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он (won) (??? please indicate transitivity!)

  1. to hit someone or something physically and directly (not by throwing for example)

    кӏалэр дэпкъым ео

    kʼalɛr dɛpqəm jewo
    the boy is hitting the wall. (transitive)

    усэоныу уфая?

    wusɛwonəwu wufaja?
    Do you want me to hit you? (transitive)

    Кӏалэм уемэу

    Kʼalɛm wujemɛwu
    Don't hit the boy. (transitive)

    А кӏалэхэр къуотых

    A kʼalɛxɛr qʷuwotəx
    Those boys will hit you. (transitive)

    Кӏалэр мао

    Kʼalɛr mawo
    The boy is hitting. (intransitive)
  2. to eat with gusto

    нэкӏо пицэ ткъеот

    nɛkʷʼo picɛ tqewot
    Let's eat a pizza! (with gusto) (transitive)

    пицэ укъеота?

    picɛ wuqewota?
    Are you going to eat a pizza? (with gusto) (transitive)

    кӏалэр пицэ ео

    kʼalɛr picɛ jewo
    The boy is eating a pizza (with gusto) (transitive)
  3. to play music

    кӏалэр гитарым къео

    kʼalɛr ɣitarəm qewo
    the boy is playing the guitar (transitive)

    пяноуым шъукъеуа?

    pjanowəm šʷuqewa?
    Do you (plural) play the piano? (transitive)

    пшынэм еу

    pšənɛm jewu
    Play the accordion. (transitive)
  4. to shake (milk)
  5. to shoot (кӏэрахъомкӏэ еон)

    кӏалэр кӏэрахъомкӏэ ео тгъужъым

    kʼalɛr kʼɛraχʷomkʼɛ jewo tğʷuẑəm
    The boy is shooting the wolf with the gun. (transitive)
  6. to spend money thriftily
  7. to sting
  8. to weed
  9. to smoke

    лӏэр хьащищ ео

    lˢʼɛr ḥaśiś jewo
    The man is smoking hashish. (transitive)
  10. (mathematics) to multiply

    щым плӏыкӏэ уеомэ пшӏыкӏутӏу къычӏэкьижьыт

    śəm plˢʼəkʼɛ wujewomɛ pšʼəkʷʼutʷʼu qəĉʼɛkʲiźət
    If you multiply three times four it will make twelve. (transitive)




  1. Cyrillic spelling of on (ten)

From Proto-Turkic *ūn (flour).

Cognate with Kazakh ұн (ūn, flour), Kyrgyz ун (un, flour), Uzbek un (flour), Khakas ун (un, flour), Turkish un (flour).

  • IPA(key): /ʊ̞n/
  • Hyphenation: он (one syllable)

он (on)

  1. flour

    Арыш оно.

    Arış ono.
    Rye flour.

    Баҙарҙан ике тоҡ он һатып алдым.

    Baźarźan ike toq on hatıp aldım.
    I bought two sacks of flour at the marketplace.

    Табаҡҡа биш йомортҡа һытығыҙ, ондо ҡушып болғағыҙ.

    Tabaqqa biş yomortqa hıtığıź, ondo quşıp bolğağıź.
    Crack five eggs into the bowl, add flour and stir.

From Proto-Mongolic *hon.

он (on)

  1. year

From Old East Slavic онъ (onŭ), from Proto-Slavic *onъ.

он (on) (feminine вна́, neuter вно́)

  1. he

    Ани он, ани его сочасникы не поважовали тогочасный церковнославянскый язык за чужородный.

    Any on, any eho sočasnykŷ ne považovaly tohočasnŷj cerkovnoslavjanskŷj jazŷk za čužorodnŷj.
    He or his contemporaries did not consider Church Slavonic of that time as a foreign language.

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten). Cognates include Turkish on, Old Turkic 𐰆𐰣 (on, ten), etc.

