Appendix:Proto-Bantu Swadesh list - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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The following Proto-Bantu reconstructions are derived from the 100-word Swadesh list. Two versions are given, as quoted in Bastin (2019) and Schadeberg (2003) respectively. Both sources use BLR2 (Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 2) originally published in 1999.

The selected Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 2 (BLR2) reconstructions below are from Bastin, et al. (1999),[1] as quoted in Bostoen (2019).[2] 92 concepts, from the 100-word Swadesh list are given.

0 a previously proposed but rejected proto-form (731 items)
1 a well-established reconstruction having a Bantu-wide distribution and thus going back to PB (310 items)
1a a derived form whose root is a well-established PB reconstruction (514 items)
1(a) a derived form which can itself be reconstructed to PB (20 items)
2/2a a cluster of variable reconstructions which cover together the whole Bantu domain and have each a large distribution (17 items)
3 a well-established regional proto-form (593 items)
3a a derived form whose root is a well-established regional proto-form (519 items)
4 a problematic reconstruction (1243 items)
5 reconstructions corresponding to a comparative series whose attestations are few and/or spatially restricted (5397 items)
No. Proto-Bantu Gloss Notes
1 *ncè all 1
2 *bókò arm; hand; front paw 1
3 *bú soil, ashes: dust 1
4 bark
5 *dà abdomen, intestines; [belly] 1
5 *bùmò abdomen; pregnancy [belly] 3
6 *nénè big 1
7 *jʊ̀nì bird 4
8 *dʊ́m bite 1
9 *jídʊ̀ black 1(a)
10 blood
11 *kúpà bone 1
12 *béèdè breast, udder 4
13 *pɪ́ be burnt; be hot; becooked; be ripe; be red 1
14 cloud
15 *pépò wind; cold 1
15 *pód be cold, cool down; be quiet 1
16 *jìj come 1
17 *kú die 1
18 *bʊ́à dog 1
19 *nyó drink 1
20 *jʊ́m be dry 1
21 *tʊ́ì ear 1
22 *dɪ́ eat 1
23 *gɪ́ egg 4
24 *jícò eye 1
25 *kútà fat; oil 1
26 *cádá feather 3
27 *pɪ́à fire 1(a)
27 *jótò fire, fireplace 1a
28 *cúɪ́ fish 4
29 *gʊ̀dʊk fly; run fast 1
30 *jíjad be full 1(a)
30 *jíjʊd become full 1(a)
31 *pá give 1
32 good
33 *cɪ́ ground; country; underneath 1
34 *búɪ̀ white hair 1
35 *tʊ́è head 1
36 *jígu hear 1
37 *tɪ́mà heart; liver 1
38 *jɪ́gá horn 4
39 *bʊ́d break, smash; kill 1
40 *dúɪ́ knee 4
41 *jíjɪ know 1a
41 *jíjɪb know 1a
42 *jánì leaf; grass 4
43 *gʊ̀dʊ̀ leg; hind leg 1
44 *dáad lie down, sleep; spend night 1
45 *tɪ́mà heart; liver 1
46 *dàì long 4
47 louse
48 *dʊ́mè male; husband [man] 1
49 *jíngɪ́ many 4
50 *nyàmà animal; meat 1
50 *títʊ́ animal, meat 1a
51 *jédì moon; month 1(a)
52 mountain
53 *nʊ̀à mouth; lip 4
54 *jádà finger/toe-nail; claw 4
55 *jínà name 4
56 *kòtì (nape of) neck; occiput 1
56 *kíngó neck; nape; voice 1
57 *pɪ́à new 4
58 *tíkʊ̀ night 4
59 *bòmbó forehead; (bridge of) nose 1
59 *jʊ́dʊ̀ nose, nostril 4
60 *mòì one 4
61 *jɪ̀dà path 4
62 *ntʊ̀ person 1
63 *búdà rain 1
