The Sopranos: Season 4: Difference between revisions - Wikiquote

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==Season 4==

===For All Debts Public And Private===

:'''Carmela Soprano''': [Tony eats ice cream] I'm worried, Tony.

:'''Tony Soprano''': About my weight?

:'''Carmela Soprano''': About money.

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:'''Bobby Baccilieri''': World really went downhill after the World Trade Center. You know, Quasimodo predicted all of this.

:'''Tony Soprano''': Who did what?

:'''Bobby Baccilieri''': All these problems, the middle east. The end o' the world.

:'''Tony Soprano''': Nostradamus. Quasimodo's is the hunchback of Notre Dame.

:'''Bobby Baccilieri''': Oh, right. Notredamus.

:'''Tony Soprano''': Nostradamus and Notre Dame, that's two different things completely.

Line 35 ⟶ 40:

:'''Tony Soprano''': And I provide for my children.

:'''Carmela Soprano''': Yes, Tony. You do. But I don't know how you do it, because you won't tell me. Well, let me tell you something, or you can watch the fucking news...everything comes to an end.


===No Show===

Line 89 ⟶ 95:

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': (pause) yeah...

:'''Rosalie Aprile''': Then get the fuck out!!!

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': It doesn't have to be like this. if u would just suck a dick

:'''Rosalie Aprile''': How should it be, huh? How the fuck should it be?! (Ralph leaves)

Line 150 ⟶ 156:

:'''Tony Soprano''': Of course not!

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': Yeah, well fuck him and his high-fillutin' bullshit. Who does he think he is? Sir Walter Raleigh?

:'''Tony Soprano''': That's enough of you and your stupid fuckin' remarks! Go back to Miami and play volleyball, whatever the fuck it is you do down there, while we clean up your fuckin' mess! Maybe even keep your ass alive!

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Line 259 ⟶ 265:

:'''Artie Bucco''': Why?

:'''Tony Soprano''': Come on! (Tony takes Artie's belongings) Why? You don't care what people think. Well, I do. Enough people hate me! You fought back. They ripped yer earrin' outta yer ear, you were bleedin', you went inside yer house, took a bunch o' pills to kill the pain 'cuz you knew you'd have to wait at the emergency room for a couple o' hours.

:'''Artie Bucco''': Ton', they pumped my stomach, they saw the almanacarmagnac.

:'''Tony Soprano''': You got fuckin' mugged. Do you understand me? I didn't loan you shit!

Line 274 ⟶ 280:

:'''Jean-Philippe Colbert''': I don't know okay. I don't know. Doesn't look too good.

:'''Artie Bucco''': Whoah...whoah...whoah...whoah...what does that...what does that mean?!

:'''Jean-Philippe Colbert''': I mean, I don't know if its going to happen alright. They...they were not convinced we are a business model. They didn't agree there was as much potential for almanacarmagnac. The problem has been it seems that people cannot figure out how to market almanacarmagnac. The hip approach like with Stoli, fails.

:'''Artie Bucco''': You said it was the next vodka!!!

:'''Jean-Philippe Colbert''': Hey, so we are big boys, we must move on.

Line 315 ⟶ 321:

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:'''Silvio Dante''': Oh! It's Papillon. (To Paulie)

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': Oh, hello Sil! How are ya?

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': I heard you were gettin' laid up there all the time.

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': Come here, you little prick.-- Hello, Chrissy. (Paulie hugs Chris)

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:'''Adriana La Cerva''': What if we didn't have kids?

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': Fuck that. What's the point of bein' married?

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': I mean, what if we can't? If I can't...would you still love me?

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': 'Course I'd still love ya...why?--

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': There's something you should know. A long time ago, years ago, I had a medical procedure. It was before we met. My uterus got pierced.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': Both of 'em?

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': There's only one. That's ovaries.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': So, what does that mean, you can't get pregnant?

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': Well, my doctor said it might be hard. A friend of mine gave me the name of a specialist in Manhattan.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': You knew you were damaged goods and you never fuckin' told me!?

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': How could you call me that?

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': Jesus fuckin' Christ, how could ya lie to me like that!

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': I tried to tell you once. I wanted to. I was afraid that you wouldn't propose.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': You don't get it, Adriana, I don't have a son, the Moltisanti name ends, that's it!

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': We could adopt.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': Yeah, that's great! Some kid with chinky eyes called Moltisanti! He'd get his ass kicked every day!

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': You said you'd still love me.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': That doesn't mean I'll fuckin' marry you!

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Line 347 ⟶ 353:

:'''Assemblyman Ronald Zellman''': Well, we can talk about whatever is botherin' you.

:'''Tony Soprano''': Yeah?

:'''Assemblyman Ronald Zellman''': Tony, this is crazy... ah, Tony, Tony! (Tony beats Zellman with his belt) Come on...fuck!

:'''Irina Peltsin''': Tony, no!

