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シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマン英語: Charlotte Perkins Gilman 、出生名シャーロット・パーキンズ、その後シャーロット・パーキンズ・ステットソン、1860年7月3日生 – 1935年8月17日没)はアメリカの作家、活動家、フェミニストである[1]。産後神経症にかかった後に書かれた半自伝的短編小説である「黄色い壁紙」は最もよく知られている。第一波フェミニズムの主要なフェミニストのひとりとして高く評価されている一方、人種差別的な優生学への傾倒により強い批判も受けている人物である。アメリカ女性殿堂入りしている[2]

誕生 1860年7月3日
死没 1935年8月17日(75歳没)
  • 作家
  • コマーシャルアーティスト
  • 雑誌編集者
  • 講演者
  • 社会改良運動家

(結婚 1884年; 離婚 1894年)

(結婚 1900年; 死別 1934年)

子供 1
ウィキポータル 文学


学校生活は不安定なもので、7つもの学校に通い、わずが4年で15歳で卒業した。母親は子どもたちにあまり優しさを示さず、自分と同じように子どもたちが傷つかないよう、強い友情を育んだり、小説を読んだりすることを禁じた。自伝である The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman の中でシャーロットは、母親が愛情を示したのは幼い娘が眠っている時だけだったと書いている[6]。彼女の子ども時代は、孤立した、貧しい、孤独なものであったものの、公共図書館に頻繁に通い、古代の文明について独学で勉強した。文学が好きだった父の影響も受けており、父は数年後に連絡してきて、読む価値があると思われる本の一覧を彼女に教えた[7]




芸術家のチャールズ・ウォルター・ステットソンに求婚され、直感的に自分にはあっていないと思っていったんは断ったが、結局1884年に結婚した[15]。唯一の子どもであるキャサリン・ビーチャー・ステットソン (1885–1979) が結婚翌年である1885年3月23日に生まれた[16]。シャーロットはこの後に非常に重い産後神経症にかかった。当時は女性は「ヒステリック」で「神経質」だと考えられており、出産後に深刻な不調を訴えても無視されることがあった[17]。娘の出産の頃から数年間のシャーロットの日記のかなりの部分は抑うつに立ち向かう様子を記録している[18]




1888年にシャーロットは夫と別れ、1894年に正式に離婚した。離婚後、ステットソンはシャーロットの友人グレイス・チャニングと結婚した[25][26]。夫と別れた年にシャーロットは「デリ」ことアデリン・ナップと出会い、真剣な交際をしたが、結局この関係は終わってしまった[27][28]。シャーロットは娘とカリフォルニア州パサデナに移って、抑うつから回復してこれまでとは異なる知的活動をするようになった[29]。太平洋女性報道協会 (Pacific Coast Women's Press Association)、女性同盟、経済クラブ、(エイドリアン・ジョン・エベルにちなんで名付けられた)エベル協会、親の会、ステイト・カウンシル・オブ・ウィメンなどの組織でフェミニスト・社会改良活動家として活動し[30]

1890年頃からエッセイ、詩、中編小説、短編小説などを多数書くようになり、のちに刊行されて代表作となる「黄色い壁紙」も書き始めた。ナショナリズムに関する講演を行うようになり、最初の詩集 In This Our World を刊行した頃から世間で名前が知られるようになった[31]



1894年から1895年にかけて、シャーロットは太平洋女性報道協会の週刊文芸誌であった The Impress(旧名 Bulletin)の編集を手掛けた[1]。シャーロットが型破りな母親であり、離婚した女性であるといったようなライフスタイルに対する反感もあり、この雑誌は短命であった[34]



1898年には『女性と経済』を刊行した[39]。1909年から1916年まで、シャーロットはひとりで自身の雑誌『先駆者』(The Forerunner) の編集及び執筆を手掛けた。「思考を刺激し」「希望、勇気、忍耐をかきたて」「特別なメディアを必要とする考えを表現する」ような内容を雑誌で発表することにより、シャーロットは扇情的な主流メディアに反旗を翻すことを目指した[40]。7年2ヶ月の間にそれぞれ28ページの雑誌を82号まで刊行した。1500名近い購読者がおり、"What Diantha Did" (1910)、The Crux (1911)、Moving the Mountain (1911)、『フェミニジア』などが連載された。『先駆者』は「著者の長いキャリアの中でおそらく最も偉大な文学的業績[41]」であるとも言われている。




1925年に書き始めた自伝 The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman は死後の1935年に刊行された[44]

1916年12月10日にシャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマン(中央写真)がフェミニズムについてAtlanta Constitutionに書いた記事

1890年にシャーロットは短編小説「黄色い壁紙」を執筆した[45]。本作は精神疾患ゆえに家にとじこめられている女性が部屋の黄色い壁紙に執着している様子を描いた作品である。6月6日から7日にかけてパサデナの自宅で執筆し、1年半後に The New England Magazine の1892年1月号に掲載された[1]


「黄色い壁紙」は当初賛否両論の評価を受けた。Boston Transcript に投稿された匿名の投書では、「どんな読者も喜ばない」、「非常に厳しい非難」に値する作品だと書かれている[48]。単調な暮らしをしている女性が精神疾患にかかりやすい理由を最も示唆的かつ写実的に描いているとして肯定的な評価を下した批評家もいた[49]






