User:Ila24/Graffiti wall: Difference between revisions – Travel guide at Wikivoyage

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| content= The facade, tripartite by two pilasters, is made up of three portals, of which the central one is larger but unfinished, and a rose window, a remnant of the ancient Romanesque church, in the center of which is a bas-relief of the Assumption. The two side portals are embellished with high reliefs and two small statues depicting Christ; the left portal is dated 1495. The central portal is a recent work: it is made up of 24 panels that tell evangelical episodes. The bell tower was completed in 1698 by Cardinal Vincenzo Maria Orsini with the construction of the "cipollone"(Big Onion) on its top.<br>[[File:Gravina in Puglia - Cattedrale.JPG|thumb|left|The Cathedral]]<br>Protruding from the left aisle and overhanging the ravine is the so-called big chapel, built in the first half of the 17th century, with two floors. The interior of the church has three naves divided by columns with bare capitals. The ceiling is in carved and gilded wood, in Baroque style: four large canvases were applied to it in the seventeenth century. There are several side chapels, including the one dedicated to the Archangel Michael, patron saint of the city; these chapels are embellished with polychrome marble altars, mostly from the 1700s, and the work of the Neapolitan Francesco Cimafonte. In the presbytery there is an important wooden choir from 1561 and a large organ.

[[File:Gravina in Puglia - Cattedrale.JPG|thumb|left|The Cathedral]]

Protruding from the left aisle and overhanging the ravine is the so-called big chapel, built in the first half of the 17th century, with two floors. The interior of the church has three naves divided by columns with bare capitals. The ceiling is in carved and gilded wood, in Baroque style: four large canvases were applied to it in the seventeenth century. There are several side chapels, including the one dedicated to the Archangel Michael, patron saint of the city; these chapels are embellished with polychrome marble altars, mostly from the 1700s, and the work of the Neapolitan Francesco Cimafonte. In the presbytery there is an important wooden choir from 1561 and a large organ.


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| content= The church has a single nave and preserves the typical 17th century grated women's gallery. After a century there was the need to expand the church by lengthening it on the side of the monastery and rebuilding the two side altars, one dedicated to the Madonna del Rosario and the other to San Domenico di Guzman. In the first years of the 19th century the flooring was redone with majolica tiles and the side altars were covered in marble.<br>[[File:Chiesa S.Maria.jpg|thumb|right|S. Maria delle Domenicane Church]]<br>On the high altar there is a painting of the Assumption of Mary by Carlo Rosa and on the entrance door there is a grated choir loft and an organ dating back to the 18th century. The church has a two-story facade marked by pilasters and a crowning with fittings, two large oval oculi and a tribolated window. In the monastery there were a considerable amount of paintings but a conspicuous part passed into state property after the suppression laws.

[[File:Chiesa S.Maria.jpg|thumb|right|S. Maria delle Domenicane Church]]

On the high altar there is a painting of the Assumption of Mary by Carlo Rosa and on the entrance door there is a grated choir loft and an organ dating back to the 18th century. The church has a two-story facade marked by pilasters and a crowning with fittings, two large oval oculi and a tribolated window. In the monastery there were a considerable amount of paintings but a conspicuous part passed into state property after the suppression laws.


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| content= The church was built as a funeral chapel for the Orsini family between 1649 and 1654 for the celebration of suffrage masses for the souls in purgatory. The church has a characteristic entrance portal with a tympanum on which there are two skeletons.

[[File:Chiesa del Purgatorio (Gravina in Puglia).jpg|thumb|left|Chiesa del Purgatorio]]


[[File:Chiesa del Purgatorio (Gravina in Puglia).jpg|thumb|left|Chiesa del Purgatorio]]

* [[File:Chiesa Madonna delle Grazie (XVI sec.) detta anche dell'Aquila.jpg|thumb|Madonna delle Grazie Church]]{{see

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|lastedit=2023-03-28| content=The tradition speaks of an ancient church, rebuilt in its present form at the end of the 15th century. With a single nave, it retains a gilded wooden ceiling with rosettes, surrounded by a gilded wooden women's gallery. Of extraordinary beauty is the funeral mausoleum which houses the mortal remains of Angela Castriota Scanderberg, descendant of the Albanian hero Giorgio Scandenberg and wife of Duke Ferdinando II Orsini. The monument 6.60 meters high and 3.20 meters wide, carries a double-headed eagle, the coat of arms of Albania, in the middle of each shield. A monastery is annexed to the church of Santa Sofia which housed Poor Clares until the 19th century, when the order was suppressed.

}}[[File:Chiesa di Santa Sofia (Gravina in Puglia)0.jpg|thumb|left|Church of Santa Sofia]]


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|lastedit=2023-03-28| content=The current church dates back to the 1500s, and was built on a pre-existing church from the 1300s. The eighteenth-century bell tower and the cloister stand out.

