Popular Science Monthly/Volume 37/August 1890/Obituary Notes - Wikisource, the free online library

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Dr. Herman Shultz, Director of the Observatory and Professor of Astronomy at Upsala from 1878 to 1888, died in Stockholm May 8th. Of his numerous astronomical publications, the best known is Micrometrical Observations on five hundred nebulæ, which was published in England in 1874.

Prof. W. K. Sullivan, President of Queen's College, Cork, well known as a chemist, died May 12th, aged sixty-eight years. He succeeded Sir Robert Kane to the presidency of the college in 1872.

Mr. John Gunn, of Norwich, an English geologist of local reputation, died during the last week in May, in his eighty-ninth year. He was regarded as the chief authority on the formation known as the Cromer Forest Bed, and a most indefatigable and successful collector of its organic contents, and had an extensive knowledge of all the geological formations of East Anglia. He was also interested in antiquarian research. He made a fine collection of fossils illustrating especially the Pliocene mammalian life of England, and presented it to the Norfolk and Norwich Museum, where it occupies the "Gunn Room."

Mr. W. S. Dallas, Assistant Secretary, etc., to the Geological Society of London, and editor of its Quarterly Journal, died May 28th, aged sixty-six years. In early life he became interested in zoölogy, more particularly in the study of insects, relative to which he published many papers in the Transactions of the Entomological Society. In 1851-'52 he published a catalogue of the hemipterous insects in the British Museum, and in 1856 a Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. His later labors were in the direction of scientific literature rather than of original research—of translating, editing, etc.

The death is announced of Dr. F. Soltnedel, Director of the Botanical Station at Samarang, in Java. He was conspicuous in the field of applied botany.

Dr. Karl Jacob Loenig, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Breslau, and author of several eminent works on chemistry, died March 27th, in his eighty-eighth year.

Victor, Ritter von Zepharovich, Professor of Mineralogy at the German University of Prague, died February 24th. He was author of the Mineralogical Dictionary of the Austrian Empire, and of many valuable mineralogical and crystallographical works. He was fifty-nine years of age.

Dr. Karl Emil von Schafhäutl, Professor of Geology, Mining, and Metallurgy in the University of Munich, died in February last, in the eighty-seventh year of his age. He was an eminent physicist and geologist, and a theoretical musician of some note, and was keeper of the geognostic collection of the Bavarian state, and a member of the Academy of Sciences.

The death is announced of M. Soret, an eminent chemist and physicist, of Geneva, Switzerland. He was associated with Regnault in his researches on vapors and determinations of the specific heats of the gases. He afterward published in Switzerland a work on the density of ozone, and investigated the rotatory polarization of quartz. Another of his publications relates to the cause of the blue coloration of the Lake of Geneva.