『彼女とともに我らの世界へ』(With Her in Ourland, 1916) は本作の続編であるが、前作に比べるとあまり注目されていない[64]



シャーロットは家事は男女が平等に担うべきであり、小さいうちから女性は自立を奨励されるべきだと考えた。"The Home" (1903)、Human Work (1904)、The Man-Made World (1911) など主要著作の多くにおいても、シャーロットは家庭外で働く女性を擁護した[71]。文学作品においても女性のキャリアを扱っており、1910年の"What Diantha Did" では、シャーロットはダイアンサをアメリカの産業界におけるジェンダー規範や性役割に対抗し、女性は社会における大企業の腐敗に対する解決を提供できると信じているキャラクターとして描いた[72]


1908年にシャーロットは American Journal of Sociology に寄稿し、アメリカにおける多数の黒人に関する「社会学的問題」に関する自らの見解を披瀝した。黒人のアメリカ人を、肌の色ゆえに「大きく異なり、多くの点で劣っている」「大規模な異邦人の集団」と呼び、もし白人のアメリカ人が黒人のアメリカ人を「引き上げ改良するように振る舞えないなら」、白人のアメリカ人こそが「人種改善の策を必要とする」ことになるだろうと論じた[74]








シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマンの著作には以下のものが含まれる[91]。日本語訳があるものは[ ]で示した。

  • In This Our World, 1st ed. Oakland: McCombs & Vaughn, 1893. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. 2nd ed.; San Francisco: Press of James H. Barry, 1895.
  • Suffrage Songs and Verses. New York: Charlton Co., 1911. Microfilm. New Haven: Research Publications, 1977, History of Women #6558.
  • The Later Poetry of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1996.

シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマンは雑誌や新聞などに186編の短編小説を発表しており、多くは自分で刊行していた月刊誌 The Forerunner に掲載された、こうした短編小説はたいていの文芸批評家からは無視されてきた[92]

