Reconstruction:Proto-Finnic/hullu - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Unknown. Possibly related to Proto-Samic *jëllë, or alternatively, possibly imitative.


  1. crazy, mad, insane
Note: The Proto-Finnic declension system is yet to be reconstructed in detail. What is presented here is only one possibility.
singular plural
nominative *hullu *hullut
accusative *hullun *hullut
genitive *hullun *hulludën
partitive *hulluda *hulluida
inessive *hullussa
elative *hullusta *hulluista
illative *hulluhën *hulluihën
adessive *hullulla *hulluilla
ablative *hullulta *hulluilta
allative *hullulën
essive *hulluna *hulluina
translative *hulluksi *hulluiksi
instructive *hullun *hulluin
comitative *hullunëk *hulluinëk
abessive *hullutta *hulluitta
  1. ^ Kallio, Petri (2020–) “*hullu”, in Yhteissuomalainen sanasto[1] (in Finnish)
  • hull”, in [ETY] Eesti etümoloogiasõnaraamat [Estonian Etymological Dictionary] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation), 2012