Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy - Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki

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Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy

This is a summary of the Privacy Policy. To read the full terms, scroll down or click here.

Disclaimer: This summary is not a part of the Privacy Policy and is not a legal document. It is simply a handy reference for understanding the full Privacy Policy. Think of it as the user-friendly interface to our Privacy Policy.

Because we believe that you should not have to provide personal information to participate in the free knowledge movement, you may:

Because we want to understand how Wikimedia Sites are used so we can make them better for you, we collect some information when you:

We are committed to:

Be aware:

  • Any content you add or any change that you make to a Wikimedia Site will be publicly and permanently available.
  • If you add content or make a change to a Wikimedia Site without logging in, that content or change will be publicly and permanently attributed to the IP address used at the time rather than a username.
  • Our community of volunteer editors and contributors is a self-policing body. Certain administrators of the Wikimedia Sites, who are chosen by the community, use tools that grant them limited access to nonpublic information about recent contributions so they may protect the Wikimedia Sites and enforce policies.
  • This Privacy Policy does not apply to all sites and services run by the Wikimedia Foundation, such as sites or services that have their own privacy policy (like the Wikimedia Shop) or sites or services run by third parties (like third-party developer projects on Wikimedia Cloud Services).
  • As part of our commitment to education and research around the world, we occasionally release public information and aggregated or non-personal information to the general public through data dumps and data sets.
  • For the protection of the Wikimedia Foundation and other users, if you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Wikimedia Sites.



Fundacija Wikimedia je nepridobitna organizacija, ki upravlja sodelovalna spletna mesta prostega znanja, kot so Wikipedija, Wikimedijina zbirka in Wikislovar.

Ta pravilnik pojasnjuje, kako zbiramo, uporabljamo in delimo vaše osebne podatke.

  • O vas zbiramo zelo malo osebnih podatkov.
  • Vaših osebnih podatkov ne dajemo v najem in jih ne prodajamo tretjim osebam.

Z uporabo spletnih mest Wikimedie soglašate s tem pravilnikom.

Gibanje Wikimedie temelji na preprostem, toda močnem načelu: Skupaj lahko naredimo več, kot lahko kdor koli od nas naredi sam. Kolektivno delo ni mogoče brez zbiranja, deljenja in analiziranja podatkov o naših uporabnikih v prizadevanju, da bi spletna mesta Wikimedie postala uporabnejša, varnejša in koristnejša.

Prepričani smo, da sta zbiranje in uporaba podatkov neločljivo povezana s transparentnostjo. Ta pravilnik o zasebnosti pojasnjuje kako fundacija Wikimedia, nepridobitna organizacija, ki gosti spletna mesta Wikimedie, zbira, uporablja in deli podatke, ki jih o vas prejmemo ob uporabi spletnih mest Wikimedie. Ključno je razumeti, da z uporabo spletnih mest Wikimedie privoljujete v zbiranje, prenos, obdelavo, shranjevanje, razkrivanje in uporabo vaših podatkov, kot so opisani v tem pravilniku o zasebnosti. Pomembno je torej, da ta pravilnik natančno preberete.

Menimo, da razkritje nejavnih osebnih podatkov ni nujno za sodelovanje v gibanju prostega znanja. Ni vam treba navesti podatkov, kot so vaše pravo ime, naslov ali datum rojstva, da bi si ustvarili račun ali da bi prispevali vsebino v projektih Wikimedie.

Vaših osebnih podatkov ne prodajamo in jih ne dajemo v najem, prav tako pa jih ne dajemo drugim, da bi vam kar koli prodajali. Uporabljamo jih, da bi ugotovili, kako povečati privlačnost in dostopnost projektov Wikimedie, da bi ugotovili, katere zamisli delujejo, in da bi naredili učenje in prispevanje bolj zabavno. Preprosto rečeno: Te podatke uporabljamo, da bi naredili projekte Wikimedie boljše za vas.

Konec koncev so ljudje, kot ste vi, zagovorniki prostega znanja, tisti, ki omogočajo, da spletni projekti Wikimedie ne le obstajajo, ampak tudi rastejo in uspevajo.


Zavedamo se, da je s tehničnimi izrazi, kot so »sledilni piksli« in »piškotki«, ki so uporabljeni v tem pravilniku o zasebnosti, seznanjen le malokdo od vas.

Ne glede na to, ali ste v izrazju o zasebnosti popolnoma novi ali pa ste strokovnjak, ki želi le osvežitev, bo za vas morda uporaben naš Slovarček ključnih izrazov.