он (on)

  1. ten
  • А. Ф. кондияков, В. М. Лемская , Чулымский Язык , Д. Пасечное тюхтетского района красноярского края 2007-2021 гг.

From Proto-Mordvinic *on, from Proto-Finno-Permic *une. Cognates include Finnish and Estonian uni, Livonian u’ņ, Western Mari ом (om).

  This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!

он (on)

  1. dream
    неемс онńejems onto dream (literally, “to see a dream”)
    • 1865, Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann, Das Evangelium des Matthäus ersamordwinisch, page 6:

      Kulomodo meile Irodoń pazoń angelze onsto nejevź Iosifnen Jegipetse.

      After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt.
  2. sleep

о̄н (ōn)

  1. how

From Proto-Mongolic *hon.

он (on) (Clear script spelling ᡆᠨ (on))

  1. year
Karachay-Balkar cardinal numbers
 <  9 10 11  > 
    Cardinal : он (on)
    Ordinal : онунчу (onunçu)

он (on)

  1. ten
Alternative scripts
Arabic ون
İske imlâ اون
Cyrillic он
Latin on
Kazakh cardinal numbers
 <  9 10 11  > 
    Cardinal : он (on)
    Ordinal : оныншы (onynşy)

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten). Cognates include Turkish on, Old Turkic 𐰆𐰣 (on, ten), etc.

он (on)

  1. ten

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten).

он (on)

  1. ten

From Proto-Permic *on, from Proto-Uralic *adema. Cognates include Komi-Zyrian ун (un) and Udmurt ум (um).

  • IPA(key): /ˈon/
  • Hyphenation: он

он (on)

  1. sleep
  2. dream
  • IPA(key): /ˈon/, [ˈo̞n]
  • Hyphenation: он

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.

он (on)

  1. second-person present/future of оз (oz)

From Proto-Permic *on, from Proto-Uralic *adema. Cognates include Hungarian álom and Eastern Mari омо (omo).

он (on)

