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Executive Order 10918 of February 16, 1961

Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy

By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1.

There is hereby established the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Committee). The Committee shall be composed of the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Commerce, and nineteen other members who shall be designated by the President from time to time. Of the nineteen designated members, five shall be from the public at large, seven shall be from labor, and seven shall be from management. The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce shall each alternatively serve as chairman of the Committee for periods of one year, the Secretary of Labor to so serve during the first year following the date of this order. ​

Sec. 2.

The Committee shall study, and shall advise with and make recommendations to the President with respect to policies that may be followed by labor management, or the public which will promote free and responsible collective bargaining, industrial peace, sound wage and price policies, higher standards of living, and increased productivity. The Committee shall include among the matters to be considered by it in connection with its studies and recommendations (1) policies designed to ensure that American products are competitive in world markets, and (2) the benefits and problems created by automation and other technological advances. ​

Sec. 3.

All executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government are authorized and directed to cooperate with the Committee and to furnish it such information and assistance, not inconsistent with law, as it may require in the performance of its duties.​

Sec. 4.

Consonant with law, the Department of Labor and the Department of Commerce shall, as may be necessary for the effectuation of the purposes of this order, furnish assistance to the Committee in accordance with section 214 of the act of May 3, 1945, 59 Stat. 134 (31 U.S.C. 691). Such assistance may include detailing employees to the Committee, one of whom may serve as executive officer of the Committee, to perform such functions, consistent with the purposes of this order, as the Committee may assign to them, and shall include the furnishing of necessary office space and facilities to the Committee by the Department of Labor.​

Signature of John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

The White House,

February 16, 1961.