}}[[File:Chiesa di San Francesco (Gravina in Puglia) 1.jpg|thumb|right|S. Francesco's Church Bell Tower]]


[[File:Chiesa di San Francesco (Gravina in Puglia) 1.jpg|thumb|right|S. Francesco's Church Bell Tower]]

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| content=It is assumed that this church dates back to the 10th century, it is divided into four naves and has an apse located laterally to the entrance. There are some frescoes that are partially visible today.

}}[[File:Il Campanile Chiesa rupestre Madonna della Stella e sullo sfondo la Città.jpg|thumb|left|Madonna Della Stella Belltower]]


[[File:Il Campanile Chiesa rupestre Madonna della Stella e sullo sfondo la Città.jpg|thumb|left|Madonna Della Stella Belltower]]

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| name=Rock Church of Madonna della Stella | alt=Santa Maria della Stella | url= |

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| content=The name derives from a tradition according to which a fresco of the Madonna and Child with a star on her forehead was found there. Probably used in pagan times for a fertility deity, it became a Marian shrine in the 16th century. The church, whose original access was from the Rione Piaggio, is presented in a single room with side benches. The church can now be accessed by skirting the ancient city walls and crossing the 18th century Viadotto bridge.

}}[[File:Chiesa rupestre di San Michele delle Grotte 02.jpg|thumb|right|Rock Churche of San Michele delle Grotte]]


[[File:Chiesa rupestre di San Michele delle Grotte 02.jpg|thumb|right|Rock Churche of San Michele delle Grotte]]

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| content=The church was dug out of a single huge tuff rock probably between the 8th and 10th centuries, it also annexes other small caves near the main hall. In one of these, according to legend, the massacre of the inhabitants of Gravina by the Saracens took place during the third incursion in 999, an event remembered by an epigraph placed on the wall of the same cave. The human skulls and bones are visible there, however, more likely belong to corpses moved here during the 17th-18th century.<br />On May 8th of each year it is the place for the celebration of the Feast of San Michele delle Grotte in memory of the legendary apparition of San Michele in a cave of Monte Sant'Angelo. On this occasion, the inhabitants of the neighborhood decorate the streets with the so-called "balloni".

}}[[File:Gravina in Puglia BW 2016-10-15 17-09-49.jpg|thumb|right|San Vito Vecchio Frescos]]


[[File:Gravina in Puglia BW 2016-10-15 17-09-49.jpg|thumb|right|San Vito Vecchio Frescos]]

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| content=This rock church featured some beautiful late 13th-century frescoes, but the site has been abandoned and used as a waste dump. In 1956 the Italian State acquired the property by detaching the frescoes which are now exhibited in Palazzo Pomarici. The frescoes present a Pantocrator seated on a throne and figures of Saints. Currently available for visits after booking at Gravina's Museum (see "More" section).

}}[[File:Grotte delle sette camere.jpg|thumb|left|Grotte delle sette camere ]]


[[File:Grotte delle sette camere.jpg|thumb|left|Grotte delle sette camere ]]

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| content=It is a double-arched bridge which was erected in 1778 to reach the sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella. It was also used as an aqueduct to supply the city with water. Even today, it connects the two banks of the Gravina stream and is considered as the symbol of the city.

}}[[File:Gravina sotterranea 07.jpg|thumb|left|Gravina Sotterranea|182x182px]]


[[File:Gravina sotterranea 07.jpg|thumb|left|Gravina Sotterranea|182x182px]]

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| hours=It is advised to book your visit online or by calling. | price=

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| content=The subsoil of Gravina is full of karst cavities and tunnels used in the past as cellars and shelters. These spaces are now abandoned, having lost their original use, but a local association takes care of tourist development through private visits. Here hides a different perspective on the city and its soul, explained by the guides who will passionately take you on an exploration.

}}[[File:Gravina in Puglia - CattedraleTorre dell'orologio.JPGjpeg|thumb|left|TheClock CathedralTower|152x152px]]


[[File:Gravina in Puglia - Torre dell'orologio.jpeg|thumb|Clock Tower|152x152px]]

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| content= The toponym Capotenda probably refers to an area where people used to camp, as a way station, as Gravina has always been an important area along historic roads. It is characterized by two parts, a wider and flatter one, closer to the Gravina stream, and a narrower and steeper one, with spectacular rocks that hold containment water tanks. In May it is vary easy to spot the Imperial Raven, if you are into birdwatching.

}}[[File:Le Quattro Fontane (Gravina in Puglia).jpg|thumb|left|Le Quattro Fontane]]


[[File:Le Quattro Fontane (Gravina in Puglia).jpg|thumb|left|Le Quattro Fontane]]

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| content= Located in the vicinity of one of Gravina's entrances. It is a reproduction of a Cola Cola whistle (see "Buy" section)

}}[[File:Gravina in Puglia BW 2016-10-15 16-22-24.jpg|thumb|right|Pope Benedict XVIII Monument]]


[[File:Gravina in Puglia BW 2016-10-15 16-22-24.jpg|thumb|right|Pope Benedict XVIII Monument]]

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| name= Pope Benedict XIII Monument| alt= | url= | email=