Ker mora vsakdo (ne samo pravniki) zlahka razumeti, kako in zakaj se zbirajo in uporabljajo njegovi osebni podatki, uporabljamo v vsem pravilniku namesto bolj uradnih izrazov običajni jezik. Da bi zagotovili, da razumete nekatere ključne izraze, je tu preglednica prevodov:

When we say... ...we mean:
"the Wikimedia Foundation" / "the Foundation" / "we" / "us" / "our" The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., the non-profit organization that operates the Wikimedia Sites.
"Wikimedia Sites" / "our services" Wikimedia websites and services (regardless of language), including our main projects, such as Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, as well as mobile applications, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), emails, and notifications; excluding, however, sites and services listed in the "What This Privacy Policy Does Not Cover" section below.
"you" / "your" / "me" You, regardless of whether you are an individual, group, or organization, and regardless of whether you are using the Wikimedia Sites or our services on behalf of yourself or someone else.
"this Policy" / "this Privacy Policy" This document, entitled the "Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy".
"contributions" Content you add or changes you make to any Wikimedia Sites.
"Personal information" Information you provide us or information we collect that could be used to personally identify you. To be clear, while we do not necessarily collect all of the following types of information, we consider at least the following to be "personal information" if it is otherwise nonpublic and can be used to identify you:
(a) your real name, address, phone number, email address, password, identification number on government-issued ID, IP address, user-agent information, payment account number;
(b) when associated with one of the items in subsection (a), any sensitive data such as date of birth, gender, sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origins, marital or familial status, medical conditions or disabilities, political affiliation, and religion.
"third party" / "third parties" Individuals, entities, websites, services, products, and applications that are not controlled, managed, or operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. This includes other Wikimedia users and independent organizations or groups who help promote the Wikimedia movement such as Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups as well as volunteers, employees, directors, officers, grant recipients, and contractors of those organizations or groups.

Kaj ta pravilnik o zasebnosti obravnava in kaj ne

Razen če je v nadaljevanju razloženo drugače, velja ta pravilnik o zasebnosti za naše zbiranje in uporabo podatkov o vas, ki jih prejmemo zaradi vaše uporabe katerega od projektov Wikimedie. Ta pravilnik velja tudi za podatke, ki jih prejmemo od naših partnerjev ali drugih tretjih oseb. Da bi bolje razumeli, kaj ta pravilnik o zasebnosti obravnava, si preberite nadaljevanje.

Zgledi, kaj ta pravilnik o zasebnosti obravnava

Zaradi jasnosti ta pravilnik o zasebnosti ne glede na jezik obravnava naslednje:

  • Vse naše glavne projekte (navedene na seznamu glavnih projektov), kot so Wikipedia, vključno z uporabniškimi stranmi, pogovornimi stranmi in obvestilnimi stranmi.
  • Naše bloge in API-je (razen če smo za te storitve zagotovili ločen pravilnik).
  • Uradne mobilne aplikacije fundacije Wikimedia.
  • E-pošta, SMS-i in obvestila, ki vam jih pošljemo ali ki nam jih pošljete vi.

Ta pravilnik o zasebnosti pa ne obravnava nekaterih okoliščin, ko morda zbiramo ali obdelujemo vaše podatke. Nekatere vrste uporabe morda obravnavajo ločeni pravilniki o zasebnosti (npr. o Wikimedia Shop) ali spletna mesta ali storitve, ki jih zagotavljajo tretje osebe (npr. projekti razvijalcev v Oblakovnih storitvah Wikimedie). Da bi bolje razumeli, česa ta pravilnik o zasebnosti ne obravnava, preberite nadaljevanje.

More on what the Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy does not cover

This section is part of the Privacy Policy and is meant to explain in detail which situations are not covered by our Privacy Policy.

Wikimedia Sites and Tools with alternative policies
Some Wikimedia Foundation websites or tools have alternative privacy policies or provisions that differ from this Privacy Policy. These websites include:
If a Wikimedia Foundation website is governed by an alternative privacy policy, it will link to such policy. When a Wikimedia Foundation tool is governed by an alternative privacy policy, the page where the tool may be downloaded or enabled will include a link to that policy.
Community members
The Wikimedia Sites are collaborative labors of love that are constantly maintained and updated by a global community of volunteers. This global community of volunteers may sometimes have access to personal Information in order to ensure the functioning of the Wikimedia Sites.
  • Administrative volunteers, such as CheckUsers or Stewards. These are volunteers who enforce Wikimedia Site policies and ensure the safety of the Wikimedia Sites. When these administrators access Personal Information that is nonpublic, they are required to comply with our Access to nonpublic personal data policy, as well as other, tool-specific policies.
  • Tool providers. We support platforms for third-party developers to experiment and develop new tools and sites, such as When you use one of the tools developed by these volunteers, you may transfer information to them. When these volunteers access nonpublic information or Personal Information, they are required to comply with the terms governing the particular platform the tool is available on.
  • Other users. We provide several tools that allow users to communicate with each other. The communications may be covered by this Policy while they pass through our systems, but the users who receive these communications, and what they do with the communications once they receive them, are not covered by this Policy. Examples include:
    • posting to Foundation-hosted email lists;
    • requesting support from volunteers through our online ticketing system (email sent to info goes to this system);
    • emailing other users through the Wikimedia Sites (for example, by using the "Email this user" feature); and
    • chatting on IRC (such as on the #wikipedia channel).
Third parties
This Privacy Policy only covers the way the Wikimedia Foundation collects, uses and discloses Personal Information and does not address the practices of third parties. For example, this Privacy Policy does not address the practices of:
  • Websites run by other organizations, like websites linked to from the "References" sections of Wikipedia, or run by Wikimedia chapters or other movement organizations. These organizations may receive information from you if you visit their websites after using one of the Wikimedia Sites. They are governed by their own privacy policies.
  • Mobile applications provided by other organizations or individuals. These organizations or individuals may receive information from you if you use those applications to access the Wikimedia Sites or Wikimedia Site content. They are governed by their own privacy policies.

