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[[File:Polio_vaccination_in_Sweden_1957.jpg|thumb|WhyIt wouldis someone[[courage]] paybased aon huge[[confidence]], feenot [[daring]], and riskit ais longconfidence prisonbased sentenceon to avoid taking a perfectly safe vaccine that will keep him from dying from COVID? Answer[[w: to avoid dying from the vaccineExperience|experience]]. ~ [[W:Steve Kirsch|SteveJonas KirschSalk]]]]

[[File:%27Serum_straight_from_the_horse%27.,_inoculation_caricature_Wellcome_L0009827.jpg|thumb|Vaccination as a deliberate attempt to protect [[humans]] against [[disease]] has a short [[history]] when measured against the thousands of [[years]] that humans have sought to rid themselves of [[w:Plagues|plagues]] and [[w:Pestilence|pestilence]]. Only in the [[w:20th century|20th century]] did the practice flower into the routine vaccination of large populations. Yet, despite its relative youth, the impact of vaccination on the health of the world's peoples is hard to exaggerate. ~ ''Plotkin's Vaccines'']]

[[File:Londre_wellcome_institute_boilly_vaccinee.jpg|thumb|[[Modern]] [[w:Air travel|air travel]] has made [[w:Prophylactic|prophylactic]] vaccination more important than ever, because this mode of transportation has greatly facilitated the spread of contagious pathogens. ~ ''Primer to the Immune Response'']]

[[File:A_doctor_vaccinating_a_small_girl%2C_other_girls_with_loosened_Wellcome_V0016682.jpg|thumb|Vaccinations are a [[w:Cornerstone|cornerstone]] of [[w:Pediatric care|pediatric care]]. [[Traveling]] [[children]] need special [[attention]] to their vaccine status. Updating all routine vaccinations and accelerating those in the primary series should be done if possible. ~ ''Travel Medicine'']]

[[File:Viral myocarditis (1).JPG|thumb|Dr. Tom Shimabukuro said there is an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis with either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, in particular after the second dose of the vaccines. ~ Jack Davis]]

'''[[w:Vaccine|Vaccines]]''' are [[biological]] preparations that provides active acquired [[w:Immunity|immunity]] to a particular [[w:Disease|disease]]. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing [[w:Microorganism|microorganism]] and is often made from [[weakened]] or [[killed]] forms of the [[w:Microbe|microbe]], its [[w:Toxin|toxins]], or one of its [[w:Surface protein|surface proteins]]. The agent stimulates the [[body]]'s [[immune system]] to recognize the agent as a [[threat]], [[w:Destroy|destroy]] it, and to further [[recognize]] and [[destroy]] any of the [[w:Microorganism|microorganisms]] associated with that agent that it may encounter in the [[future]]. In the 2000s, [[vaccine misinformation]] developed, with opponents of vaccination spreading false claims through various media.


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* The [[science]] of inoculation is purely physical in origin, and concerns only the animal body. This latter science will shortly be superseded by a higher technique, but the time is not yet.

** [[Alice Bailey]] in ''Esoteric Healing (A Treatise on the Seven Rays)'' p.322/4 (1953).

* Mainstream publications and regulatory agencies have buckled to public pressure to admit the COVID-19 vaccine can cause injuries such as myocarditis and pericarditis—but until recently, they’ve published little or nothing about the substantial number of people suffering from autoimmune disease after vaccination. However, on July 3, the journal Science published an article confirming that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to autoimmune disorders, such as small fiber neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

** Brenda Baletti, [ After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots], 18 July 2023

* How does [[sleep]] affect immunity during a genuinely ongoing immune response? There are quite a few studies that investigated the effects of sleep on the response to vaccinations used as an experimental model of infection. Intriguingly, these studies consistently demonstrate that sleep enhances the adaptive immune response against the invading antigen. Compared with subjects who stayed awake during the night after a single vaccination against hepatitis A in the morning before, subjects who regularly slept on this first night after vaccination, 4 weeks later, displayed a twofold increase in antigen-specific antibody titres. This study was the first to show in humans that a single night of normal sleep after vaccination strengthens the evolvement of a natural immune response against an invading antigen, to a clinically relevant extent. Subsequent experiments confirmed these effects for repeated inoculations with both hepatitis A and B antigens and showed that the immune-boosting effect of nocturnal sleep was also reflected by a doubling of the number of circulating antigen-specific Th cells that drive the production of hepatitis A and B-specific antibodies (Fig. 4a). The proportion of pro-inflammatory and Th1 cytokine (IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α) producing T cells was also profoundly reinforced by sleep. Importantly, these immuno-enhancing effects of sleep were still present at a 1-year follow-up, indicating that sleep in enhancing the initial formation of an adaptive immune response also supports the long-term maintenance of the antigenic memory, a function hallmarking the immune system.

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* Dr. Tom Shimabukuro said there is an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis with either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, in particular after the second dose of the vaccines.

** Jack Davis, [ Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition], ''The Western Journal'', 21 October 2021

* '''[[Edward R. Murrow]]''': Who owns the patent on this vaccine? <br> '''[[Jonas Salk]]''': Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the [[sun]]?

