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ф {letter} :: The twenty-second letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is эф and it has the sound of English f. It is preceded by У and followed by Х
Ф {m anim} [chess] :: abbreviation of ферзь: Q (queen)
Ф {letter} :: the twenty-second letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet
фа {n inan} [musical note] :: F
фа {m anim} {f anim} [slang] :: fascist
фабрика {noun} :: factory, plant, mill
фабрикант {noun} :: manufacturer, factory owner
фабриковать {v impf} :: to manufacture, to produce
фабриковать {v impf} :: to fabricate, to forge
фабричный {adj} [relational] :: factory
фабричный {adj} :: industrial, manufacturing
фабричный {noun} [dated] :: factory worker
фабула {noun} [literature] :: plot, story
фаворит {noun} :: favorite, minion
фаворит {noun} :: sport favorite
фаворитизм {noun} :: favouritism
фагот {noun} :: bassoon
фагоцит {noun} [biology] :: phagocyte (cell of the immune system)
фаза {noun} :: phase
фазан {noun} :: pheasant
фазенда {noun} :: fazenda (a Brazilian plantation, often associated with slavery during the colonial period)
фазенда {noun} [colloquial] :: a large (and fancy) dacha, summer house
фазовый {adj} [relational] :: phase
фазотрон {noun} [physics] :: synchocyclotron (type of particle accelerator)
файл {noun} [computing] :: file
файл {noun} [office] :: punched pocket
файлик {noun} :: diminutive of файл: little file
файрволл {noun} [computing] :: firewall
фак {noun} [slang] :: college, school, department (a division of a university)
фак {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: the finger (gesture)
фак {interj} [vulgar, slang] :: fuck!
факел {noun} :: torch (stick with flame at one end)
факел {noun} :: jet, tongue, flare
факел {noun} :: flame body
факелок {noun} :: diminutive of факел
факельный {adj} [relational] :: torch, flare
факельщик {noun} :: torch-bearer
факельщик {noun} [colloquial] :: incendiary, firebug
факир {noun} :: fakir
факс {noun} :: fax
факсимиле {n inan} :: facsimile (copy)
факт {noun} :: fact
факт {noun} :: fait accompli
фактически {adv} :: in fact (actually, in truth)
фактический {adj} :: factual, actual, real
фактический {adj} :: de facto
фактор {noun} :: factor (significant influence)
фактор {noun} [mathematics] :: factor
фактор {noun} :: factor, factotum, agent, broker (doer, maker)
факториал {noun} :: factorial
фактура {noun} :: invoice, bill; bill of parcels
фактура {noun} :: texture; pattern
факультативный {adj} :: optional, elective
факультативный {adj} :: extracurricular
факультативный {adj} :: facultative
факультет {noun} :: faculty (division of a university)
фаланга {noun} [history] :: phalanx
фаланга {noun} [anatomy] :: phalanx
фаланга {noun} :: sun spider, wind scorpion, camel spider, sun scorpion, Solifugae (Latin)
фалафель {noun} :: falafel
фаллический {adj} :: phallic
фаллоимитатор {noun} :: dildo (artificial phallus)
фалломорфировать {v both} [vulgar, rare, slang] :: to be overwhelmed with excitement
фальсификация {noun} :: falsification
фальсифицировать {v both} :: to falsify, to forge
фальстарт {noun} :: false start (starting before the signal)
фальцет {noun} :: falsetto
фальчион {noun} [weapons] :: falchion
фальшивить {v impf} :: to sing or play (e.g. a musical instrument) out of tune
фальшивить {v impf} [by extension] :: to be hypocritical
фальшивка {noun} :: forgery, fabrication, counterfeit, fake
фальшивый {adj} :: false, fake
фальшь {noun} :: falsity, falsehood
фальшь {noun} :: insincerity
фальшь {noun} [music] :: false note(s); singing / playing out of tune
фамилия {noun} :: surname, last name, family name
фамилия {noun} [rare] :: clan
фамилия {noun} [obsolete] :: family (the original meaning), see фамильный
фамильный {adj} [relational] :: family
фамильярность {noun} :: familiarity, unceremoniousness
фамильярный {adj} :: familiar, unceremonious (inappropriately intimate or friendly)
фан {noun} [colloquial] :: fan (admirer)
фанат {noun} :: fan, devotee (admirer)
фанат {noun} :: fanboy
фанатизм {noun} :: fanaticism
фанатик {noun} :: fanatic, sectarian, zealot
фанатик {noun} :: bigot, devotee
фанатичный {adj} :: fanatic, fanatical
фанера {noun} :: plywood (construction material)
фанера {noun} [colloquial] :: phonogram, sound track
фанерный {adj} [relational] :: plywood
фант {noun} [dated, plural only] :: fant (game in which players perform comic tasks, assigned by lot to the owner of an object, the "fant")
фант {noun} [dated] :: object whose owner is required to perform a comic task and which must be given back, in the game of fant
фант {noun} [dated] :: task performed in this way
фантазёр {noun} :: fantasist, daydreamer, dreamer (one living in a fantasy world)
фантазирование {noun} :: fantasizing
