goku! You can pull through.

:'''Master Roshi''': No. Krillin.

:'''Krillin''': He can! Can't you, Goku? Just tell him. Say something!

:'''Gohan''': Uh...uh...uh...

:'''Bulma''': (about Gohan) Well, Gohan's still unconscious. But. otherwise, I think he's okay.

:'''Master Roshi''': Eh...

:'''Krillin''': Uh...

:'''Master Roshi''': Huh?

:'''Goku''': That's good.

:'''Krillin''': Goku.

:'''Goku''': Uh...Chi-Chi...kill me...if he...got...got hurt...

:'''Bulma''': Goku?

:'''Goku''': Eh hee hee hee hee. Kr-Krillin. Please...take...care of...Go-Gohan for me...

:'''Krillin''': Yeah. Sure buddy. But, It's not gonna come to that, okay? You're gonna make it, and that's all there is to it.

:'''Master Roshi''': Krillin.

:'''Goku''': No. Not this time, friend...

:'''Krillin''': Uh...uh...uh...

:'''Goku''': This time...I can't...

:'''Krillin''': I'll wish you back, Goku. We already have three dragon balls.

:'''Goku''': Ah...I'll see you...soon...uh... (dies)

:'''Krillin''': Uh...

:'''Master Roshi''': Ah...

:'''Bulma''': No...

:'''Krillin''': Goku. GOKUUUU! GOKUUUUUUU!!!!

(Back in Another Planet)

:'''Vegeta''': Once we force Kakarot's friends to tell us how to find the Dragon Ballsdragonballs, we'll eliminate them, along with anyone else who tries to stand in our way.

:'''Nappa''': And then we can wish Raditz back to life.

:'''Vegeta''': No, that would be a wasted wish. Raditz was a weakling and a fool. Any Saiyan who could be defeated so easily doesn't deserve to live.

Line 522 ⟶ 227:

:'''Vegeta''': That's right Nappa. That's exactly what I mean. We will become Super Saiyans.

:'''Nappa''': Now I definitely like the sound of that.

(They Both Leave This Planet, later On Earth, Goku Is Still Dead)

:'''Krillin''': Uh...uh...ah...ah...no! Goku! You can't die! You Can't! Uh...uh...uh...

:'''Master Roshi''': He's gone.

:'''Bulma''': No this...this can't be happening. I don't believe it.

:'''Krillin''': Uh...uh...uh...uh...uh...uh...uh...uh...uh...huh....

(Goku Dissapears)

:'''Master Roshi''': Look! He's disappearing! What in the world?

:'''Piccolo''': I know. It was Kami.

:'''Krillin''': Kami?

:'''Piccolo''': The Guardian of the Earth. I think you both know him. Yes, this is his work. No doubt, Kami has some special carpets of mine for Goku.

:'''Bulma''': Do you think so?

:'''Narrator''': Although Goku has left the world of the living. It seems thanks to Kami, an old new adventure awaits him the world beyond. But, as Goku begins his incredible journey of the unknown. The friends he beats behind must find a way to carry on. For the time being, the Earth is without it's greatest champion, and a terrible new threat is on its way. In one year, two even more powerful Saiyans will land on Earth. Who will be there to stop them? The countdown begins, next time on Dragon Ball Z!

===No Time Like the Present===

Line 587 ⟶ 276:

:'''Goku''': Centuries ago...? Wow, if I had known Snake Way was this long, I would've packed a lunch or something.

:'''Demon''': Oh, I wouldn't worry about food. You've got a very long way to go. And believe you me, a lot more important things to worry about.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': You've slept long enough. Now wake up, kid, it's time to start your training. (Gohan's still sleeping, then Piccolo growls and drops Gohan into the water. In a few seconds, Gohan wakes up and coughs.) Come on, get up! There's no time to waste! (Gohan looks up and sees Piccolo)

:'''Gohan''': Where am I? Where's my dad? Dad? Daddy? Help me! The bad Piccolo man has me! Daddy! Where are you? (starts to cry) Daddy! Help me please!

:'''Piccolo''': Okay, that's enough. We don't have time for this! (picks Gohan up out of the water, and Gohan continues to cry)

:'''Piccolo''': Shut up! One more sound and I'll give you something to cry about! (Gohan immediately stops crying) That's good. Now listen to me carefully. Y-your father is dead. (Gohan gasps in horror) While you were unconcieus, he died trying to defeat the man who kidnapped you. He gave his life to save you. (Gohan is shocked, then a flashback of Goku and Raditz.)

:'''Gohan''': Daddy...

:'''Piccolo''': Don't you dare cry! I'm not gonna warn you again, got it?

