User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-u - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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übermensch {n} (figure in Nazi ideology) :: надчовек {m}, натчовек {m}
Ürümchi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi ::
Ürümqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) :: Урумчи {n}
ubiquitous {adj} (widespread) SEE: widespread ::
ubiquitous {adj} (being everywhere) :: сеприсутен
ubiquitous {adj} (seeming to appear everywhere at the same time) :: сеприсутен
ubiquity {n} (omnipresence) :: сеприсутност {f}
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) :: виме {n}
Udi {prop} (language) :: удиски јазик
Udine {prop} (capital) :: Удине
Ufa {prop} (city) :: Уфа {f}
UFO {n} (an unidentified flying object) :: НЛО
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) :: Уганда {f}
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) :: грд
ugly duckling {n} (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) :: грдо пајче {n}
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) :: Украина {f}
Ukrainian {n} (ethnic/citizen) :: Украинец {m}, Украинка {f}
Ukrainian {n} (language) :: украински {m} [јазик]
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) :: украински
Ulan-Ude {prop} (capital of Buryatia, Russia) :: Улан-Уде {m}
ulcer {n} (open sore) :: чир {m}
Ulrica {prop} (female given name) :: Ulrika
Ulsan {prop} (a city in South Korea) :: Улсан
Ulster {prop} (northern province of Ireland) :: Алстер {m}
Ulster {prop} (Northern Ireland) :: Алстер {m}
Ulster {prop} (Relating to, or originating from Ulster) :: алстерски
ulterior motive {n} (alternative or hidden reason for doing something) :: задна цел
ultimate {adj} (final; last in a series) :: последен {m}, краен {m}, завршен {m}, конечен {m}
ultimate {adj} (greatest or maximum) :: најголем {m}, врвен {m}
ultimate {adj} (most distant) :: најдалечен {m}
ultimate {adj} (eventual) :: конечен {m}, краен {m}
ultrasound {n} (sound) :: ултразвук {m}
ultraviolet {adj} (radiation with wavelengths from 380 nanometre - 10 nanometre) :: ултравиолетов {m}
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) :: Улјановск {m}
Ulysses {prop} (Odysseus) SEE: Odysseus ::
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) :: папочна врвца {f}
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel ::
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow ::
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) :: чадор {m}
umbrella {n} (the main body of a jellyfish, excluding the tentacles) :: купола {f}
umbrella {n} :: чадор {m}
umlaut {n} (partial assimilation of a vowel) :: преглас {m}
umlaut {n} (diacritical mark) :: преглас {m}
umpire {v} (to act as an umpire in a game) :: суди
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) :: не-
UN {prop} (United Nations) :: ООН
unabridged {adj} (not abridged) :: целосен {m}, комплетен {m}, нескратен {m}
unambiguous {adj} (clear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity) :: недвосмислен, јасен, еднозначен
unanchored {adj} (not anchored) :: незакотвен
unanimous {adj} (based on unanimity) :: едногласен
unanimously {adv} (in a unanimous manner) :: едногласно
unassailable {adj} (undeniable, incontestable or incontrovertible) :: неприкосновен
unattractive {adj} (not handsome or beautiful or appealing) :: одбивен
uncertain {adj} (not known for certain; questionable) :: неизвесен
unciform {adj} (of the shape of a hook) :: кукест {m}
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) :: тетин {m}, чичко {m}, вујко {m}, стрико {m}
unclear {adj} (ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation) :: нејасен
unconnected {adj} :: неповрзан
unconstitutional {adj} (contrary to the constitution) :: противуставен {m}, неуставен {m}
uncooperative {adj} (not cooperative) :: неуслужлив
uncountable {adj} (too many to be counted) :: непреброив
uncountable {adj} (mathematics: incapable of being enumerated by natural numbers) :: непреброив
under {prep} (in a lower level than) :: под
under {prep} (less than) :: помалку од
under {prep} (beneath the surface of) :: под
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway ::
underground {adj} (below the ground) :: подземен
underground {adj} (hidden, furtive) :: потаен
underground {n} (movement or organisation of people who resist political convention) :: подземје {n}
underground {n} (movement or organisation of people who resist artistic convention) :: андерграунд {m}
underhair {n} (pubic hair) SEE: pubic hair ::
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret ::
underpants {n} (underwear) :: гаќи {f-p}
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet ::
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) :: разбира {impf}
understanding {n} (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) :: разбирање {n}
underwear {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) :: долна облека {f}