  • "Circumstances Alter Cases." Kate Field's Washington, July 23, 1890: 55–56. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 32–38.
  • "That Rare Jewel." Women's Journal, May 17, 1890: 158. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 20–24.
  • "The Unexpected." Kate Field's Washington, May 21, 1890: 335–6. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 25–31.
  • "An Extinct Angel." Kate Field's Washington, September 23, 1891:199–200. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 48–50.
  • "The Giant Wistaria." New England Magazine 4 (1891): 480–85. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 39–47.
  • "The Yellow Wall-paper." New England Magazine 5 (1892): 647–56; Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1899; NY: Feminist Press, 1973 Afterword Elaine Hedges; Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. Introduction Robert Shulman [「黄色い壁紙」西崎憲訳、シンシア・アスキス他『淑やかな悪夢――英米女流怪談集』倉坂鬼一郎、南條竹則、西崎憲編訳、東京創元社、2000、65-96収録[93]、他短編集などに収録多数].
  • "The Rocking-Chair." Worthington's Illustrated 1 (1893): 453–59. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 51–61.
  • "An Elopement." San Francisco Call, July 10, 1893: 1. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 66–68.
  • "Deserted." San Francisco Call July 17, 1893: 1–2. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 62–65.
  • "Through This." Kate Field's Washington, September 13, 1893: 166. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 69–72.
  • "A Day's Berryin.'" Impress, October 13, 1894: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 78–82.
  • "Five Girls." Impress, December 1, 1894: 5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 83–86.
  • "One Way Out." Impress, December 29, 1894: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 87–91.
  • "The Misleading of Pendleton Oaks." Impress, October 6, 1894: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 73–77.
  • "An Unnatural Mother." Impress, February 16, 1895: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 98–106.
  • "An Unpatented Process." Impress, January 12, 1895: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 92–97.
  • "According to Solomon." Forerunner 1:2 (1909):1–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 122–129.
  • "Three Thanksgivings." Forerunner 1 (1909): 5–12. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 107–121.
  • "What Diantha Did. A NOVEL". Forerunner 1 (1909–11); NY: Charlton Co., 1910; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912.
  • "The Cottagette." Forerunner 1:10 (1910): 1–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 130–138.
  • "When I Was a Witch." Forerunner 1 (1910): 1–6. The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 21–31.
  • "In Two Houses." Forerunner 2:7 (1911): 171–77. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 159–171.
  • "Making a Change." Forerunner 2:12 (1911): 311–315. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 182–190.
  • "Moving the Mountain." Forerunner 2 (1911); NY: Charlton Co., 1911; The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 178–188.
  • "The Crux.A NOVEL." Forerunner 2 (1910); NY: Charlton Co., 1911; The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 116–122.
  • "The Jumping-off Place." Forerunner 2:4 (1911): 87–93. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 148–158.
  • "The Widow's Might." Forerunner 2:1 (1911): 3–7. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 139–147.
  • "Turned." Forerunner 2:9 (1911): 227–32. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 182–191.
  • "Mrs. Elder's Idea." Forerunner 3:2 (1912): 29–32. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 191–199.
  • "Their House." Forerunner 3:12 (1912): 309–14. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories''. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 200–209.
  • "A Council of War." Forerunner 4:8 (1913): 197–201. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 235–243.
  • "Bee Wise." Forerunner 4:7 (1913): 169–173. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 226–234.
  • "Her Beauty." Forerunner 4:2 (1913): 29–33. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 210–217.
  • "Mrs. Hines's Money." Forerunner 4:4 (1913): 85–89. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 218–226.
  • "A Partnership." Forerunner 5:6 (1914): 141–45. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 253–261.
  • "Begnina Machiavelli. A NOVEL." Forerunner 5 (1914); NY: Such and Such Publishing, 1998.
  • "Fulfilment." Forerunner 5:3 (1914): 57–61. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995.
  • "If I Were a Man." Physical Culture 32 (1914): 31–34. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 262–268.
  • "Mr. Peebles's Heart." Forerunner 5:9 (1914): 225–29. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 269–276.
  • "Dr. Clair's Place." Forerunner 6:6 (1915): 141–45. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 295–303.
  • "Girls and Land." Forerunner 6:5 (1915): 113–117. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 286–294.
  • "Herland. A NOVEL. " Forerunner 6 (1915); NY: Pantheon Books, 1979.
  • "Mrs. Merrill's Duties." Forerunner 6:3 (1915): 57–61. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 277–285.
  • "A Surplus Woman." Forerunner 7:5 (1916): 113–18. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 304–313.
  • "Joan's Defender." Forerunner 7:6 (1916): 141–45. '"The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 314–322.
  • "The Girl in the Pink Hat." Forerunner 7 (1916): 39–46. The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 39–45.
  • "With Her in Ourland: Sequel to Herland. A NOVEL." Forerunner 7 (1916); Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997.
  • What Diantha Did. Forerunner. 1909–10.
  • The Crux. Forerunner. 1911.
  • Moving the Mountain. Forerunner. 1911.
  • Mag-Marjorie. Forerunner. 1912.
  • Won Over Forerunner. 1913.