фантазировать {v impf} :: to fantasize, to dream (to indulge in fantasy)
фантазия {noun} :: fantasy (imagining)
фантасмагория {noun} :: phantasmagoria (a dreamlike state)
фантасмагория {noun} :: nonsense, ridiculousness, absurdity
фантаст {noun} :: dreamer, fantasist
фантаст {noun} :: visionary
фантаст {noun} :: science fiction writer
фантастика {noun} :: fantasy, fabulousness
фантастика {noun} [literature] :: fantasy
фантастически {adv} :: fantastically, fabulously
фантастический {adj} :: fantastical
фантик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of фант: (small) fant (object whose owner must perform a comic task in the game of fant, or the task so performed)
фантик {noun} :: candy wrapper
фантом {noun} :: phantom
фанфара {noun} :: fanfare
фанфара {noun} :: trumpet, bugle
фапать {v impf} [neologism, online slang] :: to masturbate
фара {noun} :: headlight, headlamp
фарад {noun} :: farad
фараон {noun} :: pharaoh
фараон {noun} [slang, pejorative] :: cop, policeman
фарватер {noun} :: waterway, fairway (navigable body of water)
Фарерские острова {prop} :: Фарерские острова (archipelago/and/autonomous country)
фарерский {adj} :: Faroese
фарерский {noun} :: Faroese (language)
Фареры {prop} :: Фареры (archipelago/and/autonomous country)
фарёрский {adj} :: alternative form of фарерский
фарёрский {noun} :: alternative form of фарерский
фарисей {noun} :: Pharisee
фарисейство {noun} :: hypocrisy
фаркоп {noun} [colloquial, automotive] :: tow bar, tow hitch, trailer hitch, tow ball, ball mount, hitch ball
фармаколог {noun} :: pharmacologist
фармакология {noun} :: pharmacology (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals)
фармацевт {noun} :: pharmacist
фармацевтика {noun} :: pharmaceutics (the art and science of dispensing drugs)
фармацевтический {adj} :: pharmaceutical
фарс {noun} :: farce
фарси {m inan} :: Persian (language)
фарт {noun} [colloquial] :: luck, fortune
фарт {noun} [colloquial] :: destiny
фартовый {adj} [colloquial] :: lucky, jammy
фартук {noun} :: apron (clothing)
фарфор {noun} :: porcelain, china
фарфоровый {adj} [relational] :: porcelain, china
фарцовка {noun} [historical] :: in the USSR, hucksterism, the activity of illegally selling things
фарцовщик {noun} [historical, strongly disapproving] :: huckster, spiv (a person engaged in фарцовка. Фарцовщик was a Soviet era term for a person illegally selling something, a "private vendor", "private seller", as it was forbidden in the USSR to be self-employed)
фарш {noun} :: minced meat or fish, mince
фас {noun} :: front, face
фас {interj} :: (a command to a dog) attack!, get'em!, bite!
фасад {noun} :: facade, frontage, front (also figuratively)
фасетка {noun} :: facet (one member of a compound eye)
фасовать {v impf} :: to prepack (retail goods)
фасоль {noun} :: common bean, string bean
фасон {noun} :: fashion, style; cut (of clothing)
фасон {noun} [colloquial] :: swank, showing off
фаст-фуд {noun} :: fast food (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly)
фат {noun} [derogatory] :: fop; coxcomb; dandy
фата {noun} :: bridal veil
фата {noun} :: [obsolete] any translucent light fabric of untwisted threads of silk or paper or both
фаталист {noun} :: fatalist
фатальный {adj} [relational] :: fate
фатальный {adj} :: inevitable
фатальный {adj} :: fatal
фатум {noun} [bookish] :: fate
фау {n inan} :: The German letter V, v
фауна {noun} [uncountable] :: fauna (animals considered as a group)
фашизм {noun} [politics] :: fascism (extreme totalitarian political regime)
фашина {noun} :: fascine
фашист {noun} :: fascist (proponent of fascism)
фашистка {noun} :: female fascist
фашистообразный {adj} :: fascist, fascist-like
фашистский {adj} :: fascist
фаэтон {noun} :: phaeton (a type of horse carriage)
фаэтон {noun} :: phaeton (a type of automobile body)
фаэтон {noun} :: tropicbird
Фаэтон {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Phaëthon
фаянс {noun} :: delft, faience (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic)
ФБР {n inan} :: initialism of Федеральное бюро расследований: FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
фев {m inan} :: abbreviation of февраль
февраль {noun} :: February
февральский {adj} [relational] :: February
федерал {noun} :: a fed (a federal government employee, a federal agent)
федерал {noun} :: a federal soldier (a soldier in Russia's federal forces deployed in the Chechen wars and various insurgencies)
федерализм {noun} :: federalism
федералист {noun} :: federalist
Федеральная служба безопасности России {prop} :: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (successor organization to the Soviet KGB)
Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации {prop} :: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (successor organization to the Soviet KGB)
