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From Old French varlet. Compare valet.

varlet (plural varlets)

  1. (obsolete) A servant or attendant.
  2. (historical) Specifically, a youth acting as a knight's attendant at the beginning of his training for knighthood.
  3. (archaic) A rogue or scoundrel.
    • 1574, Augustine Marlorate [i.e., Augustin Marlorat], “[Revelation 2:2]”, in Arthur Golding, transl., A Catholike Exposition vpon the Reuelation of Sainct Iohn. [], London: [] H[enry] Binneman, for L[ucas] Harison, and G[eorge] Bishop, →OCLC, folio 32, recto:

      [W]hen the worlde is fraughted with ſo manye varlettes, that it will be a long time ere a man ſhall diſcerne the faythful from the Hipocrites.

    • 1885–1886, Henry James, chapter VIII, in The Bostonians [], London; New York, N.Y.: Macmillan and Co., published 16 February 1886, →OCLC, 1st book, pages 57–58:

      He was false, cunning, vulgar, ignoble; the cheapest kind of human product [] The white, puffy mother, with the high forehead, in the corner there, looked more like a lady; but if she were one, it was all the more shame to her to have mated with such a varlet, Ransom said to himself, making use, as he did generally, of terms of opprobrium extracted from the older English literature.

  4. (obsolete, card games) The jack.


varlet oblique singularm (oblique plural varlez or varletz, nominative singular varlez or varletz, nominative plural varlet)

  1. Alternative form of vaslet