64 *kʊ́dà red colour/substance 4
65 *tínà root, base of tree trunk; banana-tree 1
65 *dì root, fibre 1
66 round
67 *céké sand; grains; dregs; chaff 4
67 *cèngà sand; sandy ground 4
68 *gàmb speak; answer 1
68 *tɪ̀ say; quote 1
69 *bón see; find; acquire; undergo 1
70 *bʊ́tò seed 1a
71 *jìkad dwell; be; sit; stay 1
72 *kóbá skin; strap; girdle 1
73 *dáad lie down, sleep 1
74 *kéè little, small 3
75 *jíkì smoke 4
76 *jɪ́m stand; stop, intr. 4
77 star
78 *bʊ̀è stone 1
78 *tádè stone 1
79 *jʊ́bà sun 4
80 *jóg bathe; wash; swim 4
82 *dɪ́mì tongue; language; flame 1
83 *jínò tooth 1
83 *gègò molar tooth; tooth 1
84 *tɪ́ tree; stick 1
85 *bɪ̀dɪ́ two 4
85 *bàdɪ́ two 2
86 *gènd walk; travel; go (away) 1
87 warm (weather)
88 *jíjɪ̀ water 1
89 what ? 4
90 white
91 who?
92 *kádí woman, wife
93 *gɪ̀ go 1

Other well-established Proto-Bantu forms (coded 1 or 1(a) in BLR2) that are on the Swadesh 200-word list and/or the Leipzig-Jakarta list:

Proto-Bantu Gloss
dwell, be, become [live]
bàd count
bɪ́ɪ̀ bad
bímb swell
bɪ̀ng chase; chase away; go after [hunt]
bòd be rotten
cèk laugh; joke
cèng cut spp.
cìngʊ rub, smear
dèm be heavy; be honoured
dìbà pool, pond; deep water; well [lake]
dɪ̀d weep; shout; wail
dɪ̀mb trap by birdlime; stick to (something), intr; be firm, intr., [hunt]
díng turn round, tr. intr.; wind round, wrap up
dʊ̀ fight
dʊ̀d be bitter; be sharp
dʊ́k vomit
dùmb smell intr
dʊ̀ng join by tying
dʊ̀ng be straight, right; put straight, right; be fitting; adjust
dùt pull
gàdʊk turn, intr.; go back; come back
gàng tie up
gɪ̀d act, do; say; have
gʊ̀ fall
gʊ̀ndà forest, garden, luxuriant vegetation
jákà year; cultivation season; harvest
jánà child
ját split, tr.; separate
jícɪ̀ day, daytime
jíjɪ̀ river; waterhole
jɪ̀mb sing; dance
jókà snake; intestinal worm
kád be bitter; be sour; be sharp; be fierce
kám squeeze; wring
kèd cut
kɪ́n dance; play; gambol
kóm hit with hammer; beat; kill
kʊ̀d pull
kʊ́dʊ́ adult; important person; master; elder brother (sister); old
kʊ́nì firewood
pád scrape, scratch
pèep blow (as wind); winnow; smoke; breathe
pèèpè wind
píc hide; cover
pìn press, squeeze (especially with the fingers)
píp suck; extract juice
pùk dig up, fling up (earth)
throw away; throw; lose; put; trap; play game; do
tààtá father, my father
táì spittle
tákò buttock, rear part; back
tɪ́ fear
tím dig
tɪ́n cut
tínd push, push back
títʊ́ forest, thicket
stamp; pound; bite [grind, crush]
spit; fix the price
tʊ́ád carry on the head; carry; bring; carry away; be chief; include
túm stab
túm sew, plait
tʊ́ng put through; thread on string; plait; sew; tie up; build; close (in)

The following list of Proto-Bantu reconstructions is listed in Schadeberg (2003: 160-163).[3] The reconstructions themselves are from BLR2 (Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 2).[4] Distribution notes, provided in Schadeberg (2003), are sourced from Bastin, Coupez and Mann (1999).[5]

  • In the Parts of speech column, noun class categories are provided.
