User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-z - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Żywiec {prop} (city in Poland) :: Żywiec {m}
za {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
zaatar {n} (seasoning) :: zatar {m}
zabaglione {n} (custard-like dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and Marsala wine) :: zabaglione {m}, zabaione {m}, zabajone {m}
Zachariah {prop} (Zechariah) SEE: Zechariah ::
Zachariah {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zacharias {prop} (Zechariah) SEE: Zechariah ::
Zacharias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zachary {prop} (male given name) :: Zachariasz {m}
Zagreb {prop} (capital of Croatia) :: Zagrzeb {m}
Zagrebian {adj} (from Zagreb) :: zagrzebski {m}
Zagrebian {n} (someone from Zagreb) :: zagrzebianin {m}, zagrzebianka {f}
Zakarpattia {prop} (oblast) :: Zakarpacie {n}
Zakarpatye {prop} (Zakarpattia) SEE: Zakarpattia ::
Zakynthos {prop} (Greek island, the third largest of the Ionian Islands) :: Zakintos {m}
Zambia {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Zambia {f}
Zambian {n} (A person from Zambia or of Zambian descent) :: Zambijczyk {m}, Zambijka {f}
Zambian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Zambia or its people or language) :: zambijski {m}
Zamboni {n} (ice resurfacer) SEE: ice resurfacer ::
Zanclean {prop} (subdivision of the Pliocene epoch.) :: zankl {m-in}
zander {n} (Sander lucioperca) :: sandacz {m}
zander {n} (fish of the genus Sander) :: sandacz {m}
zany {adj} (ludicrously or incongruously comical) :: śmieszny {m}
Zanzibar {prop} (island region) :: Zanzibar {m}
Zaporizhia {prop} (city) :: Zaporoże {n}
Zaragoza {prop} (city in Spain) :: Saragossa {f}
zawiya {n} (Muslim religious school or community) :: zawija {f}
zeal {n} (fervor or devotion) :: zapał {m-in}, gorliwość {f}
Zealand {prop} (Dutch province) SEE: Zeeland ::
Zealand {prop} (Danish island) :: Zelandia {f}
zealotry {n} (Something characteristic of a zealot) SEE: fanaticism ::
zealous {adj} (full of zeal; ardent) :: zagorzały, żarliwy, zapamiętały
zealously {adv} (with zealotry) :: gorliwie, entuzjastycznie
Zebedee {prop} (biblical character) :: Zebedeusz {m}
zebra {n} (African animal) :: zebra {f}
zebra finch {n} (bird) :: zeberka timorska {f}, zeberka {f}, amadyna zebrowata {f}
Zebulun {prop} (ninth son of Jacob) :: Zabulon {m}
Zebulun {prop} (one of the Israelite tribes) :: Zabulon {m}
Zebulun {prop} (male given name) :: Zabulon {m}
Zechariah {prop} (king of Israel) :: Zachariasz {m}
Zechariah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Księga Zachariasza {f}
Zechariah {prop} (Hebrew prophet traditionally considered the author of the Book of Zechariah) :: Zachariasz {m}
Zechariah {prop} (father of John the Baptist) :: Zachariasz {m}
zed {n} (name of the letter Z, z) SEE: zee ::
zedoary {n} (Curcuma zedoaria) :: cytwar {m}
zee {n} (name of the letter Z, z) :: zet
Zeeland {prop} (province) :: Zelandia {f}
Zeelandic {prop} (language) :: dialekt zelandzki
Zelensky {prop} (Ukrainian surname (cognates and transliterations)) :: Zieleński {m}, Zieleńska {f}, Zieloński {m}, Zielońska {f}, Zełenski {m} [of the Ukrainian president], Zełenska {f}
Zemfira {prop} (transliteration of Земфи́ра) :: Zemfira {f}
zenith {n} (astronomy: point vertically above a position or observer) :: zenit {m}, apogeum {n}
Zeno {prop} (Greek name) :: Zenon {m}
Zephaniah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Księga Sofoniasza {f}, Sofoniasz {m}
zephyr {n} (light refreshing wind; a gentle breeze, see also: breeze) :: zefir {m}
Zephyr {prop} (Greek god) :: Zefir {m}
zero {num} (cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing) :: zero {n}
zero {n} (numeric symbol of zero) :: zero {n}
zero {n} (digit zero) :: zero {n}
zero {n} (nothing, or none) :: zero
zero {n} (zero value of a magnitude) :: zero {n}
zero {n} (point of origin on a scale) :: zero
zero {n} (value of a function’s independent variables when the value of the function is zero) :: zero {n}, miejsce zerowe {n}
zero {n} (identity element of a monoid) :: zero {n}
zero {n} (person of little importance) :: zero
zero {adj} (linguistics: present at an abstract level but not realized in the data) :: zerowy
zero {v} (to set to zero) :: wyzerować, zerować
zero-hour contract {n} (contract) :: śmieciówka {f}, umowa śmieciowa {f}
zeroth {adj} (ordinal number corresponding to zero) :: zerowy {m}
zeugma {n} (using a word to apply to more than one noun) :: zeugma {f}
Zeus {prop} (supreme ruler of all Greek gods) :: Zeus {m}
Zheleznogorsk {prop} (town) :: Żeleznogorsk
Zhitomir {prop} (city) :: Żytomierz {m}
Zhukov {prop} (Russian surname) :: Żukow {m}
Zhytomyr {prop} (Zhitomir) SEE: Zhitomir ::
zidovudine {n} (antiviral) :: zydowudyna {f}
ziggurat {n} (temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamian valley) :: ziggurat {m}
zigzag {n} (line or path) :: zygzak {m}
Zimbabwe {prop} (Republic of Zimbabwe) :: Zimbabwe
Zimbabwean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Zimbabwe or the Zimbabwean people) :: zimbabwejski, zimbabweński
zinc {n} (element) :: cynk {m}
zinc {v} :: cynkować
zincite {n} (mineral) :: cynkit {m}
zinc oxide {n} (amorphous solid) :: tlenek cynku {m}
Zion {prop} (hill ("mount") in Israel) :: Syjon {m-in}
Zionism {n} (Jewish national liberation movement) :: syjonizm {m}
Zionistic {adj} (of or pertaining to Zionism) :: syjonistyczny
zip {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zip code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
zip fastener {n} (a fastener used in clothing, bags) :: zamek błyskawiczny {m}, zamek {m}, suwak {m}
zipper {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zippy {adj} (quick, speedy) SEE: quick ::
zirconia {n} (oxide of zirconium) :: cyrkonia {f}
zirconium {n} (chemical element) :: cyrkon {m}
zither {n} (musical instrument) :: cytra {f}
zitherist {n} (Someone who plays the zither) :: cytrzysta {m}, cytrzystka {f}
zloty {n} (the currency unit of Poland) :: złoty {m}, [abbreviation] , złotówka {f}
zodiac {n} (belt-like region in the sky) :: zodiak {m}, zwierzyniec niebieski {m}
zodiac {n} (twelve signs in astrology) :: zodiak {m}, zwierzyniec niebieski {m}
zombie {n} (the undead) :: zombie {m}, zombi {m}
zonked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
zoo {n} (park where live animals are exhibited) :: zoo {n}, ogród zoologiczny {m}
zoogeographic {adj} (pertaining to zoogeography) :: zoogeograficzny
zoogeography {n} (the scientific study of the geographical distribution of animal species) :: zoogeografia {f}
zoologic {adj} (zoological) SEE: zoological ::
zoological {adj} (of, or relating to animals) :: zoologiczny
zoological {adj} (of, or relating to zoology) :: zoologiczny
zoological garden {n} (zoo (stilted or formal)) :: ogród zoologiczny {m}, zoo {n}
zoologist {n} (one who studies zoology) :: zoolog {m}
zoology {n} (science that studies the animal kingdom) :: zoologia {f}
zoomorphism {n} (the representation of gods as animals or the attributing of animal characteristics to gods) :: zoomorfizm {m}
zoomorphism {n} (the use of animal figures in art and design or of animal symbols in literature) :: zoomorfizm {m}
zoomorphism {n} (the viewing of human behavior in terms of the behavior of animals) :: zoomorfizm {m}
zoonosis {n} (animal disease that can be transmitted to humans) :: zoonoza {f}
zoonym {n} (common name for an animal) :: zoonim {m}
zoopathology {n} (animal pathology) :: zoopatologia {f}
zoophilia {n} (sexual attraction to or interaction with animals) :: zoofilia, sodomia {f}
zoophyte {n} (invertebrate animal which resembles plants) :: zwierzokrzew {m}
zooplankton {n} (free-floating small protozoa or crustaceans) :: zooplankton {m}
zoosporangium {n} (a sporangium, or conceptacle containing or producing zoospores) :: zoosporangium {n}
zoospore {n} (motile asexual spore of some algae and fungi) :: pływka {f}, zoospora {f}
zoöpathology {n} (zoopathology) SEE: zoopathology ::
zope {n} (fish) :: rozpiór {m}, siniec {m}
Zoroastrianism {prop} (religion and philosophy ascribed to Zoroaster) :: zaratusztrianizm {m}, zoroastryzm {m}
zubr {n} (zubr) SEE: wisent ::
zubron {n} (hybrid of the wisent and domestic cattle) :: żubroń {m}
zubrowka {n} (Polish liqueur of vodka and herbs) :: żubrówka {f}
zucchetto {n} (small skullcap worn by Catholic clergy) :: piuska {f}
zucchini {n} (courgette) SEE: courgette ::
Zulu {adj} (pertaining to the Zulu people, culture, or language) :: Zulus
Zulu {n} (the letter "Z" in ICAO spelling alphabet) :: zulu
Zulu {n} (language) :: zulu {n}
Zurich {prop} (city) :: Zurych {m}
Zurich {prop} (canton) :: Zurych {m}
zurna {n} (musical instrument) :: surma {f}
Zwickau {prop} (city in Germany) :: Ćwików {m}
zwitterion {n} (molecule that carries both a positive and a negative charge) :: jon obojnaczy {m}, zwitterjon {m}
zygote {n} (fertilized egg cell) :: zygota {f}