-ma - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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preceding vowel
A / I / O / U E / Ə / İ / Ö / Ü
-ma -mə


  1. Form of -mə after the vowels A / I / O / U.
preceding vowel
A / I / O / U E / Ə / İ / Ö / Ü
-ma -mə


  1. Form of -mə after the vowels A / I / O / U.


  1. particle indicating a link between two people


  1. particle creating adjectives from common nouns


  1. (demonstrative) that, those
  • -pa (this)


  1. occurring in Dutch surnames of Frisian origin, ma is probably a shortened form of the old Frisian genitive plural -monna, 'the men's'. After this suffix had fallen into disuse in the Frisian language, it came to be considered as a suffix to form family names

From Proto-Finnic *-ma. Cognate with Finnish -ma.

-ma (da-infinitive -ta)

  1. Forms verbs from nouns.

From Proto-Finnic *-ma. Cognate with Finnish -ma.


  1. The suffix of the ma-infinitive, which is the lemma form of a verb.

From Proto-Finnic *-ma, from Proto-Uralic *-ma (compare Moksha -ма (-ma) in эряма (eŕama, life), кулома (kuloma, death)).

-ma (front vowel harmony variant -mä, linguistic notation -mA)

  1. Forms action/result nouns from verbs.
    elää (to live) + ‎-ma → ‎elämä (life)
    kuolla (to die) + ‎-ma → ‎kuolema (death)
    osua (to hit) + ‎-ma → ‎osuma (hit)
    sattua (to take place) + ‎-ma → ‎sattuma (chance)
    tapahtua (to happen) + ‎-ma → ‎tapahtuma (event)
  2. (unproductive) Forms some diminutive nouns.
Inflection of -ma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation)
nominative -ma -mat
genitive -man -mien
partitive -maa -mia
illative -maan -miin
singular plural
nominative -ma -mat
accusative nom. -ma -mat
gen. -man
genitive -man -mien
-main rare
partitive -maa -mia
inessive -massa -missa
elative -masta -mista
illative -maan -miin
adessive -malla -milla
ablative -malta -milta
allative -malle -mille
essive -mana -mina
translative -maksi -miksi
abessive -matta -mitta
instructive -min
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of -ma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -mani -mani
accusative nom. -mani -mani
gen. -mani
genitive -mani -mieni
-maini rare
partitive -maani -miani
inessive -massani -missani
elative -mastani -mistani
illative -maani -miini
adessive -mallani -millani
ablative -maltani -miltani
allative -malleni -milleni
essive -manani -minani
translative -makseni -mikseni
abessive -mattani -mittani
comitative -mineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -masi -masi
accusative nom. -masi -masi
gen. -masi
genitive -masi -miesi
-maisi rare
partitive -maasi -miasi
inessive -massasi -missasi
elative -mastasi -mistasi
illative -maasi -miisi
adessive -mallasi -millasi
ablative -maltasi -miltasi
allative -mallesi -millesi
essive -manasi -minasi
translative -maksesi -miksesi
abessive -mattasi -mittasi
comitative -minesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -mamme -mamme
accusative nom. -mamme -mamme
gen. -mamme
genitive -mamme -miemme
-maimme rare
partitive -maamme -miamme
inessive -massamme -missamme
elative -mastamme -mistamme
illative -maamme -miimme
adessive -mallamme -millamme
ablative -maltamme -miltamme
allative -mallemme -millemme
essive -manamme -minamme
translative -maksemme -miksemme
abessive -mattamme -mittamme
comitative -minemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -manne -manne
accusative nom. -manne -manne
gen. -manne
genitive -manne -mienne
-mainne rare
partitive -maanne -mianne
inessive -massanne -missanne
elative -mastanne -mistanne
illative -maanne -miinne
adessive -mallanne -millanne
ablative -maltanne -miltanne
allative -mallenne -millenne
essive -mananne -minanne
translative -maksenne -miksenne
abessive -mattanne -mittanne
comitative -minenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative -mansa -mansa
accusative nom. -mansa -mansa
gen. -mansa
genitive -mansa -miensa
-mainsa rare
partitive -maansa -miaan
inessive -massaan
elative -mastaan
illative -maansa -miinsa
adessive -mallaan
ablative -maltaan
allative -malleen
essive -manaan
translative -makseen
abessive -mattaan
comitative -mineen

From Proto-Finnic *-ma, from Proto-Uralic *-ma.