  • In the Distribution column, Guthrie zone letters A-S are given. Lower case zones denote unexplained phonological or morphological deviations. Dashes denote lack of reflexes.
Gloss Gloss notes Proto-Bantu Part of speech Distribution
all *=nce (PPx-o-) ABCDEFGHJKLMnpRS
arm *kʊ=bóko N 15/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMN–RS
ashes *mʊ=tó (=tói ?) N 3 (14) ABcD–––H–KLMnprs
ashes dust, soil, ashes *i=bú N 5 (3, 6) A–CDEFG–JKLM–PRS
bark (skin) *i=gʊla N 5 ––c––F–HjKL–––––
bark (skin) *kɪ=kʊ́kʊ́ N 7 ––CD––––j–LM––––
bark (skin) *lʊ=pʊ́ N 11 ––CD––––J–LM––––
belly *i=bumo N 5 AB–––––H–KLM––R–
belly *i=tʊmbo N 5 ––––E–G–––––NP–S
big *=néne Adj. ABCDE–GHJKLM––R–
big *=néne-p-a V ––––E–GHJ–––NP––
big *=nén-a V ABC–––––––––––––
bird *ka=jʊni N 12/13 (9/10) ABcDeFGHJKlMNP–S
bite *=lʊ́m-a V ABC–EFG–J––MNPRS
black *=jíl-a V ABCDEFgHJKLMNprs
black *=jíl-ʊ Adj. ABCDEFGHJK––N–––
black *pi Ideo., Adj. ––C––FG––––––––S
black *i=piipí N 5 –B–––F––JKLMnP–S
blood *ma=gilá N 6 ABCD–––H–KL–––––
blood < avoid *=gil-a V A–C–EFGHJKLMN–RS
blood *ma=gadí N 6 –––deF–––––MNP–S
blood < oil palm, palm oil *=gadí N 9, 6 –BC––––HJKLM––R–
blood *mʊ=lopa N 3 –––D––G––KLMN––S
blood *ma=ɲínga N 6 –b––EF–HJKL–––––
bone *i=kúpa N 5/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
breasts *ma=béele N 5/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
burn, be hot *=lʊng-ʊl-a V ––C–EFGHJKLMNpRS
burn, be hot *=pɪ́ -a V ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
cloud *i=lʊnde N 5/6 –––––FG–––––NPR–
cold *mʊ=didi N 3 –BC––––H––––N–––
cold *=didim-a V ––C–EFGH–––MN–RS
cold cool *=pól-a V ABcDEFGHJKLMNPRS
dog *mbʊ́a N 9/10 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
dry *=jʊ́m-u Adj. –B–––F––JKL–NP––
ear *kʊ=tʊ́i N 15/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPR–
egg *i=gɪ́ N 5/6 ABCDEFGhJKLMnPRS
eye *i=jíco N 5/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
fat *ma=kúta N 6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNP–S
feather *lʊ=cála N 11 (5/6) ABCD–––HJKL–––R–
fire *mʊ=jóto N 3/4 –BC–EFGHJKLMNPRS
fire < warm oneself *=jót-a V ABCdEFGHJKLMNPRS
fire (< burn; v.s.) *tʊ=pɪ́ -a N 13 A–CDE–––JKLMnprS
fire *tʊ=jíja N 13 A–CD–––H–KL–––––
fire *mʊ=lɪlo N 3/4 ––––E–––J–LMN–RS
fish *ncúɪ N 9/10 ABCDE–GHjKLM––R–
flea *ndá N 9/10 ab–DEF––J––MN–rS
fly *=gʊl-ʊk-a V A––DE–G–J–LMNP––
full *=jíjal-a V ABCDEfGHjKLmNPRS
good *=jijá Adj. ––––EF–HJ–L–––––
ground; (below) *(pa-)ncɪ́ N (16+) 9 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
hair *=cíti (LL?) N (class?) A–––––––J–LMN–RS
hair *lʊ=cʊkɪ́ N 11/10 ABC––––HjKL–––R–
hair *lʊ=jʊɪ́lɪ́ (ɪ ~ e) N 11/10 –––DEFG–J–lM––––