  • Benigna Machiavelli Forerunner. 1914.
  • Herland. Forerunner. 1915 [『フェミニジア――女だけのユートピア』三輪妙子訳、現代書館、1984].
  • With Her in Ourland. Forerunner. 1916.
  • Unpunished. Ed. Catherine J. Golden and Denise D. Knight. New York: Feminist Press, 1997.
  • "Dame Nature Interviewed on the Woman Question as It Looks to Her" Kate Field's Washington (1890): 138–40.
  • "The Twilight." Impress (November 10, 1894): 4–5.
  • "Story Studies", Impress, November 17, 1894: 5.
  • "The Story Guessers", Impress, November 24, 1894: 5.
  • "Three Women." Forerunner 2 (1911): 134.
  • "Something to Vote For", Forerunner 2 (1911) 143–53.
  • "The Ceaseless Struggle of Sex: A Dramatic View." Kate Field's Washington. April 9, 1890, 239–40.
  • Gems of Art for the Home and Fireside. Providence: J. A. and R. A. Reid, 1888.
  • Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898 [『生活と両性問題』大日本文明協会訳、1919[94]].
  • Concerning Children. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1900.
  • The Home. Its Work and Influence. New York: McClure, Phillips, & Co., 1903.
  • Human Work. New York: McClure, Phillips, & Co., 1904.
  • The Man-Made World or, Our Androcentric Culture. New York: Charton Co., 1911.
  • Our Brains and What Ails Them. Serialized in Forerunner. 1912.
  • Social Ethics. Serialized in Forerunner. 1914.
  • His Religion and Hers: A Study of the Faith of Our Fathers and the Work of Our Mothers. NY and London: Century Co., 1923; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1924; Westport: Hyperion Press, 1976.
  • Our Changing Morality. Ed. Freda Kirchway. NY: Boni, 1930. 53–66.
  • "On Advertising for Marriage." The Alpha 11, September 1, 1885: 7
  • "Why Women Do Not Reform Their Dress." Woman's Journal, October 9, 1886: 338.
  • "A Protest Against Petticoats." Woman's Journal, January 8, 1887: 60.
  • "The Providence Ladies Gymnasium." Providence Journal 8 (1888): 2.
  • "How Much Must We Read?" Pacific Monthly 1 (1889): 43–44.
  • "Altering Human Nature." California Nationalist, May 10, 1890: 10.
  • "Are Women Better Than Men?" Pacific Monthly 3 (1891): 9–11.
  • "A Lady on the Cap and Apron Question." Wasp, June 6, 1891: 3.
  • "The Reactive Lies of Gallantry." Belford's ns 2 (1892): 205–8.
  • "The Vegetable Chinaman." Housekeeper's Weekly, June 24, 1893: 3.
  • "The Saloon and Its Annex." Stockton Mail 4 (1893): 4.
  • "The Business League for Women." Impress 1 (1894): 2.
  • "Official Report of Woman's Congress." Impress 1 (1894): 3.
  • "John Smith and Armenia." Impress, January 12, 1895: 2–3.
  • "The American Government." Woman's Column, June 6, 1896: 3.
  • "When Socialism Began." American Fabian 3 (1897): 1–2.
  • "Causes and Uses of the Subjection of Women." Woman's Journal, December 24, 1898: 410.
  • "The Automobile as a Reformer." Saturday Evening Post, June 3, 1899: 778.
  • "Superfluous Women." Women's Journal, April 7, 1900: 105.
  • "Esthetic Dyspepsia." Saturday Evening Post, August 4, 1900: 12.
  • "Ideals of Child Culture." Child Stude For Mothers and Teachers. Ed Margaret Sangster. Philadelphia: Booklovers Library, 1901. 93–101.
  • "Should Wives Work?" Success 5 (1902): 139.
  • "Fortschritte der Frauen in Amerika." Neues Frauenleben 1:1 (1903): 2–5.
  • "The Passing of the Home in Great American Cities." Cosmopolitan 38 (1904): 137–47.
  • "The Beauty of a Block." Independent, July 14, 1904: 67–72.
  • "The Home and the Hospital." Good Housekeeping 40 (1905): 9.
  • "Some Light on the [Single Woman's] 'Problem.'" American Magazine 62 (1906): 4270428.
  • "Why Cooperative Housekeeping Fails." Harper's Bazaar 41 (July 1907): 625–629.
  • "Social Darwinism." American Journal of Sociology 12 (1907): 713–14.
  • "A Suggestion on the Negro Problem." American Journal of Sociology 14 (1908): 78–85.
  • "How Home Conditions React Upon the Family." American Journal of Sociology 14 (1909): 592–605.
  • "Children's Clothing." Harper's Bazaar 44 (1910): 24.
  • "On Dogs." Forerunner 2 (1911): 206–9.
  • "Should Women Use Violence?" Pictorial Review 14 (1912): 11, 78–79.
  • "How to Lighten the Labor of Women." McCall's 40 (1912): 14–15, 77.
  • "What 'Love' Really Is." Pictorial Review 14 (1913): 11, 57.
  • "Gum Chewing in Public." New York Times, May 20, 1914:12:5.
  • "A Rational Position on Suffrage/At the Request of the New York Times, Mrs. Gilman Presents the Best Arguments Possible in Behalf of Votes for Women." New York Times Magazine, March 7, 1915: 14–15.
  • "What is Feminism?" Boston Sunday Herald Magazine, September 3, 1916: 7.
  • "The Housekeeper and the Food Problem." Annals of the American Academy 74 (1917): 123–40.
  • "Concerning Clothes." Independent, June 22, 1918: 478, 483.
  • "The Socializing of Education." Public, April 5, 1919: 348–49.
  • "A Woman's Party." Suffragist 8 (1920): 8–9.
  • "Making Towns Fit to Live In." Century 102 (1921): 361–366.
  • "Cross-Examining Santa Claus." Century 105 (1922): 169–174.
  • "Is America Too Hospitable?" Forum 70 (1923): 1983–89.
  • "Toward Monogamy." Nation, June 11, 1924: 671–73.
  • "The Nobler Male." Forum 74 (1925): 19–21.
  • "American Radicals." New York Jewish Daily Forward 1 (1926): 1.
  • "Progress through Birth Control." North American Review 224 (1927): 622–29.
  • "Divorce and Birth Control." Outlook, January 25, 1928: 130–31.
  • "Feminism and Social Progress." Problems of Civilization. Ed. Baker Brownell. NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1929. 115–42.
  • "Sex and Race Progress." Sex in Civilization. Eds V. F. Calverton and S. D. Schmalhausen. NY: Macaulay, 1929. 109–23.
  • "Parasitism and Civilized Vice." Woman's Coming of Age. Ed. S. D. Schmalhausen. NY: Liveright, 1931. 110–26.
  • "Birth Control, Religion and the Unfit." Nation, January 27, 1932: 108–109.
  • "The Right to Die." Forum 94 (1935): 297–300.
  • The Dress of Women: A Critical Introduction to the Symbolism and Sociology of Clothing, Michael R. Hill and Mary Jo Deegan, ed., Praeger, 2001(1915年に『先駆者』に連載されたシリーズの書籍化)[『女性のための衣装哲学』大井浩二監訳、小鳥遊書房、2023].