-ma (front vowel harmony variant -mä, linguistic notation -mA)

  1. The suffix of the agent participle.
    ajaa (to drive) + ‎-ma → ‎ajama (driven by)
    miehen ajama autocar driven by the man
  2. The third infinitive suffix; not used on its own, and always receives one of a number of case endings.
Inflection of -ma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation)
nominative -ma -mat
genitive -man -mien
partitive -maa -mia
illative -maan -miin
singular plural
nominative -ma -mat
accusative nom. -ma -mat
gen. -man
genitive -man -mien
-main rare
partitive -maa -mia
inessive -massa -missa
elative -masta -mista
illative -maan -miin
adessive -malla -milla
ablative -malta -milta
allative -malle -mille
essive -mana -mina
translative -maksi -miksi
abessive -matta -mitta
instructive -min
comitative -mine
Possessive forms of -ma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation)
Rare. Only used with substantive adjectives.
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -mani -mani
accusative nom. -mani -mani
gen. -mani
genitive -mani -mieni
-maini rare
partitive -maani -miani
inessive -massani -missani
elative -mastani -mistani
illative -maani -miini
adessive -mallani -millani
ablative -maltani -miltani
allative -malleni -milleni
essive -manani -minani
translative -makseni -mikseni
abessive -mattani -mittani
comitative -mineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -masi -masi
accusative nom. -masi -masi
gen. -masi
genitive -masi -miesi
-maisi rare
partitive -maasi -miasi
inessive -massasi -missasi
elative -mastasi -mistasi
illative -maasi -miisi
adessive -mallasi -millasi
ablative -maltasi -miltasi
allative -mallesi -millesi
essive -manasi -minasi
translative -maksesi -miksesi
abessive -mattasi -mittasi
comitative -minesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -mamme -mamme
accusative nom. -mamme -mamme
gen. -mamme
genitive -mamme -miemme
-maimme rare
partitive -maamme -miamme
inessive -massamme -missamme
elative -mastamme -mistamme
illative -maamme -miimme
adessive -mallamme -millamme
ablative -maltamme -miltamme
allative -mallemme -millemme
essive -manamme -minamme
translative -maksemme -miksemme
abessive -mattamme -mittamme
comitative -minemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -manne -manne
accusative nom. -manne -manne
gen. -manne
genitive -manne -mienne
-mainne rare
partitive -maanne -mianne
inessive -massanne -missanne
elative -mastanne -mistanne
illative -maanne -miinne
adessive -mallanne -millanne
ablative -maltanne -miltanne
allative -mallenne -millenne
essive -mananne -minanne
translative -maksenne -miksenne
abessive -mattanne -mittanne
comitative -minenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative -mansa -mansa
accusative nom. -mansa -mansa
gen. -mansa
genitive -mansa -miensa
-mainsa rare
partitive -maansa -miaan
inessive -massaan
elative -mastaan
illative -maansa -miinsa
adessive -mallaan
ablative -maltaan
allative -malleen
essive -manaan
translative -makseen
abessive -mattaan
comitative -mineen

Might be somewhat related to Chinese . This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.


  1. Final particle which turns the sentence into a polar question.

Created during the Hungarian language reform, which took place in the 18th–19th centuries.. The neologists formed new words with it after artificially deducing it from words ending in -ma/-me. [1]


