ERIC - ED422005 - The Florida Library History Project., 1998-Aug

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ERIC Number: ED422005

Record Type: Non-Journal

Publication Date: 1998-Aug

Pages: 483

Abstractor: N/A




The Florida Library History Project.

Jasper, Catherine; McCook, Kathleen de la Pena

The Florida Library History Project (FLHP) began in January 1998. Letters requesting histories were sent to all public libraries in Florida with follow-up letters sent after an initial response was received from the libraries. E-mail messages were sent out to FL-LIB listservs encouraging participation in the project. A poster session was presented by Catherine Jasper at the 1998 Florida Library Association (FLA) Annual Conference, an event that marked FLA's 75th anniversary. At the end of this funding period, 89 library systems and organizations had provided histories. These have been compiled and are reproduced in this volume as submitted by participating libraries. Highlights include library founding, collections, services, budgets and expenditures, personnel, funding, survey results, technology, and developments. (AEF)

Publication Type: Historical Materials

Education Level: N/A

Audience: N/A

Language: English

Sponsor: N/A

Authoring Institution: University of South Florida, Tampa.

Identifiers - Location: Florida

Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A