Dragon Ball Z: Season 1: Difference between revisions - Wikiquote

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:'''Farmer''': (holding his shotgun) You're on my property.

:'''Raditz''': Is that so? (Raditz checks his scouter) Hmm...your power level is puny. Ha. Level five.

:'''Farmer''': Don't you come any closer! Look, I'll use this thing! (the farmer fires his peashootergun) Ahhh!!! Huh? (Raditz kills him).

:'''Raditz''': (Raditz catches the bullet) Hmmm...

:'''Farmer''': Ahhhhh! (Raditz flicks the bullet right at the farmer, sending him hurling backward and killing him)

:'''Raditz''': Heh. What a fragile breed of people.

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:'''Piccolo''': (Piccolo senses Raditz) Uh? Huh? Huh? What is that? I've never felt so much power! Uh...huh...? It can't be Goku, it's too horrible. Huh! Who is that!? (Raditz lands in front of Piccolo)

:'''Raditz''': Excuse me for dropping in. I'm trying ta find a man named Kakarot. I thought you were him.

:'''Piccolo''': Well you thought wrong. Now turn around and get outta here before I get angry.

:'''Raditz''': Someone's having a bad day...

:'''Piccolo''': Believe me, you have no idea. Now get lost!

:'''Raditz''': Teh he he he he he he he he he. Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? (Raditz checks his scouter) Power level three hundred and twenty two. I can tell you're not from this planet, but you'd be a fool to attack me...with such an insufficient power. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

:'''Piccolo''': Now, listen to me. You came here. I have no intention of starting a fight.

:'''Raditz''': I do.

:'''Piccolo''': Grr...grrr...grr...alright, if that's the way he wants it! (Piccolo blasts Raditz) Ha ha. Huh? (Raditz is unscathed)

:'''Raditz''': Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Impressive. You actually managed to singe some of my leg hair.

:'''Piccolo''': Uh!?

:'''Raditz''': But allow me to demonstrate a more effective attack.

:'''Piccolo''': Huh...huh!?

:'''Raditz''': It's one of my favorites. I call it a double sunday. Now, see if you can follow this one. (Raditz' scouter indicates another power level) Uh? Well, I guess it's your lucky day green man. (Raditz leaves)

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Line 16 ⟶ 36:

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:'''Piccolo''': (to himself, while breathing hard) I... I... don't believe it. I hit 'im full force and he didn't even flinch. This guy could be a problem.

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Line 34 ⟶ 54:

:'''Goku''': I know. Chi-Chi can be pretty overprotective when it comes to Gohan. She makes him study all the time and she says martial arts are a waste of energy.

:'''Krillin''': Oh yeah? Then what does that make us then?

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:'''Master Roshi''': Goku.

:'''Raditz''': Huh?

:'''Goku''': Huh?

:'''Master Roshi''': There's something...something your grandfather once told me that I think you should know. Long ago, your grandpa Gohan was walking through the woods when he came upon a crater that had been recently made in the ground. When he went to examine it more closely, he found what appeared to be some sort of spaceship, and next to it, there you were, lying in a little round pod. Gohan tried to take care of you, but you were wild. Downright uncontrollable and unusually powerful for a baby. You wanted nothing to do with Gohan's kindness. Then, one day, there was a terrible accident. You fell into a deep ravine and badly injured your head. Your grandfather feared that he had lost you, but somehow, miraculously, you survived. Yes, any other child would have died, but you recovered. And from that day on, you became a happy loving boy.

:'''Goku''': I'm from outer space!?

:'''Master Roshi''': Yes.

:'''Bulma''': Well, that would explain a lot! So you think Goku has some connection with this guy?

:'''Master Roshi''': I wish I knew.

:'''Goku''': 'kay. You've got my attention. Now tell us who you are.

:'''Raditz''': Well, I wasn't expecting to give a history lesson when I came here today, but alright, I'll tell you everything. After all, you are going to be working for me from now on and I do like my subordinates to be well informed. (Krillin comes back)

:'''Goku''': Hey Krillin! You alright?

:'''Krillin''': Yeah, be careful Goku. This guy's not...normal.

:'''Goku''': Believe me, I know. I could sense that from the minute he landed. Even now, standing here talking to him like this, something about him turns my stomach.

:'''Raditz''': Such harsh words. Careful, you're more like me than you realize.

:'''Goku''': Hmmm...

:'''Raditz''': You were born on the planet Vegeta. You are a space fighter, a Saiyan warrior, just like me.

:'''Goku''': Huh!?

:'''Bulma''': Uh...uh!?

:'''Krillin''': What?

:'''Master Roshi''': Goku...