<hr width=50%/>

Line 617 ⟶ 297:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Demon''': He said, "tell Master Roshi and the others not to wish me back with the dragonballs for one year."

:'''Chi-Chi''': Ha! Goku can starve for all I care! (Chi-Chi starts to eat fast, which Ox-King and Krillin looked surprise. Chi-Chi sighs, and continues eating fast.)

<hr width=50%/>

(Meanwhile, in the Other World, several monsters were enjoying meals at a cafe)

:'''Monster 1''': Hamburger.

:'''Monster 2''': I'll have the left eye, or the rib.

:'''Ghost''': Mm-hmm.

:'''Female Demon''': Thanks. Here you go.

:'''Monster 3''': Here's your change.

:'''Female Demon''': Let's see now, there's ten, twenty, thirty- Hmm, you shorted me!

:'''Monster 3''': Oops. (Suddenly, his big head comes off, and puts it back on, which startled the female demon.)

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Demon''': He said, "tell Master Roshi and the others not to wish me back with the Dragonballs for one year."

:'''Baba''': So, Goku wants me to go down to Kame House.

:'''Demon''': Yup. He said he'll owe you one.

Line 698 ⟶ 363:

:'''Piccolo''': Now, I guess you'll need some new clothes and a sword would help. Now, You can't say I never gave you anything kid. (Piccolo makes clothes appear on Gohan's unconscious body) The clothes are like your dad's, but the symbols show you're from my camp. Alright, I've already done more for you than I intended. I don't have time to babysit you anymore. I have my own training to do. But if you can survive for six months on your own, you'll see me again. And that's when you'll learn the art of fighting the hard way...I'll teach you everything. That's right. You'll learn to be just like me. Heh.

===*The Strangest Robot*===

:'''Robot''': Who are you? What do you want?

Line 722 ⟶ 387:

:'''Robot''': Oh, yes. Being a robot, I always keep plenty of food lying around. What do you think?

:'''Gohan''': Hungry...

:'''Robot''': You can always make yourself a nice snake and scorpion sandwich. Now for the last time, put me back in standby mode and just stop bothering me!.

<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,067 ⟶ 732:

:'''King Kai''': That's the last of the bean tacos.

:'''Goku''': Oh oh! Beans give me gas!

:'''King Kai''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You just ate a pot full. *beat* Wait. What have I done?

===Goku's Ancestors===

Line 1,136 ⟶ 801:

:'''King Kai''': Uhum...hmm...well, he has surpassed me in every area except one. I am still the funniest man in the universe.

===*The Darkest Day*===

:'''Nappa''': (after blowing up an entire town) Do you think I was trying too hard to impress them Vegeta?

Line 1,149 ⟶ 814:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Inspector''': (to Yajirobe) Listen, that's great if you want to save the world, but could you do it somewhere else, this is a restricted area.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Yajirobe''': (Yajirobe sees the space pods) Aw man, I was right! The Saiyans are here! And I'm supposed to help fight 'em. Maybe I could just go back to bed and pretend I didn't see this.


:'''Men''': Then who did it?

:'''Yajirobe''': For the last time ya dope, it was the Saiyans!

:'''Inspector''': The Sayians? And just who are they?

:'''Yajirobe''': What do you think? They're aliens! Really scary ones! They're gonna blow up the world.

:'''Inspector''': How dare you.

:'''Inspector''': (to Yajirobe) Listen, that's great if you want to save the world, but could you do it somewhere else, this is a restricted area.

<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,173 ⟶ 824:

:'''Gohan''': Hey, you grew up with my dad, didn't you? He said guys thought you couldn't fight because you were so short.

:'''Krillin''': Short huh? Actually, we were the same size. But then, he kept growing and I stopped.

:'''Piccolo''': The pleasure's mine. (pause) I'm only going to say this once! Leave this planet. This is your fist and last chance to get out of it alive.


<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,197 ⟶ 844:

:'''Reporter''': Why aren't you there with them now?

:'''Yajirobe''': (while eating) Because. I'm hungry, that's why!

:'''Reporter 2''': What horrible manners.

:'''Yajirobe''': Look. It's a strategy. The other guys are wearin' 'em down in the first round and I'm savin' my energy for round two.

:'''Reporter''': And who are the other members of your team.

Line 1,213 ⟶ 860:

:'''Nappa''': Well, I think so.

:'''Vegeta''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Do you? Well, don't strain yourself. Just leave the thinking to me from now on.

:'''Nappa''': What? Impossible.

<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,238 ⟶ 883:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': (after Nappa cuts Tien's hand off with his fist) He's been disarmed.

:'''Gohan''': (as Nappa slams Chiaotzu into mountains) I can't look!