Sometimes, volunteers may place a data-collecting tool, such as a script, gadget, tracking pixel, or share button, on a Wikimedia Site without our knowledge. This Policy does not cover how third parties handle the information they receive as a result of such a tool. If you come across such a third-party tool, and you believe it violates this Policy, you can remove the tool yourself, or report it to privacy so we can investigate.

Če za podatke veljajo pravila skupnosti, npr. Pravilo o preverjanju uporabnikov, lahko zadevna skupnost doda pravila in obveznosti, določene v tem pravilniku. Ne smejo pa ustvariti novih izjem ali drugače zmanjšati varstva, ki ga zagotavlja ta pravilnik.

Zbiranje in uporaba podatkov

Vrste podatkov, ki jih prejemamo od vas, in način prejemanja

Vaši javni prispevki

Kar koli objavite na spletnih mestih Wikimedie, lahko vidi in uporablja vsakdo.

Ob prispevku h kateremu koli projektu Wikimedie, tudi na uporabniških ali pogovornih straneh, ustvarite trajen javni zapis vsakršnega dela dodane, odstranjene ali spremenjene vsebine. Iz zgodovine strani bosta razvidna čas, ko je bil vaš prispevek ali izbris opravljen, in vaše uporabniško ime (če ste prijavljeni) ali IP-naslov (če niste prijavljeni). Vaše javne prispevke lahko združene z javnimi prispevki drugih ali posamezno uporabimo za ustvarjanje novih možnosti ali s podatki povezanih izdelkov za vas ali za ugotavljanje, kako se projekti Wikimedie uporabljajo, kakor je nadalje pojasnjeno v razdelku »Kako uporabljamo podatke, ki jih prejmemo od vas« v tem pravilniku o zasebnosti.

Javno vidni podatki

Razen če je v tem pravilniku zapisano drugače, morate predpostaviti, da so informacije, ki jih v projektih Wikimedie aktivno prispevate, vključno z osebnimi podatki, javno vidne, in jih lahko najdejo spletni iskalniki. Tako kot večino strani na internetu lahko rugi kopirajo in razširjajo po vsem internetu vse, kar delite. V svojih prispevkih ne prispevajte informacij, za katere ne želite, da bi postale javne, kot so vaše pravo ime ali lokacija.

Upoštevati morate, da lahko specifične podatke, ki ste jih javno objavili, ali zbrane podatke, ki smo jih javno objavili, vsakdo uporablja za analizo in izpeljavo nadaljnjih informacij, npr. o tem, iz katere države prihaja uporabnik, politični pripadnosti in spolu.

Podatki o računu in registracija

Vse projekte Wikimedi lahko uporabljate, ne da bi zato potrebovali račun.

Če si ustvarite račun, vam ni treba razkriti vašega imena ali e-poštnega naslova (lahko pa to storite, če se tako odločite, npr. za možnost »Pošlji temu uporabniku e-pismo«).

Če si računa ne boste ustvarili, bodo vaši prispevki javno pripisani vašemu IP-naslovu.

Ali si želite ustvariti račun? Odlično! Ali si ne želite ustvariti računa? Nič ni narobe!

Računa vam ni treba ustvariti za branje ali prispevanje k projektu Wikimedie, razen v redkih primerih. Toda če boste prispevali neprijavljeni, bodo vaši prispevki javno pripisani IP-naslovu, povezanemu z vašo napravo.

Če si želite ustvariti običajni račun, sta večinoma potrebna samo uporabniško ime in geslo. Toda če se boste odločili, da e-poštnega naslova ne boste navedli, vam ne bomo mogli poslati obnovitvenega gesla za dostop do računa.

Več o uporabniških imenih

Vaše uporabniško ime bo javno vidno, zato bodite pri razkritju vašega pravega imena ali drugih osebnih podatkov v vašem uporabniškem imenu previdni. Vaše geslo bo uporabljeno samo za preverjanje, ali je račun res vaš. Samodejno nam pošljete tudi vaš IP-naslov, ki ga začasno zabeležimo. To storimo zaradi varstva uporabnikov Wikimedie in projektne vsebine; v primeru preiskave zlorabe je IP-naslove mogoče povezati z uporabniškimi imeni. Drugi osebni podatki niso potrebni; ne potrebujemo vašega imena, e-poštnega naslova, datuma rojstva ali podatkov o kreditni kartici.

Ko je uporabniški račun ustvarjen, ga ni mogoče popolnoma odstraniti (čeprav običajno lahko skrijete podatke na svoji uporabniški strani, če želite). Gre za to, da morajo biti vaši javni prispevki povezani z njihovim avtorjem (vami!). V nekaterih primerih lahko uporabnikom pri odstranitvi dodatnih podatkov, povezanih z njihovim računom, v projektih pomagajo skupnosti Wikimedie.

Za boljše razumevanje demografskih značilnosti naših uporabnikov, lokalizacijo strežnikov in izboljšanje naših storitev vas lahko prosimo za več demografskih podatkov o vas, npr. spol ali starost. Obvestili vas bomo, ali bodo ti podatki javni ali zasebni, da boste lahko sprejeli informirano odločitev o tem, ali nam te podatke želite posredovati. Posredovanje takih podatkov je vedno popolnoma izbirno. Popolnoma preprosto, če jih ne želite posredovati, vam tega ni treba storiti.

Podatki o lokaciji

GPS in druge lokacijske tehnologije

Nekatere možnosti, ki jih omogočamo, delujejo bolje, če vemo, na katerem območju ste.

Če v to privolite, lahko uporabimo GPS (in druge tehnologije, ki se pogosto uporabljajo za določanje lokacije) za prikaz ustreznejše vsebine. Podatke, pridobljene s temi tehnologijami, shranjujemo zaupno, razen kadar je v tem pravilniku navedeno drugače. Več o tem lahko izveste tako, da preverite seznam zgledov uporabe te tehnologije v naših pogostih vprašanjih.


Včasih od vaše naprave prejmemo lokacijske podatke samodejno. Če na primer želite naložiti fotografijo z mobilno aplikacijo Wikimedia Commons, lahko od vaše naprave samodejno prejmemo metapodatke, ko so kraj in čas, ko ste posneli fotografijo. Upoštevajte, da v nasprotju z opisanimi lokacijskimi podatki, ki se zbirajo s signali GPS, privzeta nastavitev v vaši mobilni aplikaciji v fotografijo ali sliko, ki jo naložite v projekt Wikimedie, običajno vključi metapodatke. Če nam ob nalaganju ne želite poslati metapodatkov in jih javno objaviti, spremenite nastavitve svoje naprave.


Podatki o vaši uporabi projektov Wikimedie

Za zbiranje podatkov o vaši uporabi projektov Wikimedie uporabljamo nekatere tehnologije

Tako kot druga spletna mesta prejmemo nekatere podatke ob vašem obisku projektov Wikimedie samodejno.

Za zbiranje podatkov o vaši uporabi projektov Wikimedie, da bi jih napravili varnejše in lažje za uporabo ter za ustvarjenje boljše in vam bolj prilagojene izkušnje uporabljamo tudi različne pogosto uporabljane tehnike, kot so piškotki.

Projekte Wikimedie želimo za vas izboljšati glede na to, kar ugotovimo o tem, kako jih uporabljate. Zgledi tega so pogostost obiska projektov Wikimedie, stvari, ki so vam všeč, kaj se vam zdi koristno, kako dostopate do projektov Wikimedie in to, ali bi koristno možnost uporabljali več, če bi jo pojasnili drugače. Želimo tudi, da ta pravilnik in naše prakse izražajo vrednote skupnosti. Zato podakte o vaši uporabi projektov Wikimedie shranjujemo zaupno, razen če je v tem pravilniku navedeno drugače.

Informacije, ki jih prejemamo samodejno

Zaradi načina delovanja naših brskalnikov prejmemo nekatere informacije samodejno, ko obiščete spletišča Wikimedie. To vključuje uporabo spletnega orodja na strani tretje osebe, ki nalaga informacije iz spletišč Wikimedie. Ta informacija vključuje vrsto naprave, ki jo uporabljate (lahko vključno z edinstvenimi identifikacijskimi številkami naprave pri nekaterih beta različicah naših mobilnih aplikacij), vrsto in različico vašega brskalnika, prednostni jezik vašega brskalnika, vrsto in različico operacijskega sistema vaše naprave, v nekaterih primerih ime vašega ponudnika internetnih storitev ali mobilnega ponudnika, spletišče, ki vas je napotilo na spletišča Wikimedie, katere strani zahtevate in obiščete ter datum in čas vsakega zahtevka za spletišča Wikimedie.

Preprosto rečeno uporabljamo te informacije za izboljšanje vaše izkušnje s spletišči Wikimedie. Te informacije na primer uporabljamo za upravljanje spletišč, zagotavljanje večje varnosti in preprečevanje vandalizma; optimizacijo mobilnih aplikacij; prilagajanje vsebine in nastavitev jezikovnih preferenc, preizkusne možnosti za ugotavljanje, kaj deluje, in izboljševanje delovanja; razumevanje, kako uporabniki interagirajo s spletišči Wikimedie, sledenje in proučevanje uporabe različnih možnosti, izboljševanje razumevanja demografskih značilnosti različnih spletišč Wikimedie ter analizo trendov.

Podatki, ki jih zbiramo

Z različnimi pogosto uporabljanimi tehnikami, kot so piškotki, poskušamo razumeti, kako uporabljate spletišča Wikimedie, povečati varnost in preprostost njihove uporabe ter pomagamo za vas ustvarjati boljšo in bolj prilagojeno izkušnjo.

Z različnimi pogosto uporabljanimi tehnikami aktivno zbiramo nekatere vsrte informacij. To na splošno vključuje sledilne pike, JavaScript in različne tehnike »lokalno shranjenih podatkov«, kot so piškotki in lokalna shramba. Te vrste tehnik se lahko uporabljajo tudi v spletnih orodjih na spletišču tretje osebe, ki nalaga podatke iz spletišč Wikimedie. Zavedamo se, da nekatere od teh tehnik niso najbolj priznane in se lahko uporabljajo za neplemenite namene. Zato želimo biti čim bolj jasni glede tega, čemu uporabljamo te načine in katere vrste podatkov z njimi zbiramo.

Glede na tehniko, ki jo uporabljamo, lahko lokalno shranjeni podatki vključujejo besedilo, osebne podatke (npr. vaš IP-naslov) in informacije o vaši uporabi spletišč Wikimedie (kot sta vaše uporabniško ime ali čas obiska). Za več informacij glejte nadaljevanje.

Te informacije uporabljamo, da bi za vas ustvarili varnejšo in boljšo izkušnjo s spletišči Wikimedie, da bi izboljšali razumevanje želja in interakcije uporabnikov s spletišči Wikimedie ter da bi na splošno izboljšali naše storitve. Nikoli ne bomo uporabljali piškotkov tretjih oseb, razen če bomo za to prejeli vaše dovoljenje. Če naletite na orodje tretje osebe, ki zbira podatke in mu tega niste dovolili (npr. orodje, ki ga je pomotoma namestil drug uporabnik ali administrator), nam to sporočite na

Več o lokalno shranjenih podatkih

Lokalno shranjeni podatki, JavaScript in sledilne pike nam pomagajo pri naslednjih stvareh:

  • Zagotavljanje izkušnje po meri, na primer z uporabo piškotkov za nastavitev prednostnih jezikov ter pomnjenje drugih uporabniških prilagoditev, da vam lahko zagotovimo občutek in izkušnjo, kot jo želite, in da vas lahko obveščamo o zadevah in dogodkih Wikimedie na vašem območju.
  • Hitrejše zagotavljanje ustreznejše vsebine. Uporabljamo na primer lokalno shranjevanje za shranjevanje člankov, ki ste jih brali nazadenje, neposredno v vaši napravi, tako da jih je mogoče hitro znova pridobiti. Uporabljamo tudi piškotke, da se seznanimo z iskanimi temami, tako da lahko optimiziramo iskalne zadetke, ki vam jih posredujemo.
  • Razumevanje, kako uporabljate spletišča Wikimedie, tako da vemo, kaj deluje in kaj je uporabno. Piškotke lahko na primer uporabljamo, da ugotovimo, katere članke spremljate na spisku nadzorov, in vam priporočimo podobne članke, ki bi vas lahko zanimali.
  • Razumevanje, kako uporabljate spletišča Wikimedie na različnih napravah, da vam lahko ponudimo bolj učinkovito in praktično izkušnjo na različnih spletiščih Wikimedie.
  • Zagotavljanje večje priročnosti spletišč Wikimedie, na primer z uporabo piškotkov za ohranjanje vaše seje, ko se prijavite, ali za pomnjenje vašega uporabniškega imena v prijavnem polju.

Želite izvedeti še več? Več informacij o nekaterih posameznih piškotkih, ki jih uporabljamo, kdaj pretečejo in čemu jih uporabljamo, je na voljo v naših pogostih vprašanjih.

Prepričani smo, da tovrstno zbiranje podatkov pomaga izboljšati vašo uporabniško izkušnjo, vendar lahko v nastavitvah brskalnika glede na brskalnik odstranite ali onemogočite določeno ali vse lokalno shranjevanje podatkov. Več o nekaterih možnostih, ki jih imate, lahko izveste v naših pogostih vprašanjih. Čeprav lokalno shranjeni podatki morda niso nujni za uporabo naših spletišč, nekatere možnosti ne bodo delovale prarvilno, če onemogočite lokalno shranjevanje podatkov.

Čeprav podatke iz zgornjih zgledov, ki smo jih z orodji zbiranja podatkov zbrali o vas, v skladu s tem pravilnikom shranjujemo zaupno, upoštevajte, da so nekatere informacije o dejanjih, ki jih opravite z vašim uporabniškim imenom, javno razvidne v javnih dnevnikih ob dejanjih, ki so jih opravili drugi uporabniki. Javni dnevnik lahko na primer vsebuje informacijo o tem, kdaj je bil v spletišču Wikimedie ustvarjen vaš račun, ter datume, ko so bili v tem spletišču ustvarjeni drugi računi.

Kako uporabljamo informacije, ki jih prejmemo od vas


We and our service providers use your information for the legitimate purpose of pursuing our charitable mission, including:

Operating the Wikimedia Sites, sharing your contributions and administering our Services.