The Forerunner. Seven volumes, 1909–16. Microfiche. NY: Greenwood, 1968.


  • "Club News." Weekly Nationalist, June 21, 1890: 6. [Re. "On Human Nature."]
  • "Our Place Today", Los Angeles Woman's Club, January 21, 1891.
  • "With Women Who Write." San Francisco Examiner, March 1891, 3:3. [Re. "The Coming Woman."]
  • "Safeguards Suggested for Social Evils." San Francisco Call, April 24, 1892: 12:4.
  • "The Labor Movement." Alameda County Federation of Trades, 1893. Alameda County, CA Labor Union Meetings. September 2, 1892.
  • "Announcement." Impress 1 (1894): 2. [Re. Series of "Talks on Social Questions."]
  • "All the Comforts of a Home." San Francisco Examiner, May 22, 1895: 9. [Re. "Simplicity and Decoration."]
  • "The Washington Convention." Woman's Journal, February 15, 1896: 49–50. [Re. California.]
  • "Woman Suffrage League." Boston Advertiser, November 10, 1897: 8:1. [Re. "The Economic Basis of the Woman Question."]
  • "Bellamy Memorial Meeting." American Fabian 4: (1898): 3.
  • "An Evening With Kipling." Daily Argus, March 14, 1899: 4:2.
  • "Scientific Training of Domestic Servants." Women and Industrial Life, Vol. 6 of International Congress of Women of 1899. Ed Countess of Aberdeen. London: T. Unwin Fisher, 1900. 109.
  • "Society and the Child." Brooklyn Eagle, December 11, 1902: 8:4.
  • "Woman and Work/ Popular Fallacy that They are a Leisure Class, Says Mrs. Gilman." New York Tribune, February 26, 1903: 7:1.
  • "A New Light on the Woman Question." Woman's Journal, April 25, 1904: 76–77.
  • "Straight Talk by Mrs. Gilman is Looked For." San Francisco Call, July 16, 1905: 33:2.
  • "Women and Social Service." Warren: National American Woman Suffrage Association, 1907.
  • "Higher Marriage Mrs. Gilman's Plea." New York Times, December 29, 1908: 2:3.
  • "Three Women Leaders in Hub." Boston Post, December 7, 1909: 1:1–2 and 14:5–6.
  • "Warless World When Women's Slavery Ends." San Francisco Examiner, November 14, 1910: 4:1.
  • "Lecture Given by Mrs. Gilman." San Francisco Call, November 15, 1911: 7:3. [Re. "The Society-- Body and Soul."]
  • "Mrs. Gilman Assorts Sins." New York Times, June 3, 1913: 3:8
  • "Adam the Real Rib, Mrs. Gilman Insists." New York Times, February 19, 1914: 9:3.
  • "Advocates a 'World City.'" New York Times, January 6, 1915: 15:5. [Re. Arbitration of diplomatic disputes by an international agency.]
  • "The Listener." Boston Transcript, April 14, 1917: 14:1. [Re. Announcement of lecture series.]
  • "Great Duty for Women After War." Boston Post, February 26, 1918: 2:7.
  • "Mrs. Gilman Urges Hired Mother Idea." New York Times, September 23, 1919: 36:1–2.
  • "Eulogize Susan B. Anthony." New York Times, February 16, 1920: 15:6. [Re. Gilman and others eulogize Anthony on the centenary of her birth.]
  • "Walt Whitman Dinner." New York Times, June 1, 1921: 16:7. [Gilman speaks at annual meeting of Whitman Society in New York.]
  • "Fiction of America Being Melting Pot Unmasked by CPG." Dallas Morning News, February 15, 1926: 9:7–8 and 15:8.
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Making of a Radical Feminist. Mary A. Hill. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1980.
  • A Journey from Within: The Love Letters of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1897–1900. Ed. Mary A. Hill. Lewisburg: Bucknill UP, 1995.
  • The Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 2 Vols. Ed. Denise D. Knight. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1994.
  • The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1935; NY: Arno Press, 1972; and Harper & Row, 1975.
  1. ^ a b c d e f Charlotte Perkins Gilman”. Encyclopaedia Britannica. June 23, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブAugust 21, 2018閲覧。
  2. ^ a b Gilman, Charlotte Perkins” (英語). National Women's Hall of Fame. 2022年4月30日閲覧。
  3. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman” (英語). CT Women’s Hall of Fame. 2024年3月1日閲覧。
  4. ^ a b c d e f Charlotte Perkins Gilman”. First Wave Feminisms TWOMN 347: History of Women in the United State. 2024年4月27日閲覧。
  5. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman Letters”. www.rihs.org. Charlotte Perkins Gilman Letters. 2024年3月1日閲覧。
  6. ^ Gilman, Living, 10.
  7. ^ Denise D. Knight, The Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, (Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia: 1994) xiv.
  8. ^ Polly Wynn Allen, Building Domestic Liberty, (1988) 30.
  9. ^ Gilman, Autobiography., 26.
  10. ^ Gilman, "Autobiography", Chapter 5
  11. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Trade Card Designs | ABAA”. www.abaa.org. 2024年3月1日閲覧。
  12. ^ 三輪妙子「訳者からひとこと」、シャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマン『フェミニジア――女だけのユートピア』三輪妙子訳、現代書館、1984、259-262、p. 261。
  13. ^ a b Kate Bolick, "The Equivocal Legacy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman", (2019).
  14. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Lost Letters to Martha Luther Lane”. betweenthecovers.com. February 14, 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。February 13, 2020閲覧。
  15. ^ Gilman, Autobiography, 82.
  16. ^ Katharine Beecher Stetson”. MacDowell studios (macdowell.org). 2024年2月24日閲覧。
  17. ^ Gilman, Autobiography, 90.
  18. ^ Knight, Diaries, 323–385.
  19. ^ Knight, Diaries, 385.
  20. ^ Knight, Diaries, 407.
  21. ^ 大井浩二『ヴィクトリアン・アメリカのミソジニー――タブーに挑んだ新しい女性たち』小鳥遊書房、2021年、124頁。
  22. ^ 大井浩二『ヴィクトリアン・アメリカのミソジニー――タブーに挑んだ新しい女性たち』小鳥遊書房、2021年、116-117頁。
  23. ^ 大井浩二『ヴィクトリアン・アメリカのミソジニー――タブーに挑んだ新しい女性たち』小鳥遊書房、2021年、124頁。
  24. ^ Gilman, Autobiography, 96.
  25. ^ a b Knight, Diaries, 408.
  26. ^ Channing, Grace Ellery, 1862–1937. Papers of Grace Ellery Channing, 1806–1973: A Finding Aid”. Harvard University Library. March 24, 2018閲覧。
  27. ^ Davis, Cynthia (December 2005). “Love and Economics: Charlotte Perkins Gilman on "The Woman Question"”. ATQ (The American Transcendental Quarterly) 19 (4): 242–248. オリジナルのAugust 9, 2017時点におけるアーカイブ。 November 25, 2018閲覧。.
  28. ^ The Evolution of Charlotte Perkins Gilman”. Radcliffe Magazine. Harvard University (July 3, 2013). November 25, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。November 25, 2018閲覧。
  29. ^ a b Knight, Diaries.
  30. ^ Knight, Diaries, 525.
  31. ^ Knight, Diaries, 409.
  32. ^ a b c Knight, Diaries, p. 813.
  33. ^ Knight, Diaries, 163.
  34. ^ Knight, Diaries, 601
  35. ^ Gilman, Autobiography 187, 198.
  36. ^ a b 掛川典子「リリー・ブラウンとシャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマンの家政論とベーベル」、伊藤セツ・掛川典子『アウグスト・ベーベルの『女性と社会主義』と同時代の知識人女性たち――21世紀視点から/ベーベル没後110年によせて』御茶ノ水書房、2023、123-140、p. 128。
  37. ^ a b c Papers of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1846-1961”. Harvard Library. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  38. ^ Knight, Diaries, 648–666.
  39. ^ a b c Charlotte Perkins Gilman – First Wave Feminisms”. sites.uw.edu. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  40. ^ Sari Edelstein, "Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Yellow Newspaper". Legacy, 24(1), 72–92. Retrieved October 28, 2008, from GenderWatch (GW) database. (Document ID: 1298797291).
  41. ^ Knight, Diaries, 812.
  42. ^ Gilman, Living, 184
  43. ^ Polly Wynn Allen, Building Domestic Liberty, 54.
  44. ^ Allen, Building Domestic Liberty, 30.
  45. ^ Gale, Cengage Learning (2016). A Study Guide for Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "Herland". Gale, Cengage Learning. p. Introduction 5. ISBN 9781410348029
  46. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman”. 2024年2月24日閲覧。
  47. ^ Dock, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception, pp. 23–24.
  48. ^ M.D., "Perlious Stuff," Boston Evening Transcript, April 8, 1892, p.6, col.2. in Julie Bates Dock, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception, (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998) 103.
  49. ^ Henry B. Blackwell, "Literary Notices: The Yellow Wall Paper," The Woman's Journal, June 17, 1899, p.187 in Julie Bates Dock, Charlote Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-paper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception, (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998) 107.
  50. ^ The Yellow Wall-paper”. The Feminist Press. August 26, 2018閲覧。
  51. ^ Julie Bates Dock, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998; p. 6.
  52. ^ 細谷等「家事のユートピア――エレン・リチャーズとシャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマンの家事改革」、根本治監修『国家・イデオロギー・レトリック――アメリカ文学再読』南雲堂フェニックス、2009、165-191、pp. 178-179。
  53. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "Women and Economics" in Alice S. Rossi, ed., The Feminist Papers: From Adams to de Beauvoir (1997), section 1 only, 572–576.
  54. ^ Gilman, Women and Economics.
  55. ^ 掛川典子「リリー・ブラウンとシャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマンの家政論とベーベル」、伊藤セツ・掛川典子『アウグスト・ベーベルの『女性と社会主義』と同時代の知識人女性たち――21世紀視点から/ベーベル没後110年によせて』御茶ノ水書房、2023、123-140、pp. 126-127。
  56. ^ 前田眞理子「女性解放をめざして――シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマン『女性と経済』」、佐々木隆・大井浩二編『史料で読むアメリカ文化史3――都市産業社会の到来 1860年代ー1910年代』東京大学出版会、2006、308-318、p. 312。
  57. ^ Knight, Diaries, 681.
  58. ^ Mazza, Donna (2021年10月6日). “Guide to the classics: written in 1915, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland imagines society without men” (英語). The Conversation. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  59. ^ シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマン”. www.tkns-shobou.co.jp. 小鳥遊書房. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  60. ^ 石塚則子「シャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマンのメディア戦略――『フォアランナー』とユートピア小説『ハーランド』」、山下昇編『メディアと文学が表象するアメリカ』、英宝社、2009、97-120、p. 107。
  61. ^ 石塚則子「シャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマンのメディア戦略――『フォアランナー』とユートピア小説『ハーランド』」、山下昇編『メディアと文学が表象するアメリカ』、英宝社、2009、97-120、p. 113。
  62. ^ Keyser, Elizabeth (1992). Looking Backward: From Herland to Gulliver's Travels. G.K. Hall & Company. p. 160
  63. ^ West, Lindy (2015年3月30日). “Herland: the forgotten feminist classic about a civilisation without men” (英語). The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077 2024年3月3日閲覧。
  64. ^ 羽澄直子「女が作る理想社会――シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマン『ハーランド』『彼女とともに我らの世界へ』」、野口啓子、山口ヨシ子編『アメリカ文学にみる女性改革者たち』彩流社、2010、291-310、p. 304。
  65. ^ Ann J. Lane, To Herland and Beyond, 230.
  66. ^ Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics (Boston, MA: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898).
  67. ^ Davis and Knight, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Her Contemporaries, 206.
  68. ^ Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (2005). Kolmar & Bartkowski. eds. Feminist Theory. Boston: McGraw Hill. p. 114. ISBN 9780072826722
  69. ^ Degler, "Theory and Practice," 27.
  70. ^ Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (2005). Kolmar & Bartkowski. eds. Feminist Theory. Boston: McGraw Hill. pp. 110–114. ISBN 9780072826722
  71. ^ Degler, "Theory and Practice," 27–35.
  72. ^ Fama, Katherine A. (2017). “Domestic Data and Feminist Momentum: The Narrative Accounting of Helen Stuart Campbell and Charlotte Perkins Gilman”. Studies in American Naturalism 12 (1): 319. doi:10.1353/san.2017.0006.
  73. ^ Carl N. Degler, "Charlotte Perkins Gilman on the Theory and Practice of Feminism", American Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Spring, 1956), 26.