** [[w:CBS|CBS]] Television interview, on ''[[w:See It Now|See It Now]]'' (12 April 1955); quoted in ''Shots in the Dark : The Wayward Search for an AIDS Vaccine'' (2001) by [[w:Jon Cohen|Jon Cohen]].

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* “There is an expression out there that a failed gene therapy makes a good vaccine,” says Luk Vandenberghe, a viral vector expert at Harvard Medical School. <br> One attractive feature is that adenoviruses’ inflammatory effects mean developers don’t have to use adjuvants, molecules added to conventional vaccines to direct the immune system’s attention to the viral protein. The adenoviruses themselves drive the inflammation, which is kept under control by giving the vaccines at low doses. <br> And all genetic vaccines—DNA vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and adenoviral vector vaccines—mimic a natural viral infection by forcing our bodies to produce viral proteins inside our cells. That spurs the T cells of our immune system to attack these vaccinated cells, and in the process, they learn to seek and destroy cells infected with the real virus in the future. <br> Traditional vaccines, made from weakened viruses or viral proteins, stimulate B cells to make antibodies against the virus. Those antibodies latch onto invading viruses and prevent them from entering our cells. <br> The problem is that once the virus infiltrates our cells, the antibodies from a traditional vaccine are useless. It’s at that stage that T cells need to swoop in. Adenovirus vectors “are the best of all vaccines at inducing a T-cell response,” Wistar’s Ertl says.

** Ryan Cross, [ “Adenoviral vectors are the new COVID-19 vaccine front-runners. Can they overcome their checkered past?”], Vol. 98, Issue 12, (May 12, 2020)


* The MMR vaccine has been linked to autism, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease and other serious chronic stomach problems, epilepsy, brain damage including meningitis, cerebral palsy, pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus, encephalopathy, encephalitis, hearing and vision problems, arthritis, behavioural and learning problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, Guillain-Barre syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), leukaemia, multiple sclerosis, and death.

** Graham E. Ewing, "What is regressive autism and why does it occur? Is it the consequence of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavy metals and the ability to regulate neural temperature?" ''North American Journal of Medical Sciences'' July 2009, pp. [ 28-47]


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* [[Today]]’s best known vaccination success story is the global campaign of the [[w:World Health Organization|World Health Organization]] (WHO) to eradicate [[w:Smallpox|smallpox]]. In 1967, the [[w:WHO|WHO]] began its coordination of 200,000 [[w:Health worker|health workers]] who took 10 years to vaccinate the world’s population in its remotest corners. Between 1976 and 1979, only one case of smallpox was recorded, leading to the declaration in 1980 that smallpox had been officially eradicated (Plate 14-1). A similar global immunization program against [[w:Rinderpest|rinderpest]] is currently pushing this pathogen toward extinction (Box 14-2).

** Tak W. Mak, Mary E. Saunders, Bradley D. Jett; [ “Primer to the Immune Response (Second Edition)”], (2014)

* The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect.

** Robert Mendick, [ AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine worldwide], The Telegraph, 7 May 2024


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* [[Amy Goodman]]: Two hundred thousand Americans needlessly died because they believed disinformation from the far right, you tweeted. However, vaccine hesitancy seems to span the political divide, with left-leaning parents, some refusing to vaccinate themselves or their kids. '''Your message to those who think vaccines are a profit-making mechanism for [[Pharmaceutical industry|Big Pharma]] that will pollute their bodies and irreversibly alter their [[immune system]]’s natural responses?'''

* [[Peter Hotez]]:...'''Vaccines clearly have been profitable for Pfizer and Moderna... but they can still save your life.''' ...And we’ve seen that of those 200,000 Americans who’ve died since June 1, we now know that 85% were unvaccinated, the other 15% split between partially vaccinated and a few full vaccinated, especially if they were immunocompromised or of extremely high age. But, overwhelmingly, it’s the unvaccinated who are losing their lives.

* And, overwhelmingly, that is coming from an aggressive campaign of disinformation, what I call anti-science aggression, coming from the conservative news outlets, coming from the members of Congress. You talked about Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene just being taken off Twitter. That’s in part because she’s been out there at the CPAC conference and elsewhere discrediting vaccines, she and her colleagues. So '''we have about a half a dozen members of the U.S. Congress going out of their way to discredit the safety of vaccines, even saying they’re political instruments of control, or ridiculous things like, “First they’re going to vaccinate you, and then they’re going to take away your guns and your Bibles.” And as absurd as that sounds to us, there’s a fourth of the country that actually believes it, and those are the ones who are not getting vaccinated. And we even have far-right think tanks to give these far-right groups intellectual cover, academic cover. So, this is a whole ecosystem coming from political extremism on the far right, and it’s a killer.''' I’ve written an article called [ “Anti-science kills,”] because now it’s killed 200,000 Americans since last June.

=== "As Omicron Spreads, 100+ Firms in Africa, Asia & Latin America Can Make mRNA Vaccine If Tech Shared" (16 December 2021) ===