  • To help you share your knowledge with the world and add new features to our Services.
  • To arrange access to your account and provide you with related service.
  • To send administrative information to you, such as changes to our policies.
  • To allow you to send messages to another person if you choose to do so. Direct communications between users (such as messages sent through the "Email this user" feature), to the extent such communications are nonpublic and stored in or in transit through Wikimedia Foundation systems, are kept confidential by us, except as provided in this Policy.

We engage in these activities to manage our relationship with you, because we have a legitimate interest and/or to comply with our legal obligations.

Providing customized Services.

  • To provide to you custom content, notices and settings and to enhance your experience with the Wikimedia Sites.

We will customize the Services, in some instances, with your consent; or in keeping with our legitimate interest.

Sending emails with news updates and communications about items we believe may be of interest to you.

  • To let you know about things that are happening with the Wikimedia Foundation, the Wikimedia Sites or the Wikimedia movement.
  • To alert you when there has been a change to an article that you have decided to follow.

We will send these types of emails to you only with your consent except as otherwise permitted by applicable law. We do not sell, rent, or use your email address to advertise third-party products or services to you. You can manage what kinds of notifications you receive and how often you receive them by going to your Notifications Preferences and User profile. You can learn more about email and notifications and how to change your preferences in our FAQ.

Sending optional surveys and requesting feedback.

We will always tell you, at the time we give you an opportunity to share your thoughts, how we plan on using your answers and any Personal Information you provide.

Your responses to our surveys and feedback requests are always optional. We will email these types of requests to you only with your consent except as otherwise permitted by applicable law. You can manage what kinds of notifications you receive and how often you receive them by going to your Notifications Preferences and User profile. You can learn more about email and notifications and how to change your preferences in our FAQ.

Improving the Wikimedia Sites and making your user experience safer and better.

  • To use your public contributions, either aggregated with the public contributions of others or individually, to create new features or data-related products for you or to learn more about how the Wikimedia Sites are used.
  • To fight spam, identity theft, malware and other kinds of abuse.
  • To optimize mobile and other applications.
  • To test features to see what works, understand how users interact with the Wikimedia Sites, track and study use of various features, gain understanding about the demographics of the different Wikimedia Sites and analyze trends.

We engage in these activities to further our legitimate interest and/or to comply with our legal obligations.


Location information

GPS & Other Location Technologies

As stated above, we can use commonly-used location technologies to show you more relevant content. For example, our mobile apps can identify articles from the Wikimedia sites about points of interest near your location. As a reminder, you can consent to and/or deactivate our access to these location technologies at any time for example through the native OS functionalities on your mobile device, and still use the Wikimedia Sites.


As stated above, we may automatically receive location data from your device. For example, if you upload a photo using the Wikimedia Commons mobile app, please be aware that the default setting on your mobile device typically results in the metadata associated with your photo being included in the upload. As a reminder, if you do not want metadata sent to us and made public at the time of your upload, please change your settings on your device.

IP Addresses

When you visit any Wikimedia Site, we automatically receive the IP address of the device (or your proxy server) you are using to access the Internet, which could be used to infer your geographical location. We keep IP addresses confidential, except as provided in this Policy. If you are visiting Wikimedia Sites with your mobile device, we may use your IP address to provide anonymized or aggregated information to service providers regarding the volume of usage in certain areas.

We use this location information to make your experience with the Wikimedia Sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and their interaction with the Wikimedia Sites, and to generally improve our services. For example, we use this information to provide greater security, optimize mobile applications, and learn how to expand and better support Wikimedia communities. We also use Personal Information in the manner described in the sections of this Policy titled "For Legal Reasons" and "To Protect You, Ourselves & Others."


We use and share your Personal Information when you give us specific permission to do so, for legal reasons, and in the other circumstances described below.

With Your Permission

We share your Personal Information for a particular purpose, if you agree. For example, if you receive a scholarship and we ask permission to share your Personal Information with a local chapter. You can find more information in the list of examples in our FAQ.

We will disclose your Personal Information to public authorities or other persons in response to an official legal process only if we believe it to be legally valid. See also our Requests for user information procedures and guidelines. We will notify you of such requests when possible. We do so to further our legitimate interest and/or to comply with our legal obligations.

We will access, use, preserve, and/or disclose your Personal Information if we reasonably believe it necessary to satisfy a valid and legally enforceable warrant, subpoena, court order, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. However, if we believe that a particular request for disclosure of a user's information is legally invalid or an abuse of the legal system and the affected user does not intend to oppose the disclosure themselves, we will try our best to fight it. We are committed to notifying you via email at least ten (10) calendar days, when possible, before we disclose your Personal Information in response to a legal demand. However, we may only provide notice if we are not legally restrained from contacting you, there is no credible threat to life or limb that is created or increased by disclosing the request, and you have provided us with an email address.

Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to limit any legal objections or defenses you may have to a third-party's request (whether it be civil, criminal, or governmental) to disclose your Personal Information. We recommend seeking the advice of legal counsel immediately if such a request is made involving you.