  1. (noun-forming suffix, rare) Added to a word to form a noun. No longer productive.
    játszik (to play) + ‎-ma → ‎játszma (game, match)
  • (noun-forming suffix) Variants:
    -ma is added to back-vowel words
    -me is added to front-vowel words
Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative -ma -mák
accusative -mát -mákat
dative -mának -máknak
instrumental -mával -mákkal
causal-final -máért -mákért
translative -mává -mákká
terminative -máig -mákig
essive-formal -maként -mákként
essive-modal -mául -mákul
inessive -mában -mákban
superessive -mán -mákon
adessive -mánál -máknál
illative -mába -mákba
sublative -mára -mákra
allative -mához -mákhoz
elative -mából -mákból
delative -máról -mákról
ablative -mától -máktól
possessive - singular
-máé -máké
possessive - plural
-máéi -mákéi
Possessive forms of -ma
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. -mám -máim
2nd person sing. -mád -máid
3rd person sing. -mája -mái
1st person plural -mánk -máink
2nd person plural -mátok -máitok
3rd person plural -májuk -máik
  1. ^ -ma in Zaicz, Gábor (ed.). Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (‘Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN.  (See also its 2nd edition.)

From Proto-Finnic *-ma. Cognates include Finnish -ma and Estonian -m.

-ma (front vowel variant -mä)

  1. Used to form result nouns from verbs.
    vettää (to pull) + ‎-ma → ‎vetämä (cartload)
Declension of -ma (type 3/koira, no gradation, gemination)
singular plural
nominative -ma -mat
genitive -man -mmiin
partitive -mmaa -mmia
illative -mmaa -mmii
inessive -mas -mis
elative -mast -mist
allative -malle -mille
adessive -mal -mil
ablative -malt -milt
translative -maks -miks
essive -manna, -mmaan -minna, -mmiin
exessive1) -mant -mint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.


  1. first person plural exclusive genitive enclitic

Kambera pronominal clitics

From Proto-Cariban *-ma; cognate to Apalaí -ma, Trió -ma, Wayana -ma, Waiwai -ma, Akawaio -ma, Macushi -ma, Pemon -ma, Ye'kwana -ma. Likely also ultimately related to the postposition me (functioning as).


  1. Forms transitive verbs from nouns and adverbs, with no single clear meaning common to these derivations, but often ‘to cause to become or gain the qualities of’.
  2. Forms transitive verbs from loanwords.
  • Courtz, Hendrik (2008) A Carib grammar and dictionary[1], Toronto: Magoria Books, →ISBN, pages 133–134, 311
  • Yamada, Racquel-María (2010) “-ma”, in Speech community-based documentation, description, and revitalization: Kari’nja in Konomerume[2], University of Oregon, page 767


  1. first person plural exclusive subject enclitic
  2. first person plural exclusive possessive enclitic


  1. Added to adjectives (sometimes to nouns) to form abstract nouns, especially those referring to the state or property that corresponds to the original adjective (like, e.g., Eng. -ity).

Cognates include Minica Huitoto -ma and Nüpode Huitoto -ma.


  1. Classifier for masculine animate nouns.
  • Shirley Burtch (1983) Diccionario Huitoto Murui (Tomo I) (Linguistica Peruana No. 20)‎[3] (in Spanish), Yarinacocha, Peru: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, page 170
  • Katarzyna Izabela Wojtylak (2017) A grammar of Murui (Bue): a Witotoan language of Northwest Amazonia.[4], Townsville: James Cook University press (PhD thesis), page 207

Alternative scripts


  1. masculine/neuter vocative singular of -mant

From Ottoman Turkish ـما (-ma).


  1. Form of -me (negates verbs) after the vowels A / I / O / U.

    Artık senin için ağlamayacağım.

    I won't weep for you any more.

From Ottoman Turkish ـمه (-ma).


  1. Form of -me (forms verbal nouns) after the vowels A / I / O / U.

    Unutulmayı hiç sevmem.

    I really don't like to be forgotten.


  1. causative suffix; to cause to do (the resulting verb is a ni-class verb)

From Proto-Cariban *-ma; cognate to Apalaí -ma, Kari'na -ma, Trió -ma, Wayana -ma, Waiwai -ma, Akawaio -ma, Macushi -ma, Pemon -ma.


  1. Forms transitive verbs from nouns and adverbs, with no single clear meaning common to these derivations.

Derivations with this suffix are often not transparent, with various changes being found in the stem. Quite likely such derivations are old and this suffix has long since stopped being productive.

  • Cáceres, Natalia (2011) “-ma”, in Grammaire Fonctionnelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana[5], Lyon, page 148