:'''Assemblyman Ronald Zellman''': Ow! Tony, ow, TonyOw! Ow!

:'''Tony Soprano''': All the girls in New Jersey, you had ta fuck this one? Go ahead, cry like a bitch.

===Mergers and Acquisitions===

Line 405 ⟶ 411:

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:'''Tony Soprano''': Jesus Christ, you did it! You cooked that fuckin' horse alive!!!

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': No, I did not! But so what?!

:'''Tony Soprano''': So what?!

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': It was a fuckin' animal! A hundred grand a piece. My kid's in the fuckin' hospital! I don't hear you complainin' when I bring you a nice fat envelope. You don't give a shit where that comes from! Don't give me that look. It was a fuckin' horse! What are you, a vegetarian? You eat beef and sausage by the fuckin' carload.

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Line 416 ⟶ 422:

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': He hates my success...thinkin' about that birthday dinner...who was there when I told the Ginny Sack joke?

:'''Vito Spatafore''': Not Paulie. I remember Albert sayin' he didn't get a gift.

:'''Ralph Cifaretto''': It was little Paulie, the witless fuckin' nephew. He told Paulie, Paulie tells Johnny. Fuckin' telephone game like high-school girls! Wanna play phone games? That party was the only time I ever mentioned Shamu's fat ass.

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:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': (shocked at Ralph's wig) Ahhh! Holy shit! I had no idea. Did you?

:'''Tony Soprano''': 'Course I did. You're so high on scag, you wouldn't know if he had your mother's muff on his head.

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:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': (about Ralph) That poor fuckin' guy...

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': Fuck himHim and his alligator tears.

:'''Tony Soprano''': Paulie, his kid's in the hospital. A little fuckin' sympathy, huh?

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': That gives him a pass? I don't care if he's got a hundred kids in the ICU with arrows in their heads...he's a piece o' shit. You know it, and I know it.

Line 517 ⟶ 523:

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:'''Adriana La Cerva''': Where's the dog? Oh my God. Cosette?

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': What?

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': Christopher, she's not breathing...her neck feels broken.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': The fuck?

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': Oh my God! She's dead.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': I fell asleep.

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': What?

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': She musta crawled under there fer warmth.

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': Are you fuckin' crazy? You fuckin' killed her.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': I didn't kill her. I musta sat on her.

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': Oh Jesus, Oh my poor baby.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': I'm sorry, it was an accident fer chrissake. How long I've been sayin' she shouldn't be on the furniture.

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': It's 'cuz you were fuckin' high Christopher. You and your fuckin' smack fuck lifestyle.

:'''Christopher Moltisanti''': I'll get you another dog.

:'''Adriana La Cerva''': I don't want another dog.

===Calling All Cars===

Line 577 ⟶ 567:

:'''Minn Matrone''': I've been driving since I was a young girl.

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': Horse and buggiesbuggy don't count.

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:'''Silvio Dante''': You have any idea what Albert kicked up last week?

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': Fuck that fuckin' parakeet. I got a relationship with Tony Albert'll never have. No matter how far he sticks his tongue up Tony's ass.

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:'''Paulie Walnuts''': It's your fault anyway. All this shit started with that Russian prick when I had to go pick up your five grand.

:'''Silvio Dante''': You know thingsThings might be a little different, Paulie, if you'd accept some responsibility for a change.

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that?

:'''Silvio Dante''': Ohhhh! I'm just tellin' you how you're bein' fuckin' perceived!

:'''Paulie Walnuts''': Just worry about how you're fuckin' perceived! Nobody knows what the future holds, my friend.

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:'''Carmela Soprano''': You always leave your door open like that?

:'''Meadow Soprano''': I'm cooking, it's hot.

:'''[[w:List of characters from The Sopranos - Friends and Family#Finn DeTrolio|Finn DeTrolio]]''': I'll protect her, don't worry.

Line 627 ⟶ 617:

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:'''Tony Soprano''': Carmela, who the fuck did you think I was when you married me? You knew my father. You grew up around Dickie Moltisanti and your Uncle Eddie. Where do you get off acting all surprised and miffed when there are women on the side? You knew the deal.

:'''Carmela Soprano''': Deal?

:'''Tony Soprano''': And your mother can talk all she wants about what's-his-name and his fucking chain of drug stores. You and I both know that the other boyfriend you were debating marrying was Jerry Toofey, with his father's snow plough business, and we now know that that wouldn't have suited you at all.

:'''Carmela Soprano''': You really don't hear me, do you? You think for me it's all about things.

:'''Tony Soprano''': No, I forced all this shit upon you. What you really crave is a little Hundai and a simple gold heart on a chain.

:'''Carmela Soprano''': You are so fucking hateful.


:'''Carmela Soprano''': Can I tell ya somethin' Tony?

:'''Tony Soprano''': Don't pretend like I got a choice.