федеральный {adj} :: federal
федеративный {adj} :: federative, federal
федерация {noun} :: federation
фейерверк {noun} :: firework
фейерверк {noun} :: firecracker
фейк {noun} [colloquial, neologism] :: fake
фейковый {adj} [colloquial, neologism] :: fake, false
фейсконтроль {noun} :: face control (policy of upscale nightclubs to restrict entry based on a bouncer's snap judgment of the suitability of a person's looks, money, style or attitude)
фейхоа {f inan} :: feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana, an evergreen bush of the myrtle family)
фейхоа {f inan} :: The fruit of this bush with a smell of strawberries and pineapple
фейхуа {f inan} :: feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana, an evergreen bush of the myrtle family)
фейхуа {f inan} :: The fruit of this bush with a smell of strawberries and pineapple
фекалии {noun} [literary] :: faeces (digested waste material discharged from the bowels)
фелляция {noun} :: fellatio
фельдмаршал {noun} :: field marshal
фельдфебель {noun} [historical, military] :: feldwebel (a non-commissioned officer (NCO))
фельдшер {noun} :: (male) doctor's / medical assistant, medical attendant, paramedic, male nurse
фельетон {noun} :: feuilleton, a satirical article
феминизм {noun} :: feminism
феминистка {noun} :: feminist (female)
фен {noun} :: hairdryer (electrical appliance for drying hair)
фенек {noun} :: fennec fox
феникс {noun} :: phoenix
феномен {noun} :: phenomenon (unusual occurrence)
феномен {noun} [colloquial] :: phenomenon (exceptional person)
феномен {noun} [colloquial] :: paradox
феномен {noun} [philosophy, psychology] :: phenomenon
феноменальный {adj} :: phenomenal
феноменолог {noun} :: phenomenologist
феноменологический {adj} :: phenomenological
феноменология {noun} :: phenomenology
фенхель {noun} :: fennel (plant)
феня {noun} [slang] :: Fenya, criminal argot, slang, cant
феодал {noun} :: feudal lord
феодализм {noun} :: feudalism
феодальная раздробленность {noun} [history] :: feudal division
феодальный {adj} :: feudal
Феодосия {prop} :: Феодосия (a <<port>> and <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>)
ферзь {noun} [chess] :: queen
ферма {noun} :: farm
ферма {noun} :: girder, rib, truss
фермент {noun} [biology] :: enzyme
фермер {noun} :: farmer
фермерский {adj} :: farmer's, farmers'
фермерство {noun} :: farming, agriculture (the art or science of cultivating the ground)
фермерство {noun} :: farmers (collectively)
фермий {noun} :: fermium
фермион {noun} :: fermion
фес {noun} :: fes (a Turkish hat in the shape of a truncated cone)
феска {noun} :: fez (a Turkish hat in the shape of a truncated cone)
фессалиец {noun} :: Thessalian
фестиваль {noun} :: festival (celebration)
фестивальный {adj} [relational] :: festival
фета {noun} :: feta (Greek cheese)
фетиш {noun} :: fetish
фетишизм {noun} :: fetishism
фехтование {noun} [sports] :: fencing
фехтовать {v impf} [sports] :: to fence
фея {noun} :: fairy
фея {noun} [figuratively] :: enchantress (a good-hearted, charming woman)
Фёдор {prop} :: given name
Фёдор {prop} [telephony] :: Foxtrot (F in the ICAO spelling alphabet)
Фёдоров {adj} :: Fyodor's
Фёкла {prop} :: given name
фи {f inan} :: (Greek letter) phi
фи {interj} :: Used to show (usually arrogant) lack of admiration, interest, or inspiration: meh, whatever
фи {interj} :: Used to show (usually arrogant) disapproval, discontent: yuck, bah, pah, pfft (same as фу)
фиалка {noun} [botany] :: violet
фиаско {n inan} :: fiasco, flop
Фибоначчи {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: Fibonacci (surname)
фиг {noun} :: a hand gesture made by making a fist and sticking the thumb between the pointer and middle finger, usually carries a vulgar meaning (known as the "fig sign")
фига {noun} :: fig (fruit, wood, or tree)
фига {noun} :: a rude gesture, in which the hand is in the form of a fist with the thumb placed between the index and middle fingers
фигеть {v impf} [slang] :: to become impudent/brazen/insolent
фигеть {v impf} [slang] :: to be shocked, to be very surprised
фигеть {v impf} [slang] :: to feel very miserable for some reason, to freeze, (nearly) to die of hunger, to cold, etc
фигляр {noun} :: buffoon, clown, jester
фигня {noun} [colloquial] :: stuff
фигня {noun} [colloquial] :: rubbish (nonsense)
фигня {noun} [colloquial, of a thing] :: rubbish
фигня {noun} [colloquial] :: trifle (something insignificant)
фиговина {noun} [low colloquial] :: thing, object, thingy
фиговый {adj} [relational] :: fig
фиговый {adj} [colloquial] :: lousy, rubbishy
фигура {noun} :: figure
фигура {noun} [chess] :: piece
фигура {noun} [card games] :: face card
фигурально {adv} :: figuratively (in a figurative manner)
фигурант {noun} :: figurant, actor, extra
фигурант {noun} :: person involved in
фигурировать {v impf} :: to figure (as), to appear
фигурист {noun} :: figure skater (someone who figure skates)
фигурка {noun} :: diminutive of фигура: figure
фигурка {noun} :: figurine
фигурное катание {noun} [sport] :: figure skating (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on ice)
фигурный {adj} [relational] :: figure; figured
Фиджи {prop} {m inanp} :: Фиджи (country/and/archipelago)
физик {noun} :: physicist
физика {noun} :: physics (branch of science)
физика элементарных частиц {noun} :: particle physics
физико-математический {adj} [relational] :: physics and mathematics
физико-химический {adj} :: physical and chemical, physico-chemical
физико-химический {adj} [relational] :: physical chemistry
физиолог {noun} :: physiologist
физиологический {adj} :: physiological
физиологический {adj} [figurative] :: sensual, carnal [as opposed to romantic]
физиология {noun} :: physiology
физиономия {noun} :: grimace, facial expression, mien
физиономия {noun} [pejorative] :: face, phis
физиотерапия {noun} :: physiotherapy (therapy that uses physical techniques such as massage and exercise)
физически {adv} :: physically
физический {adj} [relational] :: physics
физический {adj} :: physical, bodily
физическое лицо {noun} [law] :: natural person
физкультура {noun} :: physical education
физкультурник {noun} :: athlete
физкультурник {noun} [colloquial] :: physical education teacher
физрук {noun} [colloquial] :: physical training/education teacher
фиксаж {noun} [photography] :: fixer
фиксация {noun} :: fixation
фиксация {noun} [photography] :: fixing
фиксированный {adj} :: fixed
фиксировать {v both} :: to fix, to set, to settle, to state
фиксировать {v both} :: to record
фиксировать {v both} :: to fix (a photograph)
фиксироваться {v both} :: to register
фиксироваться {v both} [psychology] :: to fixate (on)
фиктивный {adj} :: fictional, fictitious
фиктивный {adj} :: forged, counterfeit, fake, sham
фикус {noun} :: ficus, rubber plant
фикция {noun} :: fiction (invention)
филаменка {noun} :: filament lamp
филантроп {noun} :: philanthropist
филантропический {adj} :: philanthropic
филармония {noun} :: philharmonic society
филармония {noun} :: philharmonic orchestra
филателия {noun} :: philately
филе {n inan} [food] :: fillet, filet
филе {n inan} [handicraft] :: filet lace, filet-work
филиал {noun} :: branch office, branch (office of an organization with several locations)
филиал {noun} :: subsidiary
филиал {noun} :: affiliate
филин {noun} :: eagle owl
филипино {m inan} :: Filipino (language)
Филипп {prop} :: given name
филиппинский {adj} :: Filipino (relating to the Philippines)
Филиппины {prop} :: Филиппины (country/and/archipelago)
филистимлянин {noun} :: Philistine
филогенез {noun} :: phylogenesis
филогенетика {noun} :: phylogenetics
филогенетический {adj} :: phylogenetic
филолог {noun} :: philologist (male or female)
филологический {adj} :: philological
филология {noun} :: philology
философ {noun} :: philosopher
философастер {noun} :: philosophaster (a pretender to philosophy; a petty or charlatan philosopher)
философия {noun} :: philosophy
философски {adv} :: philosophically
философский {adj} [relational] :: philosopher; philosopher's, philosophers'
философский {adj} :: philosophic, philosophical
философский камень {noun} :: philosopher's stone
философствовать {v impf} [dated] :: to reason or reflect on philosophical themes
философствовать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to philosophize
филуменист {noun} :: phillumenist
филфак {noun} :: philology department (in a university)
фильм {noun} :: film, movie
фильм ужасов {noun} :: horror movie, horror film (motion picture which horrifies or frightens)
фильтр {noun} :: filter (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance)
фильтрация {noun} :: filtration
фильтровать {v impf} [also figurative, physics] :: to filter
финал {noun} :: finale, ending, denouement
финал {noun} :: final, final round
финалист {noun} :: finalist
финаль {noun} [linguistics] :: final (final part of a syllable)
финальный {adj} :: final
финансирование {noun} :: funding, financing (money provided as funds or the act of funding)
финансировать {v both} :: to finance, to fund
финансист {noun} :: financier
финансово-промышленный {adj} [relational] :: finance and industry; financial-industrial
финансово-экономический {adj} [relational] :: finance and economics, financial-economic
финансовый {adj} :: financial
финансы {noun} :: finance (management of money and other assets, the monetary resources)
фингал {noun} [colloquial] :: black eye, shiner
финик {noun} :: date (fruit of the date palm)
финикиянин {noun} :: Phoenician
финиш {noun} :: finish (end of race, etc.)