  1. (dialectal) Alternative form of ун (un, dream)
Declension of он (stem: онм-)
singular plural
nominative он (on) онъяс (onjas)
accusative I* он (on) онъяс (onjas)
II* онмӧс (onmös) онъясӧс (onjasös)
instrumental онмӧн (onmön) онъясӧн (onjasön)
comitative онкӧд (onköd) онъяскӧд (onjasköd)
caritive онтӧг (ontög) онъястӧг (onjastög)
consecutive онла (onla) онъясла (onjasla)
genitive онлӧн (onlön) онъяслӧн (onjaslön)
ablative онлысь (onlyś) онъяслысь (onjaslyś)
dative онлы (only) онъяслы (onjasly)
inessive онмын (onmyn) онъясын (onjasyn)
elative онмысь (onmyś) онъясысь (onjasyś)
illative онмӧ (onmö) онъясӧ (onjasö)
egressive онсянь (onśań) онъяссянь (onjasśań)
approximative онлань (onlań) онъяслань (onjaslań)
terminative онмӧдз (onmödź) онъясӧдз (onjasödź)
prolative I онмӧд (onmöd) онъясӧд (onjasöd)
II онті (onti) онъясті (onjasti)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Possessive declension of он
First person singular
singular plural
nominative онмӧй (onmöj) онъясӧй (onjasöj)
accusative I* онмӧй (onmöj) онъясӧй (onjasöj)
II* онмӧс (onmös) онъясӧс (onjasös)
instrumental оннам (onnam) онъяснам (onjasnam)
comitative онмӧйкӧд (onmöjköd) онъясӧйкӧд (onjasöjköd)
caritive онтӧгым (ontögym) онъястӧгым (onjastögym)
consecutive онмӧйла (onmöjla) онъясӧйла (onjasöjla)
genitive онмӧйлӧн (onmöjlön) онъясӧйлӧн (onjasöjlön)
ablative онмӧйлысь (onmöjlyś) онъясӧйлысь (onjasöjlyś)
dative онмӧйлы (onmöjly) онъясӧйлы (onjasöjly)
inessive онмам (onmam) онъясам (onjasam)
elative онсьым (onśym) онъяссьым (onjasśym)
illative онмам (onmam) онъясам (onjasam)
egressive онсяньым (onśańym) онъяссяньым (onjasśańym)
approximative онланьым (onlańym) онъясланьым (onjaslańym)
terminative онмӧдзым (onmödźym) онъясӧдзым (onjasödźym)
prolative I онмӧдым (onmödym) онъясӧдым (onjasödym)
II онтіым (ontiym) онъястіым (onjastiym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person singular
singular plural
nominative онмыд (onmyd) онъясыд (onjasyd)
accusative I* онмыд (onmyd) онъясыд (onjasyd)
II* онтӧ (ontö) онъястӧ (onjastö)
instrumental оннад (onnad) онъяснад (onjasnad)
comitative онмыдкӧд (onmydköd) онъясыдкӧд (onjasydköd)
caritive онтӧгыд (ontögyd) онъястӧгыд (onjastögyd)
consecutive онмыдла (onmydla) онъясыдла (onjasydla)
genitive онмыдлӧн (onmydlön) онъясыдлӧн (onjasydlön)
ablative онмыдлысь (onmydlyś) онъясыдлысь (onjasydlyś)
dative онмыдлы (onmydly) онъясыдлы (onjasydly)
inessive онмад (onmad) онъясад (onjasad)
elative онсьыд (onśyd) онъяссьыд (onjasśyd)
illative онмад (onmad) онъясад (onjasad)
egressive онсяньыд (onśańyd) онъяссяньыд (onjasśańyd)
approximative онланьыд (onlańyd) онъясланьыд (onjaslańyd)
terminative онмӧдзыд (onmödźyd) онъясӧдзыд (onjasödźyd)
prolative I онмӧдыд (onmödyd) онъясӧдыд (onjasödyd)
II онтіыд (ontiyd) онъястіыд (onjastiyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person singular
singular plural
nominative онмыс (onmys) онъясыс (onjasys)
accusative I* онмыс (onmys) онъясыс (onjasys)
II* онсӧ (onsö) онъяссӧ (onjassö)
instrumental оннас (onnas) онъяснас (onjasnas)
comitative онмыскӧд (onmysköd) онъясыскӧд (onjasysköd)
caritive онтӧгыс (ontögys) онъястӧгыс (onjastögys)
consecutive онмысла (onmysla) онъясысла (onjasysla)
genitive онмыслӧн (onmyslön) онъясыслӧн (onjasyslön)
ablative онмыслысь (onmyslyś) онъясыслысь (onjasyslyś)
dative онмыслы (onmysly) онъясыслы (onjasysly)
inessive онмас (onmas) онъясас (onjasas)
elative онсьыс (onśys) онъяссьыс (onjasśys)
illative онмас (onmas) онъясас (onjasas)
egressive онсяньыс (onśańys) онъяссяньыс (onjasśańys)
approximative онланьыс (onlańys) онъясланьыс (onjaslańys)