head *mʊ=tʊe N 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPR-
hear *=jígu-a V ––c––FGHjKLMNPRS
heart (> liver) *mʊ=tɪ́ma N 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPR–
horn *lʊ=pémbé N 9/10 ––CDEFG–J––MN–––
horn (object made from horn) *mʊ=céngo N 3/4 –––D–––HJKLMNP––
kill *=bʊ́l(-ag)-a V ABCDEFGH–KL––PRS
kill *=jíp(-ag)-a V a–cDeF–h–KLMNPrS
knee *i=dúɪ́ (HL?) N 5/6 A–CDEFG–JKlM–––S
knee *i=bóngó N 5/6 ABCDE––H––L–––––
know *=jíjɪ(b-a) V ABCDEFGHJKLMN–RS
know *=many-a V AbCDEFG–J–LMNP––
leaf *i=jáni (tone?) N 5/6 ABCDE–G–JKLMN––S
leg *kʊ=gʊlʊ N 15/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMN–R–
lie, sleep *=lá-al-a V ABCDEFGHJKLMNpRS
liver (see also heart) *=balɪ N (class ?) ABC––––––K––––––
long, far, long ago *=lai Adj. –BCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
long, far, long ago *=lai-p-a V A–––EFGHJKLM–pRS
man, husband (< ‘bite’, v.s.) *mʊ=lʊ́me N 1/2; Adj. ABCDE-GHJKLMNPRS
many *=jíngɪ́ Adj. aBcDEFGHJKLMNPRS
meat, animal *ɲama N 9/10 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
moon (< ‘white’, v.i.) *kʊ=jédi N 15/6, 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
mountain, hill *lʊ=gʊlʊ N 11/10 –B–D–F––J–L–––R–
mountain, hill < top, sky *i=gʊlʊ (~ LH) N 5 ABC–EFGHJKLMNPRS
mouth *ka=nʊa N 12 aBCDE–gHJKLMnpRS
mouth lip, mouth *mʊ=lomo N 3/4 ––CDEFG–JKLMN––S
nail *lʊ=jála N 11/10 ABCDEfGHJKLMnpRS
name *i=jína N 5/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
neck *nkíngó N 9/10 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
neck nape *nkoti N 9/10 ABCDE–GHJKLMNPRS
new (< ‘burn’, v.s.) *=pɪ́-a (HH?) Adj. –––DEFG–JKLMN––S
night, 24 hour period *bʊ=tíkʊ (í ~ ú) N 14 AbCDEFGhJKlMNpRS
nose *i=jʊ́lʊ N 5/6 ABCDEF–HJKL–––R–
one *=moi Num. ABCDEFGhJKLMnpRS
path *njɪla (LH?) N 9/10 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
person *mʊ=ntʊ N 1/2 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
rain *mbúlá N 9/10 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
red (substance) *nkʊ́la N 9 ABCd–––HJKLM––––
red (substance) red soil *nkʊ́ndʊ́ N 9 a–C–E–G––K–––pR–
red (substance) *=tɪl-a (tone?) V –BCD–––H–KL–––R–
root, fibre *mʊ=di N 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMN–RS
round (be, make) *=bʊ́lʊng-a V ––C–––GhJ–LMN–rS
round (be, make) make round and smooth *=kʊ́lʊng-a V ––C–––G–J––MN–RS
sand *mʊ=céké N 3 AbCD–––HJKLMN–RS
sand *i=cenga (e ~ a) N 3 aBCDeFgHJKLMNprs
say, quote *=tɪ V ––C–E–GHJ––MNPRS
say, quote do, say *=gɪl-a V ABCD––––JK–M–P–S
say, quote speak, answer *=gamb-a V ABCDEFGHJKLMNP–S
see *=bón-á (b ~ m) V –BCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