underworld {n} (part of society engaged in crime or vice) :: подземје {n}
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
undoubtedly {adv} (without doubt) :: несомнено
undoubtfully {adv} (without doubt) SEE: undoubtedly ::
unemployed {adj} (having no job) :: невработен
unemployment {n} (joblessness) :: невработеност {f}
unequivocal {adj} (without equal) :: беспримерен {m}
unequivocal {adj} (without ambiguity) :: недвосмислен {m}
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd ::
unexpected {adj} (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) :: неочекуван
unexpressed {adj} (not expressed) :: неизјаснет, неизразен
unfair {adj} (not fair) :: нечесен
unfamiliarity {n} (lack of familiarity) :: непознатост {f}
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) :: незаборавен
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) :: за жал
ungrateful {adj} (not grateful) :: неблагодарен
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment ::
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate ::
unheard-of {adj} (previously unknown; unprecedented) :: нечуен
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) :: еднорог {m}
unidentified {adj} (not identified) :: неидентификуван
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) :: неидентификуван летечки објект {m}, НЛО [abbreviation]
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) :: униформа {f}
unilingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) SEE: monolingual ::
unilingualism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) SEE: monolingualism ::
uninhabited {adj} (not inhabited) :: ненаселен
uninterested {adj} (indifferent) :: незаинтересиран
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union ::
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) :: сојуз {m}, унија {f}
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) :: Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики {f}
unique {adj} (one of a kind) :: уникатен
unit {n} (standard measure of a quantity) :: единица {f}
unit {n} (organized group comprising people and/or equipment) :: единица {f}
unit {n} (kilowatt-hour as recorded on an electricity meter) SEE: kilowatt-hour ::
unite {v} ((transitive) to bring together as one) :: обединува {impf}, обедини {pf}, соединува {impf}, соедини {pf}
united {adj} (joined into a single entity) :: обединет
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Обединети Арапски Емирати {m-p}
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) :: Обединето Кралство {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) :: Обединето Кралство на Велика Британија {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) :: Обединето Кралство на Велика Британија и Ирска {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) :: Обединето Кралство на Велика Британија и Северна Ирска {n}
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) :: Организација на Обединетите Нации {f}, Обединетите Нации {f-p}
United States {prop} (the United States) :: Соединети Држави {f-p}
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) :: Соединети Американски Држави {f-p}, САД {f-p}, Америка {f}
United States Virgin Islands {prop} (a US overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: Американски Девствени Острови {m-p}
unity {n} (state of being one or undivided) :: единство {n}
universe {n} (the Universe) :: вселена {f}
universe {n} (an entity similar to our universe) :: вселена {f}
universe {n} (everything under consideration) :: вселена {f}
universe {n} (an imaginary collection of worlds) :: вселена {f}
universe {n} (intense form of world in the sense of perspective or social setting) :: вселена {f}
Universe {prop} (sum of everything that exists) :: вселена {f}, универзум {m}, космос {m}
university {n} (institution of higher education) :: универзитет {m}
univocal {adj} (having only one possible meaning) :: еднозначен {m}
Unix {n} (operating system) :: Јуникс {m}
unjust {adj} (not fair, just or right) :: неправеден
unjustice {n} (injustice) SEE: injustice ::
unknown {adj} (not known) :: непознат
unknown {n} (variable) :: непозната {f}
unlimited {adj} (limitless or without bounds; unrestricted) :: неограничен
unlock {v} (to undo or open a lock) :: отклучува
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) :: неоженет {m} [of a man], неомажена {f} [of a woman]
unnatural {adj} (not natural) :: неприроден
UNO {prop} (United Nations) SEE: UN ::
unpleasant {adj} (not pleasant) :: непријатен
unsaturated fat {n} (unsaturated fat) :: незаситена маст {f}, незаситени масти {p}
unsportsmanlike {adj} (violating the accepted standards of sportsmanship) :: неспортски {m}
unsung {adj} (which has not been lauded or appreciated) :: неопеан {m}
unsung {adj} (not sung) :: неопеан {m}
unsustainability {n} (state or condition of being unsustainable) :: неодржливост {f}
until {prep} (up to the time of) :: до, сѐ до
until {prep} (before) :: до
until {conj} (up to the time that) :: додека не
untranslatable {adj} (not able to be translated) :: непреводлив
