The Argonautica (Apollonius, tr. Seaton)/Book 1 - Wikisource, the free online library

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Ἀρχόμενος σέο, Φοῖβε, παλαιγενέων κλέα φωτῶν
μνήσομαι, οἵ Πόντοιο κατὰ στόμα καὶ διὰ πέτρας
Κυανέας βασιλῆος ἐφημοσύνῃ Πελίαο
χρύσειον μετὰ κῶας ἐύζυγον ἤλασαν Ἀργώ.

Beginning with thee, O Phoebus, I will recount the famous deeds of men of old, who, at the behest of King Pelias, down through the mouth of Pontus and between the Cyanean rocks, sped well-benched Argo in quest of the golden fleece.

Τοίην γὰρ Πελίης φάτιν ἔκλυεν, ὥς μιν ὀπίσσω
μοῖρα μένει στυγερή, τοῦδ' ἀνέρος, ὅντιν' ἴδοιτο
δημόθεν οἰοπέδιλον, ὑπ' ἐννεσίῃσι δαμῆναι.
δηρὸν δ' οὐ μετέπειτ' ἐτεὴν[1] κατὰ βάξιν Ἰήσων
χειμερίοιο ῥέεθρα κιὼν διὰ ποσσὶν Ἀναύρου
10ἄλλο μὲν ἐξεσάωσεν ὑπ' ἰλύος, ἄλλο δ' ἔνερθεν
κάλλιπεν αὖθι πέδιλον ἐνισχόμενον προχοῇσιν.
ἵκετο δ' ἐς Πελίην αὐτοσχεδὸν ἀντιβολήσων
εἰλαπίνης, ἣν πατρὶ Ποσειδάωνι καὶ ἄλλοις
ῥέζε θεοῖς, Ἥρης δὲ Πελασγίδος οὐκ ἀλέγιζεν.
αἶψα δὲ τόνγ' ἐσιδὼν ἐφράσσατο, καί οἱ ἄεθλον
ἔντυε ναυτιλίης πολυκηδέος, ὄφρ' ἐνὶ πόντῳ
ἠὲ καὶ ἀλλοδαποῖσι μετ' ἀνδράσι νόστον ὀλέσσῃ.

Such was the oracle that Pelias heard, that a hateful doom awaited him—to be slain at the prompting of the man whom he should see coming forth from the people with but one sandal. And no long time after, in accordance with that true report, Jason crossed the stream of wintry Anaurus on foot, and saved one sandal from the mire, but the other he left in the depths held back by the flood. And straightway he came to Pelias to share the banquet which the king was offering to his father Poseidon and the rest of the gods, though he paid no honour to Pelasgian Hera. Quickly the king saw him and pondered, and devised for him the toil of a troublous voyage, in order that on the sea or among strangers he might lose his home-return.

Νῆα μέν οὖν οἱ πρόσθεν ἐπικλείουιν[2] ἀοιδοὶ
Ἄργον Άθηναίης καμέειν ὑποθημοσύνῃσιν.

The ship, as former bards relate, Argus wrought by the guidance of Athena. But now I will tell the lineage and the names of the heroes, and of the long sea-paths and the deeds they wrought in their wanderings; may the Muses be the inspirers of my song!

First then let us name Orpheus whom once Calliope bare, it is said, wedded to Thracian Oeagrus, near the Pimpleian height. Men say that he by the music of his songs charmed the stubborn rocks upon the mountains and the course of rivers. And the wild oak-trees to this day, tokens of that magic strain, that grow at Zone on the Thracian shore, stand in ordered ranks close together, the same which under the charm of his lyre he led down from Pieria. Such then was Orpheus whom Aeson's son welcomed to share his toils, in obedience to the behest of Cheiron, Orpheus ruler of Bistonian Pieria.

Straightway came Asterion, whom Cometes begat by the waters of eddying Apidanus; he dwelt at Peiresiae near the Phylleian mount, where mighty Apidanus and bright Enipeus join their streams, coming together from afar.

Next to them from Larisa came Polyphemus, son of Eilatus, who aforetime among the mighty Lapithae, when they were arming themselves against the Centaurs, fought in his younger days; now his limbs were grown heavy with age, but his martial spirit still remained, even as of old.

  1. μετέπειτ' ἐτεὴν Merkel: μετέπειτα τεὴν LG.
  2. ἐπικλείουσιν Brunck: ἔτι κλείουσιν MSS.