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  1. eye

jo- +‎ ku-. Originally an old compound of two pronominal stems, but is practically never considered a compound by speakers.

  • IPA(key): /ˈjoku/, [ˈjo̞ku]
  • Rhymes: -oku
  • Syllabification(key): jo‧ku


  1. (indefinite) someone, somebody

    Joku odottaa sinua.

    Someone is waiting for you
    joku muusomebody/-one else
    joku heistäone of them
    joku muusomeone else
  2. (colloquial, indefinite) something
    joku muu"something else" and "somebody else"


  1. (indefinite) one, a, any, some (of people)

    Äiti, ovella on joku kaupustelija.

    Mom, there's a salesman at the door.

    Joku kaupustelija kävi meillä eilen.

    Some salesman visited us yesterday.
  2. (colloquial, indefinite) one, a, any, some (of things)

    Ota joku näistä!

    Take one of these!
  3. (colloquial, indefinite) some, around, approximately

    Ostin jonkun/joku 5 kiloa mansikoita.

    I bought around 5 kilos of strawberries.
  • In colloquial Finnish, the forms of jokin (used to refer to non-human things in the standard language) and joku (used to refer to humans in the standard language) have merged, especially when used as modifiers (for example joku mies / joku pöytä (some man / some table), joku meistä / joku niistä pöydistä (one of us / one of the tables). In referring to both humans and non-human things, joku is used as a modifier in everyday speech and writing in the nominative singular (joku) and genitive singular (jonkun) and the nominative and accusative plural (jotkut), but the forms of jokin are used in all other grammatical cases to refer to both humans and non-human things. When used alone, not as modifiers, the forms of joku and jokin are however usually still distinguished, even in everyday speech, in the nominative singular/plural, genitive singular and the partitive singular/plural.[1][2] This is shown by the following examples of colloquial usage:
    joku mies tuli / antoi sen jollekin miehellesome man came / gave it to some man
    joku tuli / antoi sen jollekinsomeone came / gave it to someone
    joku pöytä meni rikki / laita se jollekin pöydällesome table broke / put it on some table
    jokin meni rikki / laita se jollekinsomething broke / put it on something
    and the following examples of formal (standard language) usage:
    joku mies / jollekulle miehellesome man came / to some man
    jokin pöytä / jollekin pöydällesome table / onto some table
  • Case suffixes are regular. Both the parts get the case suffix. Some cases are practically never used (those forms are in brackets in the table). The lative and causative cases are used as adverbs with completely different meanings than "some" or "someone".
noun case singular pluraladverbial form singular plural
nominative joku abbr. jk jotkutsuperessive
genitive jonkun abbr. jkn joidenkuiden
partitive jotakuta abbr. jkta joitakuitasublative
accusative joku, jonkun jotkutlative (joskus)
inessive jossakussa abbr. jkssa joissakuissatemporal
elative jostakusta abbr. jksta joistakuistacausative (jotenkuten)
illative johonkuhun abbr. jkhun joihinkuihinmultiplicative
adessive jollakulla abbr. jklla joillakuilladistributive
ablative joltakulta abbr. jklta joiltakuiltatemp. dist.
allative jollekulle abbr. jklle joillekuilleprolative
essive jonakuna joinakuinasituative
translative joksikuksi joiksikuiksioppositive
abessive (jottakutta) (joittakuitta)
instructive (joinkuin)
comitative (joinekuine)

Pronouns with same stems:

  1. ^ Pronominit: joku ja jokin (merkitys ja taivutus)
  2. ^ Pronominit: joku ja jokin (käytön yleispiirteet)


  1. Rōmaji transcription of じょく

joku m

  1. inflection of joks:
    1. accusative/instrumental singular
    2. genitive plural