финишировать {v both} :: to finish, to come in
финишный {adj} [relational] :: finish [especially of a race], finish line
финка {noun} :: Finnish girl/woman (female person from Finland), female Finn
финка {noun} :: Finnish knife, puukko
Финляндия {noun} :: Финляндия (country)
финн {noun} :: Finn (male person from Finland)
финский {noun} :: Finnish language
финский {adj} :: Finnish
финский нож {noun} :: puukko (a type of sharp, pointed knife of Nordic heritage) [lit.: "Finnish knife"]
Ф.И.О. {f inan} :: initialism of фамилия, имя, отчество: surname, first name, patronymic [on a form or an ID]
ФИО {f inan} :: initialism of фамилия, имя, отчество: surname, first name, patronymic [on a form or an ID]
фиолетовый {adj} :: purple (color)
фиолетовый {adj} :: violet (color)
фирма {noun} :: firm, company
фирменный {adj} [relational] :: firm, company, brand; proprietary
фирменный {adj} [colloquial] :: very good, high-quality
фискальный {adj} :: fiscal
фисташка {noun} :: pistachio (nut)
фита {noun} :: fita (obsolete Cyrillic letter Ѳ, ѳ)
фитиль {noun} :: wick
фитиль {noun} :: fuse
фитильный {adj} [relational] :: wick, fuse
фишка {noun} [games] :: piece, counter, dib, marker, peg, token
фишка {noun} [colloquial] :: invention, contrivance, device, (funny or special) idea
фишка {noun} [colloquial] :: feature, peculiarity
флаг {noun} :: flag, banner
флагман {noun} :: admiral, flagship (the ship which carries the admiral, the flagship)
флажок {noun} :: small flag
флажок {noun} [graphical user interface] :: checkbox
флакон {noun} :: (little) bottle
флакончик {noun} :: diminutive of флакон
фламандский {adj} :: Flemish
фламандский {noun} :: Flemish (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders)
фламинго {m anim} :: flamingo
фланг {noun} :: flank, wing
фланель {noun} :: flannel, fustian (soft cloth material)
фланец {noun} :: flange
фланёр {noun} :: flaneur
флегма {noun} [medicine, obsolete] :: phlegm
флегма {noun} :: phlegm, coolness, apathy
флегма {noun} [colloquial] :: phlegmatic person
флегматичный {adj} :: phlegmatic
флейта {noun} [musical instruments] :: flute (woodwind instrument)
флейта-пикколо {noun} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
флейц {noun} :: flat (wall) brush
флексагон {noun} :: flexagon
флексийный {adj} :: inflectional
флексия {noun} :: [grammar] inflection
флексия {noun} [medical] :: flexion
флеровий {noun} :: flerovium
флеш {noun} [poker] :: flush
флешка {noun} [colloquial] :: USB memory stick
флешмоб {noun} :: alternative form of флэшмоб
флеш-рояль {noun} [poker] :: royal flush
флибустьер {noun} :: filibuster (buccaneer, mercenary soldier)
флигель {noun} [architecture] :: wing (extension of a building)
флирт {noun} :: flirt (act of flirting)
флиртовать {v impf} :: to flirt (to play at courtship)
флогистон {noun} :: phlogiston
фломастер {noun} :: felt-tip pen
флора {noun} :: flora
Флоренция {prop} :: Флоренция (city)
Флорида {prop} :: Флорида (state)
Флорида {prop} :: given name
флот {noun} :: fleet
флот {noun} :: marine
флот {noun} :: navy
флот {noun} :: force
флотилия {noun} :: flotilla, small fleet
флотский {adj} [relational] :: navy; naval
флотский {noun} [colloquial] :: sailor
флэшмоб {noun} :: flash mob
флюгер {noun} :: vane, weather vane, windvane, weathercock
флюгер {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: weathercock, opportunist, timeserver
флюид {noun} :: fluid (especially in biology)
фляга {noun} :: canteen (water bottle)
фляга {noun} :: can (large cylindrical aluminum container with lid or cover, intended to hold liquids)
фляжка {noun} :: flask, hip flask (container for a small amount of beverage)
ФМС {f inan} :: federal migration service
ФНС {f inan} :: initialism of Федеральная налоговая служба: Federal Tax Service (of Russia)
фобия {noun} :: phobia
фовизм {noun} :: fauvism (artistic movement)
фойе {n inan} :: lobby, foyer (in a theater, cinema, etc.)
