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From Old Japanese いだす (idasu), the causative form of 出づ (idu) Ultimately from Proto-Japonic *intasu.

First cited to the Man'yōshū of circa 759 CE.[1]

  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of 「出す
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
出す [dáꜜsù]
Imperative (命令形) 出せ [dáꜜsè]
Key constructions
Passive 出される され [dàsáréꜜrù]
Causative 出させる させ [dàsáséꜜrù]
Potential 出せる [dàséꜜrù]
Volitional 出そう [dàsóꜜò]
Negative 出さない ない [dàsáꜜnàì]
Negative perfective 出さなかった なかった [dàsáꜜnàkàttà]
Formal 出します しま [dàshímáꜜsù]
Perfective 出した した [dáꜜshìtà]
Conjunctive 出して して [dáꜜshìtè]
Hypothetical conditional 出せば せば [dáꜜsèbà]

() (dasutransitive godan (stem () (dashi), past ()した (dashita))

Japanese verb pair
active 出す
mediopassive 出る
  1. to take out, to get out
  2. to put forth; to show or reveal
    gū o dasu
    to play rock [in rock-paper-scissors]
    kekka o dasu
    to yield results
    kotae o dasu
    to produce an answer
    erā o dasu
    to spit out an error message
    oto o dasu
    to sound, to emit a sound, to produce a sound, to strike a note
  3. to submit, to turn in
    purinto o dasu
    to turn in the worksheet
  4. to publish, to make public
  5. to demonstrate, to show
    yaru ki o dasu
    to demonstrate motivation
    • 2011, Barack Obama, 中東と北アフリカに関するバラク・オバマの演説, translation of "Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa":
      Shiria kokumin wa yūki o dashite, minshushugi e no ikō o yōkyū shita.
      The Syrian people have shown their courage in demanding a transition to democracy.
  6. to send something, like a letter
    tegami o dasu
    to post a letter
  7. to begin, give rise to
  8. to permeate
  9. (of food) to serve
    Ano resutoran wa ii shokuji o dasu.
    That restaurant serves good meals.
  10. to emit (light), to utter (a sound or a voice)
    koe o dasu
    to speak
    oto o dasu
    to make a sound
  11. (vulgar) (specifically) to ejaculate

() (-dasugodan (stem () (-dashi), past ()した (-dashita))

  1. to begin to do something
    to begin to move
  2. (with movement verbs) out
    to jump out, to fly out
Katsuyōkei ("stem forms")
Mizenkei ("imperfective") 出さ ださ dasa
Ren’yōkei ("continuative") 出し だし dashi
Shūshikei ("terminal") 出す だす dasu
Rentaikei ("attributive") 出す だす dasu
Kateikei ("hypothetical") 出せ だせ dase
Meireikei ("imperative") 出せ だせ dase
Key constructions
Passive 出される だされる dasareru
Causative 出させる
Potential 出せる だせる daseru
Volitional 出そう だそう dasō
Negative 出さない ださない dasanai
Negative continuative 出さず ださず dasazu
Formal 出します だします dashimasu
Perfective 出した だした dashita
Conjunctive 出して だして dashite
Hypothetical conditional 出せば だせば daseba
Stem forms
Irrealis (未然形) 出さ いださ idasa
Continuative (連用形) 出し いだし idasi
Terminal (終止形) 出す いだす idasu
Attributive (連体形) 出す いだす idasu
Realis (已然形) 出せ いだせ idase
Imperative (命令形) 出せ いだせ idase
Key constructions
Negative 出さず いださず idasazu
Contrasting conjunction 出せど いだせど idasedo
Causal conjunction 出せば いだせば idaseba
Conditional conjunction 出さば いださば idasaba
Past tense (firsthand knowledge) 出しき いだしき idasiki
Past tense (secondhand knowledge) 出しけり いだしけり idasikeri
Perfect tense (conscious action) 出しつ いだしつ idasitu
Perfect tense (natural event) 出しぬ いだしぬ idasinu
Perfect-continuative tense 出せり
Volitional 出さむ いださむ idasamu
  1. ^ ”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[1] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006
  2. ^ Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1974), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Second edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō
  3. ^ Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN