Weekly Update #3

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Short and sweet, this week!

This one's out a little bit earlier, because I’m actually moving places tomorrow. So, I guess the week’s progress has been cleaning and hauling boxes (I better be ripped by the end of it). I was fully aware that I was moving this month, so it’s completely my own hubris I chose the end of March as a release date.

I’ve still been getting some work done, so here are some bits and pieces:

started adding in some animations for buttons, and background particles. much more juice to come

different expressions for another character. Having a 'blink' overlay that works with all the expressions suddenly gives you twice the amount of faces, that you can use for MORE emotions, and as a blinking animation to make them a lil more dynamic. Work in progress, so ignore the clipping.

Everything’s still on schedule, and next week I’m planning to rope in some people to playtest the first half of the game.

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