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From both of the following:[1]

  • From Late Middle English resounen (to return with an echo, resound; to make a sound, to sound; of speech or writing: to announce a theme) [and other forms], from Anglo-Norman resoner, resouner [and other forms], Middle French resoner, and Old French resoner (to make a (deep or echoing) sound; of sounds: to echo; to ring; of one’s name or actions: to be frequently recounted; of a place: to re-echo or ring with sound) (modern French résonner), from Latin resonāre, the present active infinitive of resonō (to ring or sound again, re-echo, resound; to call repeatedly; to give back the sound of (something), re-echo or resound (something)), from re- (prefix meaning ‘again’) + sonō (to make a noise, resound, sound; to sound (something); to speak or utter (something); to call, cry out; to celebrate; to extol, praise; to sing) (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *swenh₂- (to sound)).
  • From re- (prefix meaning ‘again, anew’) +‎ sound (to produce a sound).

resound (third-person singular simple present resounds, present participle resounding, simple past and past participle resounded)

  1. (transitive)
    1. To make (sounds), or to speak (words), loudly or reverberatingly.
    2. Of a place: to cause (a sound) to reverberate; to echo.
      • 1594, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Nash[e], The Tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage: [], London: [] Widdowe Orwin, for Thomas Woodcocke, [], →OCLC, Act IV, signature E, verso:

        Heare, heare, O heare Iarbus plaining prayers, / VVhose hideous ecchoes make the vvelkin hovvle, / And all the vvoods Eliza to reſound: []

      • 1667, John Milton, “Book II”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker []; [a]nd by Robert Boulter []; [a]nd Matthias Walker, [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC, lines 787–789:

        I fled, and cry'd out Death; / Hell trembl'd at the hideous Name, and ſigh'd / From all her Caves, and back reſounded Death.

      • 1709 May, Alexander Pope, “Pastorals. Spring. The First Pastoral, or Damon. []”, in Poetical Miscellanies: The Sixth Part. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], →OCLC, page 723:

        Let Vernal Airs thro' trembling Oſiers play, / And Albion’s Cliffs reſound the Rural Lay.

      • a. 1795 (date written), William Wordsworth, “Guilt and Sorrow; or, Incidents upon Salisbury Plain”, in Poems, Chiefly of Early and Late Years; [] (The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth; VII), London: Edward Moxon, [], published 1842, →OCLC, stanza LVIII, page 34:

        The dripping groves resound with cheerful lays, / And melancholy lowings intervene / Of scattered herds, that in the meadow graze, / Some amid lingering shade, some touched by the sun's rays.

    3. To praise or spread the fame of (someone or something) with the voice or the sound of musical instruments; to celebrate, to extol; also, to declare (someone) to be a certain thing.
      • 1615, George Sandys, “The First Booke”, in The Relation of a Iourney Begun An: Dom: 1610. [], London: [] [Richard Field] for W. Barrett, →OCLC, page 19:

        This is the famous Promontory of Sigeum, honored vvith the ſepulcher of Achilles, vvhich Alexander (viſiting it in his Aſian expedition) couered vvith flovvers, and ranne naked about it, as then the cuſtome vvas in funerals: ſacrificing to the ghoſt of his kinſman, vvhom he reputed moſt happie, that had ſuch a trumpet as Homer, to reſound his vertues.

      • [1633], George Herbert, “The Church Militant”, in [Nicholas Ferrar], editor, The Temple. Sacred Poems, and Private Ejaculations, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: [] Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel; and are to be sold by Francis Green, [], →OCLC, page 185:

        The Warrier his deere skarres no more reſounds, / But ſeems to yeeld Chriſt hath the greater wounds, / Wounds willingly endur'd to work his bliſſe, / Who by an ambuſh loſt his Paradiſe.

      • 1667, John Milton, “Book III”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker []; [a]nd by Robert Boulter []; [a]nd Matthias Walker, [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC, lines 146–149:

        [B]oth Heav'n and Earth ſhall high extoll / Thy praiſes, with th' innumerable ſound / Of Hymns and ſacred Songs, wherewith thy Throne / Encompaſs'd ſhall reſound thee ever bleſt.

      • 1725, Homer, “Book I”, in [Elijah Fenton], transl., The Odyssey of Homer. [], volume I, London: [] Bernard Lintot, →OCLC, page 3:

        The Man, for VViſdom's various arts renovvn'd, / Long exercis'd in vvoes, oh Muſe! reſound.

    4. To repeat (another's words, opinions, etc.).
      • 1980 December 27, K. F. Huck, quoting David Braley, “The Spirit Of The Beehive”, in Gay Community News, volume 8, number 23, page 8:

        As far as the immediate area, [the greatest anti-gay influence] has got to be the Church; it's definitely the Mormon Church. You know the current Moral Majority movement seems to be a likening to that. You know many Mormons may not like Reverend Falwell, but they'll certainly resound his sentiments.