Line 1,299 ⟶ 941:

:'''Nappa''': Ha ha ha ha ha. Fools. It doesn't matter where you go! I'll crush ya!

<hr width=50%/>


:'''Nappa''': If you say so. You're the boss.

:'''Vegeta''': I'm curious about this "Goku" that you're talking about, because, I'm starting to think the person referring to is actually Kakarot.

:'''Krillin''': Yeah, whatever you call him. That's right.

:'''Vegeta''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Heh heh heh heh heh!

:'''Krillin''': What's so funny?

:'''Vegeta''': That you two think Kakarot can beat us. He couldn't even beat his own brother Raditz, and Raditz was a weakling compared to Nappa and myself. Heh heh.

:'''Nappa''': This planet's not that big, so why isn't he here yet? He's smart. He's not gonna show up here. He's hiding.

Line 1,351 ⟶ 986:

:'''Nappa''': Well?

:'''Gohan''': Okay! I said you smell!

:'''Nappa''': Ah! Ah! Grrr...why you little runt! How dare you!? *Vegeta chuckles at this* You're brave now but we'll see what happens in two hours.

<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,368 ⟶ 1,003:

:'''Nappa''': (after destroying many fighter jets) Eh, I thought these guys would be tougher than this. They're just a bunch o' pansies in their little toys.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Piccolo''': Hurry, Goku!

:'''Nappa''': Ah! (takes off his armor and flexs his arms) Oh yeah, much better. I should be able to make quick work of those pathetic weaklings.

:'''Krillin''': Oh man! This is it. Goku, why aren't you here!? I don't want to die like this.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Korin''': Alright! Goku is such a wild man! Check him out!

:'''Goku''': Korin!

:'''Korin''': WHAAAAT!!

:'''Goku''': I need some Senzu Beans!

:'''Korin''': Right. These are my last two, Goku. Catch!

:'''Goku''': Uh! Thanks, Korin! Bye!

:'''Korin''': Give 'em hell, Goku!

===Nimbus Speed===

Line 1,421 ⟶ 1,040:

:'''Gohan''': Noooooooooo!!!!!

<hr width=50%/>

(At Kami's Palace)

:'''Mr. Popo''': Kami? KAAAAAAAMIIIII!

:'''Gohan''': Don't worry Piccolo! I won't let you down.

:'''Nappa''': Ha ha ha ha!

:'''Krillin''': Gah! Gohan, run away! Hurry!

:'''Nappa''': Heh heh! That's right! Run away and hide! Ha ha ha ha ha!

:'''Gohan''': No way.

:'''Krillin''': No! Gohan!

:'''Nappa''': (about to stomp on Gohan) Nice knowin' ya kid! There'll always be a soft spot at the bottom of my boot for ya! Ha ha ha! So long!

Line 1,437 ⟶ 1,048:

:'''Vegeta''': Well, I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up. Especially after your family reunion with Raditz. Did you two have fun catching up?

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are these guys friends of yours? Sorry about that! They were fun to fight for a while, but they all met the same fate in the end! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah that's right! I took care of them all! Well, except for that little guy he decided to blow himself up!

:'''Nappa''': Come on! Ha! I haven't gotten all day. Heh. I wanna see what the great Kakarot's made of!

:'''Goku''': Ha! You want me? You got me! (starts charging)

:'''Nappa''': Ah...uh...

:'''Vegeta''': Ah...uh...ah...

:'''Gohan''': Uh...

:'''Krillin''': Uh...

:'''Gohan''': Oh, that's from my dad?

:'''Goku''': Haaaaaaaa! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Goku keeps charging)

:'''Vegeta''': Power level's eight thousand! How? Wait, it's over nine!

:'''Nappa''': Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?

:'''Vegeta''': (takes off his scouter) It's over NINEnine THOUSANDthousand! Grrr... (crushesVegeta thetakes off his scouter and crushes it in his hand)

:'''Nappa''': Nine thousand!? There's no way that cancould be right! It can't!

:'''Goku''': Don't be so sure. I'll have you know I was trained in the art of Kaioken!

:'''Vegeta''': Huh? Kaioken?

:'''Nappa''': Kaio-whatever!!! Who cares!? I'm still gonna crush you! I don't care what you've learned! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! (Goku kicks Nappa's head) Aaaaaaaaaaaah! (falls over) Uh...

:'''Vegeta''': Uh...grr...

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Krillin''': Ah...ah...uh...whoa! How did he do that?

:'''Nappa''': Grr...you...you'll pay for that! Grr...you'll...PAAAAAAAY!!!

:'''GokuNappa''': WeI'llm see,the butsecond istrongest haven't evenSaiyan warmedin upthe yet.universe!