Фокс {prop} :: given name
фокстерьер {noun} :: fox terrier
фокстрот {noun} :: foxtrot
фокус {noun} :: hocus-pocus, trick, sleight of hand
фокус {noun} :: freak, whim
фокус {noun} :: focus (in optics)
фокусник {noun} :: juggler, conjurer; magician; prestidigitator
фолиант {noun} :: folio
фолиант {noun} [colloquial] :: large book, tome
фольга {noun} :: foil (thin sheet of metal)
фольклор {noun} :: folklore
фольклорный {adj} :: folk, folkloric
фольксваген {noun} :: Volkswagen car
Фома {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Фомин {adj} :: Foma's, Thomas's
фон {noun} :: background
фон {prop} :: Fon people of Benin and Nigeria
фон {prop} :: Fon language
фонареть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lose one's mind, to go nuts
фонареть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get very surprised
фонарик {noun} :: diminutive of фонарь: (small) lantern, (small) flashlight
фонарик {noun} :: torch, flashlight; headlamp, handlamp
фонарище {noun} :: augmentative of фонарь
фонарный {adj} [relational] :: lantern, lamp
фонарщик {noun} [historical] :: lamplighter
фонарщица {noun} [historical] :: lamplighter (female)
фонарь {noun} :: lantern, streetlight, streetlamp
фонарь {noun} :: electric torch, pocket lamp, flashlight
фонарь {noun} :: taillight, taillamp
фонарь {noun} [colloquial] :: shiner, black eye
фонарь {noun} [aviation] :: canopy
фонд {noun} :: fund
фонд {noun} :: stock
фонд {noun} :: fund, collection
фонд {noun} :: foundation (endowed institution or charity)
фондовая биржа {noun} :: stock exchange
фондовый {adj} [relational] :: fund
фондовый {adj} [relational] :: stock
фондю {n inan} :: fondue
фонема {noun} :: phoneme
фонетика {noun} :: phonetics
фонетический {adj} :: phonetic
фоновый {adj} [relational] :: background
фоновый {adj} :: native [of species]
фонограмма {noun} :: phonogram, sound recording, soundtrack
фонограф {noun} :: phonograph
фонолог {noun} [linguistics] :: phonologist
фонологический {adj} :: phonological
фонология {noun} :: phonology
фонон {noun} [physics] :: phonon
фонт {noun} [typography, colloquial] :: font
фонтан {noun} :: fountain
фонтанчик {noun} :: diminutive of фонтан
фо па {adv} :: incorrect movement, step
фора {noun} :: head start, odds
форвард {noun} [sports] :: forward (player nearest to the opposing soccer team)
форвард {noun} [finance, economics] :: forward
форвард {noun} [computing, email] :: forward
форель {noun} :: trout
форинт {noun} [numismatics] :: forint
форма {noun} :: form, shape
форма {noun} :: form (document to be filled)
форма {noun} :: form, structure, frame
форма {noun} :: model
форма {noun} :: mold
форма {noun} :: uniform (military, sports)
формализация {noun} :: formalization
формализм {noun} :: formalism
формализовать {v both} :: to formalise (to make formal)
формалист {noun} :: finalist
формальнее {adv} :: comparative of формальный
формальнее {adv} :: comparative of формально
формально {adv} :: formally (in a formal manner)
формальность {noun} :: formality
формальный {adj} :: formal
формант {noun} :: formant
форманта {noun} [physics, phonetics] :: a formant , a band of frequencies, in a sound spectrum, that have a greater intensity; they determine the quality of a sound; especially the characteristic sounds of the consonants
формантный {adj} :: formant, related to formants
формат {noun} :: size, format
формация {noun} [politics, economics] :: formation, structure
формация {noun} [geology] :: formation
форменный {adj} [relational] :: uniform
форменный {adj} [colloquial] :: regular, downright
формирование {noun} :: formation, forming, generation, putting together
формирование {noun} [military] :: unit, formation
формировать {v impf} :: to form, to shape, to mould, to make up
формовать {v impf} :: to form, to mold
формула {noun} :: formula
формулирование {noun} :: formulation
формулировать {v impf} :: to formulate, to phrase, to word, to lay down (rules, demands, etc.)
формулировка {noun} :: formulating, formulation, verbalizing
формулировка {noun} :: formula, statement, wording (presentation of opinion or position)
формуляр {noun} :: form (document to be filled)
формуляр {noun} :: logbook
формуляр {noun} :: record of service
форпост {noun} :: advanced post, outpost
форсаж {noun} [aviation] :: afterburner
форсажный {adj} [relational, aviation] :: afterburner
форсирование {noun} :: forcing
форсирование {noun} :: amplification, acceleration, boosting
форсировать {v both} :: to force, to speed up
форсировать {v both} [military] :: to force a crossing (over a river)
форс-мажор {noun} :: act of God, force majeure (unforeseen occurrence, overwhelming force)
форт {noun} :: fort (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops)
Форт-Ворт {prop} :: Форт-Ворт (city)
форте {adv} [music] :: forte
фортепианный {adj} [relational] :: piano
фортепиано {n inan} :: piano
фортепиано {n inan} :: fortepiano; pianoforte
фортепьяно {n inan} :: alternative form of фортепиано
форточка {noun} :: fortochka (a small ventilation window spanning the frame of one window pane, opening independently of the whole window)
форточник {noun} [criminal slang] :: a thief who burglarizes houses by breaking in through windows
фортуна {noun} :: fortune (good luck, fate)
форум {noun} [historical] :: forum
форум {noun} [Internet] :: forum
форштевень {noun} [naval] :: wooden or steel beam in the bow of the ship
фосфат {noun} [chemistry] :: phosphate
фосфор {noun} :: phosphorus
фосфорилирование {noun} :: phosphorylation
фосфорный {adj} [relational] :: phosphorus; phosphoric
фотать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to photograph, to take a photo
фотка {noun} [colloquial] :: photo