unused {adj} (not used) :: неупотребен {m-p}, неискористен {m-p}
unused {adj} (not accustomed (to)) :: ненавикнат {m-p}
unventilated {adj} (not ventilated) :: непроветрен
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible ::
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless ::
unwariness {n} (the property of being unwary) :: невнимателност {f}
unwearied {adj} (never tiring) SEE: tireless ::
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried ::
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried ::
unworthiness {n} (the characteristic or condition of being unworthy) :: недостојност {f}
unyieldingness {n} (the state or condition of being unyielding) :: непокор {m}
up {adv} (away from earth’s surface) :: нагоре
up {adv} (completely, thoroughly) :: ис-, из-
up {adv} (higher, louder) :: повисоко [higher], погласно [louder]
up {adv} (higher in pitch) :: повисоко
up {adj} (awake) :: разбуден, расонет
up {adj} (finished) :: истечен
up {adj} (standing) :: станат
up {n} (direction opposed to the pull of gravity) :: нагоре
up {v} (increase) :: зголемува, повишува
up {v} (promote) :: унапредува
update {n} (action of making something up to date) :: ажурирање
update {v} (to make something up to date) :: ажурира, обновува
upgrade {n} (an improved component or replacement item) :: надградба
upholster {v} (fit padding etc. to furniture) :: тапацира
upholstery {n} (craft or business of upholstering furniture) :: тапетарија {f-p}
upholstery {n} (materials so used) :: тапетарија {f}
upload {v} (to transfer data) :: подига
upload {n} (file transfer) :: подигање {n}
upper class {n} (those people at the top of a social hierarchy) :: висока класа {f}
upper class {n} (aristocracy) :: висока класа {f}
uppercut {n} (in boxing) :: аперкат {m}
Upper Lusatian {prop} (Upper Sorbian) SEE: Upper Sorbian ::
upper middle class {n} (social and economic class) :: виша средна класа {f}
Upper Sorbian {prop} (a Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony) :: горнолужички (јазик) {m}
Uppsala {prop} (city in eastern central Sweden) :: Упсала {f}
upright bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) :: востание {n}
Ural {prop} (river) :: Урал {m}
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) :: ураниум {m}
Uranus {prop} (god of the sky and heavens) :: Уран {m}
Uranus {prop} (planet) :: Уран {m}
urban {adj} (of the city; characteristic of city life) :: градски
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog ::
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin ::
Ur-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic ::
urheimat {n} (the original homeland) :: прародина {f}, прататковина {f}
Uriah Heep {n} (yes man) SEE: yes man ::
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
urinal {n} (fixture for standing urination) :: писоар {m}
urinal {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine ::
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) :: мочен меур {m}
urine {n} :: урина {f}, мочка {f}
urn {n} (a vase with a footed base) :: урна {f}, ќуп {m}
urn {n} (a vessel for ashes or cremains of a deceased person) :: урна {f}
Uruguay {prop} (country) :: Уругвај {m}
us {pron} (objective case of "we") :: ни, нас, нам
USA {prop} (United States of America) :: САД {f-p}, Америка {f}
use {n} (act of using) :: употреба {f}
use {v} (employ, apply) :: употребува {impf}, употреби {pf}, користи
use {v} (used to) SEE: used to ::
used {adj} (that is or has or have been used) :: употребуван, половен
used {adj} (that has or have previously been owned by someone else) :: половен
used to {adj} (accustomed to) :: навикнат, научен
used to {v} (formerly and habitually or repeatedly) :: use the imperfect tense of the verb that follows; I used to eat cheese - Јадев сирење (Jádev sírenje)
useless {adj} (without use or possibility to be used) :: некористен
user {n} (one who uses something, a consumer) :: корисник {m}, потрошувач {m}
user {n} (person who uses a computer) :: корисник {m}
user {n} (exploiter) :: искористувач {m}
user interface {n} (the part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with) :: кориснички посредник {m}, кориснички интерфејс {m}
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) :: СССР {m}
usual {adj} (most commonly occurring) :: вообичаен, обичен
usurer {n} (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates) :: лихвар {m}
usury {n} (exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates) :: лихва {f}
Utah {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Јута {f}
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) :: утопија {f}
Utrecht {prop} (province of the Netherlands) :: Утрехт {m}
Utrecht {prop} (city in the Netherlands) :: Утрехт {m}
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) :: увула
Uyghur {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Uyghur people or the Uyghur language) :: ујгурски
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) :: Узбекистан {m}