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  1. seven
  • Sầm Văn Bình (2018) Từ điển Thái–Việt (Tiếng Thái Nghệ An) [Tai–Vietnamese Dictionary (Nghệ An Tai)]‎[1], Nghệ An: Nhà xuất bản Nghệ An

From Proto-Vietic *k-ceːt.

IPA(key): /ceːt⁷/


  1. (Cuối Chăm) to die

From Proto-Vietic *k-ceːt, from Proto-Mon-Khmer *kc(ə)t (to die). Related to giết (to kill).

According to Sagart (2008), a word from the Yuè language meaning "die" was noted in Zhèng Xuán's commentary on the Zhōu Lĭ from the Han dynasty using the character , pronounced "tsreat" in Middle Chinese. Scholars Norman and Mei (1976) compared this word with the Vietnamese word "chết", which also means "to die". However, they missed that 札 is a well-known Chinese word meaning "to die (from external causes, prematurely, or in an epidemic)." This word appears frequently in classical Chinese texts without any specific southern or Yuè connection. The presence of this word in the Yuè language during the Han dynasty might be due to Yuè borrowing it from Chinese. Alternatively, it could have been the standard word for "die" in a Chinese dialect spoken in the Yuè region. The similarity between this Chinese word and the Austroasiatic word is likely coincidental.

chết (, 𣩂, 𣩁, )

  1. to die; to decease; to perish
    Antonym: sống
    cái chếtdeath
    sự chếtdeath (in Christian literature)
    Thần ChếtDeath (personification of death) (literally, god of death)
    Biết chết liền.Damned if I know (literally, If I knew I'd die at once.).
    • c. 53 - 57 CE, 1 Corinthians 15:26; 1926 Vietnamese translation by Phan Khôi et al.; 2021 English translation from the New Revised Standard Version

      Kẻ thù bị hủy-diệt sau-cùng, tức là sự chết.

      The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
    • Nguyễn Bình, Nếu Tôi Phải Chết; translated from Refaat Alareer, If I Must Die

      Nếu tôi phải chết,
      hãy để điều ấy mang đến hy vọng,
      hay để điều ấy trở thành chuyện kể.

      If I must die
      let it bring hope
      let it be a tale
  2. (figurative, of devices) to break; to stop working

chết (, 𣩂, 𣩁, )

  1. dead; deceased; perished
    chếtdead fish
  2. (figurative, of devices) broken; ruined
  3. (figurative, of time) unoccupied; free; idle

chết (, 𣩂 𣩁, )

  1. (colloquial) extremely; terribly; awfully

chết (, 𣩂, 𣩁, )

  1. (colloquial) crap; shoot
    Synonyms: thôi chết, chết cha, chết mẹ
  2. (followed by a pronoun or kinship term) ... am/is screwed big time

    Chết tôi rồi !

    Screw me! / I am so screwed!

    Đừng ! Mày mà đi thì chết tao !

    Don't! If you go, I'll be dead meat!
    • 1941, Nam Cao, Chí Phèo:

      A ha! Phải đấy, hắn cứ thế mà chửa, cứ chửi đứa chết mẹ nào đẻ ra thân hắn, đẻ ra cái thằng Chí Phèo!

      Uh-huh! That's right, he can just do this, he can just curse whatever motherfucker that gave birth to him, to the bastard known as Chí Phèo!