  74. ^ Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (July 1908 – May 1909). “A Suggestion on the Negro Problem”. The American Journal of Sociology 14 April 24, 2019閲覧。.
  75. ^ After her divorce from Stetson, she began lecturing on Nationalism. She was inspired from Edward Bellamy's utopian socialist romance Looking Backward. Alys Eve Weinbaum, "Writing Feminist Genealogy: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Racial Nationalism, and the Reproduction of Maternalist Feminism", Feminist Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Summer, 2001), pp. 271–302. Accessed November 3, 2008.
  76. ^ Davis, C. (2010). Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Biography. Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804738897 November 15, 2014閲覧。
  77. ^ Allen, Building Domestic Liberty, 52.
  78. ^ Susan S. Lanser, "The Yellow Wallpaper," and the Politics of Color in America," Feminist Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3, Feminist Reinterpretations/Reinterpretations of Feminism (Autumn, 1989), pp. 415–441 Accessed March 5, 2019
  79. ^ Knight, Denise D. (2000). “Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Shadow of Racism”. American Literary Realism 32 (2): 159–169. ISSN 1540-3084.
  80. ^ Oliver, Lawrence J. (2015). “W. E. B. Du Bois, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and “A Suggestion on the Negro Problem””. American Literary Realism 48 (1): 25–39. doi:10.5406/amerlitereal.48.1.0025. ISSN 1540-3084.
  81. ^ McKenna, Erin (2012). “Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Women, Animals, and Oppression”. In Hamington, Maurice. Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism. New York: Routledge Publishing. ISBN 978-0-203-12232-7
  82. ^ Golden, Catherine (Fall 2007). “Marking Her Territory: Feline Behavior in "The Yellow Wall-Paper"”. American Literary Realism 40: 16–31. doi:10.1353/alr.2008.0017.
  83. ^ Stetson, Charlotte Perkins (June 3, 1899). “The Automobile as Reformer”. Saturday Evening Post 171 (49): 778 March 14, 2021閲覧。.
  84. ^ a b c Center, News (2019年1月28日). “The voice and writings of early feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman” (英語). News Center. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  85. ^ アン・J・レイン「シャーロット・パーキンス・ギルマン――個人的イコール政治的なこと」遠藤晶子訳、D・スペンダー編『フェミニスト群像』原恵理子他訳、勁草書房、1987、95-118、p. 109。
  86. ^ 安川悦子「J・S・ミルからC・P・ギルマンへ――近代フェミニズムの展開」、歴史学研究会編『講座世界史7――「近代」を人はどう考えてきたか』東京大学出版会、1996、211-245、p. 241。
  87. ^ 羽澄直子「女が作る理想社会――シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマン『ハーランド』『彼女とともに我らの世界へ』」、野口啓子、山口ヨシ子編『アメリカ文学にみる女性改革者たち』彩流社、2010、291-310、p. 294。
  88. ^ 『不自然な母親と呼ばれたフェミニスト――シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマンと新しい母性』東信堂、2008年、153-178頁。
  89. ^ Kamen, Paula (2011年3月25日). “What's Behind Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Yellow Wallpaper?” (英語). Ms. Magazine. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  90. ^ Butler, Halle (2021年3月11日). “The Trouble with Charlotte Perkins Gilman” (英語). The Paris Review. 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  91. ^ The bibliographic information is accredited to the "Guide to Research Materials" section of Kim Well's website: Wells, Kim. Domestic Goddesses. August 23, 1999. Online. Internet. Accessed October 27, 2008. Archived August 12, 2013, at the Wayback Machine.
  92. ^ a b Kim Wells, "Domestic Goddesses," Archived August 12, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Women Writers.net, August 23, 1999. www.womenwriters.net/
  93. ^ 淑やかな悪夢 : 英米女流怪談集』東京創元社、2000年。
  94. ^ 生活と両性問題 | NDLサーチ | 国立国会図書館”. 国立国会図書館サーチ(NDLサーチ). 2024年3月2日閲覧。
  • Allen, Judith (2009). The Feminism of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Sexualities, Histories, Progressivism, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 978-0-226-01463-0
  • Allen, Polly Wynn (1988). Building Domestic Liberty: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Architectural Feminism, University of Massachusetts Press, ISBN 0-87023-627-X
  • Berman, Jeffrey. "The Unrestful Cure: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'" In The Captive Imagination: A Casebook on The Yellow Wallpaper, edited by Catherine Golden. New York: Feminist Press, 1992, pp. 211–41.
  • Carter-Sanborn, Kristin. "Restraining Order: The Imperialist Anti-Violence of Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Arizona Quarterly 56.2 (Summer 2000): 1–36.
  • Ceplair, Larry, ed. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Nonfiction Reader. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.
  • Davis, Cynthia J. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Biography (Stanford University Press; 2010) 568 pages; major scholarly biography
  • Davis, Cynthia J. and Denise D. Knight. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Her Contemporaries: Literary and Intellectual Contexts. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2004.
  • Deegan, Mary Jo. "Introduction." With Her in Ourland: Sequel to Herland. Eds. Mary Jo Deegan and Michael R. Hill. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997. 1–57.
  • Eldredge, Charles C. Charles Walter Stetson, Color, and Fantasy. Lawrence: Spencer Museum of Art, The U of Kansas, 1982.
  • Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa. "The Intellectualism of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Evolutionary Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender." Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Optimist Reformer. Eds. Jill Rudd and Val Gough. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1999.
  • Golden, Catherine. The Captive Imagination: A Casebook on The Yellow Wallpaper. New York: Feminist Press, 1992.
