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Note different composition due to different forms of , namely (in some Japanese fonts more resembles ).

(Kangxi radical 63, +4, 8 strokes, cangjie input 竹尸竹一中 (HSHML), four-corner 72221, composition (GTK) or (J))

  • Kangxi Dictionary: page 415, character 16
  • Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 11715
  • Dae Jaweon: page 760, character 2
  • Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 3, page 2259, character 1
  • Unihan data for U+6240
simp. and trad.
alternative forms
Old Chinese
*kʷaːs, *ɡʷaːʔ
*qʰʷaːʔ, *qʰʷaːs, *ɡʷaːʔ
*skʰraʔ, *sqʰraʔ

Phono-semantic compound (形聲形声, OC *sqʰraʔ) : phonetic (OC *ɡʷaːʔ) + semantic (axe) – the sound of logging (the definition given in Shuowen).

From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *s/k-ra (place) (STEDT; Schuessler, 2007). Cognate with Burmese ရာ (ra, place).

Baxter and Sagart (2014) relates it to (OC *t.qʰaʔ, “to be at”), (OC *t.qʰaʔ-s, “place”), (OC *qʰ(r)aʔ, “place”).

Note: su3 - used in 無所謂.


  • sū - literary;
  • nē̤ - vernacular.

  • Dialectal data

BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
Reading # 1/2 2/2
suǒ suǒ
‹ srjoX › ‹ xuX ›
/*s-qʰ<r>aʔ/ /*qʰaʔ/
English place (n.); that which 所所 = 許許 = 滸滸 sound of hewing wood

Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system:

* Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence;
* Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p;
* Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix;
* Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary;

* Period "." indicates syllable boundary.

Zhengzhang system (2003)
Reading # 1/1
No. 5306
MC rime

  1. (in compounds) place; location
      ―  zhùsuǒ  ―  residence
      ―  suǒ  ―  toilet
      ―  shàosuǒ  ―  (military) post
  2. establishment for a particular function; institution
    派出  ―  pàichūsuǒ  ―  local police station
      ―  suǒzhǎng  ―  head of an establishment
    病毒  ―  bìngdú suǒ  ―  institute of virology
  3. Classifier for buildings, schools, hospitals, etc.all nouns using this classifier
  4. Prefix attached to verbs to form noun phrases, indicating the patient of the verb, similar to a passive participle.
      ―  suǒ  ―  what one uses; what one relies on; means > the reason why > therefore
      ―  suǒ  ―  income (literally, "what is gained")
    見即见即  ―  suǒjiànjísuǒ  ―  what you see is what you get
      ―  suǒcháng  ―  forte (what one is good at)
      ―  suǒwèi  ―  to be irrelevant (literally, "to not [have or be] what one can refer to [as]")
    電腦电脑  ―  suǒ yòng de diànnǎo  ―  the computer used by you
    不知  ―  bùzhī suǒ yún  ―  do not know what is said
  5. Used with (wéi) or (bèi) to form the passive voice.



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(Third grade kyōiku kanji)

Kanji in this term
Grade: 3

From Middle Chinese (MC srjoX).

(しょ) (-sho

  1. places

(しょ) (sho-

  1. forms passive participles

Derived terms

(しょ) (-sho

  1. place

Derived terms

Kanji in this term
Grade: 3
Alternative spelling


From Old Japanese. First attested in the Kojiki of 712 CE.[2] From Proto-Japonic *təkərə. Likely cognate with (toko, raised area; bed).

A surface analysis suggests that this could be an ancient compound of ⟨to1 (Proto-Japonic *to (place), as in ⟨ato1, “footprint, track”, from “foot place, where one has stepped”) + ⟨ko2 (noun-forming suffixing element denoting “place”, as in ここ ⟨ko2ko2, “here”, from “this place”) + ⟨ro2 (noun-forming suffixing element, apparently indicating within a general area, possibly as in ⟨ko2ko2ro2, “heart, mind, emotions”, ⟨ko2ro2, “general span of time, around a certain time”, うつろ ⟨uturo2, “hollowness, empty interior”). (Can this(+) etymology be sourced?)

The odaka version is used when:

  • it is preceded by a modifier, such as in 山田さんの所に (Yamada-san no tokoro ni, at Yamada-san's place)
  • it appears as a grammatical element, such as in ところが (tokoro ga, however) or ところで (tokoro de, by the way)

(ところ) (tokoro

  1. a place, a scene, a site; an address
    Tōi tokoro ni itte mitai.
    I want to go to a faraway place.
    Ano mado no tokoro ni iru hito wa dare?
    Who is the person by that window?
    iya na tokoro o naosu
    to change the unpleasant part/aspect (of one's personality)
  2. a figurative place that facilitates or promotes something; a point in time or state of affairs
    genzai no tokoro taiō shite orimasen
    As of now, it is unsupported. (literally, "(At the) present's time, compatability being done is not available.")
  3. a state of being
    1. (after a plain verb) about to
      Eiga o mi ni iku tokoro datta.
      I was about to go to a movie.
      Wasureru tokoro datta.
      I was on the brink of forgetting.
    2. (after a verb in the past tense) just
      Eki ni tsuita tokoro desu.
      I just arrived at the station.
    3. (after a verb in the progressive ている) indicates the current state, or how you have progressed so far in a chain of actions
      Ima, keigo o benkyō shite iru tokoro desu.
      I'm now learning polite language.
    4. (after a verb in the past tense) at that point in time, upon
      Shirabeta tokoro nanimo mitsukaranakatta.
      Upon looking into it, I found nothing.
  4. (literary, calque of Literary Chinese (suǒ)) Attaches to verbs to form noun phrases, meaning the object of that verb.
    Nozomu tokoro da.
    Just what I wanted. (said in response to an opponent's proposed challenge)
    Onore no hossezaru tokoro, hito ni hodokosu koto nakare
    What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others (kundoku form of 己所不欲,勿施於人)

Derived terms

Kanji in this term
Grade: 3
Alternative spelling

Listed in some sources as an abbreviation of tokoro above.[6][3][7] However, this is also listed as cognate with (toko, raised area; bed),[6] which term already appears in use as far back as the Kojiki (712 CE), one of the oldest Japanese texts.[8]

(とこ) (toko

  1. (informal, spoken) Alternative form of (tokoro)
Kanji in this term

Grade: 3
Alternative spelling


From Old Japanese, from Proto-Japonic *to. Appears mainly as an affixing element indicating place, as in (ato, after; behind; the back of something), from (ato, footprint, track), itself a compound of (a, foot) + (to, place); or in 留まる (todomaru, to stop in a place), itself a compound of (to, place) + とまる (tomaru, to stop).

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. Particularly: “See talk.”)

() (to

  1. place

Derived terms

  1. ^ ”, in 漢字ぺディア [Kanjipedia]‎[1] (in Japanese), The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, 2015–2024
  2. ^ 所・処”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[2] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  4. 4.0 4.1 NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, editor (1998), NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 [NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary] (in Japanese), Tokyo: NHK Publishing, Inc., →ISBN
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1997), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Fifth edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  6. 6.0 6.1 Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  7. ^ Matsumura, Akira (1995) 大辞泉 [Daijisen] (in Japanese), First edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  8. ^ ”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[3] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. Particularly: “Middle Korean readings, if any”)


(eumhun (ba so))

  1. hanja form? of (place)

(Third grade kyōiku kanji)

(とぅくる) (tukuru

  1. area, location, spot

(しゅ) (-shu

  1. place, field

: Hán Nôm readings: sỡ, sở, sớ, sửa, thửa

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.