terminative онмӧдзыс (onmödźys) онъясӧдзыс (onjasödźys)
prolative I онмӧдыс (onmödys) онъясӧдыс (onjasödys)
II онтіыс (ontiys) онъястіыс (onjastiys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
First person plural
singular plural
nominative онным (onnym) онъясным (onjasnym)
accusative I* онным (onnym) онъясным (onjasnym)
II* оннымӧ (onnymö) онъяснымӧ (onjasnymö)
instrumental оннаным (onnanym) онъяснаным (onjasnanym)
comitative оннымкӧд (onnymköd) онъяснымкӧд (onjasnymköd)
caritive онтӧгным (ontögnym) онъястӧгным (onjastögnym)
consecutive оннымла (onnymla) онъяснымла (onjasnymla)
genitive оннымлӧн (onnymlön) онъяснымлӧн (onjasnymlön)
ablative оннымлысь (onnymlyś) онъяснымлысь (onjasnymlyś)
dative оннымлы (onnymly) онъяснымлы (onjasnymly)
inessive онманым (onmanym) онъясаным (onjasanym)
elative онсьыным (onśynym) онъяссьыным (onjasśynym)
illative онманым (onmanym) онъясаным (onjasanym)
egressive онсяньным (onśańnym) онъяссяньным (onjasśańnym)
approximative онланьным (onlańnym) онъясланьным (onjaslańnym)
terminative онмӧдзным (onmödźnym) онъясӧдзным (onjasödźnym)
prolative I онмӧдным (onmödnym) онъясӧдным (onjasödnym)
II онтіным (ontinym) онъястіным (onjastinym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person plural
singular plural
nominative онныд (onnyd) онъясныд (onjasnyd)
accusative I* онныд (onnyd) онъясныд (onjasnyd)
II* оннытӧ (onnytö) онъяснытӧ (onjasnytö)
instrumental оннаныд (onnanyd) онъяснаныд (onjasnanyd)
comitative онныдкӧд (onnydköd) онъясныдкӧд (onjasnydköd)
caritive онтӧгныд (ontögnyd) онъястӧгныд (onjastögnyd)
consecutive онныдла (onnydla) онъясныдла (onjasnydla)
genitive онныдлӧн (onnydlön) онъясныдлӧн (onjasnydlön)
ablative онныдлысь (onnydlyś) онъясныдлысь (onjasnydlyś)
dative онныдлы (onnydly) онъясныдлы (onjasnydly)
inessive онманыд (onmanyd) онъясаныд (onjasanyd)
elative онсьыныд (onśynyd) онъяссьыныд (onjasśynyd)
illative онманыд (onmanyd) онъясаныд (onjasanyd)
egressive онсяньныд (onśańnyd) онъяссяньныд (onjasśańnyd)
approximative онланьныд (onlańnyd) онъясланьныд (onjaslańnyd)
terminative онмӧдзныд (onmödźnyd) онъясӧдзныд (onjasödźnyd)
prolative I онмӧдныд (onmödnyd) онъясӧдныд (onjasödnyd)
II онтіныд (ontinyd) онъястіныд (onjastinyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person plural
singular plural
nominative онныс (onnys) онъясныс (onjasnys)
accusative I* онныс (onnys) онъясныс (onjasnys)
II* оннысӧ (onnysö) онъяснысӧ (onjasnysö)
instrumental оннаныс (onnanys) онъяснаныс (onjasnanys)
comitative оннымкӧс (onnymkös) онъяснымкӧс (onjasnymkös)
caritive онтӧгныс (ontögnys) онъястӧгныс (onjastögnys)
consecutive оннысла (onnysla) онъяснысла (onjasnysla)
genitive онныслӧн (onnyslön) онъясныслӧн (onjasnyslön)
ablative онныслысь (onnyslyś) онъясныслысь (onjasnyslyś)
dative онныслы (onnysly) онъясныслы (onjasnysly)
inessive онманыс (onmanys) онъясаныс (onjasanys)
elative онсьыныс (onśynys) онъяссьыныс (onjasśynys)
illative онманыс (onmanys) онъясаныс (onjasanys)
egressive онсяньныс (onśańnys) онъяссяньныс (onjasśańnys)
approximative онланьныс (onlańnys) онъясланьныс (onjaslańnys)
terminative онмӧдзныс (onmödźnys) онъясӧдзныс (onjasödźnys)
prolative I онмӧдныс (onmödnys) онъясӧдныс (onjasödnys)
II онтіныс (ontinys) онъястіныс (onjastinys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
  • A. I. Podorova, editor (1948), Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], Syktyvkar: Коми Государственное Издательство, page 143
  • L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 454
Kumyk cardinal numbers
 <  9 10 11  > 
    Cardinal : он (on)
    Ordinal : онунчу (onunçu)

он (on)

  1. ten
Kyrgyz numbers (edit)
 ←  1  ←  9 10 20  →  100  → 
    Cardinal: он (on)
    Ordinal: онунчу (onuncu)

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten). Cognates include Turkish on, Old Turkic 𐰆𐰣 (on, ten), etc.

он (on)

  1. ten

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *onъ.

он (on)

  1. (dialectal) he
    Synonym: (standard) тој (toj)

From Proto-Mordvinic *on, from Proto-Finno-Permic *une. Cognates include Erzya он (on).

  • IPA(key): /ˈon/
  • Rhymes: -on
  • Hyphenation: он

он (on)

  1. sleep
  2. dream
Declension of он
singular plural
(of ...)
(to ...)
(like ...)
(than ...)
(into ...)
(into ...)
(in ...)
(out of ...)
(through ...)
(for ...)
(becoming ...)
(without ...)
Definite declension of он
singular plural
(of ...)
(to ...)
  • V. I. Shchankina (1993) “он”, in Мокшень-рузонь валкс [Moksha-Russian dictionary], Saransk: MKI, →ISBN, page 108

Inherited from Classical Mongolian ᠣᠨ (on, year), from Middle Mongol ᠣᠨ (ʾwn /⁠hon⁠/, year), ꡜꡡꡋ (hon /⁠hon⁠/, year), from Proto-Mongolic *hon. Cognate with Khitan 𘮗 (*po /⁠po⁠/, time). Compare also Jurchen [Term?], Manchu ᡶᠣᠨ (fon, time).

он (on)

  1. year

This noun needs an inflection-table template.

From Proto-Turkic *ōn.

он (on)

  1. ten
  • N. A. Baskakov, S.A Kalmykov, editor (1963), “он”, in Nogajsko-Russkij Slovarʹ [Nogai-Russian Dictionary], Moscow: karačajevo-čerkesskij naučno- issledovatelʹskij institut jazyka, literatury i istorii, →ISBN
Northern Altai cardinal numbers
 <  9 10 11  > 
    Cardinal : он (on)
    Ordinal : онынджы, онынчы (onïndžï, onïnčï)

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten).

он (on)

  1. ten
  • N. A. Baskakov, editor (1985), “он”, in Severnyje Dialekty Altajskovo( Ojrotskovo) Jazyka- Dialekt Lebedinskix Tatar-čalkancev(kuu-kiži) [Northern Altai language-Dialect of Chelkan], Moskva: glavnaja redakcija vostočnoj literatury, →ISBN
  • N. A Baskakov, editor (1972), “он”, in Severnyje dialekty Altajskovo (Ojrotskovo Jazyka- Dialekt kumandincev(Kumandin Kiži) [Northern Dialect of Altai -Kumandin Dialect(Kumandin kiži)], Moskva: glavnaja redakcija vostočnoja literatury, →ISBN

Inherited from Old East Slavic онъ (onŭ), from Proto-Slavic *onъ.

он (on) (feminine counterpart она́, neuter counterpart оно́)

  1. third-person masculine singular pronoun: he, it.
    • 1891, Владимир Короленко, chapter I, in Тени (Фантазия); English translation from Thomas Seltzer, transl., The Shades, a Phantasy, 1907:

      Он плоди́т недоуме́ния, он разруша́ет мне́ния, твё́рдо устано́вленные века́ми, он говори́т о но́вых доброде́телях, кото́рые на́до познава́ть и разы́скивать, он говори́т о божестве́, кото́рое нам ещё́ неве́домо.