---. "`Written to Drive Nails With’: Recalling the Early Poetry of Charlotte Perkins Gilman." in Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Optimist Reformer. Eds. Jill Rudd and Val Gough. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1999. 243-66.
  • Gough, Val. "`In the Twinkling of an Eye’: Gilman's Utopian Imagination." in A Very Different Story: Studies on the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Eds. Val Gough and Jill Rudd. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1998. 129–43.
  • Gubar, Susan. "She in Herland: Feminism as Fantasy." in Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Woman and Her Work. Ed. Sheryl L. Meyering. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1989. 191–201.
  • Hill, Mary Armfield. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Journey From Within." in A Very Different Story: Studies on the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Eds. Val Gough and Jill Rudd. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1998. 8–23.
  • Hill, Mary A. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Making of a Radical Feminist. (Temple University Press, 1980).
  • Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, Wild Unrest: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Making of "The Yellow Wall-Paper" (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).
  • Huber, Hannah, "Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 381: Writers on Women's Rights and United States Suffrage, edited by George P. Anderson. Gale, pp. 140–52.
  • Huber, Hannah, "‘The One End to Which Her Whole Organism Tended’: Social Evolution in Edith Wharton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Critical Insights: Edith Wharton, edited by Myrto Drizou, Salem Press, pp. 48–62.
  • Karpinski, Joanne B., "The Economic Conundrum in the Lifewriting of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. in The Mixed Legacy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Ed. Catherine J. Golden and Joanne S. Zangrando. U of Delaware P, 2000. 35–46.
  • Kessler, Carol Farley. "Dreaming Always of Lovely Things Beyond’: Living Toward Herland, Experiential foregrounding." in The Mixed Legacy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Eds. Catherine J. Golden and Joanna Schneider Zangrando. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2000. 89–103.
  • Knight, Denise D. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Study of the Short Fiction, Twayne Studies in Short Fiction (Twayne Publishers, 1997).
---. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Shadow of Racism." American Literary Realism, vol. 32, no. 2, 2000, pp. 159–169. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/27746975.
---. "Introduction." Herland, `The Yellow Wall-Paper’ and Selected Writings. New York: Penguin, 1999.
---. "The Fictional World of Charlotte Perkins Gilman." in The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. New York: Pantheon, 1980.
---. "Introduction." Herland: A Lost Feminist Utopian Novel by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. 1915. Rpt. New York: Pantheon Books, 1979
---. To Herland and Beyond: The Life of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. New York: Pantheon, 1990.
---. Wear and Tear, or Hints for the Overworked. 1887. New York: Arno Press, 1973.
  • Oliver, Lawrence J. "W. E. B. Du Bois, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and ‘A Suggestion on the Negro Problem.’" American Literary Realism, vol. 48, no. 1, 2015, pp. 25–39. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/amerlitereal.48.1.0025.
  • Oliver, Lawrence J. and Gary Scharnhorst. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman v. Ambrose Bierce: The Literary Politics of Gender in Fin-de-Siècle California." Journal of the West (July 1993): 52–60.
  • Palmeri, Ann. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Forerunner of a Feminist Social Science." in Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Eds. Sandra Harding and Merrill B. Hintikka. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1983. 97–120.
  • Scharnhorst, Gary. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Boston: Twayne, 1985. Studies Gilman as writer
  • Scharnhorst, Gary, and Denise D. Knight. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Library: A Reconstruction." Resources for American Literary Studies 23:2 (1997): 181–219.
  • Stetson, Charles Walter. Endure: The Diaries of Charles Walter Stetson. Ed. Mary A. Hill. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1985.
  • Tuttle, Jennifer S. "Rewriting the West Cure: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Owen Wister, and the Sexual Politics of Neurasthenia." The Mixed Legacy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Eds. Catherine J. Golden and Joanna Schneider Zangrando. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2000. 103–121.
  • Von Rosk, Nancy. "Women, Work and Cross-Class Alliances in the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Working Women in American Literature, 1865–1950. Miriam Gogol ed. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018. 69–91.
  • Wegener, Frederick. "What a Comfort a Woman Doctor Is!’ Medical Women in the Life and Writing of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Optimist Reformer. Eds. Jill Rudd & Val Gough. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1999. 45–73.
  • Weinbaum, Alys Eve. "Writing Feminist Genealogy: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Racial Nationalism, and the Reproduction of Maternalist Feminism." Feminist Studies 27 (Summer 2001): 271–30.