For more information, see our Subpoena FAQ.

If the Organization is Transferred (Really Unlikely!)

In the unlikely event that the ownership of the Foundation changes, we will provide you 30 days' notice before any Personal Information is transferred to the new owners or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

In the extremely unlikely event that ownership of all or substantially all of the Foundation changes, or we go through a reorganization (such as a merger, consolidation, or acquisition), consistent with our legitimate interest, we will continue to keep your Personal Information confidential, except as provided in this Policy, and provide notice to you via the Wikimedia Sites and a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L or similar mailing list at least thirty (30) calendar days before any Personal Information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

To Protect You, Ourselves & Others

We, or users with certain administrative rights, use and disclose Personal Information that is reasonably necessary to:

  • enforce or investigate potential violations of the Wikimedia Foundation or community-based policies;
  • protect our organization, infrastructure, employees, contractors, or the public; or
  • prevent imminent or serious bodily harm or death to a person.

We do so to manage our relationship with you, to further our legitimate interest, and/or to comply with our legal obligations.

We, or particular users with certain administrative rights as described below, need to use and share your Personal Information if it is reasonably believed to be necessary to enforce or investigate potential violations of our Terms of Use, this Privacy Policy, or any Wikimedia Foundation or user community-based policies. We may also need to access and share Personal Information to investigate and defend ourselves against legal threats or actions.

Wikimedia Sites are collaborative, with users writing most of the policies and selecting from amongst themselves people to hold certain administrative rights. These rights may include access to limited amounts of otherwise nonpublic information about recent contributions and activity by other users. They use this access to help protect against vandalism and abuse, fight harassment of other users, and generally try to minimize disruptive behavior on the Wikimedia Sites. These various user-selected administrative groups have their own privacy and confidentiality guidelines, but all such groups are supposed to agree to follow our Access to nonpublic personal data policy. These user-selected administrative groups are accountable to other users through checks and balances: users are selected through a community-driven process and overseen by their peers through a logged history of their actions. However, the legal names of these users are not known to the Wikimedia Foundation.

We hope that this never comes up, but we may disclose your Personal Information if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm or death to a person, or to protect our organization, employees, contractors, users, or the public. We may also disclose your Personal Information if we reasonably believe it necessary to detect, prevent, or otherwise assess and address potential spam, malware, fraud, abuse, unlawful activity, and security or technical concerns. (Check out the list of examples in our FAQ for more information.)

To Our Service Providers

We disclose Personal Information to our third-party service providers or contractors to help run or improve the Wikimedia Sites and provide services in support of our mission.

We use third-party service providers or contractors to help run or improve the Wikimedia Sites for you and other users. We give access to your Personal Information to these providers or contractors as needed to perform their services for us or to use their tools and services. We put requirements, such as confidentiality agreements, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your Personal Information consistently with, and no less protective of your privacy than, the principles of this Policy. For further information, please see our FAQ.

If you are visiting Wikimedia Sites with your mobile device, we use your IP address to provide anonymized or aggregated information to service providers regarding the volume of usage in certain areas.

Some of our service providers ask us to post links to their privacy policies; a list of these service providers and links to their policies can be found on this page.

To Understand & Experiment

  • We give volunteer developers and researchers access to systems that contain your Personal Information to allow them to protect, develop, and contribute to the Wikimedia Sites.
  • We also share non-Personal Information or aggregated information with third parties interested in studying the Wikimedia Sites.
  • When we share Personal Information with third parties for these purposes, we put reasonable technical and contractual protections in place to protect your Personal Information consistent with this Policy and our legitimate interest.

The open-source software that powers the Wikimedia Sites depends on the contributions of volunteer software developers, who spend time writing and testing code to help it improve and evolve with our users' needs. To facilitate their work, we give some developers limited access to systems that contain your Personal Information, but only as reasonably necessary for them to develop and contribute to the Wikimedia Sites.

Similarly, we share non-Personal Information or aggregated information with researchers, scholars, academics, and other interested third parties who wish to study the Wikimedia Sites. Sharing this Personal Information helps them understand usage, viewing, and demographics statistics and patterns. They then can share their findings with us and our users so that we can all better understand and improve the Wikimedia Sites.

When we give access to Personal Information to third-party developers or researchers, we put requirements, such as reasonable technical and contractual protections, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your Personal Information consistently with the principles of this Policy and in accordance with our instructions. If these developers or researchers later publish their work or findings, we ask that they not disclose your Personal Information. Please note that, despite the obligations we impose on developers and researchers, we cannot guarantee that they will abide by our agreement, nor do we guarantee that we will regularly screen or audit their projects. (You can learn more about re-identification in our FAQ.)

Because You Made It Public

Information that you post is public and can be seen and used by everyone.

Any information you post publicly on the Wikimedia Sites is just that – public. For example, if you put your mailing address on your talk page, that is public, and not specifically protected by this Policy. And if you edit without registering or logging into your account, your IP address will be seen publicly. Please think carefully about your desired level of privacy before you disclose Personal Information on your user page or elsewhere.


