-ka - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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  1. Used to form adverbs from nouns.
    tarte (gap, interval) + ‎-ka → ‎tarteka (intermittently)
    1. looking for
      ote (gorse, furze) + ‎-ka → ‎oteka (looking for gorse)
    2. divided in, distributed in
      talde (group) + ‎-ka → ‎taldeka (in groups)


  1. progressive tense marker
    nuiraka : I am drinking
  • Swintha Danielsen, Tania Granadillo, Agreement in two Arawak languages, in The Typology of Semantic Alignment (edited by Mark Donohue, Søren Wichmann) (2008, →ISBN), page 398

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ъka.

-ka f (noun-forming suffix)

  1. appended to words to create a feminine version of a noun, especially a profession, origin, or proper name
    lékař + ‎-ka → ‎lékařka

-ka f or m anim (noun-forming suffix)

  1. appended to words to create a diminutive form of a noun
    vlna + ‎-ka → ‎vlnka
  • -ka in Slovník afixů užívaných v češtině, 2017

From Proto-Finnic *-ka, from Proto-Uralic *-ka. Originally probably an emphatic particle.

-ka (front vowel harmony variant -kä, linguistic notation -kA) (enclitic particle)

  1. (non-productive) Used for emphasis or for prosodic purposes
    1. (non-productive) Extends monosyllabic stems to avoid words with only a single light syllable.
      jo-joka, ku-kuka, mi-mi
  • This suffix is no longer productive.
  • In some words the suffix may appear as -kka; this is either due to the previous word incurring gemination, or from an earlier -hka (with a preceding -h-).

From Proto-Finno-Ugric. Compare Finnish -kka.


  1. (diminutive suffix) Added to a word to express smallness, youth, unimportance, or endearment. When added to present participles, it can also express the instrument or place of the action indicated in the base word.
    cukor (sugar) + ‎-ka → ‎cukorka (candy)
    asztal (table) + ‎-ka → ‎asztalka (small table)
    jár (to walk)járó (walking)járóka (playpen)
  • (diminutive suffix) Variants:
    -ka is added to back-vowel words
    -ke is added to front-vowel words

From Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *ka.


  1. Second-person absolutive enclitic personal pronoun; you
    Napankan?Did you go already?
    Estudianteka.You are a student.
  2. Fused enclitic with first-person singular agent and second-person singular patient; fuses -ko (I, my) and -ka (you)
    Ay-ayatenka.I love you.
    Estudianteka.You are my student.

Ilocano personal pronouns

Person Number Absolutive Ergative Oblique Possessive
Disjunctive Enclitic Enclitic3 bági form kukua form
First singular siak -ak -ko, -k kaniak bagik kukuak, kuak
dual data, sita1 -ta kaniata, kadata bagita kukuata
plural inclusive datayo, sitayo1 -tayo, -tay kaniatayo, kadatayo bagitayo kukuatayo
plural exclusive dakami, sikami1 -kami, -kam -mi kaniami, kadakami bagimi kukuami
Second singular sika -ka -mo, -m kaniam, kenka bagim kukuam
plural dakayo, sikayo1 -kayo, -kay -yo kaniayo, kadakayo bagiyo kukuayo
Third singular isu, isuna Ø2 -na kaniana, kenkuana bagina kukuana
plural isuda -da kaniada, kadakuada bagida kukuada
1Regional variants.
2Null morpheme. There is no absolutive enclitic for the third person singular pronoun. The disjunctives isu or isuna may also be used.
3Ergative enclitics are also used as possessive markers.

Fused enclitics

Actor Patient
siak data datayo dakami sika dakayo isu5 isuda
siak bagik4 -ka -kayo -ko, -k -ko ida, -k ida
data bagita4 -ta -ta ida
datayo bagitayo4 -tayo -tayo ida
dakami bagimi4 -daka -dakayo -mi -mi ida
sika -nak -nakami bagim4 -mo, -m -mo ida, -m ida
dakayo -dak -data -dakami bagiyo4 -yo -yo ida
isu -nak -nata -natayo -nakami -naka -nakayo bagina4, -na -na ida
isuda -dak -data -datayo -dakami -daka -dakayo -da bagida4, -da ida
4Reflexive pronouns use the bagí form.
5 isu or isuna may also be added after the enclitics in this column.

From Proto-Finnic *-ka. Cognates include Finnish -ka.

-ka (front-vowel variant -kä)

  1. Used to turn a clause interrogative.
  2. Used after negative verbs to join two verb clauses: neither, nor, and not
  • In the interrogative function, when added to verbs, -ka is only used after the consonant -t. Otherwise, the reduced form -k or its alternative form -ko/-kö is used.
  • In the joining function, an alternative -k is (rarely) also used.