      Synonym: echo
  2. (intransitive)
    1. Of a place: to reverberate with sound or noise.

      The street resounded with the noise of the children’s game.

    2. Of a sound, a voice, etc.: to reverberate; to ring.
      Synonym: echo
    3. Especially of a musical instrument: to make a (deep or reverberating) sound; also, to make sounds continuously.

      The sound of the brass band resounded through the town.

    4. (figuratively)
      1. Of an event: to have a major effect in a certain place or time.
      2. Of a person, their reputation, etc.: to be much lauded or mentioned.
        • 1612, [Miguel de Cervantes], “Relating that which the Goatheard Told to Those that Carried away Don-quixote”, in Thomas Shelton, transl., The History of the Valorous and Wittie Knight-errant Don-Quixote of the Mancha. [], London: [] William Stansby, for Ed[ward] Blount and W. Barret, →OCLC, part 4, page 583:

          [I]t ſeemes that this place is conuerted into the Paſtoral Arcadia, it is ful of ſhepheards and ſheepfolds, and there is no one part thereof vvherein the name of the beautifull Leandra reſoundeth not: []

        • 1625, Thomas Coryat, “A Letter of Mr. Thomas Coryat, which Trauailed by Land from Ierusalem to the Court of the Great Mongol, Written to Mr. L. Whitaker. To which are Added Pieces of Two Other, to Entertayne You with a Little Indian-Odcombian Mirth. [From Agra, the Capitall Citie of the Dominion of the Great Mogoll in the Easterne India, the Last of October 1686.]”, in [Samuel] Purchas, Purchas His Pilgrimes. [], 1st part, London: [] William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, [], →OCLC, 4th book, page 598:

          The cauſe of my comming hither is for foure reſpects. Firſt, to ſee the bleſſed face of your Maiestie, vvhoſe vvonderfull fame hath reſounded ouer all Europe, and the Mahometan Countries.

        • 1667, John Milton, “Book I”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker []; [a]nd by Robert Boulter []; [a]nd Matthias Walker, [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC, lines 579–581:

          [W]hat reſounds / In Fable or Romance of Uthers Son / Begirt with Britiſh and Armoric Knights; []

        • 1864, Alfred Tennyson, “[Experiments.] In Quantity. Milton. Alcaics.”, in Enoch Arden, &c., London: Edward Moxon & Co., [], →OCLC, page 174:

          O mighty-mouth'd inventor of harmonies, / O skill'd to sing of Time or Eternity, / God-gifted organ-voice of England, / Milton, a name to resound for ages; []

to make (sounds), or to speak (words), loudly or reverberatingly

of a place: to cause (a sound) to reverberate see echo

to praise or spread the fame of (someone or something) with the voice or the sound of musical instruments see celebrate,‎ extol

to declare (someone) to be a certain thing see declare

of a place: to reverberate with sound or noise

of a sound, a voice, etc.: to reverberate; to ring see echo

especially of a musical instrument: to make a (deep or reverberating sound; to make sounds continuously

of an event: to have a major effect in a certain place or time

of a person, their reputation, etc.: to be much lauded or mentioned

From Late Middle English resoun, reson (echoing or reverberating sound; clangour, din, noise), from Old French reson, and from its etymon Latin resonus (echoing, resounding),[2] from re- (prefix meaning ‘again’) + sonus (sound; noise; pitch; speech; (figuratively) character, style, tone; tongue, voice) (from sonō (verb) (see further at etymology 1) + -us (suffix forming nouns)).[3]

resound (countable and uncountable, plural resounds)

  1. (countable) An echoing or reverberating sound; a resounding.
  2. (uncountable) The quality of echoing or reverberating; resonance.
    • c. 1670s (date written), Thomas Brown [i.e., Thomas Browne], “Sect[ion] XXXIV”, in John Jeffery, editor, Christian Morals, [], Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: [] [A]t the University-Press, for Cornelius Crownfield printer to the University; and are to be sold by Mr. Knapton []; and Mr. [John] Morphew [], published 1716, →OCLC, part I, page 40:

      Since Virtuous Actions have their own Trumpets, and without any noiſe from thy ſelf will have their reſound abroad; buſy not thy beſt Member in the Encomium of thy ſelf.

echoing or reverberating sound

quality of echoing or reverberating see resonance

From re- (prefix meaning ‘again, anew’) +‎ sound (to produce a sound).[4]

resound (third-person singular simple present resounds, present participle resounding, simple past and past participle resounded)

  1. (transitive) To echo or repeat (a sound).
    • 1992, Health Devices, volume 21, Philadelphia, Pa.: Emergency Care Research Institute, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 117, column 2:

      Any new alarms, from any patient, will resound the alarm tone.

  2. (intransitive) To sound again.

to echo or repeat (a sound)

  1. ^ resound, v.1”, in OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2022; resound, v.”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
  2. ^ resǒun, n.(1)”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  3. ^ Compare resound, n.”, in OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2022.
  4. ^ re-sound, v.2”, in OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2022.