фото- {prefix} :: photo- (light)
фото {n inan} :: photo, photograph
фотоальбом {noun} :: photo album
фотоаппарат {noun} :: still camera
фотобумага {noun} :: photopaper (paper for photographic prints)
фотогеничный {adj} :: photogenic
фотограф {noun} :: photographer
фотографирование {noun} :: photography, photographing
фотографировать {v impf} :: to photograph
фотографироваться {v impf} :: to be photographed, to have one's photo/picture taken
фотографический {adj} :: photographic
фотография {noun} :: photograph
фотография {noun} :: photography
фотодиод {noun} :: photodiode
фотокамера {noun} :: camera
фотокарточка {noun} :: photograph, photo, picture
фотокорреспондент {noun} :: press photographer
фотомодель {noun} :: model who poses for photographs; fashion model
фотомодель {noun} :: model hired to show items or goods to the public
фотомодель {noun} [colloquial] :: beautiful woman [particularly one who corresponds to a particular standard of beauty]
фотон {noun} [physics] :: photon
фотоохота {noun} :: wildlife photography
фотоплёнка {noun} :: photographic film
фотоплёнка {noun} [technology] :: camera roll
фотопулемёт {noun} :: gun camera, guncam
фоторобот {noun} :: identikit (facial composite)
фотосессия {noun} :: photo shoot, photo session
фотосинтез {noun} [biology] :: photosynthesis (biological process)
фотоснимок {noun} :: snapshot, photograph
фотофлюорография {noun} :: photofluorography
фр {m inan} :: Fr, franc
фрагмент {noun} :: fragment
фраер {noun} [slang] :: not a criminal person, a potential victim of a crime, any person (male); a person criminals may consider as deserving of respect, even if he doesn't belong to their group
фраер {noun} [slang] :: an unpleasant person, e.g. someone who behaves arrogantly, spoils a party, etc
фраер {noun} [slang] :: A naive or inexperienced person, a sucker, mug, patsy or sap; one who accedes to all requests, and is easily taken advantage of
фраза {noun} :: sentence, phrase
фразеология {noun} :: phraseology (study of set or fixed expressions)
фрак {noun} :: tailcoat (formal evening jacket)
фракция {noun} :: faction (inside a political party)
фракция {noun} :: group (in a parliament)
фракция {noun} :: (chemistry) fraction
франк {noun} [numismatics] :: franc
франк {noun} :: Frank (member of a Germanic tribe)
франко- {prefix} :: Franco-, French (of France)
Франкфурт {prop} :: Франкфурт (largest city)
Франкфурт {prop} :: Франкфурт (sizable town)
франт {noun} :: dandy, fop, beau
франций {noun} :: francium
Франциск {prop} {m} :: given name
Франция {noun} :: Франция (country)
француженка {noun} :: Frenchwoman (a French woman)
француз {noun} :: French, Frenchman
Французская Гвиана {prop} :: Французская Гвиана (overseas department/and/region)
Французская Полинезия {prop} :: Французская Полинезия (overseas collectivity)
французский {adj} :: French
французский {noun} :: French language
французский поцелуй {noun} :: French kiss
французский поцелуй {noun} [vulgar, rare, erroneous] :: oral sex; blowjob, cunnilingus
французы {noun} :: French people, the French
франчайзинг {noun} :: franchising (the establishment, granting, or use of a franchise)
франшиза {noun} [Buisness] :: franchise (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
фрау {f anim} [Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.] :: madam; Mrs.; frau
фрахт {noun} :: freight
фрахт {noun} [colloquial] :: cargo
фрахтование {noun} :: chartering, affreightment (hire a vessel for cargo)
фрахтование {noun} :: freightage
фрегат {noun} [inanimate] :: frigate
фрегат {noun} [animate] :: frigatebird
фрезер {noun} [woodworking] :: router
фрезер {noun} [agriculture] :: machine for soil cultivation
фрезер {noun} :: milling machine
фрейдизм {noun} :: Freudianism
фрекинг {noun} :: fracking
френч {noun} :: service jacket (single-breasted jacket with a collar stand and four external pockets)
фреска {noun} :: fresco
фривольность {noun} :: frivolity
фривольный {adj} :: frivolous
фривольный {adj} :: immodest
фригидный {adj} :: frigid (sexually unresponsive, especially of a woman)
Фригия {prop} [historical] :: Phrygia
фриз {noun} :: Frisian
фриз {noun} [architecture] :: frieze
фрикаделька {noun} :: meatball (especially in a soup)
Фритаун {prop} :: Фритаун (capital city)
фритюрница {noun} :: deep fryer (vessel for deep frying)
фриц {noun} [pejorative] :: a German person, Fritz, often in the World War 2 context
фройляйн {f anim} [German speaking countries] :: fraulein, Miss
фрондёр {noun} [historical] :: a participant of the Fronde
фрондёр {noun} [figuratively, literary] :: frondeur, malcontent, rebel
фронт {noun} [military] :: front (large operational military command that controls several armies; equivalent to U.S. army group)
фронт {noun} :: battle front, front line
фронтальный {adj} [general, military, meteorology] :: frontal
фронтальный {adj} :: general
фронтовик {noun} :: front-line soldier
фронтовой {adj} [relational, military or meteorology] :: front
фронтовой {adj} :: frontline
фронтон {noun} [architecture] :: pediment
фрукт {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: fruit
фруктовый {adj} [relational] :: fruit
фруктоза {noun} :: fructose
Фрунзе {prop} {m inan} :: Frunze (former name of Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan)
фрунзенский {adj} [relational] :: Frunze (referring to anyone with this name, especially Mikhail Frunze, Bolshevik military leader)
фрунзенский {adj} [relational] :: Frunze (former name of Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan)
ФСБ {prop} {f inan} :: FSB (successor organization to the Soviet KGB)
фтизиатрия {noun} [medicine] :: phthisiology
фтопку {idiom} [as imperative] :: burn it! delete it!