-ka (front vowel variant -kä)

  1. (unproductive) Used in some words to introduce an interrogative aspect.
    Proto-Finnic *mi- + ‎-ka → ‎mikä
    Proto-Finnic *ku- + ‎-ka → ‎kuka
  2. (unproductive) Used in some words to introduce a negative aspect.

Akin to dialectal Finnish -kaa and Estonian -ga.

-ka (front vowel variant -kä)

  1. (chiefly Ala-Laukaa) Used to form the comitative case when added to a genitive of a noun.
  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 118


  1. Rōmaji transcription of


  1. first person singular accusative enclitic


  1. perfective aspect enclitic

Kambera pronominal clitics

From Proto-Slavic *-ъka.

-ka f

  1. added to masculine nouns to form a feminine
  2. added to feminine nouns to form a diminutive

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ъka.

-ka f

  1. feminine noun suffix
    ambroże + ‎-ka → ‎ambrożka

-ka n

  1. inflection of -ko:
    1. genitive singular
    2. nominative/vocative plural

Inherited from Old Polish -ka, from Proto-Slavic *-ъka.

  • IPA(key): /ka/
  • Rhymes: -a
  • Syllabification: ka

-ka f

  1. feminine noun suffix
    Synonym: -na
    Azjata + ‎-ka → ‎Azjatka
  2. diminutive noun suffix
    część + ‎-ka → ‎cząstka

-ka n

  1. inflection of -ko:
    1. genitive singular
    2. nominative/vocative plural
  • -ka in Polish dictionaries at PWN

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ъka.

-ka (Cyrillic spelling -ка)

  1. Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, denoting a part, profession, feature, membership, origin, social status, complexion, proper name, abstract noun or animal's name.

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ъka.


  1. denotes that the word is a feminine version of the word it is appended to
    Talian m (Italian (man)) + -ka = Talianka f (Italian (woman))
  2. sometimes denotes a word as a diminutive
    mucha f (fly) + -ka = muška f (small fly)

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ъka.

-ka f

  1. forms feminine nouns, sometimes diminutive in nature
    bednorz + ‎-ka → ‎bednorka
    jagôda + ‎-ka → ‎jagódka

-ka (feminine -ta)

  1. The masculine definite article; the
  • This form is used after the consonants -b, -d, -f, -l, -n, -r, -s and -sh.
  • After words ending in -g, -aa, -i, -y and -w, the form -ga is used.
  • Puglielli, Annarita, Mansuur, Cabdalla Cumar (2012) “ka”, in Qaamuuska Af-Soomaliga[1], Rome: RomaTrE-Press, →ISBN


  1. Alternative form of -ika used in some verbs ending in -ia, in all verbs ending in -e, in conversive verbs ending in -oa, or -ua, in all words ending in -i, and in nouns and adjectives ending in -u
    -sikia (to hear) + ‎-ka → ‎-sikika (to audible)
    -fungua (to open) + ‎-ka → ‎-funguka (to be opened)
    shughuli (occupation, trade) + ‎-ka → ‎-shughulika (to be busy)

From Proto-Slavic *-ъka.


  1. added to masculine nouns to form a feminine
  2. added to feminine nouns to form a diminutive

From kaaz, kaa. Compare Estonian -ga, Ingrian -ka.


  1. Forms the comitative case to mean "with" (accompanying, implement, etc.); added to the genitive forms.

This suffix is not subject to vowel harmony.

Variant orthographies
ALIV -ka
Brazilian standard -ka
New Tribes -ca

Cognate to Kari'na ka (to take away, to deprive of, verb), Trió -ka (privative verbalizer).


  1. forms privative transitive verbs from nouns, with a meaning of ‘to deprive of X’, ‘to extract X from’, ‘to X away’: dis-, ex-

This suffix exists in related languages but is rare in spontaneous speech and possibly non-productive in Ye'kwana. When it does occur, it can trigger syllable reduction and in some cases become -kkwa.

From Proto-Cariban *-ka (suffix forming allative postpositions).


  1. forms allative or locative postpositions: to, at


  1. allomorph of -a (nonpast or past imperfective suffix) used for stems with a reducing final syllable that begins with k
  • Cáceres, Natalia (2011) “-ka”, in Grammaire Fonctionnelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana[2], Lyon, page 148
  • Douglas, Jordan A. G. (2019) A Formal and Semantic Reconstruction of Cariban Postpositions, page 34–36