:'''Nappa''': What? Why you little...grr...that was luck! I'm the second strongest Saiyan in the universe!

:'''Goku''': Ha. Well, if your friend is stronger than you, then I'd say that makes you the third strongest.

:'''Nappa''': Ha, ha ha! Kakarot! I'm gonna rip you apart! (Goku dodges all of Nappa's attacks)

:'''Vegeta''': It's strange. Just a year ago, he couldn't beat Raditz and now he's making sport of Nappa.

:'''Nappa''': Ah..uh...huh...

:'''Goku''': Over here!

:'''Nappa''': Ah...grr...grr....grr...

:'''Krillin''': Wow, did you see how your father did that?

:'''Gohan''': Uh...uh uh...did you?

:'''Nappa''': (furious) I'll get my hands on you, and when I do! Grrr...grr...

===Lesson Number One===

:'''Nappa''': I hate you! (angrily throws a rock at Goku)

:'''Nappa''': I was commander and chief of the whole Saiyan Army. You're nothing compared to me. Grrr....raaaah...

:'''Nappa''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (sees Goku unfazed) Huh!? Ah...no way!!

:'''Nappa''': Grrr... grrr... I hate yooooooou! (angrily throws a rock at Goku)

:'''Goku''': (Goku dodges the rock with ease) You hate losing. You're not used to fighting someone stronger than you!

:'''Nappa''': You're not stronger than me, you little runt! Your strength was tested when you were a baby! You're a third class Saiyan! I'm a Saiyan elite, you low class dog!

:'''Vegeta''': Nappa, don't be a fool! Calm down! How do you expect to win when you're so mad you can't even see straight!? Now settle down! Use your head!

:'''Nappa''': Grr...grr...grr...grr...ah...ah...ahh...heh heh heh heh heh. Alright, Kakarot, round two.

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Vegeta''': Alright, that's it! Enough! You heard me Nappa! Come down here! You're finished!

:'''Vegeta''': Alright, that's it! Enough! You heard me, Nappa! Come down here! You're finished!

:'''Nappa''': Grr...

:'''Vegeta''': Don't look at me like that! So far, you haven't managed to land a single punch! I think you've embarrassed us long enough!

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Nappa''': I...I...I can't move my legs.

Line 1,517 ⟶ 1,095:

<hr width=50%/>

:'''Goku''': Yes.

:'''Nappa''': Vegeta, give me your hand. I can't get up...uh...uh... (Vegeta grabs Nappa's hand) uh...oh...thank you...ehe...heh...

:'''Vegeta''': Sure. It's the least I can do, Nappa. Haaaa! (Vegeta hurls Nappa into the air)

Line 1,533 ⟶ 1,109:

:'''Nappa''': Ahhhhhhh....ohhh....! (Nappa dies in midair from Vegeta's attack)

<hr width=50%/>

(Goku, Gohan And Krillin flies in Midair)

:'''Krillin''': I can't believe it! He compeletly oliberated his own team mate!

:'''Vegeta''': You can waste all the time you want with your pathetic goodbyes, but you're simply postponing the inevitable.

Line 1,551 ⟶ 1,123:

<hr width=50%/>

(Vegeta uses a fireball attack to hit Goku and tears the side shirt off of Goku)

:'''Vegeta''': Missed him. How nimble. (smoke clears) Nice one.

:'''Goku''': What an incredible level of power. I've got to think of something fast. I've got no choice. (tears his last shirt) If the double Kaioken attack doesn't work. I guess I'll try a triple. Sorry, King Kai

:'''Vegeta''': What's the matter Kakarot? You don't seem too eager to continue. Don't tell me you already need to catch your breath. We were just getting started.

Line 1,638 ⟶ 1,204:

:'''Yajirobe''': (to himself, after cutting off Vegeta's tail) I must be out of my mind. I couldn't've picked a worse time to decide to be brave.

:'''Vegeta''': You've disgraced me for the first and final time!!!!

<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,647 ⟶ 1,211:

===Krillin's Offensive===

:'''Vegeta''': I hope you're watching this Kakarot! Get a good look, because it's the last time you're going tota see your son!

<hr width=50%/>

Line 1,844 ⟶ 1,408:

:'''Gohan''': But wait, if this is Vegeta's ship, maybe he's in there somewhere waiting for us.

:'''Krillin''': I wish Goku had let me finish him when I had the chance.



:'''Boy #1''': This plan's not big for the both of us!

:'''Boy #2''': No problemo!

:'''Boy #1''': Make room for Dragon Ball Z next!

:'''Man on TV''': Please stand by!

:'''Girl #1''': And now back to our program!

==See also==