Fascist cross-pollination of Australian conspiracist Telegram channels

Gerard Gill Independent (Ph.D. from Curtin University)

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fascism, telegram, conspiracy theories, australia, neo-nazi, covid-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about trauma and uncertainty for vast swathes of the world population, including in Australia. One effect of this has been the growth of COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and general conspiracism. This article explores efforts by fascists and neo-Nazis to exploit the rise in conspiratorial thinking for recruitment and dissemination of their ideas. Five Australian conspiracist Telegram channels are studied for signs of fascist cross-pollination, and it is found that users with fascist sympathies attempt to influence the channels’ discourse through appeals to purported ideological and situational commonalities.

How to Cite

Gill, G. (2021). Fascist cross-pollination of Australian conspiracist Telegram channels. First Monday, 26(12). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v26i12.11830