фтор {noun} :: fluorine
ФТС {f inan} :: federal customs service
фу {interj} :: pew!, ew!, yuck! (it stinks!)
фу {interj} :: aw! (mild disappointment)
фу {interj} :: (a command for a dog) stop that!, don't do that!
фуа-гра {n} :: foie gras (fattened liver of geese or ducks)
фуга {noun} [music] :: fugue
фуга {noun} :: clearance necessary for unobstructed movement of furniture parts
фугас {noun} :: field explosive, landmine, fougasse mine
фугасный {adj} :: highly explosive (of bombs, shells)
фугу {n inan} :: fugu, blowfish (a delicacy popular in Japan served raw as sushi that may, if improperly prepared, contain deadly levels of neurotoxins)
фужер {noun} :: tall wine glass
Фукуока {prop} {f inan} :: Фукуока (prefecture)
Фукуока {prop} {f inan} :: Фукуока (city)
Фукусима {prop} :: Фукусима (prefecture)
Фукусима {prop} :: Фукусима (capital city)
фулл-хаус {noun} [poker] :: full house
фул-хаус {noun} [poker] :: alternative form of фулл-хаус
Фунафути {prop} {m inan} :: Фунафути (capital city)
фундамент {noun} :: foundation, base, basis (that upon which anything is founded)
фундаментализм {noun} :: fundamentalism (religion, finance)
фундаментальное взаимодействие {noun} [physics] :: fundamental interaction
фундаментальный {adj} :: solid, fundamental, thorough, substantial
фундук {noun} :: hazelnut, hazel (nut)
фундук {noun} :: filbert
функционал {noun} [mathematics] :: functional (a function that takes a function as its argument)
функционально {adv} [literary] :: functionally
функциональность {noun} :: functionality
функциональный {adj} [mathematics, medicine, architecture] :: functional
функциональный {adj} [literary] :: functional (useful, serving a purpose)
функциональный {adj} [literary] :: functional (based on function)
функционер {noun} :: apparatchik (disapprovingly: blindly loyal bureaucrat)
функционирование {noun} :: functioning, operation, operating
функционировать {v impf} :: to function (to carry on a function)
функция {noun} :: function
функция {noun} :: duty
функция {noun} :: purpose, role
фунт {noun} :: pound (409.51241 grams)
фунт {noun} :: English pound (453.59237 grams)
фунт {noun} [numismatics] :: pound
фунт стерлингов {noun} [numismatics] :: pound sterling
фура {noun} [dated] :: large, long cart
фура {noun} [dated] :: wagon
фура {noun} [somewhat, dated] :: van
фура {noun} :: semi-trailer truck, heavy vehicle
фураж {noun} :: fodder (food for animals)
фуражка {noun} :: [British] peaked cap, combination cap, forage cap
фуражка {noun} :: [US] service cap, wheel cap, combination cover
фургон {noun} :: portable loading room, van, caravan, wagon, waggon, camion (a covered vehicle used for carrying goods)
фурия {noun} [Greek mythology] :: Erinys
фурия {noun} [Roman mythology] :: Fury
фурия {noun} :: hag, virago, shrew
фурор {noun} :: sensation, splash [usually following a verb such as "to make", "to cause"]
фурор {noun} :: jubilation, uproar
фурор {noun} :: furor
фуррь {noun} :: furry (anthropomorphic animal; a member of the furry fandom)
фурункул {noun} :: boil (on skin)
фурфурол {noun} [organic chemistry] :: furfural
фуршет {noun} :: reception with light refreshments eaten standing
фусха {noun} :: Fusha, Modern Standard Arabic, Classical Arabic
фут {noun} :: foot (unit of length)
футбол {noun} :: football [the game, UK English], soccer [US English]
футболист {noun} :: football player, footballer
футболка {noun} :: T-shirt (type of shirt)
футбольный {adj} [relational] :: football, soccer
футляр {noun} :: case, sheath (long case)
футомаки {n inan} :: futomaki
футон {noun} :: futon
футурист {noun} :: futurist
Футю {prop} {m inan} :: Футю (city)
Футю {prop} {m inan} :: Футю (city)
фуфайка {noun} :: sweatshirt, sweater, jersey
фуфайка {noun} :: quilted jacket, fufayka, vatnik
фу-фу {interj} :: pew!, P U!, pee-you! (it stinks!)
фухтель {noun} :: the flat side of the blade of a weapon
фухтель {noun} :: a blow with the flat side of the blade of a weapon
Фуцзянь {prop} :: Фуцзянь (province)
фыркать {v impf} :: to snort, to sniff
фыркать {v impf} :: to sniff scornfully, to scoff, to grouse, to grumble
фыркать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to chuckle, to chortle, to snicker
фыркнуть {v pf} :: to snort, to sniff
фыркнуть {v pf} :: to sniff scornfully, to scoff, to grouse, to grumble
фыркнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to chuckle, to chortle, to snicker
фьорд {noun} [geology] :: fjord
фэн {noun} :: alternative form of фан
фэнтези {f inan} :: fantasy (literary genre)
фэншуй {m inan} :: fengshui
фюзеляж {noun} :: fuselage
фюрер {noun} :: Führer