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:'''Raditz''': Ha ha ha ha ha. So baby brother wants to be left alone. Well, its a pity that's not going to happen. No, at this point, I'm afraid you're far too valuable to us for that. You see, three years ago, our home planet Vegeta met with an unfortunate accident, when a huge comet splattered to its surface. The planet was vaporized and the Saiyan race destroyed. There's not too many of us left now brother. In fact, as far as we can tell, there are only four, including you. We were the only Saiyans away from home when the planet exploded. Like you, the rest of us have been sent off to perform a few hostile takeovers. And now we found another world we'd like to conquer. It should bring in a very high price. But unfortunately, the job's a little too big for only three of us to handle. We were almost afraid we'd have to pass it up, until I remembered you Kakarot. You're not as powerful as I might've hoped, but still, with your help, we should manage nicely. Well now, what do you think? Are you excited? You should be. I've come to take you back into the fold.

:'''Goku''': I heard enough!

:'''Raditz''': Hmmm...

:'''Goku''': I'd die before I'd join a gang of pirates like you!

:'''Raditz''': Interesting. I have been meaning to ask you Kakarot, I couldn't help but notice your son has a tail.

:'''Goku''': Leave him outta this!

:'''Raditz''': I'll decide that! If you won't join us, I suppose I'll just have to settle for taking the boy in your place.

:'''Bulma''': Wha...?

:'''Krillin''': Goku...

:'''Goku''': We'll see. Ha!

:'''Raditz''': I see the fire in your eyes brother. You should come with us. It's in your blood, you love to fight.

:'''Goku''': Huh?

:'''Raditz''': Now.

:'''Krillin''': I'm right here with you Goku.

:'''Goku''': Just stay close to Gohan.

:'''Master Roshi''': Watch it Goku. (Raditz teleports and smashes Goku in the stomach, sending him sprawling backward)

:'''Goku''': Uh! Ooooo...uh....

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Line 104 ⟶ 166:

===Gohan's Rage===

:'''Raditz''': (checks his scouter) What!? Hey, kid! What happened to all that power you had!?

:'''Gohan''': W...what power?

:'''Raditz''': Bah! Play dumb if you want! You'll pay, all the same!

:'''Gohan''': Daddy! Help!

:'''Goku''': Leave him alone!

:'''Raditz''': Ah ha! (Raditz smacks Gohan away)

:'''Goku''': Gohan!!!!? Gohan....huh!? Please, don't hurt him. He's just a boy.

:'''Raditz''': Yes, he's just a little boy, that's true. But he's very strong. And he has a power level even higher than yours little brother. And if he ever learned to control it, it would be very bad for us! Heh...so, you could see, I have no choice! He must die! Now!

:'''Goku''': No, wait. You can't.

:'''Raditz''': (to himself) You are the first Saiyan to ever damage me like this my nephew. You are a true warrior who was worthy of being a Saiyan. And so, I will give you a death that is also worthy of a Saiyan.

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:'''Raditz''': (to himself) How could that little brat's attack weaken me so much!? (to Goku) Kakarot, you're a fool! How do you expect to dodge that beam and hold me at the same time?

Line 110 ⟶ 185:

:'''Goku''': If its the only way for me to beat you!

:'''Piccolo''': Hold on Goku, I'm almost ready! (to himself) So, you're going to sacrifice yourself? Goku...how very noble of you. And how convenient for me. Then again, even if I do kill you, it's only a matter of time before your friends wish you back with the dragonballs...too bad.

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:'''Raditz''': (while breathing hard and coughing up blood on the ground) Kakarot. How could he? It makes no sense. The fool. Now we're both dead.

:'''Piccolo''': No, you die alone. Goku won't be gone for long. I'm guessing his friends will see to it he's back within the week.

:'''Raditz''': What? That's impossible. Tell me...how?

:'''Piccolo''': Heh, gladly. On this planet, we have something that we call the dragonballs. When all seven balls are gathered together, they have the power to grant any wish, and that includes bringing the dead back to life. So, you see, it's Goku who will have the last laugh.

:'''Raditz''': Ha ha ha ha ha. No. I'm afraid you're wrong green man. This device on my face, it's...it's also a transmitter. My Saiyan comrades heard every single word.

:'''Piccolo''': Huh?

:'''Raditz''': The two of them. Now they'll come. I know they will. (coughs up a lot of blood) They will. I know they will. And once they arrive, you'll be powerless to stop them. There's nothing you could do. They'll seek out these dragonballs and they'll destroy everything in their path. You, and every living thing on this planet will be wiped out. They'll destroy you all. Heh he he.

:'''Goku''': (also dying) When? When will they come? How long will it take them to get here?

:'''Raditz''': One year. The funny thing is...aha ha ha ha ha...they're much stronger than me.

:'''Piccolo''': Stronger? One year? Oh no.

:'''Raditz''': So enjoy this little victory of your today, it means...it means nothing. You're as good as dead!

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr....

:'''Raditz''': Aha ha ha. I only hope I'm back in time to see it happen.

:'''Piccolo''': Grrr....

:'''Raditz''': Don't look so upset. We can't all have the last laugh. Aha ha ha ha ha ha! Aha ha ha ha haaaa!

:'''Piccolo''': Grrrrr...... (Piccolo raises his hand to finish off Raditz)

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