seed *mbʊ́t-o N 10 –BCD–––HJKLMN–R–
skin, strap, cloth *=kánda N 3/4, … ABc–EFGHJKLMNPrS
skin, strap, cloth skin, strap, bark *mʊ=kóbá N 3/4, … ABCDEFG–JKLMnpRs
skin, strap, cloth skin, cloth *ngʊ́bo N 9/10 A––dEfGH–kLMNP–S
sleep *tʊ=ló N 13 ABCDEFGHJKLMNpRs
small *=(kée)kée Adj. –BCD––GHJ–LM–P––
small *=kée-p-a V –––D–FG–JKLMN––S
smoke *mʊ=jíki (í ~ ó) N 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
stand *=jɪ́m(-al)-a V AbCDeFG–JKLMNp–S
star *nyénye(dí) N 9/10 –B––E–gHJ–LMN––S
stone *i=bʊe N 5/6 ––CDEFG–JKLMNPRS
stone stone, iron ore *i=tále N 5/6 ABCD–F–HJKLMNPRS
sun *i=jʊ́ba N 5 ABcDEFGHJKLMNPRS
swim, bathe *=jóg-a V ABCDEFGHJKLMNPR–
tail *mʊ=kɪ́la N 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
tongue *lʊ=lɪ́mi N 11/10 ABcDEfGHJKLMNPRS
tooth *i=jíno N 5/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNP–S
tooth molar *i=gego N 5/6 ABC–EFG–jKL––PRS
tree *mʊ=tɪ́ N 3/4 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
two *=balɪ́ (a ~ ɪ) Num. ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
walk *=gend-a V ABC–EFGhJKLMNPrS
warm, hot (< ‘burn’, v.s.) *=pɪ́ -ʊ Adj. ––––EFG–j–LMNPR–
water *ma=jíjɪ N 6 AbCDEFGHJKLMNprS
water water, pool *i=diba (HH?) N 5/6 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRS
what *kı=í N 7 ––CDEFGHJ–LMN–––
what where, which *pa=í N 16 A–––––––JKL–––RS
white, bright *=jél-a V –BCD–FG–J–L–N–RS
white, bright *=jél-ʊ Adj. ––CDEFGHJ––M––––
white, bright *=jél-ʊ Adj. ––CDEFGHJ––M––––
who *n(d)ai (tone?) Inv. ––C–––G–J–––––––
woman, wife *mʊ=kádí N 1/2 ABCDefgHJKLMNprS
  1. ^ Bastin, Y., A. Coupez & M. Mann (1999). Continuity and Divergence in the Bantu Languages: Perspectives from a Lexicostatistic Study. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa.
  2. ^ Bostoen, Koen (2019). Reconstructing Proto-Bantu. In Mark Van de Velde, Koen Bostoen, Derek Nurse, and Gérard Philippson (eds). The Bantu languages (2nd ed.), 308-334. New York: Routledge. →ISBN. (First edition published by Routledge in 2004.)
  3. ^ Schadeberg, Thilo C. 2003. Historical linguistics. In Derek Nurse and Gérard Philippson (eds.), The Bantu languages. (Routledge language family series 4. New York: Routledge. →ISBN
  4. ^ Coupez, A., Bastin, Y. and Mumba, E. (1998) Reconstruction lexicales bantoues 2/Bantu lexical reconstructions 2. (Computerized data base. Download from: .)
  5. ^ Bastin, Y., Coupez, A. and Mann, M. (1999) Continuity and divergence in the Bantu languages: perspectives from a lexicostatistic study, Tervuren: MRAC.
Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu • !Kung

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

