User:Wikitiki89 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Apparently I'm not so active these days. If you need my attention, I'm more likely to notice a talk page message than a ping.
UTC−5 This user's time zone is UTC−5 and observes Daylight Saving Time (in the Northern Hemisphere).
This user is Jewish.
{{t}}-4 This user can write and understand very complex wiki template code.
lua-4 This user can write and understand very complex Lua code.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
ru Для этого участника русский язык является родным.
fr-3 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
he-3 משתמש זה מסוגל לתרום ברמה מתקדמת של עברית.
ar-2 هذا المستخدم يتحدث اللغة العربية بشكل جيد.
arc-2 This user is able to contribute in one or more Aramaic languages at a intermediate level.
yi-2 ‫דער באַניצער איז אַ װײַטהאַלטער פֿון ייִדיש.‬
el-1 Αυτός ο χρήστης μπορεί να συνεισφέρει σε βασικού επιπέδου Ελληνικά.
fa-1 دانش فارسی این کاربر در سطح مبتدی است.
This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.
This user's native script is Hebrew.
This user's native script is the Cyrillic alphabet.
This user has a near-native understanding of the old Cyrillic alphabet.
This user has a near-native understanding of the Greek alphabet.
This user has a near-native understanding of the Arabic script.
This user has a near-native understanding of the Phoenician alphabet.
This user has a comprehensive understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
This user has an advanced understanding of the Syriac script.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Ugaritic Cuneiform alphabet.

This user has a basic understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

This user has a basic understanding of the Ge'ez script.

This user has a basic understanding of the Glagolitic alphabet.

This user has a basic understanding of the Runic alphabet.

This user has a basic understanding of Tifinagh script.
This user has a basic understanding of Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform.
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Hi, I'm Wikitiki89. I'm a native speaker of both English and Russian. My English is that of New England (New English?) and my Russian (as I've been told) is distinctly Moscovian. Having never lived in (or even ever been to) a Russian-speaking country, I have no formal Russian education. My Russian grammar, however, is as good as any other native speaker even if my vocabulary and spelling are a little lacking.

Even though I didn't really start learning English till I was three years old, it has had plenty of time to surpass my Russian. Having been thoroughly tortured by my high school English teacher, my formal English grammar is better than most people (see if you can spot the two errors in that sentence!). I intentionally try not to let formal grammar invade my colloquial speech, but inevitably it sometimes does.

My French is not very good conversationally, but my reading and writing are good if I have a dictionary at hand.

Well that just about summarizes my three best languages.

  • I like to play devil's advocate, so don't take it personally if I debate things very thoroughly.
  • I try to see things from everyone's point of view, which is usually the driving force behind my fierce cross-examinations.
  • I don't get easily offended (you can try me if you want at my talk page), but as a consequence, I often accidentally offend others.
  • I try to be fair with everything I do, but that doesn't mean I'm always successful at this. If you think I'm being unfair, tell me.

I have a bot: WikitikiBot (talkcontribs).

Working on (supposedly)


TODO: -к-



Бѣ́лый, блѣ́дный, бѣ́дный бѣсъ
Убѣжа́лъ голо́дный въ лѣсъ.
Лѣ́шимъ по́ лѣсу онъ бѣ́галъ,
Рѣ́дькой съ хрѣ́номъ пообѣ́далъ
И за го́рькій тотъ обѣ́дъ
Далъ обѣ́тъ надѣ́лать бѣдъ.

Вѣдай, братъ, что клѣть и клѣ́тка,
Рѣшето́, рѣшётка, сѣ́тка,
Вѣ́жа и желѣ́зо съ ять, —
Такъ и надо́бно писа́ть.

На́ши вѣ́ки и рѣсни́цы
Защища́ютъ глазъ зѣни́цы,
Вѣ́ки жму́ритъ цѣ́лый вѣкъ
Ночью ка́ждый человѣ́къ

Вѣ́теръ вѣ́тки полома́лъ,
Нѣ́мецъ вѣ́ники связалъ,
Свѣ́силъ вѣ́рно при промѣ́нѣ,
За двѣ гри́вны про́далъ въ Вѣ́нѣ.

Днѣпръ и Днѣстръ, какъ всѣмъ извѣ́стно,
Двѣ рѣки́ въ сосѣ́дствѣ тѣ́сномъ,
Дѣ́литъ о́бласти ихъ Бугъ,
Рѣ́жетъ съ сѣ́вера на югъ.

Кто тамъ гнѣ́вно свирѣпѣ́етъ?
Крѣ́пко сѣ́товать такъ смѣ́етъ?
На́до ми́рно споръ рѣши́ть
И другъ дру́га убѣди́ть

Пти́чьи гнѣ̈зда грѣхъ зори́ть,
Грѣхъ напра́сно хлѣбъ сори́ть,
Надъ калѣ́кой грѣхъ смѣя́ться,
Надъ увѣ́чнымъ издѣва́ться

Function words


Improve Hebrew number entries

  1. אחד, אחת, ראשון
  2. שניים, שנים, שני, שתיים, שתים, שתי, שני
  3. שלושה, שלשה, שלושת, שלשת, שלוש, שלש, שלישי
  4. ארבעה, ארבעת, ארבע, רביעי
  5. חמישה, חמשה, חמשת, חמש, חמישי
  6. שישה, ששה, ששת, שש, שישי, ששי
  7. שבעה, שבעת, שבע, שביעי
  8. שמונה, שמונת, שמיני
  9. תשעה, תשעת, תשע, תשיעי
  10. עשרה, עשרת, עשר, עשרות, עשירי
  11. אחד עשר, אחת עשרה, אחד עשרה, עשתי עשר, עשתי עשרה
  12. שנים עשר, שתים עשרה
  13. שלושה עשר, שלשה עשר, שלוש עשרה, שלש עשרה
  14. ארבעה עשר, ארבע עשרה
  15. חמישה עשר, חמשה עשר, חמש עשרה
  16. שישה עשר, ששה עשר, שש עשרה
  17. שבעה עשר, שבע עשרה
  18. שמונה עשר, שמונה עשרה
  19. תשעה עשר, תשע עשרה
  20. עשרים
  21. שלושים, שלשים
  22. ארבעים
  23. חמישים, חמשים
  24. שישים, ששים
  25. שבעים
  26. שמונים
  27. תשעים
  28. מאה, מאתיים, מאתים, מאות
  29. אלף, אלפיים, אלפים, אלפים
  30. רבבה, רבבות
  31. מיליון, מיליונים
  32. מיליארד, מיליארדים
  33. ביליון, ביליונים
  34. אין סוף, אינסוף, אינסופי