      On plodít nedouménija, on razrušájet mnénija, tvjórdo ustanóvlennyje vekámi, on govorít o nóvyx dobrodételjax, kotóryje nádo poznavátʹ i razýskivatʹ, on govorít o božestvé, kotóroje nam ješčó nevédomo.
      He has wrought confusion, he overthrows beliefs that have existed since the beginning, he speaks of new virtues which must be recognised and sought for, he speaks of a Divinity hitherto unknown to us.
  • Whenever a preposition stands immediately before any of the oblique cases of the third-person pronoun (singular or plural) and directly governs it, then an н- (n-) must be prefixed to the pronoun: от него́ (ot nevó, from him); на нём (na njom, on him); у него́ (u nevó, he has); к нему́ (k nemú, to him); с ним (s nim, with him).
  • This comes from Proto-Slavic prepositions such as *sъ(n) (with) (compare Ancient Greek σύν (sún) and Latin cum), that originally ended in -n and governed oblique cases. Since the prepositions and the pronouns occurred together so often, it was easy to lose track of which word the final -n belonged to, and so it was reinterpreted as part of the pronouns; compare Old English an, which was reinterpreted in the same way. Proto-Slavic *sъ(n) *jьmi became modern Russian с ни́ми (s ními), and this rule was extended to all prepositions governing any third-person pronoun.
  • Note that if the preposition does not directly govern его́ (jevó) (i.e., when его́ (jevó) is a possessive pronoun), then н- (n-) is not added: у его́ бра́та (u jevó bráta, at his brother's); от его́ ма́тери (ot jevó máteri, from his mother); в его́ ко́мнате (v jevó kómnate, in his room).
  • When there is another word separating a preposition and any oblique case of он (on), then н- (n-) is not added: у самого́ его́ (u samovó jevó, with him himself).

Declension of Russian personal pronouns

singular plural reflexive
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
m n f
nominative я
genitive меня́
его́2, него́2 3
(jevó, nevó)
её4, неё3 4
(jejó, nejó)
их, них3
(ix, nix)
dative мне
ему́, нему́3
(jemú, nemú)
ей, ней3
(jej, nej)
им, ним3
(im, nim)
accusative меня́
его́2, него́2 3
(jevó, nevó)
её, неё3
(jejó, nejó)
их, них3
(ix, nix)
instrumental мной, мно́ю5
(mnoj, mnóju)
тобо́й, тобо́ю5
(tobój, tobóju)
им, ним3
(im, nim)
ей, ней3, е́ю5, не́ю3 5
(jej, nej, jéju, néju)
и́ми, ни́ми3
(ími, ními)
собо́й, собо́ю5
(sobój, sobóju)
prepositional 6 мне
  1. Archaic feminine form: оне́ (oné).
  2. The letter г (g) in the genitive/accusative case ending is pronounced as /v/.
  3. The alternative forms starting with н- (n-) are used after a preposition.
  4. Archaic forms: ея́ (jejá), нея́ (nejá).
  5. Instrumental forms ending in (-ju) are either dated, poetic, or dialectal.
  6. The prepositional case is never used without a preposition.

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *onъ.

о̑н (Latin spelling ȏn)

  1. he

    Inflection of 3rd-person pronouns

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten). Cognates include Turkish on, Old Turkic 𐰆𐰣 (on, ten), etc.

он (on)

  1. ten

* Шорско-русский и русско-шорский словарь 1993

Southern Altai cardinal numbers
 <  9 10 11  > 
    Cardinal : он (on)
    Ordinal : онынчы (onïnčï)
    Collective : ону (onu)

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten). Cognate with Kazakh он (on), Kumyk он (on), Azerbaijani on Turkish on, Shor он, etc.

он (on)

  1. ten

Inherited from Classical Persian آن (ān), from Middle Persian 𐭠𐭭 (ān).

он (on) (Persian spelling آن)

  1. that

он (on) (Persian spelling آن)

  1. that
  2. it
  3. she
  4. he
Tuvan cardinal numbers
 <  9 10 11  > 
    Cardinal : он (on)
    Ordinal : онгу (ongu)

From Proto-Turkic *ōn (ten). Cognate with Turkish on.

он (on)

  1. ten