Wild Weasel mission 5 November 1967

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00:00 We have a 21 behind us...

00:04 OK you've got one at your six; break right, break right Buick!

00:12 Ugg...Ugg...

00:15 He's firing. Ok, he's shooting. Keep right on the trees Buick 2

00:25 ???? tanks?, that's affirm

00:35 What's your heading Buick 2?

00:40 Trying to get out to the water (140 degrees magnetic heading; Tonkin Gulf). I can't find if the guy is still behind me.
– I don't see him either.

00:45 Keep right on the trees and keep moving

00:46 Are you in burner?

00:55 OK Buick, I think they are breaking off the to right; are you in burner?

01:03 I thought I saw somethin' go past this xxxxx canopy!

01:15 What's your heading Buick 2? Whats your altitude Buick 2? I don't have you in sight. Buick 2, you on the deck?
– I'm right on the treetops.

01:27 OK, I've got me one baby! Buick 2 says "Shit Hot"

01:32 I'm right on his ass.
– Get'm Get'm

01:57 OK, I missed him, I'm going back to the deck.
– Roger

02:04 Are you out over the water, yet, Buick 2?
– Yeah. I don't think I will make it to the tanker, but I will make it a bloody good show.

02:23 You want to go up the east side of the Ridge, Dick.

02:26 Ah xxxx, looks like a valid Launch, take it down

02:35 In the grass, pilots

02:42 Where is it coming from?
– Don't know yet.
– Out of the target area.

02:48 Mombo's got bogies; Mombo's headed south east down the ridge.

02:57 Mombo's got two good bomb hits

03:09 Marlin Lead is hit.

03:12 Keep it going Sparks

03:16 OK we've got one of our guys low at…

03:30 You're doing good Sparky

03:32 Red Dog 3 and 4, you going down the Ridge now?

03:35 Take it down. Anybody at the north end of the ridge, there's a SAM coming at you.

03:40 Thats an airplane on fire.

03:48 Keep going Dick, babe

03:51 Disregard the Launch

04:04 Mayday, this is Red Dog 4; I've got a fire…

04:12 Turn left a little bit into the sun

04:23 Did you just shoot off your Shrikes?
– Yes
– Well that is you that is torching

04:30 I'm about to lose control of it

04:39 Turn left 20 degrees, I'll tell you when to roll out.

04:42 You are doing good Sparky

04:45 Lead's got you in sight, 3 and 4 go ahead and head for the River.

04:54 I'm going burner

05:03 Red Dog has only guns now

05:09 Better alert SAR now, I don't think he will make it all the way?

05:18 I'd leave the AB off, Dick, just put the nose down and try to get the speed up, try to burn it out

05:25 277 (magnetic) is the heading

05:39 I've lost my rudder pedals

05:50 Red Dog 4 is about to lose control

05:52 Bullseye xx 050

05:56 I've got a xxx SAM, 9 o'clock

06:06 Someone else in the Force hit?

06:53 Woooo Woooo Wooo

07:06 OK Sparky…

07:15 Two chutes in sight, Red Dog 4

07:31 Cobiel OK, Cobiel OK

08:30 Keep it going Sparky

08:39 Bail out, Bailout, get out of it Sparky

09:15 Have three chutes in sight

09:54 Red Dog Lead (and flight) needs a tanker

10:21 I don't think there is any rescue we can do with these guys but I want to see them land

11:04 Red Dog 2's got seven; OK one more circle and we'll head out

11:36 Marlin 3 is hit; Marlin 3 is down below, I followed the aircraft down, it crashed and burned, but I see no chute.

11:56 Our people are drifting down in a Village, about two miles from the smoke.

12:30 Red Dog has 21 20 N, 105 14 E for the position of Red Dog 4

12:45 Red Crown, Red Crown this is Marlin 4 is 85 miles out on the 045 radial, got a good chute.

13:17 I've just crossed the Red, heading 240

14:24 Marlin 6 circling Marlin Lead 2,3,4,5

14:47 Marlin 4 is at 17