How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

We use a variety of physical and technical measures, policies, and procedures to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

We strive to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We use a variety of physical and technical measures, policies, and procedures (such as access control procedures, network firewalls, and physical security) designed to protect our systems and your Personal Information. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as completely secure data transmission or storage, so we cannot guarantee that our security will not be breached (by technical measures or through violation of our policies and procedures).

We will never ask for your password by email (but may send you a temporary password via email if you have requested a password reset). If you ever receive an email that requests your password, please let us know by sending it to, so we can investigate the source of the email.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

Except as otherwise stated in this Policy, we only keep your Personal Information as long as necessary to maintain, understand and improve the Wikimedia Sites or to comply with applicable law.

Once we receive Personal Information from you, we keep it for the shortest possible time that is consistent with the maintenance, understanding, and improvement of the Wikimedia Sites, and our obligations under applicable law. In most instances, Personal Information is deleted, aggregated or de-identified after 90 days. Non-Personal Information may be retained indefinitely as appropriate. (Check out the list of examples in our FAQ.)

Please remember that when you make a contribution to any Wikimedia Site, the page history will show when your contribution was made, your username (if you are signed in), or your IP address (if you edit while not logged in). The transparency of the projects' contribution and revision histories is critical to their efficacy and trustworthiness. To learn more about our data retention practices, see our data retention guidelines.

Your rights

If you would like to request access to or removal of your Personal Information, you may contact us.

For information about how you may request removal of your Personal Information, or other rights you may have with respect to your Personal Information, see our FAQ. If you would like to request to access, update or restrict/object to the processing of Personal Information, or receive a copy of your Personal Information for purposes of transmitting it to another organization, you may Contact Us. We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law.

Please note also that you may be able to exercise some of these rights without our intervention. For example, if you are a registered user, you can access and update some Personal Information in your Preferences, as well as download your user account data. You may also manage what kinds of notifications you receive and how often you receive them by going to your Notifications Preferences.

Important info

For the protection of the Wikimedia Foundation and other users, if you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Wikimedia Sites.

Where is the Foundation & What Does That Mean for Me?

The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California, with servers and data centers located in the U.S. If you decide to use Wikimedia Sites, whether from inside or outside of the U.S., you understand that your Personal Information will be collected, transferred, stored, processed, disclosed and otherwise used in the U.S. as described in this Privacy Policy. You also understand that your information may be transferred by us from the U.S. to other countries, which may have different or less stringent data protection laws than your country, in connection with providing services to you.

Our Response to Do Not Track (DNT) signals

We are strongly committed to protecting users' Personal Information. Under this Policy, we may share your information only under particular situations, which you can learn more about in the "When May We Share Your Information" section of this Privacy Policy. In particular, we do not share your Personal Information for marketing purposes.

Because we protect all users in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we do not change our behavior in response to a web browser's "do not track" signal.

For more information regarding Do Not Track signals and how we handle them, please visit our FAQ.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Substantial changes to this Policy will not be made until after a public comment period of at least 30 days.

Because things naturally change over time and we want to ensure our Privacy Policy accurately reflects our practices and the law, it may be necessary to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We reserve the right to do so in the following manner:

  • In the event of substantial changes, we will provide the proposed changes to our users in at least three (3) languages (selected at our discretion) for an open comment period lasting at least thirty (30) calendar days. Prior to the start of any comment period, we will provide notice of such changes and the opportunity to comment via the Wikimedia Sites, and via a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L or a similar mailing list.
  • For minor changes, such as grammatical fixes, administrative or legal changes, or corrections of inaccurate statements, we will post the changes and, when possible, provide at least three (3) calendar days' prior notice via WikimediaAnnounce-L or similar mailing list.

We ask that you please review the most up-to-date version of our Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Wikimedia Sites after any effective date of a subsequent version of this Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy on your part.

Contact Us

If you have questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, or the information collected under this Privacy Policy, please email us at or contact us directly. If you are located in the European Economic Area and have questions about your personal data or would like to request to access, update, or delete it, you may contact our representative via email at, or via mail at:

Bird & Bird GDPR Representative Ireland
29 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 AY28
Main point of contact: Vincent Rezzouk-Hammachi

If you are an individual located in the United Kingdom, and have questions about your personal data or would like to request to access, update, or delete it, you may contact our representative via email at, or via mail at:

Bird & Bird GDPR Representative Services UK
12 New Fetter Lane
United Kingdom
Main point of contact: Vincent Rezzouk-Hammachi

Our European Economic Area and United Kingdom Representative can only be contacted for queries in relation to data protection.

Depending on your jurisdiction, you also may have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority competent for your country or region.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading our Privacy Policy. We hope you enjoy using the Wikimedia Sites and appreciate your participation in creating, maintaining, and constantly working to improve the largest repository of free knowledge in the world.

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this Privacy Policy and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.

This version was approved by Amanda Keton on June 7, 2021, pursuant to the Delegation of policy-making authority by the Board, and went into effect on June 25, 2021. Previous versions can be found below: