Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/-eh₂yéti - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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    Innovated compound suffix from *-éh₂ (eh₂-stem nominal suffix) + *-yéti (factitive verbal suffix). See also *-h₂ti.


    1. Creates iterative, frequentative, or intensive verbs.
    2. Creates causative verbs.
    Imperfective, thematic
    3rd singular *(o)-eh₂yéti
    3rd plural *(o)-eh₂yónti
    Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
    1st singular *(o)-eh₂yóh₂ *(o)-eh₂yóm *(o)-eh₂yṓh₂ *(o)-eh₂yóyh₁m̥
    2nd singular *(o)-eh₂yési *(o)-eh₂yés *(o)-eh₂yé *(o)-eh₂yḗsi *(o)-eh₂yóys
    3rd singular *(o)-eh₂yéti *(o)-eh₂yét *(o)-eh₂yétu *(o)-eh₂yḗti *(o)-eh₂yóyt
    1st dual *(o)-eh₂yówos *(o)-eh₂yówe *(o)-eh₂yṓwos *(o)-eh₂yóywe
    2nd dual *(o)-eh₂yétes *(o)-eh₂yétom *(o)-eh₂yétom *(o)-eh₂yḗtes *(o)-eh₂yóytom
    3rd dual *(o)-eh₂yétes *(o)-eh₂yétām *(o)-eh₂yétām *(o)-eh₂yḗtes *(o)-eh₂yóytām
    1st plural *(o)-eh₂yómos *(o)-eh₂yóme *(o)-eh₂yṓmos *(o)-eh₂yóyme
    2nd plural *(o)-eh₂yéte *(o)-eh₂yéte *(o)-eh₂yéte *(o)-eh₂yḗte *(o)-eh₂yóyte
    3rd plural *(o)-eh₂yónti *(o)-eh₂yónt *(o)-eh₂yóntu *(o)-eh₂yṓnti *(o)-eh₂yóyh₁n̥t
    Participle *(o)-eh₂yónts
    Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
    1st singular *(o)-eh₂yóh₂er *(o)-eh₂yóh₂e *(o)-eh₂yṓh₂er *(o)-eh₂yóyh₂e
    2nd singular *(o)-eh₂yéth₂er *(o)-eh₂yéth₂e *(o)-eh₂yéso *(o)-eh₂yḗth₂er *(o)-eh₂yóyth₂e
    3rd singular *(o)-eh₂yétor *(o)-eh₂yéto *? *(o)-eh₂yḗtor *(o)-eh₂yóyto, *(o)-eh₂yóyh₁o
    1st dual *(o)-eh₂yówosdʰh₂ *(o)-eh₂yówedʰh₂ *(o)-eh₂yṓwosdʰh₂ *(o)-eh₂yóywedʰh₂
    2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
    3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
    1st plural *(o)-eh₂yómosdʰh₂ *(o)-eh₂yómedʰh₂ *(o)-eh₂yṓmosdʰh₂ *(o)-eh₂yóymedʰh₂
    2nd plural *(o)-eh₂yédʰh₂we *(o)-eh₂yédʰh₂we *(o)-eh₂yédʰh₂we *(o)-eh₂yḗdʰh₂we *(o)-eh₂yóydʰh₂we
    3rd plural *(o)-eh₂yóror, *(o)-eh₂yóntor *(o)-eh₂yóro, *(o)-eh₂yónto *? *(o)-eh₂yṓror, *(o)-eh₂yṓntor *(o)-eh₂yóyro, *(o)-eh₂yóyh₁n̥to
    Participle *(o)-eh₂yómnos
    • Proto-Balto-Slavic: *-ā́ˀtei
      • Proto-Slavic: *-ati (present tense declension)
    • Proto-Celtic: *-āti
    • Proto-Germanic: *-ōną (present tense declension) (see there for further descendants)
    • Proto-Hellenic:
      • Ancient Greek: -άω (-áō), -ῶ () (the uncontracted present tense declension -άω is the most conservative)
    • Proto-Italic: *-āō
      • Latin: -ō, -āre (first conjugation, etymology 3) (see there for further descendants)
    • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *-aHyáti